Waves of Shaking
And His voice
shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, "YET ONCE MORE I
This [expression,]
"Yet once more," denotes
the removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things,
so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. - Hebrews 12:26-27
In The
Coming Perfect Storm John Paul Jackson
cautions us that what is coming in this year of 2020 is NOT the wrath of God
but His chastening. I have explained it as “a lifting of His hand of grace and
mercy” in order to shaken and awaken those who are spiritually asleep. (See
also The Call of the Bride Blog’s Fulfilled
Headlines page and Get
Ready for a Wild Ride!) John Paul sees an intertwining of the elements of
religion, politics, economic and geophysical events that will come in WAVES.
It is now apparent that the tsunami
dreams I (and many others) have been given were to forewarn of these
different WAVES coming which also includes physical tsunamis!
I’ve been thinking on the significance of the March 11,
2011, Japanese earthquake and resulting tsunami. As I wrote in a 2018 article, I believed the
7th Anniversary of that quake/tsunami was a sign that the prophetic
waters of the world broke which would lead to the start of Israel’s travail.
Labor or travail is the prophetic picture of Jacob’s Trouble
or The Tribulation.
It is our hope that we are in the season of Micah 4:
Now why dost thou cry out aloud? [is there] no king in
thee? is thy counsellor perished? for pangs have taken thee as a woman in
travail. - Micah 4:9 KJV
Transition leads to Pushing
World's 911 is Our 311--“. . . The announcement of the Mideast Peace Plan
will likely begin the 1
Thessalonians 5:3 “sudden destruction” OR it will result first in
America’s fall with The Tribulation quickly following thereafter”.
The sudden destruction that I believe occurs simultaneously
with the Resurrection and Rapture of the Overcoming Man Child has not resulted;
however, the beginning of the fall of America HAS begun! Prepare for a
Long Labor our sister Barbara warns:
. . . This plague you are seeing
spread across your earth is simply a birth pain. There are many more to come,
My loves. During this time, you will observe the enemy attempting to carry out
his plans, and many will be affected by greater earthquakes, tidal waves and
weather events. Many will be shaken so that turning to Me will be their only
option. For My own, this will be a time of further refinement, a time of
refreshing and even jubilee, for it is My good pleasure to shower My own with
My blessings. Be careful, My love, as to whose truth you believe. Will it be
Mine or those that wish to cause you fear. Fear is not of Me, My children, and
I will keep you on the wing of My protection when you rely upon Me. Some will
be disappointed in hearing these words, as many have run ahead proclaiming an
immediate rescue scenario for My church. . .
It may be that Barbara believes the Bride will witness the tsunamis that
have been prophesied for both U.S. coastlines. In my prophetic tsunami dreams I
wasn’t worried as I warned of the incoming great wave(s) but yet did not “see”
the Rapture occur (related article: 2020 Year
of the Crown). However, Bob Barber (End Time Dream and Vision YTC) in his October
16, 2019, video stated
that in the collective of tsunami dreams/visions he has gathered, the Rapture
occurred at the time the great wave hit!
HOWEVER--This is not a time to leave our watchtower!
Based on what little the Spirit of the Lord has revealed to
me, the Bride of Christ will see other “shakings” before her Beloved Bridegroom
sweeps her off her feet. Remember the prophecy related to the fall of New
York, Chicago and L.A.? Unfortunately, the current corona or crown virus
and its resulting economic effects is only the beginning.
The yet-to-be-born-into-Heaven Man Child is in the transition
phase. Not only in the sense of childbirth, but we are also transitioning from The
Church Age of Grace to the time when God will be at work within Israel to bring
them into the Messianic Dispensation:
Taken from parents.com:
Labor has multiple stages, the
first of which is marked by the onset of contractions and ends with transition.
The first stage is the shortest but often the most intense stage of labor.
