Thursday, January 2, 2025


First, let me apologize for this article being posted over and over again. The Powers That Be (TPTB) do not tell you what guideline you are violating when they take down an article, so you have to guess. Today I believe the Holy Spirit showed me that I needed to use a different image, so hopefully the above jpeg image is royalty free. I’m reposting the article with only this image to test whether it will remain up or not. Anyway, this reposting also gave me an opportunity to include further proof of the enemy’s plans for a 2nd plandemic.


As I sought the Lord about presenting this information to my beloved Brethren, I believe He wanted me to emphasize whether the Rapture is defined as occurring at the 6th Seal of Revelation or at the door of Heaven opening at Revelation 4:1 what matters is that He gathers His Bride BEFORE HIS WRATH IS POURED OUT. Remember He told us that in this life we would have tribulation—not THE Tribulation as in Daniel’s 70th Week—but trouble:


These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. - John 16:33 KJV


Though we will have tribulation in this life, through Christ we can OVERCOME it!


In my studies of the Seals of Revelation I have seen this to be the case—that the RAPTURE IS DEFINITELY BEFORE WRATH IS POURED OUT whether it occurs at the 6th Seal or at Revelation 4:1.


If you look at Seals 1-5 you will see that evil is being allowed to influence humanity. It is not God perpetrating His wrath—it is demonic activity doing the bidding of the Dragon who uses evil people to bring chaos and death to Earth! Most people ASSUME the Seals of Revelation are in the WRATH category when IT IS POSSIBLE they are NOT GOD’S WRATH until the 6th Seal is opened.


1st Seal—The C0r0n@ and T0x0n


Steve Cioccolanti for many years has presented his belief that the Seals of Revelation are NOT part of the Tribulation or Daniel’s 70th Week probably beginning 11 years ago with THE MOST LOGICAL TIMELINE OF REVELATION. In 2023 after the plandemic was released, he presented Is F@uc! The White Horseman Of The Apocalypse? pointing out key words in Revelation 6:2:


And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. - Revelation 6:2 KJV


First, I want to explain I don’t believe F@uc! is the Rider on the White Horse but is an evil man being used by the demonic entity represented by the Rider as taught by Derek and Sharon Gilbert in Unraveling Revelation: Chaos and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse posted November 18, 2021--from the Description Box:


Chaos is an entity, rather than a concept, which is how it’s described in the Bible. Leviathan, Rahab, and “the sea” all refer to this ancient enemy of God, and the riders of Revelation 6 appear to serve as its agents.


Referring back to verse 2 of Revelation Chapter 6, notice the rider had a crown—stephanos in the Greek; c0r0n@ in the Latin. The Rider also held a bow. The word “bow” in Revelation 6:2 is translated from the Greek word t0x0n, from which we get our English word “t0xic”:


First appearing in the English language in the mid-seventeenth century, the word was taken from the Medieval Latin word ‘t0xicus’ – meaning ‘poisoned’ or ‘imbued with poison’ – which itself was derived from the classical Latin word ‘t0xicum,’ meaning ‘poison.’ This in turn had its origins in the Ancient Greek ‘toxikon pharmakon,’ which was a type of poison used on arrow tips to improve their lethality. 

The origins of ‘t0xic’ are interesting as the root word ‘toxikon’, which continues to carry the ‘poisonous’ meaning today, was actually derived from the Ancient Greek ‘t0x0n’ – meaning ‘bow’ – rather than the actual word for ‘poison’ – ‘pharmakon.’ Source [Emphasis added by me.]


In concluding the description of the 1st Seal, the verse reads, “and he went forth conquering, and to conquer”. We are, of course, seeing this with our own eyes as the power-grabbing world leaders—Luciferian globalists—have used the plandemic and will do so again to further the Revelation 12 Dragon’s agenda.


