“Everybody wants to know the timeline, but God says it’s not a timeline it’s a SIGN line.”
This is a quote I’ve been mentioning often from Paul Begley referring to the timing of the Rapture. The most recent event on the Sign Line pertains to the overturn of Roe v. Wade, proclaimed notably on the same day as the very rare Grand Planetary Parade heavenly sign!
Overturn of Roe v. Wade = Revival
October 10, 2021, I posted Hope Holdup wherein I wrote:
If we are indeed following The Moses Pattern, it is possible God is wanting to deal with Baal-Zephon, the god of child sacrifice, before we cross over our Red Sea! I am referring to the possibility that God is working to overturn Roe v. Wade before the Rapture. . . Baal, being the god of child sacrifice, must be confronted so that the Revelation 12 Man Child can be safely delivered.
June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade the landmark ruling that established the Constitutional right to abortion in the U.S. in 1973.
In December 2021, Myles Kilby, an accountant in Georgia, prophesied that Roe v. Wade would be overturned in 2022. . .
"For the past five or six months, I've been preaching this and prophesying this publicly," Kilby said on a recent appearance on Sid Roth's show, It's Supernatural! "This is a divine turnaround year. ... God [is] going to completely overturn Roe v. Wade, and this would be the main sign that God would give that revival has arrived for the United States of America. [From charismanews.com. Emphasis added.]
After discovering the above prophecy from Charisma News, I re-watched a March 2022 video by Zab Pashke wherein she shared a dream of preaching to the lukewarm Laodicean church at a time when the power goes out, the earth quakes, and there is a worldwide system collapse. In THE DROPPING OF HIS 2ND SHOE in JULY? I indicated that we are on the brink of this all happening:
In FACING THE DRAGON IN JUNE? THEN WE FLY! I correlated prophecies that point to a time of so-called “peace and safety” in Israel. If Biden (and the world elite) have their way, July will be when the “second shoe drops”.
The “second shoe” will be the last sign before the Rapture. (More on that later!)
“7” Year Sign Line Ends in 2022
In the recent video by informedchristians, Peace and Safety Seven Warning Years,
Daniel Valles gives Biblical proof that God uses a period of “7” to give warning. He also notes how the elite began working in a very scripted manner beginning in 2012. The movie “2012” contained predictive programming telling us we would be given a 7-year warning (notice the video cover at the IMDB site reads “WE WERE WARNED”). Not only that, but it outlined a GREAT CONVERGENCE of catastrophic events that would occur around the time of a Planet Parade in the scene where Woody Harrelson’s character, Charlie Frost, explains the “end of the world” and the Rapture!
“Stock market crash—BOOM! Economy implodes—BOOM! War—BOOM!
Genocide—BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! It’s gonna get ugly here!”
God has provided both celestial and terrestrial signs announcing a prophetic beginning and ending.
2014-2015 Tetrad à 2022 Planet Parade = 7 Years
The celestial event was the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad announcing the beginning of the last Shemitah Cycle before Jacob’s Trouble. The June 2022 rare Planetary Parade is the end of the celestial Sign Line indicating the coming end of the Shemitah Cycle and the Grand Entrance of the King of Kings!
Shemitah Cows à September 2022 = 7 Years
The terrestrial sign was the September 25, 2014, birth of two cows with the number “7” on their foreheads on the first day of the current Shemitah Cycle we are in. In a 2015 video Messianic Rabbi Johnathan Cahn related that these two cows are representative of the same dream given to the Egyptian Pharoah in Genesis 41.
It is my understanding that the dark cow with a fancy number 7 represents blessing and abundance in the land. The second cow, a red heifer, with a plain 7 on its forehead represents a coming time of famine and removal of blessings.
Because the cows were born in America, this sign is a warning to those in the United States.
Last Celestial and Terrestrial Signs?
Will the Revival (and thus the completion of the Overcoming Church) that has been prophesied occur now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned and after the FINAL TERRESTRIAL SIGN—when God drops His second shoe?
As I explained in FACING THE DRAGON IN JUNE? THEN WE FLY! I believe the LAST EARTHLY SIGN will be the DIVIDING OF JERUSALEM by way of the Two-State Solution resulting in the DIVIDING OF AMERICA via a large earthquake along the New Madrid Fault Line which will be the catalyst for events leading to the Rapture. In FACING THE DRAGON. . . I submit what the Spirit of the Lord seems to be saying regarding the events surrounding our Grand Exit and ask for prayerful consideration, for my understanding is as through a glass darkly (1 Corinthians 13:12).
