While only into the first few minutes of Paul Dawson’s
latest video (Israel @ 73 exactly 1335
days after Great American Eclipse) as I heard him mention the 5th
of Iyyar being the date on the Hebrew calendar when Israel became a nation in
1948 or April 17 on the 2021 Gregorian calendar, it hit me smack in the face--April
17--that’s the date I was given in my Dance
Card dream!!:
The dream was simply of a pretty
dance card hanging from a thin clothesline or string. I couldn’t read what it
said but just “knew” it was for an event to be held on April 17. . .
The night I received the dream I
was so concerned that I might forget the date—April 17—that I kept repeating it
over and over until I awoke.
Paul points out that April 17 also is the 1,335th
day since the Great American Solar Eclipse.
Blessed [is] he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. - Daniel 12:12 KJV
The Purpose of a Dance Card
Our Brother Paul is hopeful that April 17 is our date to
meet Jesus in the air. This is, of course, very possible; however, I got to
thinking about that Dance
Card dream and the purpose of the dance card, which is for the woman (let’s
say, the Bride) to write down the names of those who wish to dance with her. It
is a record of a series of dance ‘dates’:
Dance cards were elaborate
souvenirs that served to remind a lady of a particular night's ball or dinner
party. Like dance invitations, cards always listed the floor managers as
well as the members of a reception committee and any other committees that
might have been formed in preparation of the event, depending on how large the
event was.
Dance cards listed the specific
dances to be performed and provided lines for ladies to fill in the names of
their dance partners. In many instances dance cards and programs were designed
in such a way as to make them valuable in their own right, as a souvenir of the
evening. americanantiquarian.org
Of course as members of the Bride Company, our dance card
would be filled with only one name, our Bridegroom--the Lord Jesus Christ!
According to the American
Antiquarian site, the dance cards were sent out prior to the
date of the ball for such an event ‘was indeed an important social activity
that required thorough planning and organization’.
Paul Dawson points out that on April 17, Mars (representing “war”)
is in conjunction with the Moon (representing “the Church”).
So taking this information and connecting it with the awake
visions the Spirit of the Lord gave me, could it mean we will begin a series
of “dances” with our King and Bridegroom on the 5th of Iyyar or
April 17 where we will minister for a brief period enveloped in His magnificent
glory to bring in the Great Harvest? If this is indeed the period of time when
the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ have their final battle before the Rapture,
it would be an apt heavenly representation to have Mars and the Moon in
conjunction picturing the Church at war!
Then at the end of our Great Harvest ministry “dance”, will our
Beloved whisk us away to be in His arms at The Great Wedding--perhaps at
Pentecost or at the start of Summer? June 20 is the first day of Summer and
Summer is a metaphor of the end of the age!
20, 2021, is also Father’s Day and World Peace and Prayer Day--hmmm.
T. W. Tramm
Tramm posted on Facebook March
20, 2021 the following (in part):
. . . A friend recently pointed out
that there are exactly 2,520 days between June 20, 2021, and the fig-tree
anniversary in 2028: June 20 . . . first day of summer) + 2,520 days = May 14,
. . . As a factor of numbers
representing a complete unit of time and perfection, 2,520 could be said to be
the ultimate number of completion and perfection, denoting the fullness of
Another fascinating coincidence
related to 2,520 pertains to Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy. In chapter 9 of
Daniel, the 70-weeks countdown to redemption begins with a decree to “rebuild
Jerusalem” (v. 25). Scholars agree that the decree mentioned in Daniel was
given in 457 BC by Persian King Artaxerxes. Thus, the giving of the decree in
457 BC is the event that set the clock ticking to Messiah’s appearance and
Israel’s ultimate redemption at the end of the age. Here is the amazing part:
Counting 2,520 prophetic (360-day) years from 457 BC, we arrive at 2028, the
calculated upper limit of the fig-tree generation!
. . . This is why the
2,520-timespan between 457 BC and 2028 is striking—the number 2,520 perfectly symbolizes the fullness
of time.
To summarize, there are two
2,520-timespans pointing to 2028:
• June 20, 2021 (first day of
summer. . .) + 2,520 days = May 14, 2028
• 457 BC (clock starts ticking to
Israel’s redemption) + 2,520 prophetic years = 2028
The 2,520 concurrence represents a remarkable linking of
prophetic themes: summer, harvest, redemption, a perfect 7-year period, a
2,520-year period denoting the fullness of time, and the fig-tree generation.
However, as Gary at Unsealed reminded us in his Fig
Tree Date Speculation article, “. . . By our reckoning of time a person is
80 until they turn 81. Israel will be 80 until Spring of 2029”.
There is much more pointing to a Spring/Summer 2021 Rapture,
so you can expect I will soon be writing another article as the Lord allows.
In the meantime--get your dancin’ shoes ready!
