thought it was just an ordinary rock mountain which required courage to climb
the steep sharp sides. It was popular to climb the mountains in the summer
months. I realized that the climbers did not know that they were climbing the
Mountain of the Lords Habitation in this New Season.
As I looked closer, I could see that
the people that were climbing actually had nothing to reach up to above them.
There were no footholds or cracks or crevices to put their hands or feet into.
Each move they made had to be carefully thought out and I suddenly
realized that they were moving upwards in the vision by faith.
Brethren, is this not where we find ourselves today? This vision given to Susan O’Marra on June 12, 2021, beautifully illustrates walking by faith.
Earlier this year I warned of a coming ‘Zombie’
Apocalypse due to the Covid-19 plandemic:
WHEN does the ‘Zombie’ Apocalypse
begin? As Dr. Tenpenny said, probably in 6 to 12 months since taking the
vaccine, thus beginning in the Fall of 2021. Dr. Vernon Coleman came to the
same conclusion and elucidated further:
. . . The people who had the
vaccine are going to be in real trouble when they next come into contact with a
coronavirus. Their immune systems will overreact and that’s likely to be when
there will be lots of deaths.
. . . As a result of the
epidemic of illnesses and deaths that will take place, Governments will start
promoting the next round of vaccinations. There will be much talk of
mutations, of course, and new hurriedly prepared vaccines will be produced and
heavily promoted. . .
Amazingly, I believe that the
people behind this fraud were aware that this would happen. It was part of
their evil plan.
They knew that there would be an
increase in deaths in the autumn and next winter. They always
planned to blame the deaths on a new version of covid-19 – one of the
many thousands of mutations which will be around by the autumn. . .
The Summer of 2021 is zipping right along. The end of the Summer could mark the
end of the Age:
In a previous article I
shared the significance of the Sabbatical Cycle and how we are currently in a
Shemitah year that will end this Summer of 2021. Remember that Summer is a
metaphor of the end of the age:
I believe the Books of Joel
and Jeremiah AND Amos foretell of trouble coming to Israel at the end
of the Summer. [Before
the Zombie Apocalypse excerpt]
If the time of trouble comes to Israel at the end of THIS Summer of 2021, that means the Rapture of the Church would then have to occur beforehand (see RAPTURE Cut-Off Time 2020). Much is pointing to this year, specifically the Hebrew year 5781, as very possibly being Israel’s “last chance” before the Rapture and especially because Summer of 2021 concludes a Sabbatical cycle along with the conclusion of the Summer harvest. Luis B. Vega has said that when the 7-year last Week of Years per Daniel is to start, it must start with a new Sabbatical Cycle. He proposes a possible Autumn 2022 start for Daniel’s 70th Week (October 18, 2022, on his chart); HOWEVER, Lu agrees that a 2021 Rapture would be in order with his findings (see his Postscripts #434). He believes “the last Sabbatical Cycle to conclude the ‘Building of the Bride’ would be in 2021 (see Postscript #119).
Year of the Delta
Brother Chooch presents The Pyramid Symbolism - Hidden In Plain
Sight ]
Have you noticed how much delta-related things we’ve been
exposed to?
an object shaped like an equilateral triangle
the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet
Ø a low triangular area of alluvial deposits where a river divides before entering a larger body of water; "the Mississippi River delta"; "the Nile delta"
The shape of the letter Delta in the Greek alphabet is a
triangle. We have been subjected to videos of (not in order of occurrence):
flying triangular pyramid UFOs--oops, I mean UAPs (Unidentified Aerial
Phenomenon); the Pope performing a ceremony at a pyramid/ziggurat; grand
parades including the BET awards all with an Egyptian theme emphasizing...pyramids!
The pyramid is central to the Illuminati Luciferian scheme. As
those who are in Christ near the exit of the Resurrection/Rapture, it is to be
expected that we would see this ramping up of signaling in the Satanic realm.
The river deltas of the Mississippi and the Nile both have
prophetic implications for the end times. In The
Horror of Darkness and the Everlasting Covenant there are prophecies
mentioned of a coming great earthquake along the Mississippi; and the Nile is,
of course, a significant river in Egypt. The world is Egypt and those who are
in Christ will be delivered out from it!
