Brethren, the impression in my spirit is that we are on the verge of the TRANSITION phase of childbirth when the Revelation 12 Man Child is about to be born and face the Great Red Dragon. (Remember that transition is the most intense stage of childbirth but also the shortest.) Look at that section of Scripture again with me:
These verses give a terrifying picture of the danger the Man
Child is in. The time between his birth and his being caught up or raptured into
the throne room of God cannot be long, yet how perilous is that brief period! We
are on the precipice of experiencing a rocky transition and momentarily coming
face to face with the Revelation 12 Great Red Dragon.
In past articles I’ve written about my belief that the Great
Wonder of Revelation 12:1-2 was fulfilled in 2017 (see The Revelation 12 Sign Compendium by Unsealed)—
And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and
pained to be delivered. Revelation 12:1-2
--and that the Second Wonder of Revelation 12:3-5 is yet
And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. - Revelation 12:3-4 KJV
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To read more go to |
The Dragon spiritually symbolizes Satan, of course, but there is evidence of a physical manifestation in the heavenlies of the Dragon in the form of the Planet X/Nibiru System. It is my understanding that Planet X or Nibiru (described as a comet-like planet or dwarf star with seven orbiting bodies) is the seven-headed Great Red Dragon of Revelation 12 and its debris field represents the tail that draws “the third part of the stars of heaven”.
This amalgamation of Dragon/Satan/Nibiru represents The Head
Destroyer, the antithesis of the Lord Jesus Christ:
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and
to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it]
more abundantly. - John 10:10 KJV
Also discussed here on my blog site is what it might be like
to “face the Dragon” just prior to the Rapture as Revelation 12:4 foreshadows.
And his tail drew the third part of the stars of
heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman
which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was
born. - Revelation
12:3-4 KJV
Graciously, Jesus comes to snatch the Body of Christ out of
harm’s way and into the throne room of God before we, the Man Child, are
And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up[harpazō] unto God, and [to] his throne. Revelation 12:3-5
I am reiterating some things in an attempt to consolidate
the Planet X/Red Dragon information and because of what I believe possibly the
Lord revealed to me regarding June 24.
Facing the Dragon
Brad, a Brother in Christ who
oversees the Rev12daily blog,
commented. . .
“I am torn between the normalcy indicated in Matt 24:38 and the intense danger that is indicated in Rev 12:4 just prior to the harpazo in Rev 12:5. So for me....Revelation 12 seems to indicate an increasingly fearsome situation right up to the point of our rapture/rescue...
Lastly, I have been in the delivery room for each of our children. As many of you know, that situation can be stressful in itself, I can't imagine a vicious predator in the room with its mouth wide open ready to devour the new baby at the same time as verse 4 conveys! But for me, that is what I expect, things will get scary leading up to our blessed hope, but with that fear others will be more receptive than ever to the good news. And personally when it gets scary and we see those fangs ready to strike us, that is where we must cling to the blessed hope. God has promised that we will be ok!”
What will Revelation
12:4 look like?
What will happen in the days
leading up to the Rapture? I believe the Overcoming Church will experience the
Great Shaking or Transition Phase which is the manifestation of Revelation
. . . and the dragon stood
before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as
soon as it was born. - Revelation
12:4 KJV
Notice that the Dragon
appears before the birth of the Man Child which means we
will see this sign just prior to the birth or Rapture of the Bride of
I join many others in the belief
that the manifestation of Revelation
12:4 will be related to the nearness of the Nibiru or Planet X system.
Excerpt from: The
World Will Know By September 2020!
In my article Facing the Dragon in June Then We Fly? I give further information about the Planet X System and how it relates to prophecy for the last days.
It seems that end time events will converge upon us very
soon. We are on the verge of Isaiah
17—the destruction of Damascus; the forcing of the Two-State
Solution resulting in a great earthquake splitting America down the middle
along with Three Days of Darkness; and the Resurrection/Rapture of the True
Exactly how this will all converge is in the mind of God. He
knows the end from the beginning and has revealed much to His saints through
prophetic voices; and, I believe, will give us even further understanding as we
near The Day (related: Prophesied
Events Before the Rapture).
need not fear what is ahead even though we are entering a time like no
It will be God’s amazing grace if we do see with our own
eyes Planet X/Nibiru for man’s manipulation of reality will be exposed as the
elite’s technology used to hide the Planet X System fails. Years ago Youtubers
Jeff P and Steve Olson told us about the lens array technology
being used and in 2018 there was an “in-your-face” ad that has since been taken
down. Fortunately, LoveisGod7 YTC
(at the 5:04 minute mark) included that ad in JESUS TOLD ME WHY THE SUN IS BLINKING !!!