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New Madrid Earthquakes Photos By Earthquake Hazards September 23, 2021 |
Based on the research of William Koenig, America will receive devastating consequences as a result of Biden’s July 13-16, 2022, trip to the Middle East:
The incredible book Eye to Eye:
Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel by White House Correspondent, William R. Koenig, proves many
disasters befalling America come in direct and immediate response to George H.
Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush's devotion to robbing Israel of their
God-given land.
Quoting from Amazon.com, "All of these major catastrophes transpired on the very same day or
within 24-hours of U.S. presidents Bush, Clinton and Bush applying
pressure on Israel to trade her land for promises of "peace and
security," sponsoring major "land for peace" meetings, making
major public statements pertaining to Israel’s covenant land and/or calling for
a Palestinian state...(see amazon.com)
[Excerpt from lynmelvin.blogspot.com
8/2011. Emphasis
added by Lyn.]
This, coupled with the many prophecies and the warnings of Scripture
itself make it highly feasible that America is to suffer a large earthquake in the middle of the nation
along the New Madrid Fault Line perhaps as early as July 2022.
From Freedom Outpost:
Once upon a time, North America almost divided along a very deep subsurface rift. Today, that rift system and the faults associated with it are known as the New Madrid fault zone. This fault zone is six times larger than the San Andreas fault zone in California and it covers portions of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi. Back in 1811 and 1812, four of the largest earthquakes in U.S. history struck that area of the country. The movement of the ground was so powerful that it changed the course of the Mississippi River and it rang church bells in Boston, Massachusetts.
The Great Comet & New Madrid Earthquakes 1811/1812
It is interesting that at the time of the 1811-1812 earthquakes a great comet was seen. From The New Madrid Earthquakes: Danger Beneath the Mississippi:
A comet appeared in the sky,
remaining visible for seventeen months.
Afterwards, fissures up to five miles long opened. Shocks rang church bells in
Boston. Following the last quake, the Mississippi River ran backwards for
several hours.
This, to me, portends a possible great comet/asteroid accompanying the next New Madrid earthquake—perhaps to come unexpectedly on the Day of the Resurrection/Rapture. In The Sceptre Star and the Revelation 12 Birth of the Man Child I surmise the feasibility of this occurring.
The Year of the Red Heifer
Referring back to the two cows born with the number “7” on their foreheads, I believe the second cow being a red heifer indicates America’s connection with Israel where efforts are being made to rebuild a Third Temple. In March 2022 I shared:
Our Brother Paul also posted an important update on March 25 including news from the Temple Institute that it appears they have a red heifer that will be ready this year (six months from now). They are being cautious, however, in making any definite announcement--yet. In this video Iran & Russia. Red Heifer & 3rd Temple Construction Calculations Paul shares his calculations as to the timing of the building of the Third Temple and why he believes the Rapture will precipitate its building! [excerpt from HOLD FAST! As the House Comes Down, We Rapture Up!]
I agree with Paul Dawson that the Rapture will most likely precipitate the building of the Third Temple. However, it is my hope we will not witness the sign of the Offering of the Red Heifer for six months from March puts the red heifer being ready for sacrifice on Rosh Hashanah in September 2022—THE END OF THE SHEMITAH! It is my hope the Rapture will occur before then, however, we shall see what God plans.
In a recent video by THE GREAT DAY OF THE LORD IS NEAR! Youtube Channel we are told that 5781 was “the year of the red heifer” being born. According to ancient year-counting, that means from Tishrei 1 in 5782 (September 2022) until Tishrei 1 in 5783 (September 2023) the sacrifice of the red heifer will be made. If the Two-State Solution goes forward with the dividing of Jerusalem this month of July followed by a great quake in the middle of America, then I believe this September 2022 will be when the Sign of the Offering of the Red Heifer will occur.
