The Dropping of the 1st Shoe
In February 2019 I posted The dropping of HIS shoe wherein I shared how. . .
. . . I saw in the Spirit a great hand coming down from Heaven. It was His hand, pure white and holy. It dropped something.
“What did You drop, Lord?” I asked.
“A shoe,” He answered.
For those who may not be familiar with this idiom:
This expression alludes to a person awakened by a neighbor who loudly dropped one shoe on the floor and is waiting for the second shoe to be dropped.
Before war comes to America, I believe God—IN HIS GREAT MERCY—will allow Her to experience some type of national calamity. It most likely will come as an apparent natural disaster. . .
At the time I wrote that article I did not understand that we might witness the dropping of God's second shoe. Now in June 2022 it is my understanding that the first shoe the Lord dropped represented His allowance of the Satanic global elite to go forth with their deception of the nations by way of pharmakeía:
And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. - Revelation 18:23 KJV
The word sorceries is translated from the Greek word pharmakeía, defined in the Strongs Concordance (G5332) as follows: “medication ("pharmacy"), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively):—sorcery, witchcraft”.
As seen in Revelation Chapter 18, God judges Babylon during The Tribulation for using medical “magic” to deceive the nations. [From Planet X, Passover, and Pentecost 2021]
Of course, we now know “the viper shot” is the medical sorcery they are using to deceive the people of the world into accepting DNA-altering chemicals and technology to be put into their bodies that will eventually lead to the Mark of the Beast during Jacob’s Trouble.
July--" Peace & Safety" then Enter the Antichrist?
Back in 2020 we thought we would see the finalizing of a Peace Deal between Israel and so-called Palestinians by way of then President Trump that would lead to the Rapture. In a decode of I Pet Goat II by (who believes Obama is the Antichrist, but I’m not convinced of it), this “Peace Deal of the Century” is discussed and the months of June and July are pointed out (highlighting and bold emphasis added by me):
A Possible Timeline
. . . The room goes dark, perhaps around June or July and the focus and spotlight are on the rabbit in the background and the Nation of Israel figure. . .
In the below scene, Israel appears downcast and hopeless as she drops the apple which also represents Israel as the Apple of God's eye (Zechariah 2).
The apple rolls across the Freemason checkerboard stage until it hits the foot of Obama.
After touching the foot of Obama the AntiChrist, the apple is then divided, perhaps alluding to a temporary Two State Solution until the Daniel 9:27 Covenant is confirmed? The false peace of the AntiChrist which is also what the Lotus Flower represents.
It is interesting that both the Water Lily and Lotus Flower appear similar to this flower and can allude to a Crown and both are attributed to July birth months. The middle part of the flower also seems to hint at the Dome of a Third Israeli Temple in Jerusalem which happens in Daniel's 70th Week after the AntiChrist 9:27 Covenant.
It is possible that I Pet Goat II is hinting at dividing the apple of God YHVH's eye (Israel) with a Two State Solution around the 7th New Moon on the Hebrew Calendar. Which just so happens to be the Feast of Trumpets! Known as Yom Teruah in Leviticus 23 or Rosh Hashanah in Israel. It could represent the New Year of False Peace under the AntiChrist Obama with the Daniel 9:27 Covenant. This is only speculation as the Black 7 could speak of Tishrei and the White C could allude to the New Crescent Moon of the 7th Month.
Though his speculation for 2020 did not come to pass, it might play out in 2022 under Biden who initially was to visit Israel at the end of June. (In the Decode article the editor wonders if I Pet Goat II is hinting at the Two State Solution happening around the 7th New Moon. In 2020 it appeared on Yom Teruah, however, the 7th New Moon over Israel in 2022 occurs on June 29.) However, the White House announced Biden is to visit the Middle East region instead from July 13-16, when it is said he is determined to divide Jerusalem via the Two State Solution.
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Water lily or Lotus -- July birth flower |
With Biden conducting meetings in the Middle East during July 2022, the flower representing the month of July floating in the water as the Antichrist makes his entrance on the Anubis canoe indicates the I Pet Goat II video may be pointing to July for the entrance of the Antichrist onto the world scene. BEFORE his appearance, however, the Rapture must occur.
