Will you prayerfully and with discernment come along with me
as I share a recent journey I took on a train of thought regarding the Day of
the Rapture and the Sceptre Star?
What is the Sceptre Star?
First, Daniel Valles of Informed Christians YTC’s video Seeing The Sceptre Star Story got me
investigating the question of “what is the Sceptre Star?” Like many other
Biblical researchers, Daniel believes that the Sceptre Star is the planet or
wandering star of Jupiter, the prophetic symbol of the Lord Jesus Christ and
His Church. He explains that since 1948 and until this last generation, Jupiter
will do its retrograde pattern ONLY ONCE as described in Genesis 49:10. This
occurred, as many know, in 2017 and centered around the September 23 Revelation
12 Sign of the Woman.
He suggested that the Rapture or Birth of the Man Child could
occur when Jupiter was in retrograde in June 2021 or apparently standing still as
did “the star” over Bethlehem pointing the magi to the location of the newborn
Messiah. From approximately June 13-27 this year Jupiter stood still for the
first time since the December 21, 2020, Great Conjunction!
Our Brother Daniel’s theory seemed feasible based on Jupiter as the Sceptre Star. It is unfortunate his theory did not pan out; HOWEVER, his explanation that Numbers 24:7 was playing out before us could be pointing to an imminent revival or awakening for the constellation Aquarius appeared to be pouring buckets of water upon Jupiter standing still at the belly of Aquarius.
He shall pour the water out of his buckets, and his seed [shall be] in many waters, and his king shall be higher than Agag, and his kingdom shall be exalted. - Numbers 24:7 KJV
Numbers 24 might be giving a prophetic picture confirming the
I received that there would be a brief revival then the Rapture for in
Verse 8 it reads:
God brought him forth out of Egypt. . .- Numbers 24:8a
Could the Sceptre Star be a Comet?
Because the Resurrection/Rapture did not occur during the
time Jupiter stood still in June 2021, this led me to ask the question--“Could
the Sceptre Star be a comet?” While surfing the web I came across a theory that
speculates on this question. Let’s look at verses pertaining to this.
The Jewish nation is composed of
twelve ancient tribes. Jewish prophecy states that a particular tribe will
bring forth the Messiah: the tribe of Judah. The symbol of Judah’s tribe is the
lion. You can see these connections in an ancient prediction of Messiah’s
coming found in the first book of the Bible, the Book of Genesis,
Chapter 49:
9 You are a lion’s cub, O
Judah; you return from the prey, my son. Like a lion he crouches and lies down,
like a lioness– who dares to rouse him? 10 The sceptre will not
depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he comes
to whom it belongs and the obedience of the nations is his.
In the King James Version Verse 10 reads:
The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him [shall] the gathering of the people [be]. - Genesis 49:10 KJV
JAMIESON explains in his commentary that Judah was the chief among
the tribes and that Messiah sprang from it. Shiloh refers to “the Messiah (Isa 11:10 Rom 15:12 );
and when He should come, ‘the tribe of Judah should no longer boast either an
independent king or a judge of their own’ [CALVIN]. The Jews have been for
eighteen centuries without a ruler and without a judge since Shiloh came, and ‘to
Him the gathering of the people has been.’”
The Sceptre Star is also mentioned in the Book of Numbers
when Balaam is prophesying over Israel:
I shall see him,
but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star [kôḵāḇ]
out of Jacob, and a Sceptre [šēḇeṭ]
shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all
the children of Sheth. - Numbers 24:17 KJV
In another Commentary
by ROBERT JAMIESON he writes, “this imagery, in the hieroglyphic language
of the East, denotes some eminent ruler--primarily David; but secondarily and
pre-eminently, the Messiah (see on JF & B for Ge
in Genesis 49:10 and Numbers 24:17 the word ‘sceptre’ was translated from the
Hebrew word šēḇeṭ
which means “rod, staff, branch, offshoot, club, sceptre, tribe”. This is where
one might interpret šēḇeṭ
as referring to a comet for in antiquity, a comet was perceived as a sword/scimitar,
sickle or staff:
So we cannot expect to find
in the Scriptures definite and precise descriptions that we can recognize as
those of comets. At the most we may find some expressions, some descriptions,
that to us may seem appropriate to the forms and appearances of these objects,
and we may therefore infer that the appearance of a comet may have suggested
these descriptions or expressions.
