Saturday, May 25, 2024



In the margin of my website it says, “I seek to be led of the Spirit of God as to the sources I use, however, even Spirit-filled Christians only 'see in part' as it says in 1 Corinthians 13:12. If you are a believer in Christ but despise prophecy, this article is not for you.


We are entering unknown territory Biblically where only the Spirit of the Lord can “fill in the gaps” of our knowledge of what is to come. I find most Christians shun modern day prophecy, yet we are instructed: 

Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues. - 1 Corinthians 14:39 KJV

Quench not the Spirit. - 1 Thessalonians 5:19 KJV

Despise not prophesyings. - 1 Thessalonians 5:20 KJV

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. - 1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV


The Scripture clearly instructs us to welcome prophecy but to prove it—does it contradict Scripture? I very much understand people who are hesitant to grab hold of rhema immediately for there are many false prophets indeed in this hour. Yet we should consider it, weigh it against the Scriptures, and go before the Lord about it.


Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying [serveth] not for them that believe not, but for them which believe. - 1 Corinthians 14:22 KJV 

But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. - 1 Corinthians 14:38 KJV


Now that that is put before you, dear reader, let me share more of what I believe the Spirit of the Lord has revealed about the days just prior to the Rapture for we are entering what is known as “uncharted territory” of which only God Himself knows what will happen.


Also, I apologize for the length of this article but I am not sure when I may be posting my last article due to either the internet or the grid going down!

Will June Begin a Great Humbling?


Is it God’s plan to allow America to begin to be humbled between its two most patriotic days of Memorial Day and Independence Day?


1—WHO Memorial Day “Takeover”?


May 27, on Memorial Day of this year, was the goal for the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty to be finalized, but it has been delayed. Countries around the globe have failed to reach a consensus on the terms of the WHO Pandemic Treaty and; therefore, will not be able to adopt said treaty:


The deliberations, which were scheduled to be a central item at the weeklong meeting of the World Health Assembly beginning Monday in Geneva, aimed to correct the inequities in access to vaccines and treatments between wealthier nations and poorer ones that became glaringly apparent during the Covid pandemic. . .


Next week’s deadline was self-imposed, and some public health experts have said it was far too ambitious — most treaties take many years — for such a complex endeavor. But negotiators were scrambling to ratify the treaty before elections in the United States and multiple European countries. . .


“If Trump is elected, he will likely torpedo the negotiations and even withdraw from W.H.O.,” Mr. Gostin said. . . [Source]


When I originally posted this article, I wrote that this will likely prevent the World Health Assembly, the governing body of WHO, from imposing their will on the world because the treaty will not be ready in time for their convention which begins this Memorial Day, May 27, and continues through June 1.


It appears, however, that The WHO's Pandemic Treaty And A Bird Flu Crisis Are Both Arriving At The Same Time

In recent weeks, negotiators have been feverishly working to finalize the global pandemic treaty. . . Negotiations have been taking place for the last two years, and the plan is to submit the final draft for a vote at the World Health Assembly at the end of this month… 

The 77th World Health Assembly will be held in Geneva, Switzerland from May 27th to June 1st. 

Member nations will cast their votes on the final draft of the global pandemic treaty, and it is fully expected to pass. . . 

If this treaty passes, when the next pandemic erupts the WHO will be running the show, and most people in the general population do not realize this. 

And the next pandemic may be a lot closer than most of us think.


Something is definitely in the works, because big pharma stocks recently jumped as new human bird flu cases were reported in the United States and Australia as Many Fish explains in his 4-minute video Biotech Big Phama Sorcery Stocks Spike on Bird Flu Developements. 77th WHO Assembly.


Dave Hodges at The Common Sense Show confirms the nearness of another plandemic in his Rumble video, 5 MILLION PRE-ELECTION BIRD FLU VACCINES DELIVERED-UN PEACEKEEPERS ENTER US IN SUPPORT OF WHO TREATY. He explains that United Nations Peacekeepers disguised as illegal immigrants are being brought over our border as 5 million bird flu vaccines are being delivered!

Before ‘They’ Take Us, HE Will Take Us! 5784 and the Rapture Door 

The reality is, however, that our government has already put in place everything needed to fulfill medical martial law, including FEMA's Billing Code for Death by Guillotine which is ICD9-E978. This would be FEMA as in FEMA camp (see The Citizens of the United States Are Under Medical Martial Law and Your Freedom Can Come to an Immediate End).


Those in Christ have nothing to fear, however. Remember that God via His Holy Spirit has revealed that Before ‘They’ Take Us, HE Will Take Us! (See 5784 and the Rapture Door and begin reading under the Pfizer ad of Martha Stewart ‘Got Booster?’ where Martha decapitates a pineapple with a newly sharpened sword.)

