Remember when back in November 2019 I had written TRANSITION--It won't be long now!
I truly believed we didn’t have much longer to go, but here we are still and
its 2021! In that article I shared the story of a home birth and as I re-read
it, something this mother said stood out to me--"“I was able to recognize,
because of all my previous births, that I was in transition so I knew it
wouldn’t be long at all. That gave me such hope.”
Because this was her sixth child, she recognized when she
was in transition. This is not the case with the true Church or Man Child;
however, I believe because of the Spirit of God within us we will recognize
when we are “in transition”! I can hear you saying now--“Well, with all this
pressure it sure feels like we’re in transition now!” But I tell you--I do not
believe we are BUT WE WILL KNOW IT when it comes!
The Man Child is a Company of Overcomers and are called that
in the Book of Revelation on purpose--it is because the Man Child must overcome
the intensity of Transition before the release into Eternity!
Transition begins in May?
When it comes to Dana Coverstone’s dreams, I try to come
humbly before the Lord for discernment. This recent dream, however, caught my
attention because the warning spoken was so similar to the prophetic utterance
I was moved to speak time and time again regarding a coming great shaking:
. . . And the colorful runner then
sat down. He leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. He was just on the
other side of the finish line. And the man that I see often in the dreams was
helping him to his feet. . . And the man pointed at me and he said, “Warn them. There is not much time
left. And it will never be easy again. If you’re not braced now, you won’t make
it. If you are not rooted, you will be pulled out. . . Look for me, and endure
until I come.” Flaming
Spear Dream - Dana Coverstone
Here is the background on what the Spirit of the Lord gave
me to speak:
. . . I have been called to be a watchman and to sound any
warnings He shows me.
This calling manifested back in the 90’s when my family and
I lived in the heart of Shenandoah Valley. The Lord poured into me an
intercessory burden for our nation. He did not show me specifics, but I wept
and prayed for I knew in my heart a time of great trouble was to rock this
Just before leaving that basket of mountains in Virginia,
the Spirit of the Lord moved on me to speak to a group of brethren. At first I
fought Him for I had already prophesied earlier during the church meeting, but
the pastor plunked himself down on a chair near me and announced to the
congregation, “I’m not going to speak anymore today. God told me to sit down
and be quiet.”
This was my cue, so I stood up and with my body trembling
all over due to the Spirit infilling me I prophesied, “A time of great trouble is coming and if you are not
close with the Lord you're not going to make it.” The urgency of the
Lord pressed on me and I spoke the message a second time adding at the end, “Do
not forget this day!”
We moved to a city further south and about eight years later we were led to move yet again. Just before we did, though, the Spirit of the Lord had me speak the same prophecy to that congregation. This time I took up a shekere (a shell-covered gourd instrument) and shook it violently as I announced, “A time of great trouble is coming! Everything that can be shaken will be shaken! Come to Him in your prayer closets faithfully and do not be afraid.” [excerpt from Is the Rapture Earned?]
This pastor from Kentucky was shown in his dream that there
will be military directing traffic in the streets this summer, flags at
half mast, fires all over the US:
And I saw May 2021 and two hands
like this, kind of like your hands are unleashing something. And these two
hands were unrolling a blood-covered calendar. And they were unrolling it out
and down. And I saw June, July, August and September. Flaming
Spear Dream - Dana Coverstone
So much is converging it is difficult to distinguish what
will happen next--what will be the order of events? It very much reminds me of
how a woman feels as she enters the transition stage of birthing a child.
Perry Stone explains in his The Third Level Birth Pangs Are Here
video where the Man Child is in the birth process--first, the waters are going
to break; then the contractions become more intense and more frequent! This
means before the Man Child is born, first will come an outpouring of the
Holy Spirit leading to even greater worldwide earthquakes and volcanic activity!
Remember what I shared regarding the sign
of the Kinneret--how the bursting dam waters of Israel’s Sea of Galilee
could be a sign of the breaking of the bag of waters/revival that leads to the
birth of the Man Child?
I mention this because IF the sign
of the Kinneret does occur in April 2021 [or May 2021] it may not precipitate
the immediate birth of the Man Child. Perhaps it also will
signal Revival about to break forth--a tumultuous brief revival culminating in
the birth of the completed Man Child company! Planet
X, Passover, and Pentecost 2021
We are seeing the building up to a mega-convergence of
events that point us to Matthew 24 and Luke 21:
Jesus Himself warned of a
convergence of events that would come upon the world.
Many say, “Well, we’ve always had
wars and disasters”, but if you read Jesus’ words carefully you will see He
spoke of GLOBAL wars, GLOBAL disasters, and not only that but HAPPENING
COLLECTIVELY! That has never occurred in the history of man. [THE
Well, the bursting of the waters may soon occur! One time as
I was looking at the photo of the Kinneret’s statue-like sign, it hit me that
its harp-like contours also looked very much like a uterus or womb!