The head of a great comet
is brilliant, sometimes starlike. But its tail often takes on the most
impressive appearance. Donati's comet, in 1858, assumed the most varied
shapes—sometimes its tail was broad, with one bright and curving edge, the other
fainter and finer, the whole making up a stupendous semi-circular blade-like
object. Later, the tail was shaped like a scimitar, and later again, it assumed
a duplex form. [gutenberg.org]
![]() |
Donati's Comet over Notre Dame |
What comes to mind when you picture šēḇeṭ --a celestial sceptre, staff or sword? Although he was off by three years (in my opinion) Bible scholar Colin R. Nicholl who authored THE GREAT CHRIST COMET believes that what the wise men or magi followed was a comet. He may be onto something here since Jupiter, even when in conjunction with other celestial bodies, may not have been as brilliant nor as animated as the Scriptures depict the Sceptre Star.
A key
reference in Nicholl’s book is found in a 1st-century letter from St. Ignatius
to believers in Ephesus: “A star [shone] in heaven (with a brightness)
beyond all the stars; its light was indescribable, and its newness provided
astonishment. And all the other stars, together with the Sun and the Moon,
formed a chorus to the star, yet its light far exceeded them all. And there was
perplexity regarding from where this new entity came from, so unlike everything
else (in the heavens) was it.” [From The
case for a great comet over Bethlehem by Terry Mattingly posted Dec
22, 2015]
the Star of Bethlehem a Comet?
Why did the Magi believe that
the astronomical phenomenon they observed signified the birth of the Messiah?
As many scholars of Matthew have
correctly deduced, the Magi were most likely exposed to key Old Testament
prophecies about the Messiah through Jewish neighbors. Through such messianic
prophecies they came to interpret the astronomical body as revealing that
the Messiah’s birth had taken place. What the Magi say in Matthew 2:2
seems to allude to the oracle of Balaam that spoke of the Messiah’s coming in
terms of a “scepter” and “star,” implying that a scepter-like comet would
announce his birth (Num. 24:17). The Magi appear to have come to the firm
conclusion that the Star had fulfilled Balaam’s oracle on a literal
level. Their choice of gold, frankincense, and myrrh as gifts (Matt. 2:11)
suggests that they were also influenced by oracles in Isaiah (especially Isaiah 53 and
60). I argue that the Magi interpreted what the Star did through the lens
of Isaiah
7–9 (esp. 7:14 and 9:2).
What did the Star “standing
over” the place where Jesus lay look like?
Matthew says that the Star “went
before” the Magi as they traveled from Jerusalem to Bethlehem and then finally
“stood over” the place where Jesus was. Similarly, historian Diodorus
Siculus records that a torch-like comet “went before and led” Timoleon from
Corinth to Sicily. And Josephus reveals that a great cometary star that
looked like a sword “stood over” Jerusalem in the run-up to its
destruction. Josephus and Matthew both seem to be referring to comets that
appeared to stand near-vertically over the horizon as they set.
When comets do this, they may
readily be perceived to be pinpointing a particular location along the visible
horizon, as the standing Star was evidently regarded as doing. At the time
this occurred the Magi, then in Bethlehem, must have been located the other
side of the house from where the comet was. Rejoicing, they entered the
house and, as they’d suspected, discovered there the baby Messiah.
Revelation 12 and the Sceptre Star
Whether the Sceptre Star is Jupiter or a Comet, the magi would have known to be looking for the Sign in the constellations Leo and Virgo. According to Rick Larson’s theory, “It was the precise interaction of the planets with these two key constellations that the “wise men” were tracking as they made their way to Bethlehem.”
