Friday, July 26, 2024

THE SIGN OF THE CROWN—Last Celestial Sign Before the Rapture?


You can almost hear the Lord shouting to His people to LOOK UP for our redemption draweth nigh! Astronomers are telling us to watch for a “new star” to appear in the constellation Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown.


T Coronae Borealis, or T CrB (pronounced “T Cor Bor” by most people), is located 3,000 light-years away from Earth. It is a recurring nova with outbursts about every 80 years. Its last outburst was in 1946, and astronomers believe another will occur between February and September 2024.


This exploding star or nova is a once-in-a-generation event that is to occur on an unknown day during Israel’s summer harvest season. Notice that 1946 was the last time this nova burst into brilliance—the year when Jewish refugees from Europe were first allowed to return to their homeland!


In 1946, the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was voted for, leading to the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 on a part of Mandate Palestine1


In 1946 T Coronae Borealis—also called the Blaze Star—announced the coming birth of the Fig Tree Generation. Will this star burst into brilliance once again in 2024 to announce the coming Tribulation, Jacob’s Trouble, when the Jews’ rightful homeland and Holy Capitol are torn away from them by way of the Two-State Solution? This is what I believe it will brightly semaphore and thus be a beacon of the Pre-Tribulation Resurrection and Rapture of Those in Christ!


Last Celestial Sign in September?


In his recent video, Ty Green gives a beautiful presentation of the coming Sign of the Crown, but says it’s a signal of the Antichrist Beast System rising; whereas, what comes into my spirit is that IF this star goes nova and brightly shows itself by this September, it will serve as a sign to us regarding our soon presentation before the bema seat of Christ to receive our rewards and crowns. Many of us will be receiving the crown of righteousness:


Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. - 2 Timothy 4:8 KJV


It is compelling that the last month this is expected is September for it will be the 7th Anniversary since the Revelation 12:5 Sign. Could the Blaze Star’s reappearance be the last celestial sign before the main domino falls as outlined in The Sign of the Dragon and NYC--The Main Domino Leading to the Rapture:


The revelatory evidence indicates that the initial domino involves NYC and will happen this autumn—in a September-October window. I am referring to a second 9-11 event, which I will elaborate on later in this article. . . 

According to a night vision given to Fernanda Menegassi-Lojac (see, this may be the case for in her dream NYC IS ATTACKED THEN THE NEW MADRID EARTHQUAKE OCCURS. This would connect the attack on NYC with the approval of the Two-State Solution for it is the impetus to the New Madrid quake. Prophetic voices are revealing that there is a connection with an attack on NYC, the Big Apple, AND the timing of the dividing of Jerusalem, the apple of God's eye! [End of excerpt] 

It is most likely Kamala Harris will be at the helm of our nation at this time.


How very near we must be to this time of converging trouble as Palestinian Terror Groups Travel To Communist China To Sign The ‘Beijing Declaration’ Creating A National Unity Government To Come Against Israel and further solidify the Ezekiel 38-39 coalition. 


I believe the Lord Jesus Christ is showcasing in the heavenlies that, like the Blaze Star, His people will EXPLODE into action on His behalf in a brilliant display of His glory during the transitional Great Shaking. The Blaze nova will give the Northern Crown an 8th star symbolizing new beginnings for the Church and the world. The word blaze is both a noun and a verb meaning “a sudden bursting forth of flame; to be conspicuously brilliant or resplendent”. We will go forth in great power gathering a harvest of souls just prior to our Catching Away in glorious victory!


The U-shape of the Northern Crown constellation truly reminds us of the ancient victor’s crown—a laurel wreath. In the Scriptures Those in Christ are eligible to win five victor’s crowns or stephanos:


Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they [do it] to obtain a corruptible crown;[G4735-stephanos] but we an incorruptible. - 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 KJV


The Holy Spirit’s use of sports metaphors is prevalent throughout Paul’s letters reminiscent of the Greek Olympic games. It will likely not surprise you to learn the 2024 Olympics have been in the news regarding espionage and suspected disinformation of an attack by Hamas (see Russian chef arrested in Paris over alleged ‘large scale’ Olympic Games plot). 

