Friday, February 10, 2023

Don't Make Me Have To Come Down There!

The last warning that came to me and my four siblings if we were too raucous while playing upstairs was a shout from our mother, “Don’t make me have to come up there!”


God looks at us as children and of late He has been speaking more intensely to the world through His Spirit, through signs in the heavens, and by allowing His hand of grace to be lifted resulting in dreadful earthquakes, floods, and other catastrophes. Just as in childbirth, we have been seeing waves of birth pains crash upon the world in an ever-increasing pattern. God is telling the world that we have entered a very dangerous time. Like a parent that has “had enough”, He is giving what I believe is His final warning—“DON’T MAKE ME HAVE TO COME DOWN THERE!”


Prophetic Songs


During the last week of January I read a Charisma News article about Dolly Parton:


Dolly Parton isn't taking a recent dream she had lightly. The iconic country music star says the dream she received months ago is a staunch warning for believers everywhere.


She composed the song called "Don't Make Me Come Down There" and, instead of receiving gifts for her birthday on Jan. 19, she wanted to give the new tune as a gift to the world.


The same week I saw this article the Spirit of the Lord led me to read Numbers 17 wherein Aaron was chosen for the priesthood due to his staff from an almond tree being the only one of all the other tribes’ rods to produce buds, blossoms, and fruit. Upon further researching this, I found out that Israel commemorates the blossoming of Aaron’s staff on Tu B’Shvat, the Feast of Trees, in February when the almond trees are the first to bud and blossom.  


The Lord will use lyrics from even secular songs to convey a message to us. Philip at Crowing Rooster Prophecy believes the Spirit of the Lord emphasized this verse in the iconic song American Pie --


… But February made me shiver


Philip believes America will suffer “great sorrow and great loss at every turn” in February. He has been warning of a coming devastating earthquake on our West Coast; HOWEVER, because of confirming dreams and visions I believe it will be the middle of the United States that will first see a major earthquake. I agree with Philip that God seems to be indicating the fall of America beginning in February. She will suffer consequences resulting in devastating events occurring first in "New York, next will be Chicago, then last in L.A."


And he spake to them a parable;

Behold the fig tree, and all the trees;

Luke 21:29 KJV


Trees = Nations


America is not the only nation that is being put on notice. In his February 8, 2023, video

Makaio Messenger pointed out that the devastating earthquakes that occurred in Turkey and Syria happened during Tu B’Shvat, February 5-6.


In Luke Chapter 21 Jesus speaks to His disciples about the future “days of vengeance” to prelude His Second Coming and then tells a parable comparing Israel to a fig tree:


And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees;- Luke 21:29 KJV


In this verse the trees represent nations. I believe a series of LAST WARNINGS FROM GOD has begun on the Feast of Trees telling “all the trees” or nations that the time of grace is swiftly coming to a close!


Cedars Represent the Lofty & Proud


A series of prophetic dreams shared by Kristi Winland seemed to be the icing on the cake in establishing what was impressed in my spirit. In Dream #1 Kristi found herself in her old neighborhood where all the streets are named after trees. Suddenly the streets began to flood and the trees began to fall! The Lord gave Kristi this dream a second time with an emphasis on the cedar trees.


The Spirit of the Lord has also been speaking to me regarding the cedars as seen in my article AS IT ALL COMES DOWN, WE GO UP! where I wrote about Biden’s Project Cedar. Then in Lilith the Destroyer and the ‘NOW’ Statue Indicating a Spring Rapture? I shared my discovery of the Freemasonry Society’s social group called The Cedars of Lebanon.


A study in the Scriptures pertaining to “cedars” which are the loftiest and most beautiful of all trees (Ezekiel 31:3-9) will lead you to the understanding that they represent the elite—those who have lifted themselves above all others. In the Book of Jeremiah the prophet warned the king of Judah that, although he rested in a house of cedar—figuratively calling his residence “Lebanon” -- he would not escape judgment (Jeremiah 22:14–1523). Therefore, falling trees are a symbol of judgment.

Shortly after Tu B’Shvat on February 10 lightning struck the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro. This is not the first time lightning has struck this iconic structure. According to The Free Press Journal “lightning struck the statue in 2017 and 2014”. Most who are attentively watching for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ recognize the prophetic significance of those years—2017 was the year of the Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman and 2014 was the first year of the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad. I believe God is emphasizing that 2023 is also highly significant in the countdown to Jacob's Trouble, the 7-year Tribulation.

The ‘Crazy’ Green Comet and 322


The trek of a rare green comet that was discovered on March 2, 2022 or “322”—the number associated with a secret society (go here for more information pertaining to the significance of “322” to the globalists)--tells the parallel stories of the crowning of the Antichrist but also the victorious coronation of the Bridegroom Christ and His Bride. Luis B. Vega in Postscripts #704 describes the path of Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF (which he dubs the ‘Crazy Comet’) through the constellations and what message this speaks to us.