The 2nd Shoe and Final Earthly Sign
In FACING THE DRAGON IN JUNE? THEN WE FLY! I correlated prophecies that point to a time of so-called “peace and safety” in Israel. If Biden (and the world elite) have their way, July will be when the “second shoe drops”.
The “second shoe” I am referring to is the dividing of Jerusalem which will result in a large earthquake in the middle of America if the myriad of prophecies comes to pass.
This “second shoe” will be the last earthly sign. About a year ago, I posted an article that quoted Paul Begley who said God told him—“Everybody wants to know the timeline but it’s not a timeline it’s a SIGN line.” God has been signaling to Israel generously for years providing a SIGN LINE for ALL WHO HAVE EYES TO SEE!
Steven Ben Nun of Israeli News Live shared prophetic news I believe relates to this. In the past our Brother Steven has shared intel that proved to be less than accurate, but due to what prophetic voices are saying, what he shares in Honest Intel Leads to Prophetic Discovery may finally come to pass.
In this 30-minute video he shares intel that reveals there is a “weakening of dimensions” and a deep concern regarding earthquakes and volcanic activity for this year.
At 14:30 minutes he shares what Cynthia (one of his sources) said about a GREAT CONVERGING of catastrophic events (related: 2022--The Year of Tenacity and Awakening). She shared that scientists have said, “The geomagnetic excursion which the earth is now experiencing is expected to dramatically speed up a few months from now.” Then referring to the infamous Navy map of the United States, Cynthia added, “Seems that we are experiencing several single would-be calamities all at the same time.” SEPTEMBER is the month they are focusing on.
Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. - Luke 21:26 KJV
Steven admitted that he and others had believed these disturbances were due to Planet X; however, he was informed it was not Planet X but that “the veil between dimensions is collapsing” and “certain attributes from other dimensions are affecting us. . . and appearing on our plane of existence. We are getting reports like never before of these entities appearing on earth.” (This reminds me of Youtuber DAHBOO77’s recent report of an entity caught on film by a security camera at the Amarillo Zoo in Texas.)
In July We Fly?
IF his intel is accurate, he was also told of a large asteroid passing earth on June 20 and that they are going to take down the electrical grid “to protect us” from the incoming meteorites that will result from it. He has additional warnings regarding a coming plague; however, from what I can surmise Steven does not believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, so he does not tell us how these things all point to our Great Escape!
Steven reported that “they” will tell us this next plague came from the meteorites that fell because of the June 20 asteroid. This new “bug”, in my opinion, will be the catalyst for the Mark of the Beast because the cure will be administered as a “universal” inoculation during The Tribulation. In a 10-minute video just posted today (June 18) Billy Crone, who was interviewed by David Heavener, explained why he believes the elite will use the same plan we have seen with a new “bug” in order to fully bring in the New World Order a.k.a. The Great Reset.
Political scientist and Biblical researcher Luis B. Vega has presented his calculations that hopefully point to a Pentecost Rapture on July 23, 2022 (see Postscripts #596). Our Brother in Christ may be correct, but I believe those who are watching for Christ’s return will more clearly see The Day approaching after the Israel-centric “peace and safety” announcement.
The Bride of Christ may still be on earth when the grid is taken down. We may be here to minister after the large earthquake along the New Madrid Fault Line but WALKING IN GREAT GLORY (related article: FACING THE DRAGON IN JUNE? THEN WE FLY!) Whether we witness these things or not, one thing I am sure of is that the very next event will be the Resurrection and Rapture of Those in Christ!!!
Related article at Unsealed: BREAKING: Knesset Votes to Divide Israel
Updated June 20, 2022
WOW! This is so encouraging my sister! I hope with all my heart that it will be as you wrote on your blog! July is so much better than September! But God... We'll see soon enough for our blessed hope whether we leave in a few weeks or a few months. But at least we know it's this year! Too excited for the rapture! Big hugs my dear sister! MARANATHA!!!
Thank you for incorporating some of my Research and Premise for the up-coming July Timeline that one has conjectured is True Pentecost and how that could determine the Day of the Rapture. My latest Article, The Orion Circle appears to compliment a lot of what you had to say about June 20, as that is the Summer Solstice and the Astronomical Start of Summer.