Conclusion of Church Age?




The nova will be visible for a “week,” denoting a prophetic conclusion (Dan. 9:24–27). . . 

That the Northern Crown symbolizes the crowns awarded to believers is supported by various features of the constellation:

·       The seven stars that make up the Crown correspond to the seven Churches (Rev. 1, 2).

·       The Crown is a subdivision of Libra, the constellation whose “balance scales” denote judgment based on weight: “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ” (2 Cor. 5:10). And “from everyone who has been given much, much will be expected (Luke 12:48).

·       The constellation Serpens, located beneath the Northern Crown, is orientated to appear as if the serpent is reaching up to take the Crown (Rev. 3:11).


The “prophetic conclusion” this sign is speaking, I believe, is the completion and therefore conclusion of what is known as the Church Age of Grace resulting in our appearance before the bema seat of Christ.


The Sign of the Crown is also reminding us to LET NO ONE STEAL YOUR CROWN!

When the time of Shaking hits, DO NOT lose hope in our Bridegroom coming for us! HE WILL CATCH THOSE IN CHRIST AWAY in the midst of our harvesting labors at the last atomos!


May these exhortations from our Lord encourage you in the days ahead: 


Will you obey Me in these days ahead?

Do not be afraid in the coming days. I am with you in all things—ALL things. FEAR NO ONE AND NO THING! Be brave. Be courageous. Be who I have called you to be!

For truly I have created you for this Time. I have created you to be fearless! Unstoppable! Unwavering in your convictions knowing that the Day of the Lord is at hand.

Fear nothing my daughters and sons!

I have called you to go forth in the darkest hour before the dawn to be My light in the world doubting nothing.

Yes, truly I am coming for you my dearest One. So have no fear as the clouds of war surround you. Remember I am coming IN THE CLOUDS—

Clouds of Glory as the clouds of war erupt!

Clouds of Righteousness as the clouds of destruction arise!

Clouds of Holiness as the clouds of anger and wrath emit from the Dragon!


I will lift you with My holy hand—the one you saw in the visions I gave you.

I have a place prepared especially for you; for each one of My Beloveds. A place of peace and beauty filled with love—My love, pure and holy for My Beloved.

Go forth knowing all these things. Be assured of My love and My presence with you no matter how dark it gets. You are My light holding back the darkness.


It is Time—A Word for the ‘Dawn Treaders’


Those who have been waiting on Me in the secret place will wait no longer. I am coming first in you, my children. First in you then I will come for you. 

Like a giant sore, the world is coming to a head. Like the body’s immune system, I will send in My troops of healing. My Body will come alive as the world system is dying. They will shine brighter than the sun in the darkest hours and those who are seeking Me, will find Me in them. 

This is My gift. YOU are My gift to this dying world for you will shine forth My glory. YOU will be shining forth the Light of the World. YOU will be My Dawn Treaders. Where YOU go, I am there with you. 

Through Me you will heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, and bring many to everlasting life. As you occupy in the last minutes, I will snatch you up and away, My Glorious Bride. My Army of Mighty Ones. My Beloved. 

So be encouraged. I have not forgotten you, My Most Precious Ones. Those who are now sick will no longer be ill. I am empowering you to be My Mighty Overcoming Army before I take you Home to be with Me forever.




Erasing the Line in the Sand... More about the coming Great Wave of Glory

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Strange July Leading to a 2024 Rapture?

Last night, from Saturday to Sunday, July 20-21, 2024, I had a vivid and unsettling dream. In this dream, I found myself boarding a bus among several others, all headed to the same destination. The atmosphere was tense, as we were all attempting to flee from a series of massive storms that were wreaking havoc. The scenes around me were chaotic and terrifying, with torrential rain, overwhelming floods, and even tidal waves that seemed to transform the landscape into an ocean overtaking the land. 