It is my belief that God will graciously allow us to
first be able to see this binary system before the prophesied 3 days of global
darkness which is said to be caused by the nearness of Nibiru. (Related: 3 Days of
“Planet X Will be Visible on June 24”
On May 6, 2023, just before waking, I heard in a dream that
Planet X will be visible on June 24. Please seek the Lord about this, of
course, Brethren. For many reasons I believe this may have been from Him and it
would be confirmation of what Michelle from Australia (and her family) was
shown—that near the end of June in some year Planet X would be visible
worldwide (see TICK
TOCK! When They Come Down, We Go Up!). I am hoping it is this year, so this
A few days after posting this article, I came across an old video--A Stern Warning of 2023 | What is this "Full-Spectrum Dominance Weapon"? In this short video Alex Jones warns of an invasion using a “binary, psychic, spiritual, physical, biological, full-spectrum dominance weapon” that is coming "5 years from today." My jaw dropped when I realized that exactly 5 years from the day Alex posted that message will be JUNE 24, 2023--the same date as given in my dream. “Get ready, Planet Earth,” he says. Is his cryptic warning related to the binary system Planet X?
Also a reader told me that Planet X did appear on the
Volcano (Puebla) Webcam and sent me this screenshot along with comments
posted by someone who was viewing the webcam when the dwarf star/planet showed up and later
realized part of the video was deleted:
poster texted on June 23, 2023….”I was watching Popo last night. I found that
there is a link under the livecam that shows the last 24 hours. Someone please
tell me what the devil happened. First you can see the moon go down behind
Popo, then a VERY LARGE glowing orb follows it. When I say large, it is ten
times the size of the moon. Clearly visible on the recorded video. But what the
heck is it?
Then on June 24, 2023, the poster texted ….”Okay, that's weird. I just watched the last 24 hour recording. It cuts off, just before the orb shows up.”
Then……“ I know it doesn't say so on the site, but the camera is pointed more or less westward. The moon sets in the west. It couldn't have been coming up. The crescent in the photo IS a trick of the light. It moves up, as the orb moves down. Simple, light refraction.
I've been watching Popo for years. That orb was not the moon. What it was, I
have no idea, that's why I'm asking everyone here.
now it's back and bigger than before. At about 22:48 local time by the
clock, the orb began to 'set' behind Popo. Just like you would expect the sun
to do. It is bright and clearly descending behind Popo”.
Then..”the video just now, it skips directly from 23:28 to 23:52, so the relevant bit of video is simply missing. Very curious. I just watched the last 24 hour recording. It cuts off, just before the orb shows up.”
Dear readers, I will leave it up to you to believe whether
this fulfilled the prophetic word or not.
I could be misunderstanding what the Lord has shown me in
past visions, but it is my belief that God will give the world one last tiny
window of time to hear the message of eternal life through Jesus Christ during
those days of darkness (The
Bride's Revival and The Rapture).
In previous articles I’ve written about how the April 20,
2023, hybrid eclipse was the sign of Jonah, however, I have been coming across
prophetic words proclaiming that the coming three days of darkness that follow
the earthquake are the sign of Jonah. (For example: THE SIGN OF JONAH AND THE THREE DAYS OF
DARKNESS! given through a Sister in Christ, Barbara, at Godshealer7 End Times Prophecy
Channel. Also LoveisGod7 YTC posted 3
Days Of Darkness VISIONS | Transformed BEFORE 3DOD | 3DOD on NETFLIX!!! paralleling
the dreams shared by the Rivkah Ministry (to read more about that go to Erasing
the Line in the Sand for a 2019 September Rapture).
If indeed the world experiences this plague of darkness—and
I believe it will—then it seems in line with Scripture that it would be a type
of Jonah sign, for it is to occur as we transition from the Dispensation of
Grace into Jacob’s Trouble—when Israel enters its Time of Tribulation. It has
also been prophesied that the Rapture will occur during the three days of
darkness or 40 days afterwards as Those in Christ walk in great glory or
perhaps minister with our new eternal bodies.
If God gives the world 40 more days to repent as in Jonah’s
time, then this would indeed make the days of darkness a Jonah sign (Jonah
3:4). Those in Christ only know in part what He has planned; but a Plan He indeed
has, so we need not fret.
