Sunday, December 15, 2024

Drones, Disease X, and Earthquakes in the Year of “X”


Beloved Brethren in the Lord, we are undoubtedly nearing the time when we will have to rely on His voice only for direction.


There is much confusion purposely being caused by the release of the many drones and other unidentified flying objects recently being sighted in America. At about 3 minutes into an NBC News December 10, 2024, video, NBC reporter Gadi Schwartz asks Mine Hill Township Mayor Sam Morris about any details he can share about the drones taking over the New Jersey sky; and the mayor replies,


“They’re going very methodically with a plan.”

New Jersey Drones With Eight-Foot Wingspans Leave Authorities Stunned


On December 13 Marfoogle News posted HAZMATS RESPOND TO THE DRONES? | BIO? where an article was shared reporting that fire crews were ordered to wear hazmat suits before approaching these drones. It is my opinion that the Brother in Christ at REVELATIONS OF JESUS CHRIST was shown WHY anyone would need to wear a hazmat suit.


Wally Carlson at Revelations of Jesus Christ YTC is not someone I regularly watch, but it seems right in my spirit that what the Lord showed him regarding these drones is a true warning from our Lord Jesus Christ. In GOD WARNED me in a DREAM about DRONES! Wally shares how the Lord “arrested” him with a jolting warning to pray against drones. At around 22 minutes he shares a video clip of how some of these drones sprayed something.  He suspects it may be related to what was announced to come by January 21, 2025: 


Dr. Peter Hotez discussed the threat of more p@nd3mics "that is going to come crashing down on January 21st on the Trump administration" during an interview Tuesday on MSNBC. . . Source [“Coding” added by Lyn.]


Knowing this, our Brother exhorts us to pray against whatever they are spraying and pray against the Dragon's plan and the use of fallen angel technology.


After posting this article, I noticed that Brandon Biggs at Last Days YTC posted a short video in which he reminds us that he had already warned that these drones would be coming as part of the global surveillance system and that what we have seen so far is just the beginning.


Ah, Brethren, we knew the calm was going to come to an end and the Lord did let us know that the p@nd3mic was next as I shared in Babylon and The Last Call:


I want My love and peace to permeate My people in these last days. The fires of war will heat up—tempers will heat up, but My people must remain cool trusting in Me. 

Peace, peace when there is not peace but in those who trust Me. Running to and fro with nowhere to go trying to run from Me. These are the fools who say in their hearts there is no God. 

But I will awaken those who are called of My purpose before it is too late for them and those who choose to enter the Ark of Salvation will be saved. The time is near, daughter, as you know. 

The frog is boiling in the water--the enemy is getting hot under the collar for his time is coming soon and he knows he will fail; but his pride will not allow him to quit. He goes forward as I allow. 

“What’s next, Lord?” I asked. 

You know what is next—the p@nd3mic--their last ditch effort to gain more control and lose more lives. 

The Convergence is almost upon you. Not much longer, daughter. Be patient and wait on Me. 

I give only good things, so fear not. I am with you. Be at peace. My peace I leave with you, dear girl. Fret not. I will show you things on an “as need” basis.


Also in Babylon and The Last Call I wrote:


*Sorcery (pharmakeia) Scenario No. 2 to begin by releasing an A.I.-designed virus to target those on obesity-related medicines. (Watch on Rumble EXCLUSIVE: Pastor Who Predicted Trump Would Be Shot In The Ear. In this 18-minute video Steve Cioccolanti shares how we are seeing the same pattern as the Exodus {it is God's will that we exit this world like the Israelites left Egypt--SINAI and the EXODUS of the TRUE CHURCH}. Also EXCLUSIVE: Pastor Biggs Who Predicted Trump Assassination Attempt.)  Remember the globalists let us know they are planning on a major loss of the world's population--the military arms website of the Deagel Report has pointed to 2024-2025 since 2013!!

This 2nd Sorcery Scenario was revealed back in 2021. (SEE The First of Many Deaths: A Prophetic Warning from God (Short Version from 2021) AND “The Church’s Endgame” section of THE DRAGON, THE PLANET & THE ALIENS)


This 2nd Sorcery Scenario or p@nd3mic may be what they referred to as Disease “X”:


Is ‘Disease X’ the ‘cover story’ for the coming mass deaths from the release of the globalists new bioweapons as put forth by Dave Hodges at The Common Sense Show?    This is intimated by the Clade X pandemic tabletop exercise conducted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security on May 15, 2018, in Washington, DC where: “The model assumes that the first cases of Clade X in the world are the result of deliberate attacks…” (Related article: Mock Clade X pandemic decimates human population...) 

Whatever Disease X is you know they will use it to introduce a mandatory injection; and I suspect it will be the Mark of the Beast via the Bill Gates handy dandy quantum dot ‘patch’! But be assured, as I wrote in 2024 the Year of the Dragon and the Rapture?, many brethren have been shown this is coming. It will be yet another attack from the Dragon, Satan, from which the Lord Jesus Christ will rescue us when He snatches His Bride up! [Excerpt from "X” Marks the Year of the Rapture?] 

We are still in the Year of “X” according to the Hebrew Religious Calendar which was marked by the 2nd Great American Total Solar Eclipse that occurred on April 8, 2024, (Nisan 1) when the shadow of its path of totality completed the “X” or tav which centered over the New Madrid Fault Zone in the United States. Nisan 1 is the Biblical New Year's Day, marking the start of the month of the Exodus from Egypt and the beginning of Jewish national history.


On December 10, FOX Channel 2 out of St. Louis reported seven (7) earthquakes shook the area around the New Madrid fault line!


Brethren, I don’t know when the Rapture will occur, but these 7 quakes give me a continued hope that our Gathering Together Unto the Lord might occur no later than Nisan 1, 5785, (March 29, 2025) as I speculated in my previous article, PROPHECY OF 2 CITIES (Damascus & Babylon) & 2nd SHOE TO DROP BEFORE THE RAPTURE.


Let us keep this hope in our heart as I wish you all Happy Holidays in the name of our Glorious Lord Jesus Christ! 



Updated 12/17/24

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