So Did Anything Happen April 17?
April 17 or the 5th of Iyyar, Israel's 73rd Anniversary Day, seemed uneventful on the surface. But as a friend pointed out (thanks Sheila B😇) the funeral of Prince Philip took place on that day. CNN reported:
Philip, also known as the Duke of Edinburgh, died at the age of 99 on April 9. He was the nation's longest-serving consort -- the name used to describe the spouse of a reigning monarch -- and he had been married to the Queen for 73 years.
![]() |
Danny Lawson/Pool/AFP/Getty Images |
So on the 73rd Anniversary of Israel, an elite who had been married to the Queen of England for--73 years--was "laid to rest". Sheila made an astute observation: "Maybe this is yet another significant marker that just as Israel celebrates their 73rd year, time is finally up for this world system and our God is about to get down to the business of bringing evil to an end".
I agree! God is preparing the world for the end of the Church Age of Grace by pouring out His Spirit upon His end times army in a last call to battle! I couldn't help notice this about the royal funeral:
The end of the funeral was marked by the Buglers of the Royal Marines sounding "Action Stations," an announcement that would traditionally be made on a naval warship to signify that all hands should go to battle stations.
Our dance card is full, Beloved of the Lord!
We who are living in this day and hour are called to be a part of the Great End Times Army! The flames of fire above the heads of the warriors in my vision represents those who have been knit together in His love and who walk in the power of the Holy Spirit!
October 6, 2018, Word
My dear, dear brothers and sisters in Christ—As I sought Our Lord and King this morning, I asked Him if He would give an encouraging word that I could share with you. This is what I believe He said:
Tell them to wait for me in the same way as Nehemiah and his fellow workers built—one hand working on building the wall while holding a sword in the other. This is the season My people are in. They must stand watch at the wall but be ready to engage the enemy at My command. Fear not, dear ones, for I stand ready with you. The spiritual battle is raging all around you, but I wish for you to rest in Me knowing all is in My hands and it is not My will that any should perish.
Continue to watch, but also be at the ready for even a retreating army does not turn its back on the enemy! The time for My Bride to hear the last trump nears. She is not retreating but is being called home to rest. But til then, Beloved, fight on! I know you feel you have but a little strength but that is when My grace is sufficient and My strength is made greater within you! Shine, My brilliant ones, SHINE! You are the glory of My head and the joy of My heart and I too long for that day when we are together.
. . . It is my belief that we may have one last short period of time to reach the lost. One final great radiant burst before His Light in us vanishes from the earth.
Related articles: Planet
X, Passover, and Pentecost 2021;
What is Coming BETWEEN Passover and Pentecost?;
9yr Old Sees a Powerful Vision of America
Related video:
Sounding the alarm!!! Rapture/Great tribulation is coming
Thank you again my sister it's super encouraging!!!
Dear Lynn, It is always good to see a new post from you.
I just wanted to point out a MORE CORRECT view of; counting to Israels 73 year or 8oth year!
The way I see it a Baby is born and begins to live its 1st full year of life; SOON it is 1/2 year old 3/4 year old and then it turns a full 1 year old.
THE DAY after the first birthday the child begins to live within its 2nd full year of life! It is soon 1 1/4 the 1 1/2 then 1 3/4 and then 2 and then starts to live within its 3 year, starting with its first DAY after its 2nd birthday. This should simple MATH!!..... as with Israel; it turns a full 73 years on may 14 2021 and begins to live out the 74th year the very next day! Thus I feel that the Rapture should start on or before this MAY 14th 2021!! The sooner the better!! AS MOVING THE DATE FOREVER FORWARD, WITH EACH PASSING FAILED DATE, OVER THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS IS REALLY BECOMING TERRIBLY DISCOURAGING!!!!! RON GARBE
Ron~That IS an interesting way to look at Israel's 73rd Anniversary coming this May 14! With Shavuot/Pentecost being a possible candidate for the Rapture and with it beginning May 16, it is indeed ENCOURAGING what you shared--thank you♥
Dear sister, maybe the 17th is really an important day in the end. There was nothing on April 17th but on "Sword of God" Brother Charles says that Lyyar 17th, so April 29th, it will be the 3rd day of resurrection for 2nd Easter. I want just tell you so that we pay attention to 17 Lyyar. High surveillance too! :-)
dear sister Lynn, there is soo much that can be said after reading thru several posts in a row after not being here for a while but i will say this w all my heart. When i saw those red slippers i was flored! Suffice it to say, ... Jesus loves you * ///|\\\ i like You so much Lynn,. . . Shalom darling lady, what a sweet girl she is who lives inside you.You've set my heart to flame ~ ~ ~ sincerley, tony in Vt. {Ozark} \o/ ty
Dear Tony/Ozark--you are so sweet to me. It makes me so very glad that you see Christ in me and I see Him in you too💖
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