I do not doubt the importance of the planet Jupiter, the
King Planet, and its retrograde action depicting a child in the womb of Virgo,
the Woman, when referring to the fulfillment of Revelation 12:1-2 on September
23, 2017:
separate studies have shown that the September 23rd alignment is a
once-in-human-history event.
Many have argued that Rosh Hashanah of 3 BC (September 11th) also featured the sign as evidence Christ was born that day, but this only gets two things right: the sun clothes the woman and the moon is under her feet. There is no crown of twelve stars, the moon is very far away, and she is not giving birth to a "male child". [The Revelation 12 Sign Compendium unsealed.org excerpt]
So what I am suggesting is, could there have been a comet that appeared in the constellation Leo or Virgo and moved in such a way as to guide the magi?
Nicholl joins a long tradition of scholars who
have written about Bethlehem’s star. Through the centuries, they have proposed
a variety of answers to the question of its nature. Some have proposed that it
was a star, of course. Others, the triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in
Pisces in 7 B.C. Occultations of Jupiter in Aries in 6 B.C. is a more recent
suggestion, as are either a nova or supernova. Meteors get mentioned. Some think
it may have been a supernatural phenomenon such as a mystical vision or an
angel. . .
. . . Nicholl affirms the historicity of the
Gospel account of Jesus’ birth. He further argues that a comet can account for
the star’s seemingly erratic behavior, appearing first in the eastern morning
sky, then months later in the western and southern evening skies. Depending on
the observer’s perspective, he points out, a comet can appear to stand still
over a particular location as it speeds toward the nighttime horizon. influencemagazine.com
We may never know until we meet Christ face to face, but I
promise that I have a reason for bringing this question up if you will hang in
here a little bit longer.
Comet, Asteroid, or Meteor?
Going to the account in the Book of Matthew regarding the
travels of the magi, we see that the word ‘star’ was translated from the Greek
word, astēr,
from which we get our word ‘asteroid’.
When they had heard
the king, they departed; and, lo, the star [astēr], which they saw in the east, went
before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. When
they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
And when they
were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother,
and fell down, and worshipped him. . .- Matthew 2:9-11a
According to the Greek text, the magi followed an asteroid, not a stationary star alignment, whose trajectory led them to Bethlehem. [From p. 20 of Zeitgeist 2025--Countdown to the Secret Destiny of America by Thomas R. Horn]
asteroid, meteor? My ears perk up whenever any of these terms are used
because they are interrelated. Debris from comets is the source of many
meteoroids and meteoroids originate from a comet or asteroid.
Paul Begley shared recently how the Lord said to him, “Everybody
wants to know the timeline but it’s not a timeline it’s a SIGN line.” Comets
especially have been used by God as signs (see Perry Stone Comets).
It is intriguing to me that especially beginning with Comet
Neowise in July 2020 there have been so many asteroids and in
particular comets being tracked. According to an article by nature.com, astronomers
detected thousands of previously unknown near-Earth asteroids last year and skyandtelescope.org
reported “an amazing 116 new comets were discovered in 2020”,
of which Neowise was one and dubbed a “Surprise”
Comet. Political scientist and amateur astronomer Luis B. Vega writes of
end time events and suggested it could be prophetically the Rapture Comet:
As to the possible prophetic
implications of this comet and its trajectory? That remains to be seen. But
with the prior 2 other comets, Atlas and Swan, perhaps this comet is
contributing to the celestial tapestry of messaging that could be prophetic
nonetheless concerning the Rapture.
2020-2021 Comet SIGN Line
At the beginning of 2021 Forbes posted Should
We Get Ready For Another Naked-Eye ‘Comet Of The Century?’ ‘Comet Leonard’ Just
Appeared From Nowhere. EarthSky
had this to say about Comet Leonard:
Bottom line: Comet C/2021 A1
(Leonard) – discovered on January 3, 2021 – is currently between the
orbits of Jupiter and Mars, heading inward. It’ll reach perihelion, its
closest approach to the sun, around January 3, 2022. We’ll have a whole year to
watch this comet get brighter and brighter. It might become the brightest comet
of 2021!