When Jesus was on earth reaching out to His countrymen, He
was not received by the nation as a whole. As it says in Micah--
Therefore will he give them up, until the time [that] she which travaileth hath brought forth: then the remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel. - Micah 5:3 KJV
Jesus had to give up Israel temporarily but will return to the nation when the 70 Weeks Gabriel foretold are fulfilled (see Daniel 9:26-27 meaning regarding the 70 Weeks of the Book of Daniel). “Until the time [that] she which travaileth hath brought forth” is referring to Israel in travail during The Tribulation:
Micah anticipated a future time,
one that was partially fulfilled in the Babylonian exile and return, but will
be ultimately fulfilled in the Great Tribulation and restoration of Israel. In
both those eras, when the LORD will seem distant from Israel until the
time for restoration is ready. Source: David
Guzik Commentary
In the Book of Luke Jesus spoke of that generation of
Israelites being evil because of their unbelief and requirement for a sign:
And when the people were gathered thick together, he
began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no
sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet. For as Jonas was a sign
unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation. - Luke
11:29-30 KJV
They sought a sign that Jesus was the Messiah, and the only
sign given to them was the sign of Jonas/Jonah. Just as Jonah was dead in the
belly of the great fish for 3 days and 3 nights, so too was Jesus dead in the grave
that length of time (which was the length of time necessary for death to be
official). Both Jonah and Jesus were made alive after being officially dead.
The Lord received his eternal body while Jonah was returned to his earthly
Perhaps the three days of darkness will occur once again to
signal to unbelieving Israel their second chance to believe on Jesus as their
Messiah with the 70th Week of Daniel beginning where Christ’s
crucifixion and death left off.
Planet X and “Aliens”
Zecharia Sitchin promulgated the belief that Planet X/Nibiru
was inhabited by extraterrestrial beings called the Anunnaki. Dr. Michael
Heiser, who has his PhD in ancient languages, believes the beings called
Anunnaki are very possibly spirit entities portraying themselves as aliens from
another planet. He explains the Anunnaki from Scripture in this Alien Resistance Youtube video.
Beginning at 15:30 minutes in a video by Israeli News Live
posted about a year ago--Pentagon
Eyes Planet X Knowing It Will be the Greatest Battle, Steven Ben Nun shares
his notes from his meeting with Pentagon sources that reveal they are not
only aware of Planet X but believe it is occupied by Reptilians who will return
to earth and battle with its inhabitants in a spiritual war wherein the
Reptilian race is mostly interested in “finding hosts for their spirit
![]() |
The Simpsons Season 14 'Foolish Earthlings Featurette' |
(As Dr. Heiser explains in the above-mentioned Alien Resistance video, Reptilian aliens are in reality demonic entities pretending to come from another planet.) Then Steven reads:
And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels
fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed
not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was
cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the
whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with
him. - Revelation 12:7-9 KJV
He admits that normally he puts Revelation 12:7-9 in the
context of already happening at the time of Jesus, but you can tell that he is
thinking about it perhaps being fulfilled again in the near future based upon
what his Pentagon sources have told him.
AND COWS GIVE HOPE FOR A 2023 RAPTURE we learned the deep state (another
term for Luciferian globalist elites) would use “aliens” in their final step
towards a New World Order. With Youtube and even the mainstream media
flooded recently with sightings of unidentified aerial phenomenon and
“nonhuman” creatures, we may now be witnessing the last phase of disclosure before
the Rapture.
Why do I believe it is the last phase? Because Scripture and
also dreams and visions tell us that as THEY
COME DOWN, WE GO UP! As Satan casts down his fallen angels in Revelation
12, they will manifest as a massive UFO “alien” invasion descends upon Earth (See
Jeremy’s story: 10 Year Old Boy Dies,
Goes To Heaven & tells of WW3 & Demonic Fallen Angles Invading Earth!!)
End Times Productions’ video, ALIEN IN BACKYARD EXPLAINED: "100% they're not human", Witness details alien encounter in Las Vegas, does an excellent job describing what was happening spiritually as the “aliens” showed up in that Las Vegas backyard in May 2023. Another great video was produced by GodisLove7—I Know What Type of Alien/Demon He Saw !!!—a 6-minute video that includes a clip of a family member from Las Vegas describing what they saw.