Now the mainstream news media is trumpeting the message of
a Delta variant of the Covid-19 virus. Biden plans on “sicking his hounds” on those
who have yet to succumb to his sorceries/pharmakeia
agenda. On July 1, 2021, it was announced that Biden
to Send Response Teams to Fight Spreading Delta Variant:
The Biden administration is sending
response teams to unvaccinated pockets of the U.S. in an attempt to combat the
spread of the highly transmissible delta Covid-19 variant.
In his July
18, 2021, Prophecy Update, J. D. Farag shares the truth regarding this
so-called Delta variant and gives much-needed answers and encouragement to
those whose jobs are being affected by employers mandating the vaccine.
Those of us who are aware of the time we live in knew things
were not going to get better. Indeed, things have only gotten worse. Here are
two accounts from Brothers in Christ where I believe God showed them the timing
of the True Church’s deliverance from this our Egypt.
Revival and Wilderness
Sam left me a Comment at the Rev12daily
blogsite sharing a detailed dream which I believe is related to the hour we are
now in. I want to share only a part of it here:
@LynMelvin: Hey sister, I've been following your blogs for a while now. I have a dear friend and brother in Christ of several years who just had this peculiar dream that lines up with some things I've seen on your blog. Note that he doesn't stay on top of all the tribulation theories or keep up with the news, ergo why I think this is so significant. . .
. . . I saw groups of Christians riding horse and
carriages out into the wilderness. They were hiding, stranded away, or
something. They were just being there for one another again. I went to unload a
carriage to get something to help people and I heard screaming and shouting. We
thought "they" had found us. Who "they" is I don't
know. When I looked up on the hill overlooking our campsite I saw people
pointing in the sky screaming. I turned to look and was instantly transported up
onto the hill / small mountain, and I saw the stars in the sky all shift and
move. All the suns in the universe moved and realigned to form a giant cross
pure white glistening burning bright and even in my dream I felt the Holy
Spirit so strongly that I was overwhelmed and filled with joy and also the Fear
of the Lord, and I trembled in my dream so much when I woke up I trembled and
felt Him still and heard His voice say "Behold I am coming". Not
going to claim when, not going to claim how, where, etc
I dozed back off and the dream continued. . .
Part of my reply to Sam was:
. . . In His great mercy, we will
soon be entering the time when people will be saved "with fear"
as Jude
1:23 says.
Just prior to the Rapture there will be GREAT SALVATIONS AND PERSECUTION
because “Persecution
and revival go hand-in-hand,” but before "they" come for us
to force their pharmakeia agenda on us, HE WILL COME FOR US! Because
there has never been a TRANSITIONAL TIME that parallels this, we will be like
PIONEERS (thus the riding horse and carriages out into the wilderness). Those
left behind will be terrified for many reasons especially if the Rapture occurs
simultaneously with the "sudden destruction" of 1 Thess.
5:3. . .
(To read the dream and my reply in entirety, go to
This Brother’s dream is pertinent for he received it prior to the announcement that the Biden administration is sending response teams to unvaccinated pockets of the U.S. I believe this may be who the “groups of Christians riding horse and carriages out into the wilderness” were hiding from in the above dream. Just yesterday Now the End Begins reported that MASSACHUSETTS FIRST IN NATION TO IMPLEMENT COVID K-9 UNIT WHICH BEGS THE QUESTION CAN COVID ARRESTS FOR THE UNVACCINATED BE FAR BEHIND? In the near future they might literally “sick the hounds” or German Shepherds on those who are unvaccinated--another good reason for “groups of Christians riding . . . out into the wilderness”!
The dream also included a revival occurring that was a
mixture of the true and the false. To me this dream seemed to indicate that at
the time the Christians entered the wilderness, Christ said He was coming.