According to its trajectory, Comet Leonard is not
supposed to hit Earth but it might hit
In a more recent video
by Data1B4,
we are told that Comet Leonard will never pass this way again. In fact, “Know
that you are the generation,” the narrator proclaims, “of the only people in
the history of planet Earth that will see this particular comet. . .”
The name “Leonard” “means ‘brave lion’, derived from the
Germanic elements lewo ‘lion’ (of
Latin origin) and hard ‘brave,
hardy’. If 2021 is the Year of the Rapture (and I believe it is) it
will also be the Year of The Brave Lion of Judah!
“Know that you are the generation
of the only people in the history of planet Earth
that will see this particular comet. . .”
In the video BIGGEST RAPTURE SIGN Genesis 49 Comet 323 the SHILOH SCEPTRE that's NEVER moved in HISTORY Until NOW a Brother in Christ shared the impression in his spirit that “When the Summer hits, you will know whether it is the Season of His Return!” He shares how Comet 323P has never moved from its location until 2020. Although I am unsure as to the veracity of his conclusions regarding this comet being the Sceptre Star, it still has prophetic significance.
While on this trail of thought doing research, I began to
connect a number of sources with what the Lord has shown me and others related
to the Day of the Man Child’s birth.
In my humble attempts to collate so many different dreams
and visions, it came to me that it is possible that when a Brother or Sister in Christ is describing a brilliant
star-like object and using either the term “comet” or “asteroid”, they could be
speaking about the same event but are using closely related terms.
This also may be the case with Hollywood which has pumped
out numerous movies getting the world prepared for the coming of destructive meteors,
asteroids, and comets. Before Hollywood ‘foretold’ this, the Book of Revelation
warned of it. The earth will be besieged by falling celestial objects during The
![]() |
“It’s a planet that’s been hiding behind the Sun.” |
Melancholia, a depressing NOT family-friendly movie about a bride who marries as a mysterious planet looms, blatantly reveals that the public will never be told the truth regarding this. (YES, I did say "bride"!) Recently the science community and mainstream news admitted that a comet-like planet was heading towards our Solar System. (Related articles: The Revelation 12 Dragon and The Rapture and Planet X, Passover, and Pentecost 2021)
"There is one thing that scientists
and Scriptural scholars are in agreement on--that a large celestial object is coming our way
which in turn is
causing asteroids and comets to be thrown out of their normal orbits." Skywatch Media News YTC (emphasis
added by me)
Why bring up the possibility of a comet being the
Bethlehem Star?
As is explained in The
Revelation 12 Sign Compendium by Unsealed, the story told in Revelation 12 may
unfold in the near future:
. . . Just as the woman and the
dragon have corporate meanings, the child follows the same pattern. . . In
summary, the significance of the Revelation 12 sign may be the
rapture of the Church, the beginning of the cosmic war in Heaven, and God's
redemptive focus returning to Israel and the Jews (Micah 5:3).
Revelation 12 Sign Compendium excerpt]
A little over nine months before we witnessed the Revelation
12:1-2 Sign of the Woman there was a sign within the Sign in the way of the Conception
Comet, a study of which was done by Luis B. Vega. (See Rev12daily's
blog article for further information on this comet.)
![]() |
"Do you see what I see?" |
Do you
see what I see? God has sent us a Comet Sign Line consisting most
notably of: (1) the Conception Comet associated specifically with the
Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman giving Birth to the Man Child; (2) the Surprise
Comet Neowise ‘prophesying’ the coming Rapture, (3) and now Comet Leonard or
the Brave Lion Comet!
So the
reason I am bringing this subject up is because of the prophetic voices who
have spoken of a GREAT COMET that will be heading for the earth on the Day of
the Rapture. To keep it brief, I will share only a couple of the
most compelling accounts, but you may also want to listen to the videos by Robin - Figtree generation and NessaSmart08.