What I surmise in looking at this Date, Astronomically in the backdrop of Orion and where the Summer Solstice occurs, is that the Sun enters the Silver Gate on June 20. It marks the Halfway Point of the Year, opposite when the Sun enters the Golden Gate on December 21, etc. What is Prophetically Significant, possibly, is how in the Backdrop of this Day, there is what is called Orion’s Circle. It is consisting of 6 Stars and encircle the Constellation of Orion, there at the Silver Gate. He is the ‘Guardian’, metaphorically.
What the Motif depicts with the 6 Surrounding Stars is the Star of David Hexagram within Orion itself. Al that to say that I suggest that this coming Summer Season will be a Turning Point for Israel. What that will look like specifically will remain to be seen but if the Biden Trip in July occurs and a Dividing of Jerusalem is announced, then it would exasperate the Conflict with the bordering Muslim Enemies and Iran. In summary, the Orion Circle is about an Encirclement of Israel as that is the case now Geo-Politically and how they are ready to Attack Israel. The Silver Gate, as in Door speaks of Opportunity.
Every June 20-21, as the Sun traverses this point above the Motif of Orion that has the Torch in the out-stretched Hand. The Sun appears to Light the Torch. One supposes that given this Astronomical Array and Configuration, it speaks of Israel also being surrounded by its Enemies, ready to Attack. Israel will enter a Turning Point as that is what the Solstice signifies and the Lighting of Orion’s Torch by the Sun, could very well be the Fuse that is lit in how July will be pivotal to Israel, the Middle East, Iran, and Jerusalem in terms of War, etc. Perhaps July will be the Time it all comes to a Head, as they say.
Keep the Watch,
An Astronomical Survey of the Summer Solstice Orion Circle at the Silver Gate
Thanks, Lyn. I needed a skyhook today.
I’m reminded of another earthquake event in my life here at the northern end of the New Madrid fault line. I was sitting in the living room (real life, not a dream) reading my Bible. Suddenly I turned around and sank to my knees to pray. (I wish I could remember what I was reading.) An earthquake struck at that moment. I puzzled over that for a day or so and came to the conclusion that when Yahweh makes heaven and earth quake, He will put me in the right position….JUST IN TIME.
*Based on where we lived at the time and the age of my grandchildren, this was at least twenty years ago and still vivid.
Maranathan321/Carole~July IS looking promising. The closer we get to The Day the more excited I am getting also. My eyes are on JERUSALEM!
Lu, dear Brother. Your research is such an asset to the Body of Christ. Truthfully, your Comments here and at Rev12daily Blogspot have played a big part in spurring me on. It is an honor to feature your work in my articles.
CY! Your story gave me Holy Ghost goosebumps! That you live where you do and God has not led you to move proves He will do a mighty work the day that fault line rocks. Yes, "when Yahweh makes heaven and earth quake, He WILL put you in the right position JUST IN TIME!" Can't wait to meet you, Sister!
To help out those who would like to check out Lu's research, here's the hyperlink:
Blessings, dear Lyn. Thank you so much for all your info. Very encouraging. Listening to Pastor Billy Crone right now.
Dear Lyn, I have eagerly followed your blog page for around 5 years. I have been so encouraged by your writings. I have studied/watched Biblical end times, from the age of 15 when I saw JERUSALEM taken back in the 6 day WAR!! I am now 70 years of age & am so amazed with all fulfilled Prophecy that we weren't Raptured a LONG time AGO!! Over the last 15+ years; I have followed so VERY MANY End time ministries, bloggers, you tubers & websites! Such as;(Scottie Clark) ect.
I have learned so very much (biblical) information as well as their own personal refection's, of Rapture nearness. Certain ones Usually tend to stand out and are so excellent that one is led to feel they must Really have this figured out (via the LORD).