At the end of Postscript #704, is the link to a related article by Corey at End Times Darkness Descending:


. . . In the previous article here, we explored the concept that when Comet C22/ E3 [ZTF] entered the Corona Borealis constellation (representing a crown) on the first day of Hanukkah and remained there throughout the entire holiday season, it may have been signaling the possible soon crowning of the Antichrist. As the elites from the World Economic Forum came together for a four-day meeting event from January 16-20 at DAVOS, the comet entered the tail of constellation Draco the Dragon – on January 19. Tellingly, it had just exited the Corona Borealis constellation (crown). Source: END OF DAYS LIVE STREAM COMET WATCH: RAPTURE PICTURE BECOMING CLEARER – A REALITY TO CONSIDER


What is interesting to interject here is it was reported that during the November 6-18, 2022, COP27 Summit in Egypt, the son of perdition was crowned in a secret ceremony:


I first heard about this on the Hagmann Report on Rumble. At about 18:48 minutes into the video Steve Quayle, a guest on the show, talks about COP27 and says, “The Antichrist was crowned in a secret ceremony where they never showed his face because it wasn’t the time to reveal.” Source: The Crowning & the Final Sign for a 5783 Rapture


I am unsure as to why this ceremony was performed then except that in Roman pagan traditions additional festivities take place leading up to Midwinter[18]  and perhaps it was desirable to have the coronation before the World Economic Forum’s meeting in January. Notice that although the Antichrist may have been crowned, his identity was not yet revealed for it was not time yet!


There is more I want to share regarding this comet and what it is signaling to those who are watching, so I plan to do a separate article encompassing that subject.

Escaping the Coming Storm


Before the “man of sin” can be revealed, the Rapture of the Man Child/Bride must first happen (see The Rapture in 2 Thessalonians 2:3). Those in Christ will see “the Storm of storms” approaching but it is there to awaken the unsaved before it is too late. Be assured that the Bride of Christ will be harpazo-ed by the Heavenly Bridegroom before the Storm overtakes Her.

The second dream in Kristi Winland’s series of dreams confirms this and is so encouraging! In the dream Kristi was with her children and friends in a camper when she saw a horrible dark “Storm of all storms” heading swiftly towards them. It brought flood waters with it that began to enter the camper. Kristi huddled together with the others and they began to pray and call on the name of Jesus. After praying, Kristi opened the camper door and was greeted with the wondrous sight of Paradise!


The dream God gave her encapsulates where we are, Brethren. The waters may come lapping at our toes, but remember the account of Joshua. By faith those who were bearing the Ark of the Covenant stepped toward the Jordan River allowing the waters to lap at their feet (Joshua 3:13) then the waters parted making a way to the Promised Land. God showed Kristi in a dream that the waters of the Storm may lap at our toes; but just as Joshua (whose Hebrew name is the same as Jesus’--yhôšûaʿ) led the Israelites in completing their journey out of Egypt, Jesus will lead Those in Christ out of the Egypt of this world before the Storm hits and whisk us to a place He has prepared for us in His Father’s House as He promised!

Updated 2/12/23


Ron Garbe said...

Lyn, Thank you so much for this encouraging post! All of us that are, patiently waiting and eagerly watching; have grown ever more tired and weary as we see one high watch period upon another keep falling by the wayside, even supported by multiple received words & confirming dreams! It seems as if we collectively have witnessed FAR more in signs and convergence than we ever thought possible. We watchers have had our noses pressed hard against the glassy sky for so.. so.. many years now! Many hoped 2014-15 was it, then 2017 or 18 and for sure the surreal 2020 covid lock-down would be instrumental in our departure. Yet now, even 2021-22 have passed by without our rescue, even as the signs increase & the convergence point still appears directly over us. We are almost worn out!! Certainly the crescendo point can't be postponed much longer with the ever increasing EVIL sweeping the world. However, It seems the Global Ship Titanic keeps happily sailing on and the majority keep celebrating and dancing on the top deck. They are Oblivious & unconcerned that earth has suffered disastrous blows, & already sinking. Our ONLY hope is THE lifeboat of JESUS, coming with a shout to rescue us up to the Marriage feast and endlessly longed for: Everlasting JOY of Heaven!! TITUS 2 V 13!! >>> <<< I want to promote this link as a wonderful daily source of END-TIME news!!

Lyn Melvin said...

Ron, I'm glad it encouraged you probably as much as it encouraged me, Brother! Thanks for taking the time to post a Comment.

Maranatha321... said...

Dear sister, thank you once again for another well done article. The dreams of our sister in your article remind me of a dream I had a few months ago. I was with my husband in some building. And through the window, I saw a huge black tornado coming towards us. We both walked into some sort of closet thinking it would protect us. We waited a while and nothing happened. No noise, no destruction, nothing! We had been protected. And I woke up. May God keep you and bless you!