Assuming the Blood Moon Tetrad and the Cows with “7” on their foreheads were omens from God, they were warning of The Tribulation beginning as the 10th Shemitah ends on September 25, 2022. The next Shemitah--the 11th–is marked for chaos. Here is what E. W. Bullinger wrote of the Biblical significance of the number “11”:
If ten is the number which marks the perfection of Divine order, then eleven is an addition to it, subversive of and undoing that order. If twelve is the number which marks the perfection of Divine government, then eleven falls short of it. So that whether we regard it as being 10 + 1, or 12 - 1, it is the number which marks, disorder, disorganization, imperfection, and disintegration. [From Number in Scripture]
This leads me to believe that the 11th Shemitah will mark the beginning of the 7-year period called Jacob’s Trouble—a Shemitah of poverty, lack, and tribulation like no one has ever seen before. We are currently in a Shemitah of grace multiplied—5 X 2 = 10, and when the Dispensation of Grace will be completed.
The Shemitah count and all the signs point to September 2022 for the beginning of the 7-year Tribulation meaning the Bride of Christ must be Raptured beforehand. For now our eyes are on Israel, but then we will LOOK UP knowing that our Redeemer comes to catch us away!
DO NOT miss this video giving further evidence of the tie between the 1811-1812 Great Comet and the end of the Dispensation of Grace:
HUGE Heavenly sign--missed until now! Holy Spirit revelation for encouragement in these endtimes!
Lyn, Your comment about 10, 11, 12 took me way back to orchestra days. In a classic piece, the chord right before the last one is unfailingly discordant, unsettling and complex. For a pianist, the most challenging. Even an untrained ear knows that resolution MUST come.
So, I guess when we feel disturbed and unsettled, we can take comfort in knowing that reason will prevail. The Composer won’t leave us hanging forever.
WEll Done, sister, and so encouraging. I hadn't connected the Tetrads with the Planet Parade in quite that way. Could be a truly momentous month! Sure is hopefull--may it be!
Lynn, another Excellent Blog report!! 2nd TIMOTHY 4 V 8, TITUS 2 V 13!!
Great article my sister! Thank you for being a source of encouragement to all of us, God's family! Maranatha!
THANK YOU ALL for coming by--I do love hearing from my Bros and Sises!
CY--Your musical tie-in was so appropriate and interesting! Am watching with you for our GREAT CRESCENDO!
My dear Brother in Christ Jimboni left the following Comment after I posted the link to this article at my Home Away From Home, Rev12daily :
Lyn, Blessings
Your article is a Blessing, surely. Our Lord, Who Loves To Teach Through Analogy, Has Set His Hand Upon Your Work These Past Few Years. We do well to see and understand.
Your earlier writings rung clearly of the Ecstasy of Conversion To Christ, The Whirlwind Of Holy Romance and the passion to express that and share the details. With each successive entry your edges are smoother, your connections more clear and the flow is stronger throughout. Along the way, your incorporation of the WHOLE Body of Watchers has developed and also refined. Wonderful.
As we approach The Finish, so, you, likewise are showing Evidence of that same wholistic cohesion. Your article, capturing the Beauty Before Us and holding it up to the light for our view, is a well polished stone to be tucked in our pocket and marveled upon in quiet times, as we linger. In the flowering of your talent Our Lord Demonstrates His Husbandry Of Us ALL.
My dear Jimboni~Truly I thank God for you and how He has given you a gift of unique expression I have never heard before.🌹 Such a beautiful exhortation--thank you💖
My wonderful Brother Lu Vega left this informative Comment on the Rev12daily site:
PART 1/3
Bravo on your Article about your reflections regarding the Planetary Alignment, of June 24, 2022 Date, which is an encrypted 6-6-6 Warning. And the tie-in to the Tetrad Blood Moons of 2014-15. Which, the last or 4th Blood Moon was a Super-Moon on Sukkot. Exactly 7 Years later, will be September 28, 2022, just after Yom Teruah and the Start of the Next Sabbath Cycle, the 11th one which does signify Chaos and Disorder as you rightly noted, etc.
The Article and Points made, all Resonate with my Research and why one is excited for this July and Months leading to September based on the 2 Cows having those Fat and Skinny Number ‘7’ on their Head, respectively. I do believe they are ‘Prophetic Echoes’ of the Salvation of the Remnant Joseph, the Fall of the Mighty Egypt, and the Exodus of YHVH’s Earthly People, etc. And what all that could Prophetically mean for the Bride of Christ. Remember that Joseph married an Egyptian ‘Gentile’ and the Grain stored-up was Wheat.
I also liked how you tied-in the Mayan Calendar 2012 Phenomena in how Sheila reminded us of the Predictive Programming Video Clip of how it is going to ‘Go Down’. They and the X-Files just flat-out said it, as many countless others. And the World, ‘Has been Warned’. After the Rapture, if People think this is bad now with the Fuel and Food Shortages increasing, LORD help them.