In The
Revelation 12 Dragon and the Rapture I shared Bob Barber’s video MY VISION! OUR LAST DAY! DRAGON ARRIVES! WE
DEPART! In this vision he sees a series of events that include him
seeing (what he thought was) Planet X, UFOs, and nuclear war breaking out on The
Day of the Rapture.
Bob was forced to remove many of
his videos from his Youtube account, but I found his video reposted on Vimeo.
Near the second half of 2020 Bob shared how the Lord
corrected his interpretation of the above vision telling him it wasn’t Planet X
he saw in the vision but a COMET heading toward Earth! Whether it is a
comet or Planet X dragging a tail of asteroids, the world governments are
definitely anticipating some type of catastrophic impact. (Remember God has
revealed three categories of what will be “coming down”-- missiles,
asteroids/meteorites, and fallen angels. [from The
Revelation 12 Galactic Federation. . .]
If this
is truly what will happen, the birth of the Revelation 12:5 Man Child would
parallel the marking of the birth of the Son of man but instead of the astēr/comet “standing over the house” it
will be a comet violently marking the removal of the House or Temple of God--a.k.a.
the Rapture of those in Christ (1 Corinthians 3:16)!
It is possible that the prophetic
dream I had some years ago was of a comet that would precede or come
simultaneously with the Lord rapturing us. Recently I came across BETHLEHEM STAR RAPTURE! Amazing Dream!
and it was reminiscent of my dream:
. . . I then saw a brilliant
white light like a huge star, appear overhead. "It's time! He's
here!" I shouted with sheer delight as a feeling of exhilaration filled my
being and I jumped into the air in anticipation but was not yet taken up and
then the dream ended. 3
Planets Dream and Reality
Asteroid to cause tsunami?
If my deliberations are correct, it would explain why so
many brethren have foreseen a tsunami coming to the coast of America at the
time of the Rapture. I also was given a series of tsunami dreams, however, I
was not shown them in relation to the Rapture:
The Spirit of the Lord never gave
me a time or date when this was to occur, however, a brother in Christ who
lives in Puerto Rico, Efrain Rodriguez, was given the time of day when an
asteroid will strike the Atlantic Ocean just west of Puerto Rico causing a
series of catastrophic events. . . Brother Efrain did say that the asteroid
strike will occur PRIOR TO THE RAPTURE. That it is not the end of the world nor
is it part of the Great Tribulation but it is imminent. The U.S.
government knows of this but have quietly been making preparations. [from The
Final Tsunami Warning?]
believes the asteroid will strike prior to the Rapture, HOWEVER, Bob Barber
(End Time Dream and Vision YTC) in his October 16, 2019, video stated that in the collective of tsunami dreams/visions he has
gathered, the Rapture occurred at the time the great wave hit!
A prophetic word through Kevin Mirasi came the closest to what
I received from the Lord in that he doesn't know whether the rapture is
immediately during the tsunami or shortly after. There has been an exponential
increase in meteors, so it is entirely possible that Earth will be struck by
some type of comet or asteroid on the Day of the Rapture as Bob Barber and
others were shown.
July Surprise Comet(s)?
Eleven days after I posted I
Believe 2021 is The Year of Our Wedding suggesting the Rapture might occur during
the New Wine Festival (which in this Hebrew year falls in July 2021), fivedoves.com
posted "17
Tammuz, 9 Av, New Wine Festival/Pentecost, Nine Days, and Three Weeks - High
Watch Time". In this article they point out that should the
Rapture indeed occur this July it would line up with the Micah 7:1-2 prophecy.
Woe is me! for I am as when they have gathered the summer
fruits, as the grapegleanings of the vintage: [there is] no cluster to eat: my
soul desired the firstripe fruit. The good [man] is perished out of the earth:
and [there is] none upright among men: they all lie in wait for blood; they
hunt every man his brother with a net. - Micah 7:1-2 KJV
Could God
have sent the JULY 2020 SURPRISE Rapture Comet to signal a 2021 SURPRISE
Comet on The Day of the Rapture?