I encourage you to watch the 3-minute video by Zach
Wilkinson at Outpouring
Gates warning If You Don't
Know, #You Should Know! #3 #Days of #Darkness because he relates the coming
Plague of Darkness with Planet X/Nibiru and demonic activity. The advice he
gives at the end, in my opinion, is for unbelievers, because Those in Christ have
dominion over any demonic entity that manifests on earth and will be in a
glorified state at this time.
The Church’s Endgame
Back in 2022 I believed September would be the Church's
Endgame and shared again how God had revealed to me evil men’s use of fallen angel technology to cause chaos
and destruction to prepare earth for the coming New World Order under the
Antichrist. Further confirmation that man will use technology to initiate
earthquakes recently was given through a contractor working in Antarctica
posted by Jacob Israel in WHlSTLEBL0WER
Tells All About ANTARTlCA! Satan has such a short time to wreak havoc that
he is getting a head start channeling his wrath through willing human vessels
who are stealing, killing, and destroying just as it says in John 10:10.
We have witnessed the wickedness of the Luciferian global
elite towards mankind in many ways (trains ‘derailing’ and spilling out toxic
waste onto the public, beef cattle and other animals being destroyed, etc.).
Earlier this month it was reported that Ireland
Plans to Slaughter 200,000 Farting Cows to Save the Planet from ‘Global
The protesting cows provide us with some levity yet there
are even more hidden evil workings which I believe the Spirit of the Lord is
saying will be made evident and will cause many deaths including the precious
death of saints (Psalm 116:15) just as the coronavirus and its supposed
“vaccine” has done and is continuing to do (see 600,000
Americans Per Year Are Dying From COVID Shots Says Top Insurance Analyst).
I hesitated to speak that rhema of many deaths coming and had
some back and forth with the Lord on it before including it here. The day after
posting this article He graciously provided confirmation:
“The first of many deaths are coming,” is a word given two
years ago through Spirit Move
Ministry in the video PROPHETIC DREAM: "350 Million
Deaths" Many Deaths are Coming #prophecy #times&seasons #COVID19. It
initially caught my eye because of the phrase, “Many Deaths are Coming”—the
same phrase I heard in my spirit. When I realized it was given two years ago
during the plandemic, I almost passed it by; but the Holy Spirit wouldn’t let
me. I’m glad because it turned out to be CONFIRMATION of what the Lord was
expressing to me. Here are excerpts:
“You will probably think it is
because of COVID but this is bigger than that,” our Sister Liberty explains
choking back her emotions after admitting this was a very difficult word to
deliver. Here is a partial transcript of what she was told:
The first of many deaths are
coming—more is on the way. More death and destruction as I prepare to do a
mighty work on the earth. Many deaths are coming. These will be physical deaths
and spiritual deaths. There are many deaths coming in all different forms. As My
manifested glory goes forward this will be a side effect of the Kingdom of God
rising and the kingdom of darkness falling. . . There are things I will be
allowing on the earth to bring My people closer to me and to woo the unsaved
into My presence. The unsaved will literally have nowhere to turn but to the
Light of Christ. . . Some people can only be brought up out of the pit. They
will not receive Me without there being many spiritual and physical deaths. . .
The body of Christ must be ready to receive these souls. They must be ready to
manifest the Presence because the Presence is what's going to woo them in. My Presence
is where perfect love is and perfect hope. . . They will need this perfect
love and this perfect hope. It will be our job to bring it in to build it, to
release it. This is what I’m preparing the Body of Christ for.
Another prophecy I came across was through a Brother in
Christ who also mentioned the death of 350 million people and was shown the Red
Dragon was associated with it—see Things
the lord has been showing me... by Last Days Youtube Channel beginning at
the 11-minute mark.
The recent so-called Canadian wildfires are an example, in
my opinion, of evil working clandestinely to cause more death. In Canadian Fires are UNNATURAL & Was Done
on Purpose !!! this Brother shares his belief that these fires were
manufactured in order to cause illness and death, and to produce camouflage to
hide the planetary bodies of the Nibiru System as the expensive chemtrailing
does. It cannot be much longer that God will allow the Dragon/Satan to work his
wrath through evil men, yet we will have to endure it a little while in order
to bring in the Final Harvest Before the Rapture. Although these things must take place, there will be so much fruit—it will be miraculous!
As I said before, God has a Plan. Wow! Does He have a Plan!
One that will amaze us, I think. He has revealed enough of that Plan for us to
know we need not fear but stand ready to see what God will do in these perilous
yet glorious last moments on Earth through His Body/the Man Child before we are
snatched up and escape the jaws of the Dragon!