This is followed by active labor,
when the cervix dilates more rapidly and contractions are longer, closer
together and more intense. This stage is often referred to as the "pushing"
phase, and coincides with the full dilation of your cervix. This is also the
stage of labor when birth crowning occurs.
In childbirth transition is followed by the pushing and
crowning phases. Notice that as the laboring mother transitions into the
pushing phase the “contractions are longer, closer together and more intense”.
As you push, your baby's head may
appear, but after the contraction is over, it will withdraw from view once
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Beloved Brethren--We are so very hopeful that the Man Child
is crowning, but we are pushing prematurely--DON'T PUSH YET! I know you don’t want to hear this,
and I don’t want to write this, but transition is so very difficult to get
As in all births, transition is the
most acute phase so it is challenging to relax during the constant barrage of
intense contractions. Transition
Exactly what the “barrage of intense contractions” will look
like, I am not certain. I do believe the Bride could see more earthquakes here
in America along with more chaos as a result of the unrest and lack of what is
normal for us. This is not fun to endure, but God has shown He will be at work
within us mightily as He, the Great Deliverer, finally says, “PUSH!”
"Once you can see the head and it doesn't
slip back in, that's crowning," says Ami Burns, childbirth educator
and doula.
"A fun way to think of it is that birth crowning occurs when you can
see the part of the head where a princess would wear her crown."
During this very brief yet tumultuous phase we, who are part
of the Bride of Christ (also identified as the Overcoming Man Child), could
very well receive more rewards and crowns than we did our entire life on
earth! We want very much to skip all this transitional shaking; however, like a
woman who is so happy after the birth of her child, we will forget this painful
phase of our life (John 16:21). Joyfully, the time to push will come leading quickly
to crowning and then birth!
Before she
travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man
child. - Isaiah 66:7 KJV
Once crowning occurs, your
baby's arrival is imminent.
So then the Overcoming Man Child of Revelation 12:5 will be birthed into eternity before The
Tribulation in fulfillment of Isaiah 66:7. Before Israel experiences the pain of Daniel's 70th Week or The Tribulation, the Overcoming Man Child will be born. The birth process for the Millennial Kingdom
then ensues and is referred to as The Birth Pangs of the Messiah or Jacob’s
“The English phrase, birth pangs of
the Messiah, or the Hebrew Chevlai shel Mashiach, is a major theme of
the Bible. It is commonly known as the seven-year tribulation period.” waytozion.org
Will Israel’s Sea of Galilee “waters break” as the prophetic
sign of the birth pangs of the Messiah beginning?
The Harp
On March 14 I woke from a dream wherein I was holding an
ancient lyre and thought I heard, “Keep the harp close.” As I thought on it, I
recalled Paul Dawson’s report on the
Sea of Galilee or The
Kinneret which means The Harp. The people of Israel, especially the
religious leaders, are joyously watching as the water level rises in the sea:
Rabbi Zisholtz began his explosive
three-hour interview with a warning:
“…the process of redemption is
about to start happening very quickly and at a fast pace…
“Getting the word out now that
the Messiah is closer than ever is a matter of life and death. Haven’t you
heard of Gog
and Magog? That is what is going to happen very soon. Right now, the
situation is explosive more than you can possibly imagine. Everyone needs to
know whether they are on the inside or if they are going to be left out.”
He went on to reiterate a number of
signs of which prominent rabbis have taken
note and that they firmly believe to be evidence of the coming of
“Rabbi Dov Kook, as everyone knows,
is a very righteous man. He is one of the greatest men of our generation…[and]
ten years ago, when Israel was suffering from a horrible drought, someone asked
Rabbi Kook when the Sea of Galilee will again be full,” recounted Rabbi
Zisholtz. “Rabbi Kook responded that when the Messiah arrives, the Sea of
Galilee will be full. In a few weeks, the Sea of Galilee will be full for the
first time since Rabbi Kook made this statement.” israeltoday.co.il
Crowning in 2020?
In previous articles
I have shared my hope that those who are looking for His appearing will meet
Him in the air no later than this Passover. Since Israel is our prime signal
for the 70th Week of Daniel and her
are expecting their Messiah before Passover, it is encouraging to watch the rising of the waters of The
Kinneret in expectation of the Man Child being born!
I want so badly to PUSH! But even if our crowning and birth
does not occur by Passover, it is still possible 2020 will be the Year of
the Crown or the Corona when we will witness the convulsing convergence of
world events resulting in our great escape (Revelation 12:5)!
Corona also has its roots in the
Greek word "koronis" translated "wreath or garland".
From Wikipedia:
"Coronis is a textual symbol found in ancient Greek papyri that was
used TO MARK THE END of an entire work or of a major section
in poetic and prose texts." [bold highlight added by me] 2020 Year
of the Crown
Brothers and Sisters, we are living in the time that MARKS
THE END of the Church Age of Grace. Let us not grow weary in well doing as we
excitedly look for His appearing!
March 26, 2020--Thought it would be appropriate to re-post this excerpt from The dropping of His shoe. . .:
A Shaking Time
The Bible predicts that a shaking time is coming, when everything that can be shaken will be shaken. This won’t be just a shaking of the world and its institutions. It will be a personal shaking time for every Christian, when God will rock our world. In Hebrews 12:26, 27, God warns, "Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens." The words "once more" indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God with reverence and awe."
Notice, it’s the "created things" that will be shaken. The things of this world, such as human philosophies, human governments, human economies, and especially, mere human religion.
Christians are not exempt from this shaking. A religion of convenience is going to be shaken. A religion made up more of personal opinion instead of a "Thus saith the Lord" is going to be shaken. A religion where self is supreme is going to be shaken.
But what is it that cannot be shaken? Recreated things. Things that are not of human origin but that have their source in the Spirit. These are the things that comprise "a kingdom that cannot be shaken." Signs of the Times
I am in 100% agreement with this post! Yes the virus is bad but we continue to live in our homes, have internet access, electricity, water, we can even go to the store (yes my state is under "shelter in home" rules). This is the first birth pang IMO. The sky phenomena will begin this spring/summer and perhaps EQs etc, especially starting with California first.
Thank you for the post, it is spot on Lyn!
Thank you ever so much for your confirming words, Hope♥ To those who do not know what "sky phenomena" Hope is referring to, please read my previous article, The Horror of Darkness and The Everlasting Covenant:
Thank you Lyn! Another excellent post!
Hugs Aimee♥
Thank you my sister, your messages are always so well done and that encourages me even if I don't often comment, I will always read them. I would have a question, I do not know if it is the same for all believers but these days I get impatient more easily, I am emotional and I have the impression to criticize more, so I keep coming back to my Savior to ask for forgiveness because I feel guilty of sinning. As if sin was more present in my life. I have been saved since 1988 and I know my Bible but it is as if I forget the lessons that the Lord teaches in His Word and I fall. I am waiting for our Lord and I look forward to coming home so I read the Bible daily, pray for my family and neighbors for their salvation and visit the sites on the rapture of the Church and all. But still, it looks like I've been sinning lately. Is it the same for you or am I the only one who has difficulty walking in sanctification? Carole
If we are all honest, we would say, "Yes, I struggle with ________." Then fill in the blank! We ALL must overcome SOMETHING everyday by the blood of the Lamb--THANK YOU DEAR LORD JESUS for your precious blood!!! I personally struggle with being patient also, Carole. The important thing is to do as YOU have been doing--seek the Savior's face in intimacy and humility and ask His forgiveness. Oh, how He loves us and wants us to be in a close relationship with Him. We don't lose our salvation when we sin, but we feel disconnected to Jesus if we get off the path He has set before us. Father God, help Carole and I and all who are struggling as we await Your Son's return. We yearn to be with You. We ask that you would lift our weariness in a powerful way to Your glory in the name of Jesus Christ, our precious Lord♥
Amen! Thank you sister!
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