Before sharing the next Brother’s dreams, here is another
excerpt from Susan O’Marra’s vision of the climbers:
watched as one particular man who was struggling with extreme tiredness, and he decided to reach up anyways by
sheer determination, and suddenly a small rock appeared on the side of the
mountain above him that he could grab onto to pull himself up to. He
breathed a sigh of relief and moved up to see the rock that was not there
before. He then grew in courage and reached up above himself again and I saw
another rock appear and he felt around till he found it, and he raised himself
up again. I saw his tiredness leaving him as his faith and courage grew. He smiled and laughed as he realized
that he just had to believe they would be there. He began to shout as he
continued to reach upwards as he went, and just like before, the small rocks
appeared just when he needed to find one. . .
Beloved, we may not see what our next step is with this
overreach of government pushing the experimental jab so we must TRUST our God
and, as 2 Corinthians 5:7 tells us--REACH forth in faith NOT BY SIGHT just as the
mountain climber did!
Rapture Flight on Delta?
Okay, now it gets really good.
Between the 7- and 13-minute mark in his June 29, 2021, video, our lovable long-winded
Brother Patrick Winfrey, a pastor who ministers in the Philippines, shares how for
years he has had Rapture dreams centering around him trying to reach the
airport. He always reached the airport on time and always flew out on Delta
Airlines. DELTA Airlines.
What is the name of the supposed new Covid-19 variant? DELTA!
Wanting to be honest, Patrick admitted that in real life he
usually did fly by way of Delta Airlines but wondered out loud if the Lord was
also showing him that the Rapture would happen around the time of this Delta Covid-19
Variant being promulgated?!
![]() |
In the menorah pattern the 4th stem represents Pentecost. The Hebrew letter dalet ד represents Door and the no. 4. MENORAH HIDDEN MEANINGS Jesus IS the Event Horizon |
As mentioned above, Delta is the fourth letter in the Greek alphabet. In the Hebrew language the number 4 is represented by the letter dalet ד which represents the ‘Door’.
After this I
looked, and, behold, a door [was] opened in heaven:
and the first
voice which I heard [was] as it were of a trumpet talking with me;
which said, Come
up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. - Revelation
4:1 KJV
Believe 2021 is the Year of Our Wedding and that our ‘flight’ departure
will be via DELTA Airlines!
Delta = Change
Delta Symbol: Change
Uppercase delta (Δ) at most times
means “change” or “the change” in maths. Consider an example, in which a
variable x stands for the movement of an object. So, “Δx” means “the change in
movement.” Scientists make use of this mathematical meaning of delta in various
branches of science. [From]
In the military, the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment–Delta (1st SFOD-D), commonly referred to as Delta Force, is a special operations force of the United States Army. The unit is tasked with missions primarily involving counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, direct action, and special reconnaissance. The US Department of Defense has defined direct action as “Short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted as a special operation in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments and which employ specialized military capabilities to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or damage designated targets. . .”
When the Bride of Christ is raptured, it will be a type of Delta Force direct action for the Lord will quickly come and “seize” Her “rescuing Her like a hostage” who is in a “hostile environment”!
I knew “delta” was seen in math and science, but wasn’t sure precisely how it was used until Brian W. left this Comment:
I can’t help but think of how
“delta” is also used in math and science as either direct terminology for
‘change’ or as a shorthand way of noting it. The world will soon witness a
great delta and wish for the days of the past 1.5 years. Those secure in Jesus’
arms will also witness a great delta. “We shall not all sleep, but we shall all
be [delta’d], in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.”
Thanks for mentioning a few of my points about the possible timing our ‘hope to be soon’ departure. I like the airline metaphor as it is getting interesting. I am not surprised that the current released ‘Variant’ is ‘Delta’. If one examines the Delta logo of the airline, it is the motif of the Unfinished Pyramid or Capstone of the All Seeing Eye of Lucifer. Such Globalist-owned corporations hide their logo as their ‘Signatures’ hidden in plain sight.
I like very much the connection to it being the 4th Letter in Greek, as that is what language, for example the book of Revelation was written in. And that the 4th chapter corresponds to the Dalet which also means the ‘Door’. It coincides with the Call to ‘come up here’ and it is well understood how John, the Beloved is a ‘picture’ of the Bride of Christ that is to be called-up from Earth before the Tribulation occurs. One believes She will be a Witness of then ‘what is to come’ upon the Earth.
So, this convergence of the Delta Variant presently occurring could very well mesh with the Rapture event enveloped in the ‘Door’ metaphor. By the end of this year’s Summer Harvest, one will know for sure. It would seem to ‘fit’ and does look promising but one’s hope is in Jesus and we look to Him, no matter how bad or dire the situations is or will be if He tarries.
Lu, you always share such wonderful info! Thanks for pointing out the unfinished capstone of the all seeing eye as exemplified by the Delta Airlines logo. And thank you for all you do for the Body of Christ💖
Hi Lyn. My name is Lin from Vancouver Canada. Thank you for all of your articles to read. Funny but before covid hit, I was supposed to fly on Delta Airlines but of course everything about my trip got cancelled. I havent been able to fly since because of all the restrictions in Canada. Hopefully I am rebooked on a better Delta Airlines Flight to heaven one day lol
Amen, Lin! Thank you for sharing that💖
Hi Lyn, another great article--thank you! Looking at the complete explanation of the symbols on the dollar bill is enlightening and disheartening to say the least! For the past few days, the opening line of the song Delta Dawn keeps running through my mind. I couldn't remember the word in "what's that ? you have on," so I finally looked up the lyrics just now. Oh my goodness. Take a look:
Delta Dawn"
Delta Dawn, what's that flower you have on
Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
And did I hear you say he was a-meeting you here today
To take you to his mansion in the sky?
She's forty-one and her daddy still calls her, 'baby'
All the folks around Brownsville say she's crazy
'Cause she walks down town with a suitcase in her hand
Looking for a mysterious dark-haired man
In her younger days they called her Delta Dawn
Prettiest woman you ever laid eyes on
Then a man of low degree stood by her side
And promised her he'd take her for his bride
Delta Dawn, what's that flower you have on
Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
And did I hear you say he was a-meeting you here today
To take you to his mansion in the sky?
Then the chorus repeats 3, yes 3, more times!
Blessings, Judi
Hmewrdbd/Judi~I too have been having that song ring in my head ever since seeing the article by Now The End Begins with that title. I was going to mention it in my article, however, the lyrics read like a Luciferian taunt to those who are in Christ and watching for His return. "They" will make fun of our Bridegroom and coming KING but HE has already won the war and will be coming back with us to claim what is rightfully HIS--THEN we'll see who will be laughing at who!
Lyn, I agree about the song: just another obvious (to those who are looking) attempt on the part of the Enemy to discredit Jesus and usurp His rightful place! So many things that are happening right now, culminating with the arrival of the false Messiah, that reveal the counterfeit works. And those people writing the lyrics and singing the songs, and going along with all the current edicts, have no idea what they're doing, and the price they will pay for their willful deceit/denial or intentional blindness.
Hi Lyn,
What a joy to meet you here as well.
Thank you so much for your beautiful insight. We are becoming climbers of his rock by faith indeed. As we're changed step by step and framed to our Capstone (the top of his Holy Mountain) ....w e're like the Delta variant the enemy despises, just like the Israelites in Goshen....waiting patiently to be birthed out of here :-)
Much love!
Blessings to you, dear Sabine💖
Those who would like to read what Sabine has uncovered related to the C*vid variant, go to the bottom of her article, Our Highway of Holiness | When two become one
Near the bottom of the article is a section titled "(Nile) Delta variant". Her research and presentation are an amazing gift from God.
Thanks for this post Lyn!
I can’t help but think of how “delta” is also used in math and science as either direct terminology for ‘change’ or as a shorthand way of noting it. The world will soon witness a great delta and wish for the days of the past 1.5 years. Those secure in Jesus’ arms will also witness a great delta. “We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be [delta’d], in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet”
Brian, THANK YOU, dear Brother for sharing that!
You’re quite welcome, Lyn! I’m blown away by all the ways ‘delta’ is symbolic both today and long, long ago. And then add on top of all that, that the *kinds* of symbolism all seem to corroborate one event through various means.
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