While listening to a video wherein a Brother in Christ was sharing Revelation 3:10, I felt a confirming exhortation come to me by the Holy Spirit--that the Lord was indeed coming soon and that the things of this world will become more and more chaotic but I was to have no fear. I heard “Hold fast!” three times.
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write;
These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of
David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;
I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can
shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not
denied my name. - Revelation 3:7-8 KJV
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also
will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the
world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. - Revelation 3:10 KJV
Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast(krateō)
which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. - Revelation 3:11 KJV
means “to use strength, i.e. seize or retain (literally or figuratively):—hold,
In Verse 8 of Revelation 3 the Lord speaks of the church of Philadelphia
having little strength[TM1] .
How are we to hold fast if we have little strength? We hold fast by
depending on the Lord Jesus Christ who strengthens us (I can do all things
through Christ which strengtheneth me. - Philippians 4:13 KJV)!
d. For you have a little
strength: The term a little strength does not imply
weakness, but real strength. They were weak enough to
be strong in the Lord. We can be “too strong” or “too big” or too sure of
ourselves for God to really use us. The church in Philadelphia had the poverty
of spirit to know they really needed God’s strength. . . The Apostle Paul was a great
example of this dynamic of weakness and strength. God’s strength was made
evident in his weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). David
Guzik Commentary
The crown Jesus is referring to is most likely the CROWN OF
I have fought a good fight, I have finished [my] course,
I have kept the faith:
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of
righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day:
and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. - 2 Timothy
4:7-8 KJV
The content of Revelation Chapters 2 and 3 reveals seven
different types of individuals/churches throughout history and Jesus
telling what their reward or lack thereof will be at the end of the Race. I
believe bibleref.com
explains it well:
In this verse [referring to
Revelation 3:11] Jesus promises to "come soon," which in this Greek
context means something that will happen "quickly or suddenly," not
necessarily "a short time from now." In the meantime, He urges the
believers at Philadelphia to keep a firm grip on the truth and on their loyalty
to Him. . . [David
Guzik writes--" If they failed to hold fast, their crown might
be given to another. The idea is not that it might be stolen by
another, but given.”]
The Philadelphian believers would have been familiar with marathon races. To
complete a marathon successfully, a runner had to adhere to strict discipline
and abide by the rules governing the race. If he won the race, he would receive
a crown as his reward. The apostle Paul understood that the Christian life is
not a 100-yard dash but a marathon. . .
At the end of His life,
Paul testified that he had finished the race and anticipated the crown of
righteousness as a reward from the Lord, the righteous judge (2 Timothy 4:7–8).
We, too, are running a marathon that requires discipline, diligence, and
patient endurance. We must keep our eyes on Jesus and not be distracted. Upon
completing the race successfully, we will receive the crown of righteousness.
Collapsing House Rapture
In my article 2020
Dark Winter and the “Once-in-a-Generation" Great Conjunction I wrote
about how we were anticipating a global financial collapse last
A z3newspodcast titled Prophetic warning of a possible global
financial collapse by Passover 2021 caught my eye:
This 40-minute message warns of
the possibility of a collapse in global financial markets over the next five
months that finally reaches the bottom by Passover 2021. This warning is
based on prophetic insights received by myself and others, including a dream
received on August 10, 2020, by Pastor Dana Coverstone in which he saw a big
billboard that stated, 'Passover 2021, Big Things Are Coming for the World.' .
. . As is often the case with prophetic dreams, we only see part of the
picture, so pulling the pieces together requires making some assumptions that
might be wrong.
. . . Maurice Sklar . . . shares several
visions he was given concerning the Church Rapture (he believes in a
Pre-Tribulation Rapture), the close of the Age of Grace and more. Maurice
had a vision of America as a beautiful mansion on the outside with demonic
termites devouring it from within causing it to crack and break into pieces.
Greg Lauer of alittlestrength.com shared
a dream related to the Rapture occurring as the house was collapsing around him
(see Before
and After). In his dream, Greg sees the house falling around him but does
not fall with it:
. . . Suddenly I felt nothing—no
more movement, no more falling, nothing. Astonished and confused as to why I
hadn't felt the crash that I knew for a fact was about to occur, I
woke up. . .
The Lord very clearly explained the dream to him:
The Rapture will remove us from
the "falling house"
of a world that we can see is coming crashing down,
but we won't be here to feel the impact of that crash.