But unto the Son [he
saith], Thy throne, O God, [is] for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness
[is] the sceptre of thy kingdom. - Hebrews 1:8 KJV
With “asteroids and comets being thrown out of their
normal orbits,” I submit to you,
dear Brethren, the possibility of a comet coming that will SURPRISE everybody
and may be part of the “sudden destruction” of 1 Thessalonians 5:3
that “they” do not escape, but WE DO!
When the King extended his sceptre to Esther it was to show
his favor and resulted in him granting her wish. Could it be that on the Day of
the Rapture, a Comet or Sceptre Star, will be extended toward us, the Bride,
thus granting our greatest desire--to be with our KING forever!
DO NOT miss this video giving further evidence of the tie between the 1811-1812 Great Comet and the end of the Dispensation of Grace:
Updated 9/21/21
6. I like the Leo connection to Comet Leonard. I have to look into Comet Leonard that might hit Venus. This is possible as back in 2014, Comet Siding Spring did impact Mar’s Atmosphere and it discharged Plasma. It was like a fireworks but NASA played it down and the live camera was cut-off as it occurred. Only an Independent Astronomer in the Canary Island filmed it. Did Siding Spring Discharge with Mars?
7. Wow, you are up on it in terms of Astronomical Signs and Comets such as Comet 323P that has never ‘moved’ until now. It is much like the ‘Conception Comet’ that did the same with the Revelation 12 Sign.
8. I like the Comet to Planet connection as to what is coming as even the Scientists admit it. Chilean Astronomer CARLOS MUÑOZ FERRADA called this coming object the ‘Comet-Planet’. His interview can be seen on YouTube.
Astronomer Carlos Muñoz Ferrada predicts Nibiru is coming
9. I do believe the Cosmic War is to take place after the Rapture event but more precisely, once the Bride is vindicated in that Judicial Throne as she faces her Accuser. Then acquitted by the Lamb with Scroll or ‘Testament’, Lucifer is judicated out of Heaven for good. It is at that point that he mounts an assault to invade Heaven around midpoint of Tribulation Period. He is then cast down to Earth with his Angels, never to abide nor have access to the 3rd nor 2nd Heavens.
10. Oh, I see the connection to Apophis now, possibly being what is coming to Earth, but that is way out there still in 2029. Unless it is concerning another Comet that is unknown or not being revealed perhaps. And as you say, could be a ‘surprise’. :)
11. I am somewhat familiar with Efrain Rodriguez of Puerto Rico but he had said the Comet hitting Earth was to have occurred back almost 6-7 years ago. I do not know the latest of his predictions.
12. I am not aware of any Comets or Near Earth Objects NEO’s that are calculated to strike the Earth in July. But again, one would not be surprised if the Governments do not tell their People. I am very respectful of others ‘visions and dreams’ but so far, all have come and gone.
13. I like the Scepter analogy of Esther and how it could be a ‘surprise’. May it be so. A surprise just about now would be nice for the Bride of Christ. I also would concur in how the month of July and beginning of August, depending on what Calendar one is using is the highest Rapture Zone watch time ever. And especially how if the 7-year Sabbatical Cycle is in play and valid. Why? The 6th Year is that of the Double-Portion as the 7th Year is one of Rest where there is no ‘harvesting’ to be had. I have included some Charts and Articles in direct relationship to the topics touched upon for further study.
Chart: Retrogrades of Jupiter
Chart: The 1st Christmas
#392: Rapture Roar
#92: Comet Siding Springs collides with Mars
Very interesting my dear friend. As I have not studied as deeply as you have (notmy gifting), I do not understand everything you write, but as I read I am filled with a sense of awe and I'm definitely believing His return for His Bride is very soon. Yes, I am encouraged by this post. I am content with just believing His return is imminent.