The lake has risen at a rate of
around a half a centimeter per day this spring. It has reached -209.19 cm.,
just 39 cm. shy of spilling over its banks and flooding Tiberius, according to
a report from Israel’s Water Authority on March 25.
The lake’s level neared its
symbolic upper red line last April as well, indicating full capacity. The
Deganya Dam, at the southern tip of the lake, was almost opened to let out
water into the Jordan River. With a similar rise as last year, the dam could
be opened in the coming weeks.
The Church is not appointed to wrath, but she is appointed
to tribulation whether American Christians want to admit it or not:
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might
have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good
cheer; I have overcome the world. - John 16:33 KJV
Confirming the souls of the disciples, [and] exhorting
them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation
enter into the kingdom of God. - Acts 14:22 KJV
On September 11, 2001, when the Twin Towers and the Pentagon
were attacked Americans ran back to the Church. It seems that only when great
catastrophe hits we turn to God. But even this apparent revival was short-lived
and we as a nation have returned to our debauchery. Therefore, it is
God’s great mercy that He allows calamity to strike for it will bring great
revival with many turning to the true God for salvation through His Son Jesus
What more will we see in the way of
prophetic birth pains, though, before the Father sends His Son to collect His
Bride? As I was seeking the Lord about this, it came into my spirit that this
time of SHAKING we are in will increase where we will witness the continued
swell in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as well as erratic weather
patterns. [From More
Shaking? I'll Be There!]
We are witnessing the “beginning of sorrows” as Jesus
described in Matthew 24.
All these [are]
the beginning of sorrows [ōdin].
- Matthew 24:8 KJV
It is my prayer and belief that the Lord will shorten
whatever our time of trouble will be and will not only protect us as we seek
Him but will work through us in a mighty and glorious way!
As in all births, transition is the
most acute phase so it is challenging to relax during the constant barrage of
intense contractions.
In the 10-minute video [the laboring
mother] admitted saying to her midwife, “I don’t like this part,” when she knew
she had entered the transition phase of her labor. Having used the Bradley Method
for her home births, this mom knew that if she concentrated on resting
during her contractions, she would not experience any pain.
As a spiritual midwife, I cannot do
the labor for you--each individually must experience the contractions for
themselves--but I can speak words of exhortation, encouragement, and words of
guidance as to how to handle the contractions. And this is that guidance--REST!
Rest in the Lord! Seek His holy face. No matter how you might feel, He loves
you fiercely and desires to speak words of comfort to you.
Not long now, Dear Ones.
I'm not certain, of course, what we
will face during this time. I just know that if we keep our focus on Him, we
will have a peace that passes understanding and we will be able to endure any
“contractions” or worldly tribulations without pain.
won't be long now!
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Biblically, summer begins at the vernal equinox in March and ends at the autumnal equinox in September. Winter runs the opposite, beginning in September and ending in March. Therefore, to be precise, spring is not a distinct season but, rather, merely the first part of the summer. Likewise, autumn is not a distinct season but, rather, the first part of winter. . . [from Summer in Bible Prophecy By T.W. Tramm] |
Birth this Summer?
Once we are born into heaven--raptured, however, the world
will convulse in active labor in preparation for the birthing of the Millennial
THE WORLD will be in BIG
trouble—travail—tribulation—when the Antichrist/Beast comes to power;
therefore, to me The Tribulation IS Daniel’s 70th Week with the
second half of the seven-year period being The Great Tribulation as described
by Jesus in Matthew
Scripture says creation is already
having sympathy birth pains:
For we know that the whole
creation groaneth and travaileth (synōdinō)
in pain together until now. And not only [they], but ourselves also, which have
the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves,
waiting for the adoption, [to wit], the redemption of our body. - Romans
8:22-23 KJV
“Travaileth” is
translated from the Greek word synōdinō, which
Strong’s defines as “sympathy” pains: “(figuratively) to sympathize
(in expectation of relief from suffering):—travail in pain together”.
In comparison, look at 1
Thessalonians 5:3:
For when they shall say, Peace
and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail (ōdin)
upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. - 1
Thessalonians 5:3 KJV
on the other hand, refers to actual labor and according to
Strong’s means “a pang or throe, especially of childbirth:—pain, sorrow,
travail”. [Birthing
of the Millennial Kingdom excerpt]
Over the past six years of intensively watching for the Lord
to gather His own (and learning much along with other watchers), I have come to
the hopeful (hopeful NOT ‘I-know-it-all’) conclusion that 2021 is the Year of
the Rapture based on two major factors:
(1) 2021 begins the 73rd year of Israel’s rebirth
as a nation making it the last year in which to fulfill Matthew 24:34 and is
the year that concludes the current Sabbatical Cycle, specifically in the
Summer of 2021 just in time for the judgment of the nations. (See also Will
the Rapture Fulfill Pentecost?)
(2) Prophetic events are exponentially increasing in
rapidity and strength just as in the progression of childbirth.