What really takes a TOLL; is when their date passes by or they just move it to the next feast day or the next year. Then one finds a new standout and their date passes by and they move it ever forward. I have watched this so many times in this last decade. Of late, one can find a number that have indicating the same date or period and so one feels , hey! this just has to be right NOW!! YET dates keep passing by. I know we are all just human and learning but to me as J.D. Farag says; their is a SHELF LIFE to ALL these Biblical Prophecy's and they cant keep converging and intensifying ENDLESSLY......, nor is this JUST all going to go back to NORMAL. The WORD of GOD is Perfect, it has to come TRUE & conclude/finish, VERY Soon!!!! WHY does this process seem to be an endless, (EVER MOVING) set of for certain high watch dates that keep failing! This, in spite of so many excellent intelligent, dedicated watchers! SORRY, but I feel like SCREAMING out loud: HOW CAN THIS KEEP GOING ON ANY LONGER!!!??? How can the finish line keep moving ever forward! Forgive me for venting!
I do so hope that you write me a reply, giving me your thoughts on the points I have made. PLEASE realize that I am so excited for our rescue but am becoming so very weary of the journey of letdowns/delays that convinced authors have penned. AGAIN not withstanding, still watching & waiting TITUS 2 V 13!!
Ron, dear Brother,
I HAVE to agree with you that this waiting is torturous!
You sound like a WOMAN IN TRAVAIL--seriously!
I was writing some thoughts recently on how I never would have imagined that the TRANSITION period would be so long between this Dispensation of Grace and the next. In fact, I had imagined it would be a quick succession, but boy was I wrong! Of course, in childbirth the TRANSITION phase is the shortest part of labor; however, to the laboring mother it may not seem like a short time. This is us!
I am at a place now where I don't emphasize a DATE but EVENTS. Especially EVENTS PERTAINING TO ISRAEL AND JERUSALEM in particular. It's a SIGN LINE not a time line, as I mentioned before. If the prophecies are accurate regarding the Two State Solution leading to a large earthquake dividing America and the Rapture, then we haven't got much longer, dear friend. I am nearly your age so I can empathize with your longing to go HOME and for the relief of being in HIS arms. . .
Dear Ron and Lyn, I am older than both of you, 79 in September, believer since 1979, and am just as weary. Though we cannot imagine how we can be here much longer--and have been saying that since 2015 forward, and though many sincere researchers/spirit led believers have given their best "guesses," here we still are. I know I'm not alone in being bone weary--physically, emotionally, mentally. But God.
My greatest heartache is the evil affecting the children, babies; I really can hardly stand it. The only consolation is knowing God will restore them and make it all well in heaven. I know many of us in the BOC have unsaved loved ones, prodigals family, so the delays keep giving them one more chance. A good thing, but so hard on us ready to go home. All in God's perfect timing. No matter how hard, frustrating, here, in Him we can say, "It is well with my soul."
Blessings, fam,
Thank you, Judi, for those words of comfort💖
I really appreciate your thoughts, Judi. The children are my main grievance as well. Society has hit rock bottom when the love has grown that stone cold. I really don’t know how Abba stands the stench, though I know that He can fix anything.
Tramm spoke last eve on Steve Fletcher 222 site re headlines (famine,) skylines (planets) and even cow lines (the famous 7’s) in such a concise and compelling way. The tram line is not to be missed! Let’s GO! Dream about counting the Omer 6:42 omer ushers in Palestinian state -disaster hits America
Long time lurker felt compelled to add this lyn love your blog posts always an interesting read
Here some other peeps worth checking out
Keegan fernandes on telegram/rapturecountdown website
Gods roadmap to the end on telegram/YouTube
Rev12 daily blog
Hightomeawake- for turkey & psalm 83 etc stuff
Newnews YouTube (psalm 83 updates)
Behold Israel YouTube (Israel updates)
The watchman (Israel updates)
Watch woman 65
Dan trendell
The prophecy club
Hal turner radio shadow website & naturalnews
Hope you find some good resources 😅
Thank you, my dear "long time lurker", for taking time to Comment and listing all those resources! Most of them I am familiar with (except Hightomeawake). And Rev12 daily blog is my home away from home. I have commented there often and Brad, the editor, sometimes re-posts my articles there💖
I thank God for all the Brethren who are avidly watching alongside us! Many blessings LL✨
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