The severity of the storms was beyond anything I had ever seen. Lightning flashed incessantly, illuminating the dark, roiling clouds, while thunder echoed like a relentless drumbeat of doom. As I watched the devastation unfold, I was suddenly transported to an overhead view, looking down at a map of the United States. 

On this map, I saw three enormous storm systems, each one resembling a hurricane. These storm masses were positioned over the eastern half of the nation, perfectly horizontally aligned with one another. The first storm was over New York, the second over Tennessee, and the third over the area where Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas converge. The sight was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, a visual representation of nature's fury spanning from the East Coast to the central part of the country. 

Upon waking, I was left with a profound sense of unease. I do not know what this dream means—whether these storms are to be taken literally, as actual impending weather events, or symbolically, representing turmoil and upheaval in other forms. Perhaps they are both, a warning or message that I am yet to fully understand. 

The above was posted by Brandon Dawson at The Tribe of Christians as PROPHETIC DREAM: THREE STORMS. Like Brandon I do not have the full picture of what is to come but have a sense that we may be entering the time when The Powers That Be (TPTB) will be allowed their CONVERGENCE OF CHAOS. This month of JULY may be when it begins.


I came to this conclusion after looking over my journal notes from recent weeks where I had recorded what I believe the Lord was sharing with me—


June 22, 2024—“The Convergence is almost upon you. Not much longer, daughter. Be patient and wait on Me. I give only good things so fear not. I am with you. Be at peace. . . I will show you things on an ‘as need’ basis.”


Since the apparent assassination of our 45th President was thwarted, could it be TPTB will "pull out all the stops" to promote a convergence of chaotic distraction before the November election? Perhaps the distraction has already begun—see FUNNY HOW CYBERATTACKS AND 7.3 QUAKES START HAPPENING AFTER A "SIKH PRAYER" WAS SPOKEN AT CONVENTION.

July—Will the Convergence Begin?


40 Days to Prepare against the Summer!


Since the April 8, 2024, completion of the “X” over the United States, those with spiritual understanding have been hopeful that events will culminate in a 2024 Rapture. We were told we had 40 Days to “Prepare against the Summer!”:


According to modern prophecies, we might see America cyber-attacked by China, a New Madrid fault line earthquake, and a plague of darkness—all of which will lead to a Great Awakening then the Rapture. When can we expect to see these things converge? Perhaps as soon as this summer.


Though CrowdStrike denies it was cyber-attacked, the recent worldwide cyber security failure is very likely a lead-up to a more extensive outage. On April 20, 2024, Brandon Dawson of the Tribe of Christians Ministry posted PROPHETIC WARNING CHINA PREPARING TO ATTACK UNITED STATES WW3 where he was specifically shown:


When China launches its attacks, it will be a very different military campaign and strategy than conventional warfare. China will launch massive cyber-attacks against our nation’s infrastructure and will target key infrastructure cities. . .  

They will target communications, including the Internet, mobile or cellphone networks, and satellite companies. They will also target our energy grid, shutting down electricity around the nation . . . 

I believe these cyber attacks will be massive and overwhelming, plunge the nation into massive panic, and can last for days or weeks. 






Just as the 1938 auroras signaled the soon World War 2 can World War 3 and the Ezekiel 38-39 War be far behind the 2024 displays? Of course, the Rapture will occur just prior to or simultaneously with a nuclear world war as shown by the myriad of dreams and visions. But before that it has been foretold that America will experience their own Carrington-like event. Though it will be blamed on solar activity, it will be the result of a cyber-attack (related: Grid Down after the Eclipse then a 2024 Rapture?)


Belarus Sign


Belarus has also been in the news of late reminding me of what I shared in UNCHARTED TERRITORY BEFORE A 2024 RAPTURE?


3—USA Electric Grid to be Attacked and WW3—


I’ve already shared many “June” prophetic words especially the possible start of World War 3 with China crashing the United States’ grid via cyber-attacks as soon as June 19  (see 40 Days to “Prepare against the Summer!”THE SIGN OF THE AURORAS & THE RAPTURE). 