We see this especially as related to the pressuring for
society to accept supposed “vaccines” that can track people and will most
certainly lead to the mandatory mark of the Beast of which the Man Child
Overcomers are not subject to. Why? Because the mark of the Beast is
instituted by the Antichrist/Beast in Revelation 13, but the Bride is whisked
away before the revealing of the Antichrist:
Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him That ye
be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor
by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man
deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a
falling away [he apostasia-'the departure'] first,
and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition Who opposeth and
exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that
he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 2
Thessalonians 2:1-4
The phrase "a falling
away" is translated from the Greek he apostasia. It is
quite enlightening to find that most of the earlier English versions
translated he apostasia as 'the departure'.
Kenneth Wuest, a Greek scholar from
Moody Bible Institute added the following contextual support to taking apostasia as
a physical departure:
But then hee apostasia of which Paul is speaking, precedes the
revelation of Antichrist in his true identity, and is to katechon that which
holds back his revelation (2:6). The hee apostasia, therefore,
cannot be either a general apostasy in Christendom which does precede the
coming of Antichrist, nor can it be the particular apostasy which is the result
of his activities in making himself the alone object of worship.
Furthermore, that which holds back his revelation (vs. 3) is vitally connected
with hoo katechoon (vs. 7), He who holds back the same
event. The latter is, in my opinion, the Holy Spirit and His activities
in the Church. All of which means that I am driven to the inescapable
conclusion that the hee apostasia (vs. 3) refers to the
Rapture of the Church which precedes the Day of the Lord, and holds back the
revelation of the Man of Sin who ushers in the world-aspect of that
Also in my article The Mask
and The Mark, I posted two videos where brethren shared their dreams that
confirmed what I heard in my spirit for in their dreams the Rapture occurred
when the vaccine became mandatory. (Remember my Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego prayer when I expected the noncompliant Christians
would be thrown into FEMA camps and God told me, “It won’t come to that”?)
Todd Adkins recently alerted the Body of Christ to an exercise the elite are planning. (He reminds us that there have been previous “tabletop exercises” that resulted in the event they were preparing for actually manifesting shortly thereafter!):
During the week of April 26,
members of NASA’s
Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) will participate in a
“tabletop exercise” to simulate an asteroid impact scenario. The exercise
depicting this fictional event is being led by NASA’s Jet Propulsion
Laboratory’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), allowing NASA’s
PDCO and other U.S. agencies and space science institutions, along with
international space agencies and partners, to use the fictitious scenario to
investigate how near-Earth object (NEO) observers, space agency officials,
emergency managers, decision makers, and citizens might respond and work
together to an actual impact prediction and simulate the evolving information
that becomes available in the event an asteroid impact threat is
The fictitious impact scenario
will occur during the 7th IAA
Planetary Defense Conference, hosted by the United Nations Office for Outer
Space Affairs in cooperation with the European Space Agency, and will evolve
over the five days of the conference, starting Monday, April 26. At several
points in the conference program, leaders of the exercise will brief
participants on the latest status of the fictitious scenario and solicit
feedback for next steps based on the simulated data that is “discovered” each
day. These type of exercises are specifically identified as part of the National
Near-Earth Object Preparedness Strategy and Action Plan developed over
a three-year period and published by the White House in June 2018. [From]
This shows how close the Grand Convergence (or “sudden
destruction” of 1 Thessalonians 5:3) is with the Rapture happening most likely
I thought the title Todd Adkins used was noteworthy in light of
Dana Coverstone’s repeated warning of “Brace yourself!” Todd writes in the
Description Box of his latest video, Brace For Impact!! Are Asteroid
Strike War Games This Week Secretly Preparing for THIS VERY THING?!:
. . . NOW, we learn that this week
NASA is engaged in a tabletop exercise wherein they war-game a massive,
catastrophic asteroid impact on the earth. The previous patterns should cause
this new info to give you a pause in your spirit – or chills down your spine!
Is the same predictive scenario playing out right before our eyes? Is a
catastrophic asteroid impact coming our way in the VERY NEAR future? Do you
think they'd tell us if it was? I make no predictions. I present the info and
you decide – but the potential implications of this could very well be pointing
to just how crazy-close to the rapture we are!
Thank you. Lyn, for your faithful and precise words. Truly we are ever close! Susan C
An excellent message my sister! I am amazed when I see the many brothers and sisters who have a special gift to help us move forward, to encourage us, to inform us. I hope that we will be used strongly for the glory of our great King, Jesus, just before we leave this world. Thanks for your time for us! God bless you!
Susan/inaweofhim ~ Thank you for taking the time to encourage me, dear Sister!
Carole ~ Amen! I join you in the hope we have to be used mightily to His glory. Know that I have been praying for you, dear girl💖
I saw that word REST and knew it was for me. I’ve been crying to the Lord about my missed opportunities from this year. I realized that HE is the One setting me apart before we enter His House!
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