Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Pink Dreams and Dominoes

Strangely enough, this article is going to tie together the United Nations Two-State Solution with recent dreams featuring the color pink.


The Spirit of the Lord has revealed to Those Who Have Ears that the passing of the Two-State Solution is the Key to set the Dominoes in motion resulting in the Completion of the Body of Christ and their Gathering Together unto Him. 

“Peace and Safety” in 2 Steps then the Rapture


Significant September Step!


The United Nations General Assembly has been busy validating Palestine as a state and held an emergency meeting beginning September 17, 2024, wherein so-called Palestine submitted a draft resolution which was passed September 18, Wednesday, morning:


17 September 2024 Peace and Security


The General Assembly passed a resolution demanding an end to Israel’s occupation of Palestine within the next twelve months by an overwhelming margin on Wednesday. The vote came in the middle of its 10th emergency special session considering Israeli actions in occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.


THIS MUST BE THE “significant step” referred to in the UN News posted August 22, 2024:


Permanent Observer for the State of Palestine Riyad Mansour said there must be a ceasefire now, in line with the terms of resolution 2735. . . The time for waiting is over, he said. The time for the implementation of a two-State solution will begin with a significant step in September, he said, asking the Council to impose an immediate ceasefire and protect all civilians.


Biblically, Israel has every right to this land—see the 6-minute video (Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank) embedded within my article, “Peace and Safety” in 2 Steps then the Rapture.


Reuters gave a hat tip to this truth in its article, UN demands Israel end 'unlawful' presence in Palestinian territories within 12 months, putting the word “unlawful” in quotation marks:


The resolution is the first to be formally put forward by the Palestinian Authority since it gained additional rights and privileges this month including a seat among U.N. members in the assembly hall and the right to propose draft resolutions. [Though committed to a Two-State Solution,] U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield urged countries to vote no on Wednesday. . .

The ICJ advisory opinion is not binding but carries weight under international law and may weaken support for Israel. A General Assembly resolution also is not binding, but carries political weight. . .


Israel's U.N. Ambassador Danny Danon criticized the General Assembly on Tuesday for failing to condemn the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Palestinian Hamas militants that sparked Israel's assault on the Hamas-run Gaza Strip.


He rejected the Palestinian text, saying: "Let's call this for what it is: this resolution is diplomatic terrorism, using the tools of diplomacy not to build bridges but to destroy them."


Israel captured the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem - areas of historic Palestine which the Palestinians want for a state - in the 1967 Middle East war and has since built settlements in the West Bank and steadily expanded them. [Words in brackets were added by Lyn.]


What does this mean to those who are watching for the Rapture of the Church?


As the article states, this UN vote held in NYC, the Big Apple, is “not binding but carries political weight” putting more pressure on those nations that voted against the resolution via “diplomatic terrorism” as the Israeli Ambassador rightly called it.


We know this autumn is the 7th Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman. With the November U.S. Presidential election so near and the lame duck President Joe Biden’s term soon ending, the Sign of the Woman President may appear any time now—one of the Dominoes of the Great Shaking leading to the Rapture (related: Babylon and The Last Call!) It is possible Kamala Harris (by way of Constitutional Amendment 25) could be President when the Two-State Solution is announced.



Shaken to Awaken!


In the midst of this Great Shaking our God will cause an awakening and a time of wonders such as the world has never seen before!


Brandon Biggs of Last Days YTC shared in What the Lord showed me in a vision at church (at 9:24 minutes mark) how in the Spirit he was shown a wave of glory like a pink sunset! This, of course, reminded me of what God had revealed to me about a coming great wave of glory and of a more recent wedding dream I had that involved the color pink.


Since the 1990’s, I have been called to prophesy of the coming Great Shaking that is to awaken those who are spiritually asleep (see my testimony in Is the Rapture Earned?).


I've said that Those in Christ will transform into a higher realm of glory and do great works during this brief season. It will be the fulfillment of John 14:12. (See my related article: Prophesied Events Before the Rapture regarding the difference between allasso and metamorphoo).


There will, however, be those who call themselves Christians who will think God has forgotten them as America then the rest of the world sinks deeper into the intense Transition of the Great Shaking. They will be devastated unless they allow the Holy Spirit to do a refining in them when God’s great wave of glory comes.


2012 is probably when I received the first inkling of what God has in store for His Overcoming Church during these last days. This is what He said:


The days of this Earth as you have known it will pass away and a great wave of My glory will wash over the world. Just as in the days of Noah, My wave will engulf the world and there will be those who will enter the ark of Jesus Christ and be saved and those who will choose not to enter and will perish. [From The Coming Wave of Glory]

In 2019 I wrote Erasing the Line in the Sand for a 2019 September Rapture which summarized most of what the Lord has revealed to me about the Wave of Glory. Then in The Sign of the Dragon and NYC--The Main Domino Leading to the Rapture I wrote of the dominoes that would be set up to fall as God’s great Wave of Glory will engulf the world:


9-11 2.0—The Main Domino 

According to a night vision given to Fernanda Menegassi-Lojac (see, this may be the case for in her dream NYC IS ATTACKED THEN THE NEW MADRID EARTHQUAKE OCCURS. This would connect the attack on NYC with the approval of the Two-State Solution for it is the impetus to the New Madrid quake. Prophetic voices are revealing that there is a connection with an attack on NYC, the Big Apple, AND the timing of the dividing of Jerusalem, the apple of God's eye! 

Shane Warren's prophecy (beginning at 17 minutes in this interview with Sid Roth and in this article) indicates that America's economic collapse will occur around the time of the New Madrid quake caused by America's treatment of Israel and dividing her land and especially Jerusalem. Brandon Dawson at Tribe of Christians warned in 2020 of economic collapse coming wherein a dream indicated events will transpire/manifest starting in November

It is my understanding that the Rapture will occur following this great quake after God allows a small window of opportunity for the unsaved to make Jesus Christ their Lord.


(For more on the ‘Dominoes to Fall—the Great Shaking’, read Babylon and The Last Call!)

Before the Decree is Birthed, the Man Child will be Birthed!


This Last Move of God during the Church Dispensation will be one of great miracles including raising the dead—a combination of Word and Spirit coming together simultaneously as seen in the book of Acts—and the teaching of cessationism will perish overnight. 


Back on Friday, May 15, 2020 I shared: 

Urgent Word For Global Church

By Thomas Harry   May 7, 2020  

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I urge you to take the time to read this word which I believe to be one of the most urgent for the body of Christ in many years. We live in an unprecedented time where believer and unbelievers are trying to understand where we are and where we are going. This word has not been released lightly and is not simply another word or prophecy, but direction from the Lord that will help prepare us for the history changing moment right in front of us. What is ahead is greater than the Reformation and will have a bigger impact than that. This will be a reformation of the world as we know it not just a doctrine within Christianity. Most of the world believe this pandemic is the defining moment of 2020 and indeed recent history. It is not – it is about to fade into a low background noise and a mere footnote of history compared to what God is about to do. Our Almighty, Eternal God can never be triumphed over by a disease. So I urge you to prepare and open your heart as we are on the precipice of one of the defining moments in history similar to Noah’s flood, Israel being delivered from Egypt and other historical milestones. 

Isaiah 60:1-3 “1Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. 2See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you3Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” This scripture is being fulfilled before our eyes today. Some have waited for decades to see the day we have now entered. While the gross darkness in the world and on the people is clear for all to see – we must all now prepare for a level of glory none of us have ever experienced before. For many years we have quoted powerful scriptures like John 14:12 “Greater works will you do because I go to the Father” and Habakkuk 2:14 “For the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord like the waters cover the sea.” Now is the time for these scriptures to become reality.


We will witness the pronouncement of the Two-State Solution by the United Nations but we will NOT be here when it is birthed. Instead, we will witness the Completion of the Revelation 12 Man Child and His Birth! In Did God Signal a SEPTEMBER 23 Rapture? I shared:


Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O nation not desired; Before the decree bring forth, [before] the day pass as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the LORD come upon you, before the day of the LORD'S anger come upon you. - Zephaniah 2:1-2 KJV 

In Facing the Dragon and The Dropping of HIS 2nd Shoe, I shared how the month of July will see the Two-State Solution go forth with the declaration of “peace and safety” shortly ensuing. This is very likely the basis of the Daniel 9:27 covenant or decree on which the Antichrist will “ride in on” as portrayed in the I Pet Goat II video. 

In the phrase “Before the decree bring forth”, “bring forth” is translated from the Hebrew word yalad which means “to be born; to bear, bring forth, beget, travail”. Before the Antichrist’s false Peace Decree is brought forth or birthed, the Revelation 12 Man Child will be born—a nation not desired gathered together to meet the Lord in the air!

Pink Lace Wedding


The morning of April 25, 2024, I recorded in my journal what I call My Pink Lace Wedding Dream. The reason why I believe this dream was from the Lord Jesus Christ is because I had been praying for a Rapture-type dream. Sometimes dreams are for the individual, so I waited and believe He would have me share it now as an encouragement that we are indeed so very close to going Home!


Pink Lace Wedding Dream   April 25, 2024


I dreamt I was cleaning up the family homestead to get it ready for a wedding. My sister Kim was helping me. It was hard work because it was a big place and at one point we had to go outside and up a huge flight of stairs along a cliffside to get cleaning equipment.


The scene changed and I was in the main room where all the wedding party was gathered. The bride was my mother (who has gone to be with the Lord some years ago now). She stood upon a round platform or dais. Light shone about her as though she were in a soft-glowing spotlight. She was young again and wore a pink lace dress with a skirt that flared in a 1950’s style.

“I think all is ready now,” my mother said as she looked around at everybody lovingly.

I looked to my right and saw that my sister Kim was dressed in a pink lace gown that reached to the floor. Then I noticed I was dressed in the same pink lace but had a tailor-made pant suit on and my body was young and slim again. It seemed my mother’s dress was a deeper passionate pink than our outfits.


I sensed the groom was nearby.

My mother loved lace and pink was her favorite color. Pink symbolizes God’s tender love and compassion in Biblical context for it represents a blend of sacrificial love (red) and purity (white). The red blood of Jesus Christ was shed that we can be the righteousness of God and have eternal life (2 Corinthians 5:21).


In the dream when my mother (representing the Bride) said, “I think we’re ready now”, it could be perceived as the watching Bride of Christ’s perspective of time—we’re all ready to appear for our Wedding. It could also mean WE ARE THAT CLOSE!



1 comment:

CY and Cry said...

It's almost heart-breakingly precious to see our beloved parent young and vital again in a dream. That dream will come true! We have so much to look forward to and no reason to look back. Maranatha!