Saturday, May 18, 2024


And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; - Luke 21:25 KJV

Auroras and World Wars


A recent comment from a dear Brother in Christ really encouraged me. He referred to the United Nation’s recent vote promoting “Palestine” as I reported in “Peace and Safety” in 2 Steps then the Rapture:

“Given the signs in the Sun this past week and the global manifestation of auroras I agree with you Lyn -- this UN vote may very well be unprecedented on the path to dividing Israel.”


His comment also inspired me to research further into the subject of “signs in the SUN”.


As we enter the uncharted territory that is 40 days from what many believe was a Jonah-type warning of the April 8 Great American Solar Eclipse, did you know that months before World War 2 began there was an astonishing display of the Northern Lights? On January 25–26, 1938, the sky was lit up with an aurora borealis light storm, seen all across the world ("Aurora Borealis Startles Europe; People Flee in Fear, Call Firemen"New York Times. 26 January 1938. p. 25)


Magnificent auroras were seen again in April 2023 as reported by Since the 1938 great lights signaled the coming of World War 2, I thought it was interesting that there were 2023 great auroras just prior to the October 7, 2023, attack on Israel.


Then within this 40-day window as the United Nations and especially America have been working overtime to coerce Israel into giving more land for peace, the sun has exploded in activity once again causing the worldwide light show that blazed across the skies rivaling the 1938 display and appearing for the first time in some regions.


On the south Pacific island of New Caledonia, no one expects to see auroras. Ever. Situated about halfway between Tonga and Australia, the cigar-shaped island is too close to the equator for Northern or Southern Lights. Yet on May 10, 2024, this happened:

. . . "I could see the red color of the auroras with my naked eye. According to the New Caledonian Astronomy Society, these photos are the first for this territory." 

"The auroral visibility from New Caledonia is really unique and extremely valuable," says Hisashi Hayakawa, a space weather researcher at Japan's Nagoya University." As far as we know, the last time sky watchers saw auroras in the area was during the Carrington Event of Sept. 1859, when auroras were sighted from a ship in the Coral Sea."


Just as the 1938 auroras signaled the soon World War 2 can World War 3 and the Ezekiel 38-39 War be far behind the 2024 displays? Of course, the Rapture will occur just prior to or simultaneously with a nuclear world war as shown by the myriad of dreams and visions. But before that it has been foretold that America will experience their own Carrington-like event. Though it will be blamed on solar activity, it will be the result of a cyber-attack (related: Grid Down after the Eclipse then a 2024 Rapture?)


Grid Down in June?


In LIFE WILL BE VERY DIFFERENT IN 60 DAYS an obscure YouTube Channel went from 45 views to 45,000 views with this video. In this Remnant Connection video streamed on April 30, 2024, our Sister Jackie in Oregon shares how God said THESE ARE THE DAYS OF ULTRA RARE EVENTS.


She went on to explain that the internet will be shut down. “The Lord showed me that in the next 60 days or less our world will be very different. . . Remember I said in the spring things were going to happen. We can't even keep track of all that happened in April! . . . Get water, keep your gas tank topped off, get canned food and keep cash on hand. . . Stay close to Lord in prayer, be focused. Much change is coming but DON'T be afraid!”


June 29, 2024, is 60 days from when she shared this word, but it could happen before this date—" in the next 60 days or less our world will be very different”.

After posting this article, my friend Michelle from Australia emailed and reminded me of what she shared back in 2022: 

I shared excerpts of a March 27, 2022, email I received from a Sister in Christ in Australia (who I believe is very grounded in Christ) stating that Planet X or Nibiru will become visible to the world “near the end of the month of June (in some year).” Three members of her family independently had dreams of it becoming visible during the last week of June. Her understanding is that this will happen before the Rapture. [Excerpt from Facing the Dragon in June? Then We Fly!]


Jackie at Remnant Connection YTC explains further in her May 6 video at 4:00 minutes (but start at 2 minutes for context) she states:


"This [the internet] will go dark and when it comes back up, the Christians will disappear [their online content] and we'll have the lies and deception. And PERHAPS this will be when they put digital currency in place." [Brackets are my notes.]