I received an Email from a Follower of one’s Work online. He stated that he had been thinking about a Movie that could be potentially Prophetic or Predictive. He and his Wife watched it and noticed an interesting Date. Guess which one what? July 24. Now realize that the Speculative Date of July 23 I have been presenting over the past Year is really July 23/24 as the Jewish Day straddles a Gregorian one. So, to say that one will have to wait until the 24th concludes, Jerusalem Time, etc.
If anyone has been to Israel, you will understand that in general, the whole Nation ‘Shuts-Down’ from a Friday Sunset. Imagine, when the Rapture occurs, if it be on a Sabbath, since most Observant Jews do not use any Electronics, they will only realize and be informed that ‘Millions have Disappeared’. And upon investigating the Details, it will be found that such were only those who were Bible Believing Followers of Jesus.
So, what the Couple observed in this Movie, is the 1951 When Worlds Collide. They suggest a Prophetic Theme, which one would agree and are we not, even now discussing such things? The Movie deals with a Coming Planet affecting Earth: Pole Shift, Earthquakes, Chaos, Panic, Extinction Level Events, building Spaceship or ‘Ark’ of Escape. etc. It really echoes the Movie ‘2012’. The Couple immediately realized that it was about the ‘End of the World’ with a sort of ‘Rapture’ Escape by Space Ship ‘Salvation’ of a few.
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They understood that the Discovery of this coming Star and Planet have for sure, ‘Shades of Nibiru’. This is where it gets interesting with the July 23, 2022 Date. In the Movie, there is then a search for the Dates of Arrival of the Star and Planet. The Couple said that this got their Attention. This is what the Dialog included regarding the Date.
‘We should feel the Effects of Zyra's Passing on July 24th at about 1:00 PM’.
What the Husband did next was to look-up the Date of Release of the Movie in 1951. He did a Time Calculation Search from the Release Date of the Movie to one’s July 23, 2022 Possible Rapture Date. This is what he came-up with.
November 15, 1951 Movie Release Date to July 23, 2022 High Rapture Watch Date
= 25,818 Days
-70 Years, 8 Months, 8 Days Excluding the End Date.
-848 Months, 8 Days Excluding the End Date.
How this Day Count is connected, possibly to one’s Calculation is that in 1951, the Start of the 1952 Shemitah Cycle was 1 Month Old. This is the 1st Sabbath one surmises is the beginning and end of the 10 Sabbath Cycle of 7 Years, being 70 Years. And? This Day Count could very well be what will start Daniel’s 70th Week of Years. That which will be then the Last Sabbath before Jesus returns at His 2nd Coming, etc. The Couple also mentioned that they observed a ‘funny Error in the Movie. This is how they explained it. There was an initial Scientist, whose Calculations are later said to be without ‘Error’, saying that while he was Charting the Movement of the Star and Planet.
‘These 2 Bodies have traveled almost a Million Miles in 2 Weeks’.
Later, a different Scientist, talking to a Group says, ‘I estimate the Distance to be about 3 Billion Miles away.’ One person then says the following.
‘We do not have to worry for a 100 Years or so... he replies, no they are moving at great speed and will be upon us in a Year...’
However, the Couple, being good with Numbers surmised that, 3 Billion = 3 Thousand Million. And? At 1 Million per 2 weeks, that would equal to 6000 Weeks or in 115.38 Years that the Scenario would rather actualize. All that to say, that it is coming Star and Plant, the ‘Dark Star’ and Planet X will be coming upon the Earth, ‘Sooner rather than Later’, as they say. The following is taken as Excerpts from the Wikipedia Page about the Move regarding its Plot.
The Movie, entitled, When Worlds Collide is a 1951 American 83 Minutes Science Disaster Film. The Film's Storyline concerns the coming Destruction of the Earth by a Rogue Star called Bellus. There is then a desperate effort to build a ‘Space Ark; to transport a Group of Men and Women to Bellus' single Planet, Zyra. As Bellus nears, Earth, Martial Law is declared. Residents in Coastal Regions are evacuated to In-Land Cities, etc. Zyra then makes a Close Approach, causing Massive Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, and Tsunamis that wreak havoc around the World.
