It is always my desire to express at this blog site what the
Lord Jesus inspires in me by His Holy Spirit. This has led to me connecting the
dots concerning Israel and the geopolitical along with rhema prophecy and the
Scriptures. It is not a “thus saith the Lord” scenario I project, but a
scenario based on the weight of what the Holy Spirit is revealing to the Church
in alignment with the Word of God.
With that in mind let me share more of what I believe could
indicate a 2025 Rapture, for indeed this year already has our heads spinning! WE ARE ABOUT TO ENTER A TIME LIKE NO
In VFTB 1/5/25: Mark of the Beast, World War 3, and Trump – What You'll See in 2025 Derek Gilbert reports that the UN and Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and WHO have used public health as the impetus to set up the legal framework to become a global government...effective May 2025. Again I say God has inserted a Trump Presidency to hold off World War 3 only tentatively and to make way for a last Great Awakening and Harvest before a possible 2025 Rapture!
In my previous article I categorized the signs under the
“Pestilence Department” or the “Heavenly Department”. In this article the signs
I will share overlap both departments.
We’re Running Out of Time
It has been my experience with God—and probably yours
too—that He will wait until the last minute to pull me out of the fire of a
situation. The essence of 1 Thessalonians 5:3 seems to set the timing of the
Rapture of the Church at the last possible atomos of
time when we are caught up in the air just as worldwide cataclysmic events
begin thereby missing them “by the skin of our teeth”.
So when is the last minute? We assumed it would be a nuclear strike on America that would trigger our harpazo, but perhaps it is a nuclear strike on D@m@scu$ that will do it!
In my previous article, 2025 Head-spinning Signs of Our Exodus, I told you what Stan Deyo said—that global alien disclosure is to occur as D@m@scu$ is demolished. The article Israel's Calculated Gamble: Why A 2025 Strike On Iran Looks More Likely talks about the window of opportunity to stop Iran is closing fast. Damascus, Syria, is a stronghold for Iran making it, in my opinion, the likely candidate for this planned strike which could happen THIS YEAR OF 2025.
Additionally, I shared about a possible connection between
the destruction of D@m@scu$ and the fall
of the Daughter of Babylon, America. All these things interconnect and so I am
doing the best I can to present them before you so that you can take them
before the Lord in prayer.
in the Lord, I know much of what I share you do not want to hear. I am
only telling you so that you can prepare your heart, mind, and home! We WILL
shine brilliantly in the days of darkness ahead!!!
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Year of The Shining One Anointing |
40-Year Prophecy of GREAT Glory with the Great Shaking!
Perhaps this would be a good time to interject a wonderfully
encouraging word given 40 years ago through Kenneth E. Hagin, founder of Rhema
Bible Training College. When Diana Biggs at Last Days YTC began reading this
prophetic word, I felt the Holy Spirit come over me!
I suggest you begin watching at 15 minutes in The Lord said there’s
not enough urgency: a great shaking is coming when Brandon Biggs of Last Days YTC tells what
the Lord said to him—“Brandon, I'm going to shake this world like it's never
been shaken before. You're about to see things that you never thought you would
see and it will be with earthquakes; it will be with volcanoes; it will be with
things signs in the heavens it's going to shake the ones that are pretending to
be awake. . .”
Then at 17:48 minutes Diana reads the rhema
given to Kenneth Hagin in 1983. Here are some excerpts:
Some of us have seen it in the spirit realm—we've been conscious of the fire of God but the fire will actually come into manifestation and there'll be people—sinners as well as saints—that will see fire all over the heads of the people. They'll be driving down the street or down the highway and they'll see fire on top of the buildings and they'll come!
. . . The glory of God will fall and the power of God will be in manifestation and men will and women too will even be transported like Philip was and found in another place and great, great, great shall be the reward thereof for the Lord God is the same God today as he was yesterday!
. . . He is the miracle-working God. . . He will move and keep His word with you and many shall be astonished. But the greatest miracle of all is that there will be so many fish caught in the net that the nets can't hold them. . .
Whatever your place is in the body of Christ, moving into that place is fueled by prayer, fired by the spirit, and ignited with His glory!
When I heard how God said He was going to transport or translate people like Philip,
I remembered what I wrote in 5780--The
Year of the Mouth and Birthing:
As we humble ourselves before Him and say, “Yes, I will,” I believe He will do a work in us. I’m not sure how that will look, but I believe He will either send people to where we are or send us to them. And by send us I mean He might choose to supernaturally translate us (similar to Philip in Acts 8:26-40) in order that we might pull the unsaved out of the fire and bring in the last harvest.