Thanks for coming by Becky♥
LU--MY APOLOGIES--I accidentally deleted the first part of your Comment but was able to copy and paste it from the automatic email I receive:
Hi Lyn,
Thanks as always for interjecting some of my research/studies into yours. It is always good to have a 2nd pair of Eyes, Prophetic Eyes that is to see things up on the ‘Wall’. :) In reading your Scepter Star Article, here is what came to mind, so I’ll just react to what came to mind. I did enjoy it and the Comet assertion is something to think about.
1. I liked the Jupiter connection and how it is the King Planet and the Sign of the Messiah. There might be something to the retrogrades as I had done a study on it and for the September 23, 2017 one, it was the 24th since Jesus’ birth occurring in Virgo specifically. Its retrograde occurs every 12 years but in different Signs of the Constellations. The number 24 is 8 x 3 or perhaps an inference to 8-8-8 which we all know is the Gematria of Jesus’ Name. The next retrograde in Virgo will not occur until 83 years later in 2100. I find it very interesting that the retrograde of Jupiter last 4 months or 120 days, just like Jesus alluded to the Harvest time frame.
2. I would agree that there might be a connection between the Jupiter retrograde with the Summer Harvest but only at its end, either mid-July to early August. The retrograde of Jupiter in 2021 is from June to October so it is an interesting time. The retrograde occurs in the constellation of Aquarius, so one thinks it for sure is accenting the start of the New Age of Aquarius and how 2022 in terms of the Rabbinical Year starts out in that way. Perhaps it could be announcing the soon advent of the AntiChrist figure?
3. The Scepter being a Comet instead of Jupiter is interesting. But I do not think the ‘Star’ that stood still over Bethlehem, being the retrograde transition of Jupiter was a Comet that the Magi followed. I guess a Comet could be and is considered a Star to some. But it was Daniel V., who had this theory that the Scepter was clearly Jupiter that left Leo just before the Revelation Sign alignment. And in fact, due to this assertion, he did not support any of the Revelation 12 conjecture at the time. Only after the Scepter Theory did not pan out did he then later latch-on to the Rev 12 Theory. I actually did a study on the retrograde of Jupiter and it appears to coincide with the visitation of the Magi in December 25, -2 BC. Now there could have been a Comet also in the array of what the Magi saw that one is not aware of.
4. But yes, a Comet could very well have occurred in the constellation of Virgo. In fact, the Comet 67p was part of the Revelation 12 Sign. It was called the ‘Jubilee’ Comet as it last appeared in 1967, precisely when Jerusalem was liberated by the Jews for the first time since 70 AD. I am not aware that the Bethlehem Star appeared ‘erratic’ and in the East and then West?
5. Yes, was not the Summer of 2020 an amazing time for Celestial events dealing with Comets? There was the ‘Creation Comet’, NEOWISE, Swan, Atlas, the Venus Conjunction with the Pleiades, the Rapture Roar with the Supernova in the mouth of Leo, etc. Perhaps all those were a 1 year warning?
LU--Again I want to say how much I appreciate your research--THANK YOU for sharing your insights here. I had forgotten about Comet 67p. Perhaps I will insert that when I get the chance.
Yes, may these all be a 1 year warning! Come Lord Jesus💖
Lyn, I’m continually amazed at how new threads can appear just when we thought the tapestry was nearly complete. The wheat, grape and oil celebrations are ripe for the picking, though I never did wish to be processed like a grape. (Lately I’m feeling somewhat crushed and a bit whiny.)
Somehow I had overlooked the 7th chapter of Micah (PERFECT!) about the faithful vanishing from the land. This is odd, but what really ‘got’ me was those left behind who were ‘on the alert for blood, and every man hunting his brother with a net.’ Phewee. That’s WHAT! Not what we would have expected. One interp could be: looking to rob blood of vitality and life itself via the net (web of deceit.)
If one isn’t mindful of what TIME it is, blindness will overtake.