Her opinion is the Rapture will occur before the digital currency is put in place, but I think we might be here a short time dealing with it--our bank accounts are already digital anyway.


This is CONFIRMATION because Brandon Dawson also pointed to June as when possibly the grid could go down:


Referring back to Brandon Dawson’s prophetic warning, about 12 minutes into the video he tells us that based on his dreams and visions war in America will begin with a cyber-attack from China targeting the Northeast Coast first. . . 

After days of cyber-attacks on the United States, China will take Taiwan. The invasion of America will set up for the future Gog and Magog War. . . From Grid Down after the Eclipse then a 2024 Rapture?


They might use these X flares as an excuse to shut down the grid. In that same article I included this prophecy through Joseph Z:


. . . “There's real difficulty coming. Cyber stuff is going to be induced (which he first prophesied September 16, 2023, on Daystar). They're going to shout SOLAR FLARE SOLAR FLARE SOLAR FLARE when in reality they will be cyber-induced.”


Christopher Green at AMTV recently shared how he was privy to top secret information that a cyber event will soon be upon us in TOP SECRET INFO REVEALED !!!!!! HUGE WORLD EVENT NEXT WILL BE SYMBOLIC; but it has since been taken down.


Once these cyber-attacks begin, the Rapture will be close behind:


As the electric power goes out, the power of God will shine brightly! I believe this will be the period of time when we will go from “glory to glory” and emanate the Light and Love of God to the world like never before and be instrumental in bringing in the Last Harvest Before the Rapture. 

Thus, the predictive programming appears to signal a grid down scenario before the EXIT door closes in the Hebrew year of 5784 sometime after Adar II.

NOT an ordinary aurora!

The Rapture and Auroras


Now that you have seen how the signs in the sun connect with auroras, cyber-attacks, and world war, let me show you how even the Rapture is related to auroras!


The most significant sign the recent auroras are semaphoring is the gathering together of Those in Christ. Corey at END TIMES: DARKNESS DESCENDING explains in THE GATHERING: OMENS OF JUDGMENT 2 :



From the 10th of May and continuing through the 16th as of this writing, very powerful CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) have been spewing forth from the sun toward earth. As a result, the entire earth has been engulfed with Auroras that are lighting up the night sky with various colors. They have been particularly dangerous as geomagnetic storms of this size and intensity have the ability of knocking out the power grid. Fortunately, as of yet, that has not happened. But the CMEs are still ongoing. It is said that this particular geomagnetic storm is the biggest one to have occurred since the famous Carrington CME event of September 1, 1859. . .

This time around, the active area of the sun spewing forth these quite dangerous CMEs has quite peculiarly been labeled AR3664. This particular label is quite prophetically conspicuous given that, in the Bible’s Strong Concordance, the number 3664 means “to gather” or “collect.”

Notably, this is how the Bible describes the event of the Rapture as Christ “gathers” together, or collects all those who are alive preceded by the resurrection of those who have died in Christ previously … 

“Now we beseech you, brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him that you be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3).

T. W. Tramm in his recent article, Solar Storm: A Biblical Sign of the Times?, points out the significance of the timing of the auroral outburst which occurred: • Amid a slew of other biblical signs. • On the eve of Israel’s 76th birthday. • In the first year of a seven-year Sabbatical week. • In a calculated Jubilee year. Additionally, he writes:

“With the prophetic convergence in view,

it seems we have not just witnessed an historic solar storm,

 but the beginnings of the ultimate one.”

Auroras and Rapture Event Horizon


There is an astounding connection of the rainbow-like auroras with the Rapture which I believe will be an Event Horizon:


. . . Back in 2017 I wrote an article titled Event Horizon--The Resurrection in which I shared exhilarating scientific evidence that Christ’s resurrection was an event horizon. This led me to believe that the resurrection and catching away of those who are in Christ will also be an event horizon. Then in March 2018 I wrote Event Horizon--Sign of the Son of man? wherein I give links to three testimonies related to the rapture being associated with an event horizon. So when the news came out of a first-time-ever image of a black hole (in theory, the edge of the black hole is an event horizon), it caught my attention! 

