Thursday, September 21, 2023

SEPTEMBER 23, 2023???


Will Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be announcing ‘PEACE AND SAFETY’ in his speech scheduled for tomorrow, the day after International Peace Day, at the United Nations General Assembly?


Each year the International Day of Peace (IDP) is observed around the world on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. Never has our world needed peace more.

This year’s theme is Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals. It is a call to action that recognizes our individual and collective responsibility to foster peace. Fostering peace contributes to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals will create a culture of peace for all. Source:


Thanks to Watchwoman 65, Lisa Boyce, in her September 19, 2023, post I was alerted to what they are calling “The Peace Day Effort”.


The European Union External Action (EUEA) site reported the following on September 18, 2023:


On Monday, the European Union, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the League of Arab States, in cooperation with the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, launched an effort to reinvigorate the peace process in the Middle East. They convened in this regard a ministerial meeting at the UN headquarters in New York, on the sidelines of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, in the presence of almost fifty Foreign Ministers from around the world. . .

The need to revitalize a meaningful peace process to achieve the Two-State Solution, in accordance with international law, UNSC resolutions, the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative and the 2013 EU peace supporting offer cannot be overemphasized. The alternative is further deterioration that will threaten regional and international security.

The Peace Day Effort builds, among others, on the Arab Peace Initiative (API), which was adopted by the Arab States to lay out their vision for a comprehensive regional peace . . .

The Peace Day Effort aims at elaborating the benefits of the API and the European peace supporting package and enlisting all existing and potential international efforts. The Peace Day Effort is open to all parties ready to make substantive contributions to it.

On this basis the initiators of this effort aim to produce a comprehensive “Peace Supporting Package.” This package is to be rolled out immediately after “Peace Day,” when the parties reach a peace agreement on the basis of the Two-State Solution. Such a wide-ranging package will help sustain the peace, and will produce peace dividends for all.




Times of Israel reported today, “Final details on a potential normalization deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia could be worked out as soon as early 2024,” according to Foreign Minister Eli Cohen.


Is it possible that by the time Netanyahu goes before the UN to speak tomorrow that a “Peace Supporting Package” could be reached that includes the Two-State Solution?


On September 20, 2023, The Times of Israel reported these remarks by Benjamin Netanyahu as he met with Joe Biden:

“I think that under your leadership, Mr. President, we can forge a historic peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and I think such a peace would go a long way, first, to advance the end of the Arab-Israel conflict, achieve reconciliation between the Islamic world and the Jewish state, and advance a genuine peace between Israel and the Palestinians. This is something within our reach.”


Even if the Peace Day Effort is simply an agreed-upon “Package” and not yet finalized, will it be the trigger for the prophesied New Madrid Faultline Earthquake or will we have to wait until 2024?

From the Opening Theme of Little Shop of Horrors which includes a warning regarding September 23, there is a scene where a man is holding a newspaper and the headline reads, “UNEXPECTED TOTAL ECLIPSE—End of the World?” (from 5784 AND THE RAPTURE DOOR (Please read before September 23!)


9-23 Predictive Programming


Will predicted events related to September 23 manifest this year or not? In an Israeli News Live video beginning at 3:25 minutes, Steven ben Nun shared how there's a lot of speculation that our power grid will go down SEPTEMBER 23.


As I’ve shared in previous articles, there is a possibility of an unexpected eclipse also occurring (see 5784 AND THE RAPTURE DOOR (Please read before September 23!).


Clock Starts in SEPTEMBER?


I set this before you, Brethren, to be in prayer and to be expectant for the real possibility of TRANSITIONAL EVENTS BEGINNING THAT WILL LEAD TO THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH!


I could be getting ahead of myself and nothing happens—yet. However, a young Brother in Christ, Gavin Dees, recently shared in this 7-minute video that Jesus is coming back AND THE CLOCK STARTS IN SEPTEMBER!


Israel is the end days timepiece, so let us be watching what Israel’s Prime Minister has to say tomorrow. Will his speech be about historic PEACE AND SAFETY? If so, SUDDEN DESTRUCTION and the RAPTURE will not be far behind!

LINK TO UN LIVESTREAM: #UNGA78 General Debate Live (Israel, Pakistan, Iraq, UK, & More) - 22 September 2023

The give excerpts from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent speech at the UN General Assembly in their article, Netanyahu tells UN that Israel is on cusp of historic peace with Saudi Arabia


Hmewrdbd said...

Blessings, Lyn. Thank you for this--so much encouragement. I love how you credit others with links to those sources. Sometimes I get off on rabbit trails and have to rein myself back in, lol. Your article from August 13 seems prescient indeed. Oh my goodness, events happening right on top of each other. I truly think there is much going on behind the scenes (both in the earthly and in the spiritual realms) that we may not know about until the consequences manifest--i.e. sudden destruction. I don't remember exactly, but I want to say Katrina followed not long after GW made some decision deleterious to Israel. Tik tok. Thanks your excellent job of pulling everything together for us once again. love, judi

Lyn Melvin said...

Judi--Oh thank you for your exhortations, dear Sister💖
I feel like I'm holding my breath in the Spirit!

Lyn Melvin said...

My friend Stephan over at Rev12daily left this thought provoking Comment:

Stephan September 21, 2023 at 3:38 PM
Lyn, thank you for another very interesting article!
Isn't it interesting that Benjamin Netanjahu was born exactly 75 weeks after the birth of Israel?
May 14, 1948 - October 21, 1949 = 75 weeks
So at the time when Netanyahu will deliver his speech tomorrow, he will be 27 000 days old (75 prophetic years) and it will be 75 weeks and 75 prophetic years after the birth of Israel!