CY ♥ The OT has a lot to say about the harvest seasons and The Day of the Lord. I saw this last year when the Spirit of the Lord led me to write RAPTURE Cut-Off Time 2020
"Joel 1 “sets the stage” of a time in Israel when the “new wine” is cut off (1:5) causing wailing and mourning (1:11-13); so there is a call for a solemn assembly (1:14) for the day of the Lord is near or at hand (1:15)!
... While Tu B’Av (which begins tonight and ends at sunset August 5) seems the perfect choice for a 2020 Rapture appointment, I am coming full circle back to the Feast of Trumpets as the most probable time for the Resurrection/Rapture of the Bride of Christ if our Heavenly Father is indicating these feasts in the Book of Joel, and if only for the reason that our God seems to grant mercy up to the very last minute. According to the Hebraic understanding, the Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah IS the very last minute! This would flow with the idea that the “new wine” was “cut off” because Rosh Hashanah falls in between Tu B’Av (which marks the beginning of the grape harvest) and Yom Kippur (which marks the end of the grape harvest)! [This seems to give credence to a Feast of Trumpets Rapture, however, this is not necessarily the case. Please read this related article: Will the Rapture Fulfill Pentecost?] ...
I believe the Books of Joel and Jeremiah AND Amos foretell of trouble coming to Israel at the end of the Summer:
And he said, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A basket of summer fruit. Then said the LORD unto me, The end is come upon my people of Israel; I will not again pass by them any more. - Amos 8:2 KJV
“The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved” (Jer. 8:20).
T. W. Tramm offers even more confirmation regarding the significance of summer..." The OT has a lot to say about the harvest seasons and The Day of the Lord. I saw this last year when the Spirit of the Lord led me to write https://lynmelvin.blogspot.com/2020/08/rapture-cut-off-time-2020.html
"Joel 1 “sets the stage” of a time in Israel when the “new wine” is cut off (1:5) causing wailing and mourning (1:11-13); so there is a call for a solemn assembly (1:14) for the day of the Lord is near or at hand (1:15)!
... While Tu B’Av (which begins tonight and ends at sunset August 5) seems the perfect choice for a 2020 Rapture appointment, I am coming full circle back to the Feast of Trumpets as the most probable time for the Resurrection/Rapture of the Bride of Christ if our Heavenly Father is indicating these feasts in the Book of Joel, and if only for the reason that our God seems to grant mercy up to the very last minute. According to the Hebraic understanding, the Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah IS the very last minute! This would flow with the idea that the “new wine” was “cut off” because Rosh Hashanah falls in between Tu B’Av (which marks the beginning of the grape harvest) and Yom Kippur (which marks the end of the grape harvest)! [This seems to give credence to a Feast of Trumpets Rapture, however, this is not necessarily the case. Please read this related article: Will the Rapture Fulfill Pentecost?] ...
I believe the Books of Joel and Jeremiah AND Amos foretell of trouble coming to Israel at the end of the Summer:
And he said, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A basket of summer fruit. Then said the LORD unto me, The end is come upon my people of Israel; I will not again pass by them any more. - Amos 8:2 KJV
“The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved” (Jer. 8:20).
T. W. Tramm offers even more confirmation regarding the significance of summer..."
I love this post and all of your research sources given. Very helpful. Thank you.
Thank you notofthisworld for taking the time to encourage me. Bless you♥
Hi Lyn, further info today on the New Wine Festival from the poster at Five Doves:
“Since I wrote that letter I came across these two videos on youtube. These are on the Sue Keith channel.
She brings up some very interesting points about the Feast of New Wine and it possibly being the day of the Rapture.
The Temple Scroll (one of the Dead Sea Scrolls) tells us about the New Wine Festival - that it's on the 3rd day of the 5th month - 3 Av. She's found several groups that follow the Zadok solar calendar - and their calendars differ by a few days. So she believes this feast day is around July 18 - 25. July 18 is Sunday and July 25 is Sunday. This is just a possible time period for the Rapture.”
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