When Worlds Collide (1951 film)
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It sounds like the Scenes and Scenarios were taken right out of the Pages of the Book of Revelation, as that is precisely what will occur on Earth after the Rapture. Many, including oneself, believes Planet X does exist. The Ancients knew about it and wrote about it. And it will be the Instrument of Judgment Jesus will utilize to carry-out the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments as described in the 2nd Half of the Book of Revelation. No other Phenomena could do such things. Notice the meaning of the Name of the Star and the Planet, very telling.
From Old Latin Duenelos, a diminutive of Duonus, whence Bonus, Good-Looking, Beautiful. The impression you usually given to People is that of Playful Elegance and Safety. Even if you have a Hard Time with something, to the outside World you seem to be doing just fine.
From League of Legends. Born in an ancient, sorcerous catastrophe, Zyra is the Wrath of Nature given form—an alluring Hybrid of Plant and Human, kindling New Life with every step.
No doubt, this Movie was ahead of its Time in Predictive Programming the Notion of a Planet X. And in fact, Planet X is believed to be comprised of 7 Planets or Satellites, or ‘Crowns’ of the Red Dragon, per Revelation 12’ 2nd Great Sign, etc. The Notion of Nibiru being just 1 single Rogue Planet is a Misnomer. In fact, there are 7 Planets revolving around the 2nd Sun Mini Solar System. It is in actuality composing of what many have called a Dwarf Star. Meaning that it is a ‘Failed Sun’ in that it did not have enough Energy to ‘Explore’, but rather, ‘Imploded’.
This is why it is extremely Dense, much alike a Ginormous ‘Magnet’ and is Perturbing the entire Solar System, presently. Since it absorbs Light, it can only be detected from afar through the Infrared Spectrum types of Telescopes. Thus, the Vatican’s Twin Lucifer one on Mount Graham in Arizona and other around the World, but most notably in the South Pole. That is where ‘Nemesis’, another Term for the entire System is believed to where it will be coming-up under the Galactic Equator, in a Clockwise Orbit, etc.
Binary Stars or Suns make-up nearly 70% of all Solar Systems in the Universe, that is if one believes in Space and Matter, Galaxies, etc. But note that to not ‘believe’ in Space, means that one cannot believe in ‘Time’ either. You cannot have one without the other. Nonetheless, one found this Correlation to the 1951 Movie very interesting based on its Book of Revelation End Times Premise and the specific mentioning of the July 24 Date it was to have ‘happened’.
Jimboni, we know you share a lot about the Red Dragon coming or is upon us from Jeffrey's latest Educated Date regarding the Dragon Destruction, being on 7/17. I wonder if he would ever do an Analysis of the 1951 Movie about the ‘Collision of the Worlds’, When Worlds, Collide to break-down the Predictive Programming done then.
Chart: Presumed Nemesis Solar System
Lu, I just KNEW you would have valuable additional info so THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing it!
Also, thanks for mentioning Sheila's input related to the 2012 movie--it was her contribution that inspired me to do this particular article.
The 1951 movie you mentioned, When Worlds Collide, I agree was ahead of its time in predictive programming relative to Planet X. As you wrote, "it will be the Instrument of Judgment Jesus will utilize to carry-out the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments as described in the 2nd Half of the Book of Revelation. No other Phenomena could do such things."
Thank you for the link to your Chart of the Presumed Nemesis Solar System (which can be found at this hyperlink: Chart: Presumed Nemesis Solar System
Because of the obscure nature of its sun (a dwarf star) and how one must be an archaeologist/astronomer to dig up info on the system, identifying all its parts is challenging!
My May 31, 2022, article-- FACING THE DRAGON IN JUNE? THEN WE FLY!--includes more insights from Luis B. Vega and additional links to help understand what is referred to as Planet X.
Don’t Look Up? NO! LOOK UP!!!
Hi Lyn, i can believe it. the stage seems quite set for all of these possibilities to line up just like the planets have so unusally lined up! Yahweh shall take care of the details according to His Infinite Wisdom. You have such a sharp sword and you bless us in your use of it, amen. TY for dialing us in with fine tuned calibration helping us to focus through the blur. Glory to God sweet sister * Blessings to you n yours for a good ole' fashioned homespun celebration over the 4th,...with unity n joy! Your so nice ~
Ozark, thank you, dear Brother. You are so precious to me and especially to Our Lord.🤗 Big hugs and Lotsa Love! 💖💖💖
Wow! This is full of so much, info! Thank you, HOLY SPIRIT! And thank you for sharing the video link, sister. God bless you! Brother Will
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