Also, Brandon of Last Days YTC shared how the Lord showed him additional events that will start WW3 including being shown a huge mushroom cloud in the Belarus region which Brandon thought was nuclear but the Lord corrected him and said it is a weapon never used before on earth. In the vision Brandon was given this event escalated war globally into full-fledged WW3 and all of Europe got involved. Turkey and Iran joined with Russia to help them with the war and they came against Israel. The Lord said it was the beginning of the Ezekiel 38-39 War. The U.S. did not participate in this at all. People called it the Great Betrayal because America didn't help Israel.


Of course, the Web and other infrastructure going down is only the beginning of The Great Convergence leading to the Rapture. I have written many times of the things foretold to happen before the Rapture. (For example, Is there REALLY a RAPTURE?“Peace and Safety” in 2 Steps then the Rapture and UNCHARTED TERRITORY BEFORE A 2024 RAPTURE?)


I began this article with Brandon Dawson’s prophetic dream of storms coming. It causes me to wonder if the Spirit of the Lord is indicating we will see the foretold New York City dirty bomb (related: The Sign of the Dragon and NYC--The Main Domino Leading to the Rapture) followed by the New Madrid earthquake this summer?

New York City next Black Swan?


In What God Showed Me About Trumps Injury & the Rapture! Warning of Next Black Swan Event! Bob Barber asks whether the July 13 attempted assassination is a 7-day warning of the Rapture or a more escalated attack on America--the next Black Swan Event--the next BIG DOMINO to fall perhaps on July 21?

After posting this article, my husband informed me that Joe Biden officially withdrew from the 2024 Presidential race today, July 21, and endorsed Kamala Harris. The New York Times reported:


President Biden on Sunday abruptly abandoned his campaign for a second term under intense pressure from fellow Democrats and threw his support to Vice President Kamala Harris to lead their party in a dramatic last-minute bid to stop former President Donald J. Trump from returning to the White House.

“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President,” Mr. Biden said in a letter posted on social media. “And while it has been my intention to seek re-election, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”


Though not a black swan event, this is a significant move. My opinion as to why TPTB picked Kamala is because they know our current President will not be able to carry out his duties for the remainder of his term and America will have a Kamala Harris Presidency as a result. This would, of course, fulfill many prophecies.


It would make sense that Kamala would be at the helm as America drops to Her knees and onto Her face as foretold by many. In prophecies I’ve shared in PRESIDENT KAMALA & SUDDEN DESTRUCTION and BUCKLE UP! (Part 2) Kamala as President in 2024 & The Fall of America, the Lord is revealing that there is a connection between Kamala Harris becoming President, the destruction of New York City, and an attack from China and/or Russia. Source: The Sign of the Dragon and NYC--The Main Domino Leading to the Rapture

New Madrid Quake this Summer?


Brandon Biggs of Last Days YTC and others prophesied of the attempted assassination of our 45th President (see it happened.... and Was Trump Saved By God? Trump Says, 'GOD ALONE' Saved Him From Assassination! by A&Ω Productions). . Kim Clement gave several prophecies pertaining to Trump including the attempted assassination (see Kim Clement - Prophetic Rewind. Also posted at dertnopSosl4M if962a3f613lty33m49471t0a6afl4 i9:26 lPu35mJ1  · #KimClement). 


Then today I came across a Kim Clement prophecy that might be foretelling the New Madrid earthquake will occur in the Summer. The prophecy begins at about the 44:50 mark in Kim Clement - The Seasons Prophecy :


Summer, Summer reaches to Spring and to Fall.

I will be the mediator, says Summer.

I will uncover, I will defend.

My sun will shine, but yet beneath the earth,

Yet beneath the earth, there is a rage.

Eruptions, Summer says. Why choose they me?

Why do the tornados, the hurricanes choose me?

I am Summer; I bring smiles.

I bring sunshine; I bring warmth.

Yet there is a tumultuous rendering that is coming.