FREE PDF: Return of the Red Dragon PLANET X Death Star Destroyer of Worlds By Luis B. Vega
NEW! Planet X spotted FEMA Prepares--The red dwarf star was spotted clearly in South Africa and shared on-line in July, however, the observer noted,
Something just didn't LOOK right! Hiding behind the wildfire SMOKE!--evidence of 2 suns presented in this MrMBB333 video
Also, on June 19, 2023, Tim Henderson posted the following to his Community Page:
Spent time meditating on the Word and in prayer and this is what I received. “The Winds are shifting. A storm is coming. The rains will fall. Do not fear. The end is good..”.
Remember brethren. Things are not falling apart, they are falling into place. Shalom!
Updated 7/21/2023
Lyn, nice job; very engaging read. My spirit has always bumped at 1 COR 1:22: 'For the Jews REQUIRE a sign; and the Greeks seek after wisdom.' (em) Setting aside all the cool stuff in re 'the Greeks'; 'Require' speaks of Ecclesiastes 3:15: 'That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God REQUIRETH that which is past.' (em)
So, my 'test' in such an event is identifying its precedent and, also, what it is likely a fore-type of. Note that it is the JEWS here, expounded further in that as Jonas was to the Ninevites, so will The Son Of Man be to the JEWS, AS A SIGN. Well, the parallels between the relationship between Jonah and the people of Nineveh and the Body of Christ & 'the Jews' are rich and easily plumbed deeply, surely. What if 144,000 Glorified Saints Remain And Minister for, oh, idk, just during the 3 DOD, But The Rest Of The BOC Depart Forth Wythe?
LOVED the 4 frame glyph of the hypnotist with various pendulums in front of his 'patient'. As things continue to ratchet up all around us it is Comforting that These Are The Very Things Which Our Lord Counselled Us To Watch For As Validations Of The Hour! Maranatha!
Matthew 24:33 So also, when you see all these things, you will know that He is near, right at the door.
So good of you to come by, Jimboni, and leave such an encouraging comment. Many thanks.
I have seen where some propose the 144,000 are glorified saints but am seeking the Lord regarding this and of course Scripture. What I don't understand is why they would need to be sealed when they already are sealed with the Holy Spirit. Also, not everyone who is born again is necessarily from one of the tribes of Israel as the 144,000 are described (Rev 7:4).
Yes, "As things continue to ratchet up all around us it is Comforting that These Are The Very Things Which Our Lord Counselled Us To Watch For As Validations Of The Hour! Maranatha!" AMEN!
Bless you, dear Brother💖
Hi Lyn, I believe Planet X did show up on June 24th. A poster was watching the Popo volcano in Mexico and a huge Orb showed up no one had an explanation for. The Powers That Be cut out the minutes it was shown from the live video. I have a screenshot but not sure if I can attach with this comment. Blessings.
@peacewithin~A thousand apologies for not answering your post earlier. I'm in the midst of a 2-week family reunion and have been incommunicado off and on.
How intriguing that Planet X showed up on June 24th on the Popo volcano livestream but now they've removed the proof! I tried to find something on-line to no avail, but saw that Nibiru ALSO made its appearance there 7 years ago:
If you would like to give me your email in a new comment (which I will NOT post, of course), I will gladly get in touch with you--that is, if you still want to email me the screenshot you took.
Many blessings and THANK YOU for your Comment💖
11:11 is not the Rapture date. But it represents it.
It is the dividing of time.
When time reverses from 2022 and splits the timeline in two. Half go one way, up, and the other half remain with the wicked and proceed into the time loop that is the Tribulation period. Without the splitting of time we would all go through it.
Nuclear war will indeed happen on 11:11, or the day the we go up as Lyn you have very very often warned.
2022 is the reversal back 7 years to 2015 when the shadow Tribulation began, enabling through faith the full Wrath of God to come during the tribulation proper.
Without the type and shadow, there could not have been a future event. Think Abraham and Isaac.
Faith is what does it, and unless that Faith die... it bears no fruit and nothing would happen.
Our job is as enablers.
At the dividing of time these events will happen.
We are in overtime currently in 2023. The last Grace year in the History of Mankind.
In Jesus Christ the Saviour until that day- Maranatha
To be clear, our enabling of the Lord to work miracles is entirely our response in faith, as we see that Jesus did not perform many miracles in His own country due to their unbelief, save that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them.
Our Lord did not.
May we through belief enable Him to do all works of His Father that He has purposed to do.
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