Both my husband Tom and I (and others we have talked with) have recently been experiencing powerful dreams where we are witnessing to small or large groups of people. I have only had two such dreams, of which only one I remember distinctly. In my dream I was in what looked like a park for there were evergreen trees and picnic tables and I was witnessing to two young people—one was a young teen and the other older, maybe 19 or 20. It is difficult to describe the intensity of how I spoke. It was with conviction and urgency. My words went out like a trumpet call! But the young people walked away not wanting to receive what I had to say at that time. But the Word does not go out void!
Tom has been having this type of
dream weekly! He believes that the Spirit of God might have
actually transported him so that he could speak Life into specific groups of
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Will it Begin this Spring 2025?
Because Moses began the Exodus with the children of
Israel after they observed the Passover and Joshua celebrated Passover when the
Exodus was completed, I’ve been looking more at Springtime and the significance
of April 17 as relayed to me by the Lord in the Dance Card
Dream as I explained in 2025 Head-spinning Signs of Our Exodus.
. . . I got to thinking about that Dance Card dream and the purpose of the dance card, which is for the woman (let’s say, the Bride) to write down the names of those who wish to dance with her. It is a record of a series of dance ‘dates’:
. . . Dance cards listed the specific dances to be performed and provided lines for ladies to fill in the names of their dance partners. In many instances dance cards and programs were designed in such a way as to make them valuable in their own right, as a souvenir of the evening.
Of course as members of the Bride
Company, our dance card would be filled with only one name, our Bridegroom--the
Lord Jesus Christ! According to the American Antiquarian site, the dance cards were sent out
prior to the date of the ball for such an event ‘was indeed an
important social activity that required thorough planning and organization’.
[Excerpt from April
17--An Important Date with Jesus? Highlighting added by me.]
Because a dance card lists a series of “dance dates”
within one great promenade, was the Lord indicating that the April 17 Planetary
Parade was the beginning of a series of celestial signs OR does that mean
our Exodus dance will
begin April 17 perhaps with a great earthquake along the New
Madrid fault line (more on that later in this article) and culminate in the Rapture later in
2025 after the decree to build the Third Temple which will likely be associated
with the Abraham Accords and the Two-State Solution?
2nd Plague to Fully Manifest by Spring 2025
Springtime is when the A.I.-designed organism is expected to
fully manifest as I shared in THE
In What the Lord showed me about the pl@gue is already showing up in the news Brandon Biggs gave an update on how the second sorcery plandemic he foretold is already appearing in the news. It is an A.I.-designed organism which they expect to fully manifest by Spring 2025. The kickoff, however, is planned for January 21, 2025, (as revealed by Dr. Peter Hotez at 18:34 in Brandon's video OR at 4:27 minutes in the MSNBC video--Michael Bloomberg slams Trump's pick of RFK Jr...).
If Brandon's video is taken down
you can probably still view the Jason A video from which he shares clips--EMERGENCY ALERT: NEW
Gaza = Dividing the Land = 2nd
Gaza and Trump
I thank God for most of what President Trump is doing for
our country; but as
I wrote before, it will hold America's head above water just long enough so
that the Final Move of God will be able to be birthed then the Revelation 12
Man Child will be birthed!
When I heard the news that our President wanted to take
control of Gaza, I went to the Lord in prayer. “What do YOU think of this,
Lord?” I asked. And this is what I believe He replied:
“Trump, like America the nation he stands for, has let pride
get in the way.”
Pride [goeth] before destruction, and an haughty spirit
before a fall. - Proverbs 16:18 KJV
At Mar-a-Lago, a bizarre, golden-hoofed goat idol is on display,' ... 'The idol is wrapped in [fake] $100 bills that say, "In Trump we Trust," replacing God with Trump.
In his first term, Donald Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem, declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel, and signed the Abraham Accords implementing a burgeoning peace covenant between Israel and her Muslim neighbors. Now here at the very beginning of his second term, President Trump has made the jaw-dropping statement that America will now control Gaza, quite possibly setting the table for the building of a Jewish Temple. . .
In his first term, the coins
showing Trump to be a modern-day King Cyrus who authorized the Jews to rebuild
their Temple were minted, and you can see them at the top of this article. But Trump is not Cyrus who had
biblical authorization in Isaiah 44:28 (KJB) to issue his decree. Trump’s
decree, if and when it comes, will be planted firmly in the realm of the coming
kingdom of Antichrist. The United States being the one who divides the land of
Israel? That’s mind-blowing, and that’s the memo here. . . Source: President
Trump Stuns The World By Saying The ‘United States Will Take Control Of Gaza’
And Possibly Allow The Jews To Rebuild Their Temple
at Generation2434 posted
this video, Golden Statue of Trump - Not Good!, about 11 days
after I wrote in this article what God said about Trump’s Gaza.