. . . Some testimonies related that ribbons or streaks of red, yellow, and orange light would be seen in the sky all over the world just prior to the rapture, so this image of the black hole may or may not be the sign that was foretold to some of the brethren; however, this attention to “event horizon” coupled with the culmination of Israel’s 70th year and all that entails, has me more hopeful than ever! [From The Crossing Over Sign 2019]


The red ribbons of color in the sky that precipitate the Rapture were described in two testimonies whose links can be found at Event Horizon Sign of the Son of Man—God’s Handmaiden and Rhonda Empson. God's Handmaiden might be the first one to post a revelation about the event horizon, in which she said she was shown a red sky and a planet that will be seen just prior to the Rapture. This was like the dream I recently shared in 40 Days to “Prepare against the Summer!”


Several years ago I believe I was given a prophetic dream, but it wasn’t time for me to share it. In the dream I was sitting on my knees in a circle of people on a huge veranda that reminded me very much of the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina (a place where my husband and I used to go every July). The sky that day was a stunning color of red that gave the feeling of dusk. I was explaining to the people there about the Planet X system and the end times. . .


Rhonda Empson, when she asked her husband to describe what the lights were like in his dream, his reply was that it was like auroras or Northern lights but mostly red.


There are Scriptural reasons why before and even when the Rapture occurs it could be accompanied by a display of colorful lights. This was the conclusion I came to after reading this quote by Thomas Ice regarding the Second Coming (when Christ physically returns to planet Earth) as posted in Jesus IS the Event Horizon!


And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. - Matthew 24:30 KJV 

2. The unmistakable sign - v.30 - "At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. 

. . . Jesus said His second coming will be signaled by an unmistakable sign he called the sign of the Son of Man. The Greek language is helpful here. The subjective genitive translated the sign of the Son of Man tells us the sign is the Son of Man Himself. The sign that will be visible to everyone on earth will be the way Jesus comes to earth on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. In other words, the sign of His coming will be so gloriously spectacular, no one will miss it. Though His feet will touch down on the Mt. of Olives, the glory of His return will be universally observed. 

Arnold Fruchtenbaum explains... “As this sign is coupled with God’s glory, it is obviously the Shekinah Glory light that will signal the Second Coming of the Messiah...There will be a “total blackout with no light penetrating at all, followed by a sudden glorious, tremendous light that will disperse the blackness. This Shekinah light will be the sign of the Second Coming of the Messiah.” This brilliant display of light will be followed by the return of the Messiah Himself.” 

Thomas Ice adds, “The sign will likely be some form of the Shekinah Glory. . . [Excerpt from pages 3 and 4 of

My heart leapt and my eyes sprung tears as I read: “the sign is the Son of Man Himself”! If these commentaries are accurate, they confirm the conclusion I came to that “the tribes” referred to in Matthew 24:30 mourn because they recognize the sign of the Son of man for, THEY WITNESSED IT WHEN THE RAPTURE OCCURRED 7 YEARS PREVIOUSLY! Jesus Himself, Yahshuah Ha Moshiach, IS THE EVENT HORIZON!


Colorful auroras just prior to the entrance of Jesus Christ, THE Event Horizon, describe the rainbow-like appearance of the throne of God seen as the door of Heaven opens in Revelation 4:


After this I looked, and, behold, a door [was] opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard [was] as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and [one] sat on the throne.

And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and [there was] a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. - Revelation 4:1-3 KJV 



In End of 40 Day Count this Weekend! What's Lining Up is Raising Flags! Bob Barber and friends talk about Israel and how things are lining up for the Harpazo.


At around 19 minutes Dustin suggests a possible Second Passover Rapture and shares a dream that may be confirmation of Those in Christ walking in transformed bodies briefly before the Rapture. In the dream he and his wife see their transformation which makes Dustin think perhaps people will be able to see us. He then comments that the Scripture says we’re changed in the twinkling of an eye, but it doesn't say we go up in a twinkling--people just automatically put them together (1 Corinthians 15:52).