2--They Are Telling Us To Get Ready For A June "Event"

In a video by the same title, Tony at SaleDaddy1 YTC lists some odd occurrences seemingly pointing to some type of disruptive event perhaps in June. For example, that phrase “disruptive events” is beginning to pop up. Tony noticed this in Airbnb’s new terms of service, which notably go into effect on June 6, 2024: 

"As part of our ongoing efforts to support travelers, we are introducing updates to our Extenuating Circumstances Policy, including renaming it to the Major Disruptive Events Policy to better reflect its purpose."


The government of Canada is using the exact terminology: 

Disruptions on the Horizon 

. . . Predicting the next big upheaval may not be possible, but it is crucial to explore possible disruptions and anticipate potential future scenarios. Even seemingly distant or improbable events and circumstances can suddenly become reality, while overlapping disruptions can lead to compounded societal impacts. . . 

What could the future look like if Canadians cannot meet their basic needs? Or if the healthcare system collapses, democracies break down globally, or cyberattacks regularly disrupt everyday life? What if these disruptions occur at the same time, creating a perfect storm and a unique set of combined circumstances for Canada to face?


(This reminds me of John Paul Jackson's Perfect Storm prophecy (PDF The Perfect Storm Prophecy; Preparing for the Perfect Storm) and how the Rapture is an Event Horizon!)


Tony also mentions how the UK issued a chilling Government warning on items needed to survive a nuclear strike at home:


The UK Government is urging households to stock up on essentials like tinned food, bottled water and a battery-powered or wind-up radio in preparation for a national emergency. 

A new website - prepare. - was launched on Wednesday, providing guidance for the public on how to prepare for crises. 

The site warns that flooding is the most common risk, but other potential emergencies could range from another pandemic to a mass cyberattack that cuts off internet access. In extreme cases, threats could even include a nuclear attack in Europe or a volcanic eruption abroad sending clouds of highly toxic sulphur dioxide towards the UK.


All this and more seemingly points to a global conflict beginning in June 2024.

3—USA Electric Grid to be Attacked and WW3—I’ve already shared many “June” prophetic words especially the possible start of World War 3 with China crashing the United States’ grid via cyber-attacks as soon as June 19 (see 40 Days to “Prepare against the Summer!”; THE SIGN OF THE AURORAS & THE RAPTURE).


Also, Brandon of Last Days YTC shared how the Lord showed him additional events that will start WW3 including being shown a huge mushroom cloud in the Belarus region which Brandon thought was nuclear but the Lord corrected him and said it is a weapon never used before on earth. In the vision Brandon was given this event escalated war globally into full-fledged WW3 and all of Europe got involved. Turkey and Iran joined with Russia to help them with the war and they came against Israel. The Lord said it was the beginning of the Ezekiel 38-39 War. The U.S. did not participate in this at all. People called it the Great Betrayal because America didn't help Israel. 


Watchwoman65 reports that they are talking about taking Taiwan in early JUNE in 

Russia has Proof that the U.S. and NATO... as she reads from an urgent Hal Turner article. This would begin the Great Humbling of America.


Hal remarks, “It seems to me China must strike while Biden is still in office and the USA is weak. They know if Trump wins they will not be able to do so.”


The Powers That Be are working hard to put their New World Order into place somehow before the November 2024 U.S. Presidential Election.


4—Planet X will Be Visible—On May 6, 2023, just before waking, I heard in a dream that Planet X will be visible on June 24. I thought the Holy Spirit was referring to June 24, 2023, but perhaps it will be THIS June that this foreboding planet will be visible to the entire world!


Please seek the Lord about this, of course, Brethren. For many reasons I believe this may have been from Him and it would be confirmation of what Michelle from Australia (and her family) was shown (see TICK TOCK! When They Come Down, We Go Up! for more about this).


5—Sign of the Statue of Liberty


The Statue of Liberty was presented to America on July 4, so I wonder if this relates to a humbling event to occur on Independence Day this year because of what happened to the Statue back in April: 


The April 8 Great American Solar Eclipse (GASE) may not be the last celestial sign, however, it is the Watershed Sign meaning it is the point at which all events that must play out before the Rapture will take place in rapid succession (related: PASSOVER ACCELERATION--"MY SON'S RETURN FOR THE BRIDE IS IMMINENT"). . .


4-8 and the Coming Rapture Strike to America 

. . . the Statue of Liberty was apparently “electrocuted” on April 3. Then the 4.8 quake hit New Jersey. It was reported that “The last time an earthquake with a magnitude close to, or above, 5 struck near New York City was back in 1884” (another 4-8 connection). AND: 

In 1884 on July 4 France presented the Statue of Liberty to America.  