I stand to protect spring; but fall, you are rebelling.

Or is it that possibly the Spirit of God will cause many to fall in the Fall?

Then there is the earth that wishes to tremble.

Shake! For the nations of the earth stand waiting.


He is quiet. He shall not return. This God is too quiet.

But My mercy endures forever.

However, there is an uncovering of great evil and

I will start from the top.

I have shaken the Democrats and will shake the Republicans even more.


But remember when these tremors and when these tumultuous moments happen,

Summer says, I will take it so that the fall can do its work in America. . .


And during the fall there shall be many that fall

And many that shall rise from the dust; the earth is standing prepared.

I shall take it for the Summer shall bring forth much in the temperatures.

Strange July. Strange July. . .


And in the fall that which comes down is that which was able to be shaken.

And I will build and release the resources

And in the fall will show you whom I have chosen to pray for and guide this nation.

You shall rejoice, for it is My man; it is My chosen David, says the Lord.


(This video is available also on Rumble.) The above excerpt seems to parallel the foretold Great Shaking and how God will be silent during it as I shared in THE GREATEST GENERATION, THE GREAT SHAKING, AND THE LAST TRUMP:


Brandon at Last Days YTC . . . in his video Very Sobering Prophetic Warning from the Lord What I heard God Say is coming. . . explains how those who identify as a Christian but who are taken by surprise by the Great Shaking will think it is a season of Ichabod and that God has left them. He explains that it is not a season of Ichabod but rather a time of testing where the Teacher is silent.


Many will wonder why the Rapture has not happened yet, but it is God’s great mercy that He first allows the sleepers to be awakened by the Great Shaking (“He shall not return. This God is too quiet. But My mercy endures forever”.)

This prophetic word of “a tumultuous rendering that is coming… the earth that wishes to tremble. Shake! For the nations of the earth stand waiting”  reminded me of what I shared in 4-8 and the Rapture Sign Line:


There are suspicions that the Taiwan quake may have been due to manmade efforts. It is possible that America will succumb to a worse fate. As I've written before, the prophesied New Madrid fault line earthquake may be caused by technology that incites seismic activity in the already unsettled New Madrid fault zone and splits the U.S. down the middle. 

Michael Snyder makes the same connections I have been warning about for a long time in his article What Happened The Last Time Two Eclipses Formed A Giant "X" Over The New Madrid Fault Zone?           

. . . A related article I wrote is “X” Marks the Year of the Rapture? where in the Section titled, "2 New Madrid Quakes—one is history; one is yet to come" I wrote:




If this Summer sees a black swan event in New York City, will the New Madrid quake be next as foretold where TPTB will use advanced technology to incite seismic activity in the already unsettled fault zone and split the U.S. down the middle?


And what is God telling us through Kim Clement when he said, “And during the fall there shall be many that fall. And many that shall rise from the dust; the earth is standing prepared”? My hope, is of course, the Blessed Hope we have that Jesus will come for His Bride no later than this Fall of 2024.





April 8 They are Summoning the gods for the Final Battle—Apep/Apophis is associated with earthquakes and the 3 days of darkness as recorded in Exodus (which researchers attribute to Planet X).




Antarctica Anomaly SAME DAY As Trump Shooting! Space Laser Discovered!

Pinned by @In2ThinAir

WILD STUFF! So although prob not related but we saw the Antarctica Anomaly DURING the same day and time as the Trump Rally shooting in Butler Pennsylvania...Even more significant is we have captured a base in Antarctica emitting a green laser straight up into the sky. This was active WHILE we saw the anomaly take place. It then ended as the anomaly ended.. this is insane information!


Codebreakers Special "Strange July": Kim's Prophecies premiered July 6, 2024 on Codebreakers Live where Donné and Christie began a series of Codebreakers Specials, looking at the "Strange July" Kim prophesied about many years ago. With the presidential debate that just happened, as well as the Supreme Court ruling regarding President Trump, we are asking, "Are we experiencing the Strange July Kim saw?" Also see their website for the rest of this series: