“Everybody wants to know the timeline, but God says
it’s not a timeline it’s a SIGN line.”
Remember me mentioning this quote from Paul Begley which
refers to the timing of the Rapture? We keep hoping we are seeing the last
sign. The April 8 Great American Solar Eclipse (GASE) may not be the last
celestial sign, however, it is the Watershed Sign meaning it is the point at
which all events that must play out before the Rapture will take place in rapid
succession (related: PASSOVER
I thought I was finished writing about April 8, however, the
signs keep coming!
4-8 and Israel
Most Bible believers will immediately see the connection
with 4-8 and the rebirth of the state of Israel in 1948.
Interestingly on April 4, CIA
'warns Iran will attack Israel within 48 hours' as revenge for consulate strike—“within
48 hours”. That time span has elapsed, however, Ramadan (a month that is
holy to Muslims when they are required to fast) ends—guess when? That’s right—April
8. But the icing on the cake is the news that the U.S.
"Will Not Interfere" if Iran Attacks Israel!
4.8 Quake in Lebanon
Corey at End Times: Darkness Descending wrote about the
significance of the recent earthquake in the United States in his article BREAKING
. . . On April 5, 2024, a moderate earthquake registering 4.8 on the measuring scale has struck the state of New Jersey in the United States of America. While the magnitude of this quake would not really be sufficient reason to label this as a news item worth considering a title of “major breaking news,” the rather peculiar prophetic clues hidden within the quake itself are worthy of this title and cause to sit up and take notice. . .
The epicenter of the quake took place in Lebanon, New Jersey.
In biblical prophecy, Lebanon is
mentioned in sequence with Damascus, Syria. We are told that Damascus will be
leveled in one night and be no more before the morning – indicating modern
warfare. Israel currently is embroiled in conflict with Lebanon and Syria.
Accordingly, and for various reasons, the Rapture likely occurs before the
destruction of Damascus and the conflict with Lebanon results in the required
criteria that the Bible gives to us.
In Events
Before the Rapture I propose that there may be a link between the fall
of Damascus and Babylon and that the Rapture will occur as the sudden
destruction of Babylon America begins.
Although the epicenter was in New Jersey, this earthquake was felt in all the adjacent states including New York—where the U.N. is located. Now the End Begins reported:
At the United Nations in Midtown Manhattan, a Security Council address on the Israel-Gaza conflict was interrupted as cameras began shuddering. . .
The last time an earthquake with a
magnitude close to, or above, 5 struck near New York City was back in 1884, the
USGS said.
Corey goes on to make more correlations:
Today’s Lebanon, New Jersey
earthquake took place “3” days after the Taiwan quake. The “4.8” New Jersey
quake also takes place “3” days before the 2nd of the two Great American
eclipses on April 8 (4/8). Notably, the Statue of Liberty, a well known
and iconic symbol of America was struck by lightning on the 3rd – the same day
as the Taiwan earthquake. . .
There are suspicions that the Taiwan
quake may have been due to manmade efforts. It is possible that America
will succumb to a worse fate. As I've written before, the prophesied New
Madrid fault line earthquake may be caused by technology that incites seismic
activity in the already unsettled New Madrid fault zone and splits the U.S.
down the middle.
Michael Snyder makes the same connections I have been
warning about for a long time in his article What
Happened The Last Time Two Eclipses Formed A Giant "X" Over The New
Madrid Fault Zone?
Could it be possible that history is about to repeat itself? On April 8th, the Great American Eclipse of 2024 will complete the giant “X” over America that the Great American Eclipse of 2017 started. . .
As the most ominous sign in the entire history of our country passes over our heads, they will be celebrating.
But the last time we saw a giant “X” over the heartland of America, it certainly wasn’t anything to celebrate.
Scientists tell us that it is just a matter of time before cataclysmic earthquakes erupt along the New Madrid fault zone once again, and when that time arrives the death and destruction that we will witness will be off the charts.
. . . A remarkable total solar
eclipse crossed the entire continental United States from the west coast to the
east coast on June 16th, 1806… That was the
first half of the giant “X” over America in the early 1800s. The second half
was formed by the path of a “ring of fire” solar eclipse that took place on
September 17th, 1811. . .
Approximately three months after the eclipse of 1811 completed the giant “X” over America, the New Madrid fault zone started to go absolutely nuts. . .
A related article I wrote is “X” Marks the Year of the Rapture? where in the Section
titled, "2 New Madrid Quakes—one is history; one is yet to come" I wrote:
Although the 1800 eclipse paths did
not cross the actual New Madrid Fault Zone, I believe it was a
prophetic sign and warning to America. IF THE PROPHESIED 2ND NEW
Also see the Section titled “Last Celestial and Terrestrial
Signs?” in "Sign"
Line Ends in 2022? for more on the New Madrid earthquakes in the 1800’s.
The Rapture is prophesied to occur in the time surrounding a great earthquake. It is my hope that the upcoming New Madrid quake fulfills those prophecies. If so, the decimation of America will be complete before the armies “out of the north parts” attack Israel according to Ezekiel 38 and 39.
4/8 and the Occult
After posting this article I had the opportunity to watch J.
D. Farag’s Prophecy
Update - 2024-04-07 titled The Closer We Get The Crazier It Gets.
Beginning around 30:30 minutes into this video J. D. shares how Aleister
Crowley, by way of a demonic being dictating it to him, wrote The Book
of the Law. This book for Crowley's practice of Magick is based on the
premise of "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”. It was given
to Crowley over a span of 3 days beginning on—April 8.
Put that together with the fact J. D. goes on to tell that they have been planning for this eclipse day for 2 years, and we better understand the NASA and CERN activities (see related article: April 8 They are Summoning the gods for the Final Battle). In fact while viewing another Youtube video it was pointed out that one of the Space Force logos illustrates the 2017 and 2024 GASE paths (see image above).
4/8 and the Two-State Solution
After I had joined many Americans to watch God’s celestial handiwork,
I saw the news that as we all gawked heavenward the UN’s Committee on New Members
met behind closed doors to discuss the bid to implement the Two-State Solution
and give Palestine
full membership:
Security Council refers Palestine’s full membership bid to committee
Palestinian UN envoy Riyad Mansour urges Security Council to ‘elevate itself to implementing the global consensus on the two-state solution’. . .
The 15-member committee is expected to make a decision
about Palestine’s status this month, said Vanessa Frazier, Malta’s UN
ambassador, who also proposed that the committee meet on Monday to consider the
It is my belief that when (not IF but WHEN) this bid is passed it will be the 2nd Shoe to Drop followed by the great seismic event in America and the Rapture!
![]() |
For the
Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the
archangel, and with
the trump of God: and the dead
in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive [and] remain
shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in
the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. - 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 KJV |
4-8 and the Coming Rapture Strike to America
Unless certain prophesied
events begin on April 8, it is more probable the Rapture will occur at some
time after the Mega-Sign of the GASE—BUT WAIT TIL YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS NEXT
As Corey mentioned, the Statue of Liberty was apparently “electrocuted”
on April 3. Then the 4.8 quake hit New Jersey. It was reported that “The last
time an earthquake with a magnitude close to, or above, 5 struck near New York
City was back in 1884” (another 4-8 connection). AND:
1884 on July 4 France presented the Statue of Liberty to America.