But there’s more! In a video by Suspicious Observers YTC, Record Electroquake, Magnetic Field Effect, NeoWise | S0 News Apr.6.2024, at the 1:10 minute mark they explain how the Statue of Liberty was not struck by lightning but acted as a conduit for a global energy release referred to as an "Earth strike discharge". The image above shows how the energy forks upwards from the Statue. These earth strike discharges occur days or hours before an earthquake.  

This is a huge sign of the coming Rapture! A GLOBAL ENERGY RELEASE reminds me of the GLOBAL ENERGY RELEASE OR EVENT HORIZON THAT IS THE RESURRECTION AND RAPTURE OF THOSE IN CHRIST! In Episode #483 The Day Lightning Makes the World Shut Down (which has since been taken down) Perry Stone gave a presentation showing how the awesome lightning-like Rapture will affect the Earth similar to an EMP! 

I and many others believe it will be the Rapture that will cause the fatal blow to the United States of America and that is what I believe God is saying with this lightning-like “strike” by way of the Statue of Liberty. [4-8 and the Rapture Sign Line]


All these June rumblings point to the soon Gathering of the Man Child/Bride!

Revival or Rapture Earthquake?


I have shared Chris Reed’s prophetic dream wherein after the Two-State Solution is reached a major earthquake hits middle America and the economy crashes (see AS IT ALL COMES DOWN, WE GO UP!). This is the New Madrid earthquake that has been foretold by many. I’ve wondered out loud if it will occur in July this year in 40 Days to “Prepare against the Summer!”


For a long time I have wondered whether this much prophesied quake would be part of the opening of the 6th Seal or not:


And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; - Revelation 6:12 KJV


I don’t think so; but then again, it might be. Let me explain.


Many great earthquakes have happened in the world, but they were not the 6th Seal opening. In fact, the New Madrid fault line experienced a series of terrible quakes back in the early 1800’s in an eerie foreshadowing (related: “X” Marks the Year of the Rapture?).

At 47 minutes in Bro Chooch's video at TOL End Times YTC--Why I Believe this Eclipse was a part of a 7 Year Warning from 2017!—he illustrates how the 3 American ECLIPSE PATHS INTERSECT AT 3 CRUCIAL FAULT LINES—the New Madrid, Cascadia Subduction Zone, and the Balcones! It may be the plan of God to allow one of the three fault lines (New Madrid) to erupt to awaken the unsaved while holding back the other two great quakes for the time of Wrath OR the first of these three prophesied earthquakes will result in the Rapture. It depends on whether God decides to metamorphoō or allassō Those Who Are Alive in Christ:


I explain this in Prophesied Events Before the Rapture

The Book of Corinthians refers to two types of changes: 

A study of the Greek words translated “changed” verifies the difference between the two:

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed [metamorphoō] into the same image from glory to glory, [even] as by the Spirit of the Lord. - 2 Corinthians 3:18 KJV


In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed [allassō]. - 1 Corinthians 15:52 KJV

[excerpt from Erasing the Line in the Sand...

The Book of 1 Enoch tells us that this change will manifest as “The light of day shall rest upon them”. When something rests upon you, it infers a tentative placing such as how the Spirit of God rested upon Old Testament saints provisionally. If this change is a tentative “glory to glory” transformation, that means they have NOT received their new bodies as yet but will at the time of the Rapture. 

This is the type of change I believe the Lord showed me in the vision he gave me as explained in “New York, Chicago, L.A.” However, my understanding could be incorrect. My Brother in Christ and fellow blogger at End Times: Darkness Descending posited compelling points and shared his Biblical research into the possibility of Those in Christ receiving their new bodies and ministering for a time prior to The Tribulation in his article Something Exciting is Coming. He refers to 1 Corinthians 15:50-54 and points out that it is our glorious transformation that will occur in the “twinkling of an eye” but not specifically our exit. . .

Do you remember the prophecy that Mt. Vesuvius would erupt just before the Rapture? I mentioned it in MORE SHAKING? I’LL BE THERE!


What more will we see in the way of prophetic birth pains, though, before the Father sends His Son to collect His Bride? As I was seeking the Lord about this, it came into my spirit that this time of SHAKING we are in will increase where we will witness the continued swell in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as well as erratic weather patterns. . .

Recently I came across a Comment posted on one of my previous articles where a Brother in Christ, Miguel P, shared how his brother (who receives accurate prophetic dreams) had a dream of Mount Vesuvius erupting just before the Rapture occurred! Then this week, Miguel shared that his brother has been having additional dreams related to this.  


The posted on May 21, 2024, Homes evacuated in Italy after strongest quake in 40 years near supervolcano:


Homes were evacuated and many people slept in their cars or on the street after the strongest earthquake in 40 years shook the area around the sprawling Campi Flegrei supervolcano close to Naples. 

The 4.4-magnitude tremor in Pozzuoli, a densely populated port city, was followed by 150 quakes that were also strongly felt in Naples. 

Local media reports said cracks had formed in buildings and chunks of masonry had collapsed. . . [a resident] who lives in Solfatara, a town adjacent to one of Campi Flegrei’s 24 ancient volcanic craters, said. 

“We are used to the quakes – but this one was very frightening as it was the strongest in 40 years. We could feel the ground move as we walked.” 

. . . The 7-mile Campi Flegrei caldera is a much larger volcano than the nearby, cone-shaped Vesuvius, which destroyed the ancient Roman city of Pompeii in AD79, and is much more active. 

The supervolcano has been in a restless state for more than 70 years as a result of a phenomenon known as bradyseism, which scientists understand to be the gradual movement of part of Earth’s surface caused by the filling or emptying of an underground magma chamber or hydrothermal activity. The last time Campi Flegrei had a comparable burst of earthquakes was in the early 1980s. [Words in brackets and highlighting added by me.]


According to Wikipedia, Campi Flegrei is part of the Campanian volcanic arc which includes Mount Vesuvius. Another prophecy related to Vesuvius being the LAST SIGN before the Rapture is recorded in THE WIND, THE FIRE, & THE BRIDE.

Before Vesuvius blows, America’s New Madrid earthquake will likely occur; and if it is the central event in the coming Great Shaking, it will spark a worldwide revival culminating in the Rapture of Those in Christ. I have shared of others who have been shown this scenario, and just recently Brandon at Last Days YouTube Channel posted a video confirming that a Great Shaking (at 15:06 minutes) is coming as well as a glorious outpouring of God’s power resulting in a Great Revival and harvest of souls just prior to the Rapture. 


The reason the Overcoming Church will be ministering during the Great Shaking is not because they need further refining (as some propound)—but because WE WERE CHOSEN FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!

This has been in my spirit since the Spirit of the Lord revealed the time of Great Shaking to me. I was moved by a recent prophetic utterance through our Sister in Christ Jackie at Remnant Connection beginning at the 5:47 minute mark in her video simply titled, MY REMNANT... This is only an excerpt:


Remember my Warriors The Battle Belongs

to the Lord. Though many come against you

the Lord is your Savior out before you

and following closely. My people know the

signs of the days and the times. . .

My lambs, just the days of darkness rumbling now;

the Earth shaking below your feet. . .


From generation to generation I have spoken

these truths through My people.

My word is a lamp unto your feet.

When you hide My word deep within your hearts

you will understand the road to travel. . .


Oh My lambs, stay close.

You are my anointed moving in My Wisdom

and Truth so stand strong

against the winds of the storm; watch

upon the walls of the city. Your prayers

are protecting the weaker of the city.


You are My People, the Last, The Chosen

Generation. You my lambs have a special

place in my heart. I know the days are

dark and I understand the speed of

evil quickly moving across the Nations.

Yet, My Chosen, My Spirit is alive—on fire

and on the move.


The unlikely falling upon Bended Knees now

as ever before. There's a mighty Harvest

now in the darkest of the lands.

The fires of War are opening the

eyes of men. When worlds are shaken, men

fall upon Bended Knees. . .  


My Remnant, now is your time! Now is your time to move

mountains in faith! Praise God!

This is your day and time—glory to the Lamb!

These words you understand.

These words rising in your spirit you know the

witness of my spirit. My loves, you are My anointed—

you can sense My nearness as never before.

You can sense My return—our meeting at any moment. . .




After being alerted by Watchwoman65’s video PUTIN ALLY SUGGEST A MISSILE STRIKE ON AMERICA'S "ICONIC" LANDMARK, I found this posted on Kim Fisher’s Community Page:

kim fisher
21 hours ago (edited)

one dream I had i saw people on a bridge looking at the statue of liberty..then a giant hand came from under them and shoved them back and I heard a loud voice telling them that "they had better heed the warning"...


Here’s a blurb from the Newsweek article referring to the Statue of Liberty: 

Vladimir Solovyov, media personality and ally to Russian President Vladimir Putin, recently suggested that Moscow launch a missile strike at the torch of the Statue of Liberty in New York City.


Updated 5/27/24


paydirtlane said...


Hmewrdbd said...

Lyn, thank you for this compilation and reminders! Did you see Lisa Boyce's vids today. The most recent one tells of an ally of Putin who is telling him he should fire a missile at the Statue of Liberty, and this morning Kim Fisher heard the words: Metal torch. Seems to align with what you are thinking here.

Maranatha! So many feeling we are not just on the cusp but on the very edge!

Blessings, sister ❤️‍🔥🦋

Lyn Melvin said...

Judi! (Hmewrdbd)-- THANK YOU! I just now saw WW65's video and added an UPDATE to this article, but I don't always catch such things so I VERY MUCH appreciate you making sure I saw this! BIG, BIG HUG🤗💖