The Dragon spiritually symbolizes Satan, of course, but there is evidence of a physical manifestation in the heavenlies of the Dragon in the form of the Planet X System. This amalgamation of Dragon/Satan/Nibiru represents The Head Destroyer, the antithesis of the Lord Jesus Christ: 

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly. - John 10:10a KJV [Excerpt from THE COMING DESTROYER AND OUR EXODUS]


In taking a deeper dive into Strong’s Concordance regarding tóxon, it reads that t0x0n is from the base of G5088. Strong’s definition of G5088tiktō--gives us the understanding that the Rider on the White Horse held the origin or seed to bring forth travail upon the earth. This seems to allude to what Jesus said in Matthew 24 regarding the “beginning of sorrows”:


And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what [shall be] the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? - Matthew 24:3 KJV

And ye shall hear of w@rs and rumours of w@rs: see that ye be not troubled: for all [these things] must come to pass, but the end is not yet. - Matthew 24:6 KJV

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. - Matthew 24:7 KJV

All these [are] the beginning of sorrows. - Matthew 24:8 KJV


THE WORLD will be in BIG trouble—travail—tribulation—when the Antichrist/Beast comes to power; therefore, to me The Tribulation IS Daniel’s 70th Week with the second half of the seven-year period being The Great Tribulation as described by Jesus in Matthew 24:15-21

Scripture says creation is already having sympathy birth pains: 

For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth (synōdinō) in pain together until now. And not only [they], but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, [to wit], the redemption of our body. - Romans 8:22-23 KJV 

 “Travaileth” is translated from the Greek word synōdinō, which Strong’s defines as “sympathy” pains: “(figuratively) to sympathize (in expectation of relief from suffering):—travail in pain together”. 

In comparison, look at 1 Thessalonians 5:3

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail (ōdin) upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. - 1 Thessalonians 5:3 KJV 

Odin, on the other hand, refers to actual labor and according to Strong’s means “a pang or throe, especially of childbirth:—pain, sorrow, travail”. [Birthing of the Millennial Kingdom excerpt]


So IF Seals 1-4 have been opened, they are part of the synōdinō or “sympathy pains” of Romans 8:22 and are not yet the ōdin or travail of the woman that signals the Time of Jacob’s Trouble also known as The Tribulation or Daniel’s 70th Week! The first mention of “wrath” in this scenario is after Seals 1-5 are opened:


For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? - Revelation 6:17 KJV


There are extensive grammatical arguments regarding the tense of this verse, but it is my understanding that the first five Seals reflect the evil agenda of Satan, the Great Red Dragon, working through corrupt people and is not yet the wrath of the Lamb or God. If tóxon is the seed for the “beginning of sorrows” in Matthew 24, then Seal 1 possibly is the planting of the seed of travail or Tribulation but not yet the actual wrath of God. I am not adamant in this, and I am still not convinced whether the Seals are part of the Wrath or are Pre-Tribulation “false pains”.


2nd Seal—W@r


To help shorten this article I will simply say the 2nd Seal represents w@r:


And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. - Revelation 6:3 KJV

And there went out another horse [that was] red: and [power] was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. - Revelation 6:4 KJV


3rd Seal—Famine AND Global Economic Collapse


The 3rd Seal is said to represent famine, but it also represents a global economic collapse:


And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. - Revelation 6:5 KJV

And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and [see] thou hurt not the oil and the wine. - Revelation 6:6 KJV


Back in March 2022, I posted HOLD FAST! As the House Comes Down, We Rapture Up! wherein I wrote:


Greg Lauer of shared a dream related to the Rapture occurring as the house was collapsing around him (see Before and After). In his dream, Greg sees the house falling around him but does not fall with it:


. . . Suddenly I felt nothing—no more movement, no more falling, nothing. Astonished and confused as to why I hadn't felt the crash that I knew for a fact was about to occur, I woke up. . .


The Lord very clearly explained the dream to him:


The Rapture will remove us from the "falling house"
of a world that we can see is coming crashing down,
but we won't be here to feel the impact of that crash.


I wanted to repeat that encouraging dream before I went on to explain what might be the Great Shaking the Lord has warned us about. It seems the world has been shaken quite enough already, doesn’t it? But it is possible the Rapture will occur during or soon after there is both an economic then physical earthquake around the time of the signing of the Two-State Solution of which I have written extensively. Please prayerfully consider what the excerpts from this article say:


Chris Reed Unveils Prophetic Warning About the Coming 'Perfect Storm' for America

2:00PM EDT 4/5/2022 SHAWN A.AKERS


In a recent prophetic dream, Pastor and MorningStar Ministries CEO Chris Reed says he saw that America is headed for tumultuous times in its future, perhaps to the point where many of the 50 united states will secede from the union before the country is redeemed and renewed. . .

"I had one of the most vivid, detailed dreams I've ever had that I believe is from the Lord regarding unfolding events from this point forward," he adds. "It's something we really need to take heed as a warning to prepare.

Reed describes his dream like this:

I had this dream, early morning on March 25, 2022. In the dream, I saw an unknown man who was dressed in a black suit and held a $50 US bill in his hand, and he tore the $50 bill up in three different stages. After each stage, random people who came up to me handed me national newspapers from here in the United States with various unique headlines. I could read these headlines; they were very vivid in my memory.

The first headline read this: "The Dollar Drops 30% in Value." A subtitle to the headline was: "Middle East Oil (countries) Strikes Deal with China Instead of the U.S."

I was then given another headline, which read: "The Perfect Storm: Inflation Reaches a New High."

Then, another person came up to me and handed me a news headline, "Food Shortage Crisis as Wheat and Bread Imports Are at a Stalemate."

Another headline was then handed to me, which said something like: "Riots and Civil Unrest as Citizens Demand Entitlement Checks." This was the only headline where I couldn't remember the exact wording of. What I shared was close to it.

Then the dream focused again on the man in the black suit. This time, he tore the $50 bill in half. When he did this, an earthquake happened under my feet.

Another person came up to me and handed me a headline that read, "Israeli and Palestinian Two-State Solution Reached." Then another person came up to me and gave me a headline, "Major Earthquake Hits the Middle of the U.S." Then the man in the black suit took the $50 bill and started tearing it into small pieces, one by one.

Another person walks up to me and hands me another headline, "America in Pieces: More States Secede from the Nation in Retaliation to the Federal Government."

Dream Interpretation

Following is Reed's interpretation of his dream:

We have, in part, a pretty good interpretation, with my team's input. No one sees the whole picture; as the Bible says, "We know in part and we prophesy in part." I may have a part and others may have a part. We'll put all of the parts together, and then you have a whole pie. Well, I believe that's how it is with the prophetic. I don't believe one person has the whole.

The $50 bill to me represented the U.S. currency, but also the 50 united states. The man in the black suit tearing the bill in different stages represented the aggressive unfolding of events, of which a timeline I'm not sure. But I really feel like, in 2022 and 2023, we're going to see these things unfold. I've had a few confirmations of this dream since then that I believe had to be the Lord.

I did feel like this dream was successful in as far as how America would come through this renewed after this purging. I knew that we were coming upon a time of trouble, but as I thought about this dream and the events unfolding, this is something we should take seriously. The headlines themselves kind of speak for themselves, More than ever, we need to be prepared. I believe we are coming upon a perfect storm. As we see these events unfolding in the world, I don't believe America will be exempt from this. We really need to be in prayer and preparation. 



About a month later, Chris had an angelic visitation where he was shown that Kamala Harris would be made President temporarily. This has been confirmed through others as well (see Will Kamala be our 47th President and Trump our 48th?!). God has revealed that when a woman becomes President that is when America will be destroyed. We have only a brief window of time left to see whether this comes to pass or not since the President Elect will be inaugurated on January 20, 2025!


4th Seal and D!se@se X


And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. - Revelation 6:7 KJV

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. - Revelation 6:8 KJV


The world’s population is approximately 8 billion. One fourth of 8 billion (or the fourth part of the earth) equals 2 billion.


It has been prophesied that the next plandemic or D!se@se X will cause 350 million deaths.


The release of D!se@se X falls into this category of “sympathy pains” and if the Seals are opened, D!se@se X is only part of what causes the deaths of Seal 4. When the Spirit of the Lord revealed to me in June 2023 that many deaths were coming, it never occurred to me that it could be associated with the 4th Seal but it is possible. Even so, the majority of the 4th Seal’s deaths will occur during Jacob’s Trouble, the Tribulation.


. . . Yet there are even more hidden evil workings which I believe the Spirit of the Lord is saying will be made evident and will cause many deaths including the precious death of saints (Psalm 116:15) just as the c0r0n@v!rus and its supposed “v@xx!ne” has done and is continuing to do. . .


I hesitated to speak that rhema of many deaths coming and had some back and forth with the Lord on it before including it here. The day after posting this article He graciously provided confirmation:


“The first of many deaths are coming,” is a word given two years ago through Spirit Move Ministry  in the video PROPHETIC DREAM: "350 Million Deaths" Many Deaths are Coming #prophecy #times&seasons #C0V!D19. It initially caught my eye because of the phrase, “Many Deaths are Coming”—the same phrase I heard in my spirit. When I realized it was given two years ago during the plandemic, I almost passed it by; but the Holy Spirit wouldn’t let me. I’m glad because it turned out to be CONFIRMATION of what the Lord was expressing to me. Here are excerpts:


“You will probably think it is because of C0V!D but this is bigger than that,” our Sister Liberty explains choking back her emotions after admitting this was a very difficult word to deliver. Here is a partial transcript of what she was told:


The first of many deaths are coming—more is on the way. More death and destruction as I prepare to do a mighty work on the earth. Many deaths are coming. These will be physical deaths and spiritual deaths. There are many deaths coming in all different forms. As My manifested glory goes forward this will be a side effect of the Kingdom of God rising and the kingdom of darkness falling. . . There are things I will be allowing on the earth to bring My people closer to me and to woo the unsaved into My presence. The unsaved will literally have nowhere to turn but to the Light of Christ. . . Some people can only be brought up out of the pit. They will not receive Me without there being many spiritual and physical deaths. . . The body of Christ must be ready to receive these souls. They must be ready to manifest the Presence because the Presence is what's going to woo them in. My Presence is where perfect love is and perfect hope. . . They will need this perfect love and this perfect hope. It will be our job to bring it in to build it, to release it. This is what I’m preparing the Body of Christ for.


Another prophecy I came across was through a Brother in Christ [Brandon Biggs] who also mentioned the death of 350 million people and was shown the Red Dragon was associated with it—see Things the lord has been showing me... by Last Days YouTube Channel beginning at the 11-minute mark. [From THE DRAGON, THE PLANET, & THE ALIENS]


One more prophecy related to this was through Zach Wilkinson at Outpouring Gates YTC titled God Showed Me Thousands of Americans Dead From D!se@se and F@!s3 F!@g Operations. Must Share! The f@!s3 f!@g operations were related to food! Please pray and bless the food you eat in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ:


For every creature of God [is] good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: - 1 Timothy 4:4 KJV


In What the Lord showed me about the pl@gue is already showing up in the news Brandon Biggs gave an update on how the second sorcery plandemic he foretold is already appearing in the news. It is an A.I.-designed organism which they expect to fully manifest by Spring 2025. The kickoff, however, is planned for January 21, 2025, (as revealed by Dr. Peter Hotez at 18:34 in Brandon's video OR at 4:27 minutes in the MSNBC video--Michael Bloomberg slams Trump's pick of RFK Jr...). 


If Brandon's video is taken down you can probably still view the Jason A video from which he shares clips--EMERGENCY ALERT: NEW P@NDEM!C IN AMERICA!!!


5th Seal—Martyrs acknowledged


And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: - Revelation 6:9 KJV

And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? - Revelation 6:10 KJV

And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they [were], should be fulfilled. - Revelation 6:11 KJV


6th Seal Rapture?


The possibility of a Pre-Tribulation 6th Seal Rapture is especially made evident by the research done by Stephanie Dawn at Red Moon Rapture beginning with her article, Part 1 – Where is the Church in Revelation?


The resurrection/rapture event occurs with a trumpet blast and a shout from God – this likely *is* the phrase “Come up here!”  However, I believe that instead of a single door opening up for the billions of resurrected and raptured in Christ, the entire sky will open up!   This is pictured in Seal 6 and is discussed here:  The Blood Moon – Seal 6


As far as the 24 Elders, these show up in heaven before the Lamb, so cannot be the church.  I have devoted an entire post to them here: Who are the 24 Elders in the Heavenly Temple?


Traditional models then state that the church isn’t seen in Revelation again until Chapter 19 when we return with Christ.  I do agree we return with Christ in Chapter 19, but I also find us pictured very plainly in Revelation chapter 7. 


Let me give you an excerpt from Part 2 – The Large Multitude Coming “Out Of” Great Tribulation that further pictures what Stephanie is illustrating:


I am suggesting to you that there IS a way to have us be seen in heaven in Revelation chapter 7, and that it is pretribulation.  This should give you a great sigh of relief!  If the Seals are a picture of the removal of the Restrainer from the earth, Seals 5 and 6 describe the resurrection and rapture event.  The cause of the calamity unfurling upon the earth in Seal 6 is the resurrection and rapture itself. 


In 7 Churches 7 Seals--Is the Church Present at the Opening of the Seals? I presented research related to the need for 7 Witnesses at the opening of the Seals and also the identity of the 24 Elders. Stephanie presents a view that makes my conclusion in that article debatable.


Conclusion—The Rapture is BEFORE His Wrath!


So does the Rapture occur in Revelation 4:1 or at Revelation 6:12? Again, I am trusting God that whenever He sends Jesus to gather us, it will be BEFORE HIS WRATH is poured out! (Related: Saved from Wrath and Is there REALLY a RAPTURE?)


Let me bring to your remembrance how we will escape by the skin of our teeth as shared in Don't Make Me Have To Come Down There!--


Escaping the Coming Storm


Before the “man of sin” can be revealed, the Rapture of the Man Child/Bride must first happen (see The Rapture in 2 Thessalonians 2:3). Those in Christ will see “the Storm of storms” approaching but it is there to awaken the unsaved before it is too late. Be assured that the Bride of Christ will be harpazo-ed by the Heavenly Bridegroom before the Storm overtakes Her.


The second dream in Kristi Winland’s series of dreams confirms this and is so encouraging! . . .


The dream God gave her encapsulates where we are, Brethren. The waters may come lapping at our toes, but remember the account of Joshua. By faith those who were bearing the Ark of the Covenant stepped toward the Jordan River allowing the waters to lap at their feet (Joshua 3:13then the waters parted making a way to the Promised Land. God showed Kristi in a dream that the waters of the Storm may lap at our toes; but just as Joshua (whose Hebrew name is the same as Jesus’--yhôšûaʿ) led the Israelites in completing their journey out of Egypt, Jesus will lead Those in Christ out of the Egypt of this world before the Storm hits and whisk us to a place He has prepared for us in His Father’s House as He promised!


As Jesus exhorted in John 16:33 be of GOOD CHEER! His Spirit within Those in Christ endues those who walk by the Spirit to overcome the tribulations of this world! That is why my favorite thing to say now is. . .


We were born then born again for such a time as this!

Updated 2/8/25


Anonymous said...

Thanks Lyn for explaining why this article was removed. I read it back in December and when I came back for a second read it was gone and I wondered.
Thanks for all you do!!
A Douglas

Lyn Melvin said...

God bless you, A Douglas--and thank you for your encouragement😊

Min. Larry Washington said...

Thanks Lyn for reposting, I took the liberty to copy it to my computer, so that I can read over and get more revelation from it.

I am started to the see the term “regionalization” rise up in the global community, Is this a coincidence, I don’t think so.

I hear Trump talking about annexing Canada, Greenland and changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico.

Something is up, the rise of the 10 Kings must be on the horizon, it seems fitting because the global government will come out of the formation of the 10 kings.

The little horn will come up after them, and from among them and will subdue 3 of them and rest will give their power to then little horn / antichrist at midway through the tribulation.

The Trump administration will utilize its freedom to do a lot it could not do in his 1st term. The trump administration is needed to bring about endtime events that will help close out the church age and mark the stage to change the landscape of the Middle East. Specially the 3rd temple, the destruction of Iran nuclear facilities, two-state solution and regionalization of the 10 king regions, finish Psalm 83 which will open the door for Israel to retrieve land and cause Iran, Russia and Turkey to invade later on the Tribulation.

The church will not be here because, which is why we are seeing these things now, the early birth pains, which intensify after the church is caught out.

The United States will be blinded by its newfound prosperity from the Trump Administration, many other countries will follow suit, because of the imperialist power and deal making ability of the Trump Administration.

A lot to look at in 2025, a lot will take shape, judgement taking place in divers places, 2025.

Lyn Melvin said...

Larry--We indeed have SO MUCH to research and learn and unlearn in some places.

You might enjoy reading what Doug Hamp shared regarding The Ten Kings, which I've hyperlinked in my article The Revelation 12 Galactic Federation, The Great Re:Set, and The Rapture
under the subheading, "Who are the Ten Kings?"
He especially dives into the image Daniel was shown in Chapter 2 which represents the kingdoms and why the kings must NOT be human:

And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. - Daniel 2:43 KJV