They also discuss how the Lord is getting people to LOOK UP anyway He can. This reminded me of yet another coming HEAVENLY SIGN: STAR EXPLOSION IN THE CROWN CONSTELLATION. This exploding star or nova is a once-in-a-generation event that is to occur on an unknown day during the spring–summer harvest season.


Our God is even taking prophetic advantage of International Astronomy Day which is today—Day 40 since the April 8 Solar Eclipse—when the world is being told to





Updated 5/20/24


Hmewrdbd said...

Thank you, Lyn, for this wonderful companion piece to Corey's latest. I so appreciate your diligence and enthusiasm to share with the rest of us. I just love how the various watchmen/women study/observe/analyze/report and share from different perspectives and conclusions. There can be no doubt that we are hovering on the very brink. I love the idea of the Sign being Jesus Himself and never associated the auroras with that--makes total sense! So glad we will be witnessing it from the other side! So ready to meet the Family in the air! Blessings, sister! Judi

Lyn Melvin said...

Oh, AMEN Judi💖

paydirtlane said...

Oh Sister! What a marvel of a post
Lyn! Call it Home Sweet Home * Shalom ~ \o/ ~ New Jerusalem <^> Maranatha! ty so much!

Lyn Melvin said...

Love you, Brother💖

Paul said...

Odd that you have news on New Caledonia;only news from there is usually earthquakes nearby. On May 15 HalturnerRadioShow posted a link re: riots there. "Rioters have already seized Ports and the Airport. Riots are spreading.The rioters are (suddenly) fully armed; with a large number of AK-47's. ."

Alla D said...

Thank you, Lyn! You are great again! Watching and looking up! Waiting to meet you in the air! I'm always looking for your posts! They are already signs for our last days here! Blessings!

Lyn Melvin said...

D.Nave--I copied and pasted your Comment to edit out your email address in case you meant it to be kept private. Thank you so much for sharing all this--I value your input:

Thanks for all your hard work and research. Ty Green says true Pentecost is June 16, 2024 this is Father's Day. June 19th would be a good time for China to cut our power because it is a federal holiday. Biden would also be happy if we lost power before his June 27 debate with Trump. Daniel at bytemaster on Youtube makes a strong case for a rapture on the eighth day of Tabernacles on October 9, 2024. According to Daniel on the first day of Tabernacles Jesus was born and on the eighth day Jesus was dedicated and had a circumcision. The eighth day is a solemn assembly and would make sense for a rapture. Daniel only uses full moons in deciding when the Jewish holidays begin. Daniel also makes a good case America will soon receive at least two nukes because 80 years ago America dropped two nukes. According to the Bible we reap what we sow and we those who live by the sword(nuke) die by the sword(nuke). It was 80 years after they killed Hebrew babies in the Nile river that their babies died and their men died in water according to Moses. Daniel makes a good case that 80 years is a generation according to Moses in Psalm 90. Israel is now 76 years old and Daniel believes Israel will be 80 in the middle of the tribulation therefore the rapture has to be in 2024.
Pass this info on as the Holy Spirit directs you. See you here, there or in the air. Best regards. D. Nave

Lyn Melvin said...

Thank you Paul and Alla for coming by💖

Paul--That was very interesting! TPTB seem to be working hard to bring on the chaos.

paydirtlane said...

The Plot Thickens, i got a feeling about the Oct. 9th EVENT perhaps on the HORIZON, ty Lyn, much love!* amen ~ Shalom! Just thought to ask, aren't the planets going into big time Parade alignment again in June? FWIW. . . could be that,that's old news. . .

Lyn Melvin said...

You are correct pdl/Tony! According to a Comment posted by Lu Vega at Rev12daily:

Planet Parade June 2, 2024
From Taurus to Aquarius

June 16, 2024
Venus-Mercury Conjunction at Silver Gate with Jupiter at Pleiades

Matthew Lee said...

Thank you dear Lyn for this wonderful piece as always. Your faithful love for the Lord and for your spiritual family has been such a constant treasure for us. Thank you! I cannot post on Rev12 when I try. I have to post here and the Lord bless you! Maranatha!

Lyn Melvin said...

Thank you Matthew Lee for your sweet comment--I very much appreciate hearing from my Brothers and Sisters in Christ.