But there’s more! In a video by Suspicious Observers YTC, Record Electroquake,
Magnetic Field Effect, NeoWise | S0 News Apr.6.2024, at the 1:10 minute
mark they explain how the Statue of Liberty was not struck by lightning but
acted as a conduit for a global energy release referred to as an "Earth
strike discharge". The image above shows how the energy forks upwards
from the Statue. These earth strike discharges occur days or hours before an
This is a huge sign of the coming Rapture! A GLOBAL ENERGY RELEASE reminds me of the GLOBAL ENERGY RELEASE OR EVENT HORIZON THAT IS THE RESURRECTION AND RAPTURE OF THOSE IN CHRIST! In Episode #483 The Day Lightning Makes the World Shut Down (which has since been taken down) Perry Stone gave a presentation showing how the awesome lightning-like Rapture will affect the Earth similar to an EMP!
I and many others believe it will be the Rapture that will
cause the fatal blow to the United States of America and that is what I believe
God is saying with this lightning-like “strike” by way of the Statue of
4:8 and the Catching Away of the Bride
Corey also found a beautiful verse to correspond to 4:8--
Furthermore, if we look at Song of Solomon chapter 4 verse 8 (48), we find a rather interesting connection to a known Rapture typology/picture of the future Rapture of the Church and the mention of Lebanon …
“Come with me from Lebanon, my
spouse, with me from Lebanon: look from the top of Amana, from the top of
Shenir and Hermon, from the lions’ dens, from the mountains of the leopards”
(Song of Solomon 4:8).
We are also currently in the Hebrew year 5784 where
we see the 4-8 pattern again in reverse. It is The
Year of the Open Door.
Not much longer, Family—
Updated 4/9/24
Thanks Lyn! Did you notice that in JD's update he read from Matt 24:4-8 also? So praying and hoping we are gone soon! Thanks for all you do to keep us informed!
Yes! Thank you for mentioning that, Judi💖
Lyn, he was reading from the NLT. I found that version particularly enlightening for what we see/hear going on today.
I see what you mean, Judi:
Jesus told them, "Don't let anyone mislead you,
for many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Messiah.' They will deceive many.
And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don't panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won't follow immediately.
Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world.
But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come. Matthew 24:4-8 NLT
Good article and certainly lots of good food for thought...it is kind of hard to ignore the plethera of signs related to 4-8!
Thanks for coming by WVBORN56 and AMEN! It's as though this 2nd GASE is the catalyst for any events that will lead us straight to the Rapture! HALLELUJAH!
Lyn, did you see this by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse blog, Almost Everyone Missed One Of The Main Points Of The Eclipse?
On Friday, a 4.8 magnitude earthquake rattled New York City on the exact same day that an earthquake at a depth of precisely 4.8 miles shook the New Madrid fault zone…
The New Madrid Seismic Zone started rocking early Friday morning.
The U.S. Geological Survey recorded a magnitude 2.1 earthquake at 12:17 a.m. April 5.
The tremor was centered along the Mississippi River in Lake County, Tennessee, about 3 miles northeast of Caruthersville and 26.5 miles northeast of Blytheville. The USGS said it had a depth of 7 kilometers (4.8 miles).
No, I did NOT see that article, Judi. THANK YOU AGAIN DEAR GIRL💖
HOLD ONTO YOUR HATS, FOLKS! Almost time to fly🛫
Here's the hyperlink to Michael Snyder's article:
Almost Everyone Missed One Of The Main Points Of The Eclipse
Seriously, 4.8 under the New Madrid fault!! How much clearer can it be. So now we wait for the other shoe to drop😉
Apparently there was also a 4.8 somewhere in CA about the same time. Coast to coast, and inbetween. 48 always rings a bell for me since that is my birth year. I'm really getting too old for all of this. I feel like I'm holding my breath and I'm turning BLUE.
😊👞PRECISELY, Judi and CY! Thus the new article:
2nd Shoe to Drop NOW then Rapture?
CY left another great 4:8 connection at my 2nd Shoe article, so I had to share it here also:
April 11, 2024 at 4:58 AM
CY and Cry said...
Oh, I just was reminded that 2 Tim 4:8 is about those who love His appearing. It's so easy to have pained feelings about the fallout of what's to come for this earth, but His Plan coming to fruition needs to trump it all.
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