![]() |
PROPHETIC IMAGE--Photograph: Sipa USA/Rex |
In my article The Revelation 12 Galactic Federation, The Great Re:Set, and The Rapture I share prophecies related to America’s demise first by an economic collapse followed by nuclear fire. In 1992 David Wilkerson prophesied: "...If America rejects God’s call to turn back to Him, we’ll face the same judgments Israel faced. And they will hit not only New York but also every region in the country. Even the heartland won’t be spared. The nation’s economy will collapse, and violence will erupt."
In 1985 he prophesied: "Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape.
Unexpectedly, and in one hour,
a hydrogen holocaust will engulf America and this nation will be no
more. . . An attack from
Russia, and the great holocaust follows an economic collapse in America."
Great Convergence with The Great
If what Dumitru Duduman was shown
is the same thing as what David Wilkerson was shown, this attack on America’s
nuclear stockpile could be the timing of SUDDEN DESTRUCTION of 1 Thessalonians
that they shall not escape, but WE WILL! (See also Saved From
Wrath.) As was shared above by Steven Ben Nun, at the same time these
expected asteroids are coming down, our enemies will be using tactical
nukes on our nation while these asteroids are hitting!
For yourselves know perfectly
that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall
say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail
upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not
in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. - 1
Thessalonians 5:2-4 KJV
For God hath not appointed us to
wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, - 1
Thessalonians 5:9 KJV
As I have said before, America must
fall for the New World Order to rise. Israel is our end times clock, but
America’s destiny is to fall so that Israel has no one to turn to but God
during Jacob’s Trouble.
Putting all this together
chronologically, it would seem the waiting Church Bride would see internal
chaos within the not-anymore-United States then a domino effect perhaps of
events including the collapse of the American economy just before or
simultaneously with an attack on America’s nuclear stockpile followed by the
appearance of UFOs and an incoming comet! As this sudden destruction comes
down--those who are in Christ will be whisked up out of harm’s way and into the
waiting arms of our much beloved Lord Jesus Christ!
[From The
Revelation 12 Galactic Federation, The Great Re:Set, and The Rapture]
Passover 5782
I believe something significant will happen this year around
Passover. Around this time of year two years ago I wrote:
The Harp
On March 14 I woke from a dream
wherein I was holding an ancient lyre and thought I heard, “Keep the harp
close.” As I thought on it, I recalled Paul Dawson’s report on the Sea of Galilee
or The Kinneret which
means The Harp. The people of Israel, especially the religious leaders, are
joyously watching as the water level rises in the sea. . . [From The
Crowning of the Man Child]
More recently Paul Dawson of the REVELATIONCHAPTER12dotCOM
Youtube Channel reminded us of the sign of The Kinneret in his March 16 video Trim Your Wicks. The Bridegroom is Coming!
Will the unprecedented snowfall on Purim in Israel lead to the flooding of The
Harp around Passover thereby signaling the prophetic sac of waters breaking and
the Revelation 12 Man Child subsequently being born?
Our Brother Paul also posted an important update on March 25 including news from the Temple Institute that it appears they have a red heifer that will be ready this year (six months from now). They are being cautious, however, in making any definite announcement--yet. In this video Iran & Russia. Red Heifer & 3rd Temple Construction Calculations Paul shares his calculations as to the timing of the building of the Third Temple and why he believes the Rapture will precipitate its building!
April 17?
Also what came to mind was my Dance Card Dream where I knew an important event would occur on April 17 (see April 17--An Important Date with Jesus?). April 17th falls within the Passover season this year:
Passover, the Feast of
Unleavened Bread ️ Pesach for Hebrew Year 5782 begins in the Diaspora at
sundown on Friday, 15 April 2022 and ends at nightfall on Saturday,
23 April 2022. Passover (Hebrew: פֶּסַח
Pesach) commemorates the story of the Exodus, in which the ancient Israelites
were freed from slavery in Egypt. hebcal.com
Only recently I’ve noticed that Jeffrey McGaha has been pointing to that same date for a significant event related to the Revelation 12 Dragon. This is what he wrote:
All I can do to sound the alarm is
keep showing you over and over in EVERY SINGLE MOVIE how they encode the
celestial dragon events, and especially the BIG ONE on 4/17/22 at 5:55am... If
you're saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, REJOICE! Your redemption draws near
in the Rapture! [From the Description Box under Watchman of the Dragon 3/11/22 video.]
As I shared above, I believe there will be a Great Convergence
of events on the Day of the Rapture including a great meteor/asteroid shower
when the earth passes through the tail of the Revelation 12 Dragon. To
understand more about the celestial Revelation 12 Dragon check out my article Our
Last Day--Behold the Great Red Dragon:
Just as Revelation
12:1-2 foretold the heavenly configuration that would form the Great
Sign of the Woman, so too, in my opinion, does Revelation
12:3 describe a definite astronomical event involving the forthcoming
Second Wonder or Great Red Dragon Sign:
And there appeared another
wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten
horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. - Revelation
12:3 KJV
[Excerpt from Our
Last Day--Behold the Great Red Dragon]
It is, of course, possible that the catching away of the
Overcoming Church could occur on April 17. If it does not, however, it is my hope that April 17 marks
something significant happening so those of us watching for our Lord’s
appearing will know without a doubt that the Rapture is the next event!
And do not fear this Wild
Ride as the world heads for the cliff! The thumbnail used for a video by
our Brother at Generation2434 titled WEF
Theater? depicts what I believe the Spirit of the Lord is showing His
people--that the road to the Great Reset (or 7-year Tribulation) will include
the Plandemic, War, and Economic Collapse before going off the cliff!
Oh boy do your post ever,.... send me * \./ Blessen's a plenty Lyn, ya hear! Sweeet sister!!!
Hugs, Ozark🤗
After posting the link to my above article at the Revelation 12 Daily blog, I received a confirming Comment from Jeff (who writes for Unsealed.org). Here is an excerpt:
Jeff March 26, 2022 at 3:20 PM
Lyn, good timing!
I'm looking for something significant to occur on April 17 this year. This is the one-year anniversary of brother Dan Matson's passing. When I read your article again today that you posted in early April 2021 about the date 4/17, I was blown away. If not Rapture, then there's got to be something---another signpost or significant advance toward our escape.[end of excerpt]
Daniel Matson's website is no longer available; however, his Youtube Channel is: danielsweek
Jeff is a great guy!,... and that is truly AWESOME! WATCHING unto PRAYER!!!
Lyn....I have been digging in a rabbit hole concerning Isaiah 17. I so see just a short time till Damascus is destroyed.
Your connections as well as Jeff's excellent additional information just caused my rabbit hole to become deeper, and his and your testimonies feelp divine. The 318 connection, Dan, Daniel, etc...raised the hair on the back of my neck. I am seeing also something major happening on 4/17...but not trying to make an escape door here if nothing obvious happens, I feel at the least some major players will indeed know something happened...and we might just not know at the time.
The deeper the hole, the more Biblical my hole aligns.
But the way all the world is being orchestrated by the globalists to push America to war with our evil government, the evil Ukraine government...all having been poking the evil Putin government for years...to WW3.
Revelation 6:4 talks about the rider on a RED horse..."taking peace from the earth..and there was given unto him a GREAT SWORD.
Time out....I felt led a few months ago to dig on the word SWORD. The greek word is "machaira"...only used once. Jesus is mentioned having a sword in Revelation 19:15..and many other places in scripture. Not the same sword at all...but a long sword. This SWORD in Revelation 6:4 has a different meaning. It is a "short sword"..a "dagger". The Russian word for short sword or dagger is "kinzhal". That right there made me sit up in my chair! I study modern weaponry and Russia has been touting its super hypersonic missile that cant be shot down....and can be nuclear tipped... Guess what they name it? The Kinzhal missile! It is very short and is fired from the belly of a Mig 31. I passed this information on to Daniel Holdings. Daniel is a well known preacher and book author of "Midnight Strikes". ..a most excellent read. But he passed this info onto Steve Quayle and they have talked about it on at least three different shows that I have just ran across. Daniel did his own greek text analysis and looked up the word GREAT that is the adjective describing this SWORD. It means "mega" and that is where megaton comes from...power only able to be released from nuclear detonations...unless of course you just stack 1 million tons of TNT out in a field.
Daniel Holdings is retired from the airforce and he specifically worked on minuteman 2 and 3 missiles. He commented on how long those missiles are and he really believes as I do that this kinzhal missile is indeed the SWORD in Revelation 6:4.
Russia did just indeed use its kinzhal missile the first time a week or so ago. They blew up over 400 million dollars of weapons with one missile. Note...this missile only had conventional explosives in its tip. Wait till they make it GREAT(mega) when they put a nuclear warhead on it. I believe we will soon see this GREAT SWORD destroying our aircraft carriers, cities..whatever.
As you know, I believe we will be here having more of an actual involvement instead of being taken before to be with Christ. My point is not whether we are here or not...Bible prophesy simply is going to be ffulfilled in whatever is the correct version. I use an analogy of Bible prophesy as being written out on a rubber band. Events will fall in their order...and no amount of prayer can prevent prophesy from happening, but prayer can s-t-r-e-t-c-h out this rubber band if God's will permits...
Thank you Lyn for your true Christ filled writings.
Stan, thanks for the info regarding the GREAT SWORD--mega kinzhal--and how it may indeed be the SWORD in Revelation 6:4.
This would align with what Zechariah 5 describes which I believe is referring to ICBMs. I did a study on this prompted by the many prophetic voices referring to "when the missiles come down; we go up". Perhaps you are already familiar with this information, but its included in my article I ASKED THE LORD
Big hug🤗
On March 27, 2022, I received an email from my friend Michelle in Australia. She wrote about a great deal of interesting things, but for now I will simply share this excerpt:
Hi Lyn,
I just wanted to mention that Sunday, 17th April, 2022 is Firstfruits of Barley on the Dead Sea Scroll calendar, as well as the Zadok calendar.
In piecing together the several things the Lord has shown me in relation to events and their timing in the months before the Rapture, I believe that the 4 Firstfruits festivals will each have significant events in the year of the Rapture of the Church.. .
[end of excerpt]
I will share more of Michelle's email with you in another article and also an amazing photo of Planet X/Nibiru!
Lyn....I do not recall reading your blog on Zecharia 5...but I am very aware of how it is clearly describing a nuclear missile...20 cubits by 10 cubits(round a out). Round about is circumference and divide 10 meters by pi(3.14) and that is the diameter of most nuclear missiles.
Lady in the basket with a lead covering...nuclear weapons have a lead shield wrapped around the warhead so as to not radiate people that are around it.
Much more...but move along...there is nothing here to see...move along...ha
Dear sister, thank you for this article. All your articles are very good to read. I am happy that you continue to share with us what the Lord is showing you. Don't let go my sister, we all need your encouragement! XX
Bless you, Carole/Maranatha 321! And don't worry--I may be posting fewer articles but that is because I am spending time elsewhere--especially the garden🍅🥕
lyn, a bit off topic, but if you get over to www.leohohmann.com and see the post on digital ID your spirit will be aroused, i'm sure! it shall come upon the whole world, like a 'snare'. blessen's, tony in vt.
Tony, a bit off topic is fine :-) Thanks for the heads up--will check it out when I get a chance♥
I have been sitting on another connection to April 17,2022.
I have been digging a very deep rabbit hole for years with regards to the space shuttle Columbia's fiery demise on February 1st, 2003. I am forced to butcher my story with brevity as it would take me 3 hours to type it all out. In a nutshell...a dear friend in Canada named Arnie was awakened with a dream where he heard...oh one, oh two, oh three. Not knowing what that meant...he soon found out. The shuttle Columbia burned up on reentry on 2/1/2003. Some countries place these numbers in the day/month/year ...or 01/02/03...same as the utterance in Arnies dream. Now,I am a hard sell, but I also know this guy just doesnt make stuff up.
This shuttle flight has the first Israel astronaut onboard...Ilan Ramon. Ilan was one of the F16 pilots for the Israel air force that took out Iraq's nuclear reactor decades ago. The first debris from the shuttle Columbias wreckage was found near Palestine,Texas. Google to verify like I did! Part of Ilan Roman's journal was found and is in an Israel museum. This disaster happened on 1/02....Read Psalms 102...It speaks of..."hide not from me thy face on the day when I am in trouble...for my days are consumed like smoke and my bones are burned as in a hearth..."
This shuttle was orbiter vehicle #102...google this as I did.
I have always felt the song Bad Moon Rising by Credence Clearwater Revival was prophetically written unknown to its secular composer. Let me bring this baby home. There is a full moon this April 17th....followed by another full moon in May that will be a total lunar eclipse. It is "possible" ...that this coming full moon on April 17th is this "bad moon rising". If so...its very first visible crescent first rises on April 2,2022.
I was led to a day calculator. I entered the date for the shuttle disaster on 2/1/2003 and it counted the days to 4/2/2022. I kid you not....the day count is 7000 days exactly. This coincidence or God wink...along with Jeff's amazing God winks means to me at the least God is warning us ....Nothing has to happen this Sunday, as these God wink coincidences stand on their own. I can see how the fulfillment of Hosea 5:7...where Israel(USA), Ephraim(Great Britain), and Judae(actual country of Israel)...can all fall in a months time...from this full moon on April 17th to the full moon that gets eclipsed a months time later.
I personally believe we will be protected thru and not from...but God will surely do His will here.
TY for sharing that David Guzik Commentary! sooo Awesome!
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