There is more than one prophetic voice claiming that Trump’s
plan to take over Gaza is technically dividing the land of Israel. Gaza does
belong to Israel according to the outline given in Scripture (see
One of those voices is Brandon Dawson of Tribe of Christians. In his recent video You Have Three Months To Prepare Urgent Prophetic Warning he says, “While I believe this geopolitical shift is necessary and divinely orchestrated, it still involves the division of the land—which means there must be consequences. The vision confirms that this consequence will manifest as a second p@nd3mic.”
Solution = Dividing the Land = Plague of Darkness
It IS mind-blowing that America will be mainly responsible
for judgment to fall!
At about 18 minutes in The Lord showed me we truly are at the end, Brandon Biggs told of a vision he was given where he saw mile markers in time fly by until he saw, “YOU ARE HERE!” and the Lord said that Adam's lease is up on a Rosh Hashanah and Satan is demanding his time BUT GREAT REVIVAL will break forth in the sliver of time that is left before the Rapture!
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On Thursday, the first day of Rosh Hashanah, a group of Jews smuggled shofarot (ritual rams’ horns) onto the Temple Mount and, despite police efforts to stop them, blew all of the requisite shofar blasts for the holiday. It should be emphasized that this is most probably the first time since the Second Temple stood that the shofar has sounded at Judaism’s holiest site. |
Brethren, my hope is that the Lord was referring to Rosh Hashanah 2025! If so, then perhaps we will witness the pronouncement of the Two-State Solution by the United Nations at their JUNE 2025 Peace Conference but we will NOT be here when it is birthed. Instead, we will witness the Completion of the Revelation 12 Man Child and His Birth!
Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O
nation not desired; Before the decree bring forth, [before] the day
pass as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the LORD come upon
you, before the day of the LORD'S anger come upon you. - Zephaniah
2:1-2 KJV
THIS FALL 2025 the decree for the building of the Temple and the Two-State
Solution will go forth.
In the phrase “Before the decree bring forth”, “bring
forth” is translated from the Hebrew word yalad which
means “to be born; to bear, bring forth, beget, travail”. Before the
Antichrist’s false Peace Decree is brought forth or birthed
the Revelation
12 Man Child will be born—a nation not desired gathered
together to meet the Lord in the air!
In the video Third Temple Heavenly
Sign 2025! Beginning of Daniels 70th Week! Bob Barber at ENDTIME DREAM &
VISION YTC presents evidence of a heavenly Sign of the Decree to Build the
Temple. At 15:23 minutes he illustrates the apex of the celestial sequence which
is to fall on the Feast of
Trumpets in September 2025! As I mentioned in 2nd
Shoe to Drop by June 2025 then RAPTURE?!, the ashes of a red heifer are
needed beforehand and it was recently reported that The
Red Heifer Ceremony Could Happen Soon.
Because the heifers awaiting slaughter were born in October
2021, they will attain the threshold age of their third year this fall of 2025. Autumn 2025 will also see
the conclusion of the 7th year since the 2017
Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman.
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It Fits! GodAMinute YTC |
32 A.D. Crucifixion = 2032 A.D. Second Coming = 2025 Rapture!
More and more information is coming out about 32 A.D. being
the year of our Lord’s crucifixion making 2032 A.D. the year of His Second
Coming to Earth, which means 7 years earlier the Rapture would then occur THIS
YEAR OF 2025!
Biblical scholar and author Ken Johnson claims that the Dead
Sea Scrolls indicate 32 A.D. as the year Jesus was crucified based on his
interpretation of the Qumran calendar and its alignment with significant
biblical events. According to Johnson, the end of the first Shemitah of the Jubilee
Cycle would have been on April
6, 32 A.D., which aligns with the range of dates experts believe Jesus was
crucified (30 AD-33 AD). Source
In his Part 2 presentation, 2ND PASSOVER PROPHECY
Supernatural By Design YTC explains the day of the week Jesus was crucified
with the April 14,
32 A.D. total lunar eclipse; ties together previous blood moon tetrads with one
coming in 2032 and how it relates to Israel's history; therefore, giving
further evidence of Jesus's second return being in 2032 so that 2025 would be
the Year of the Rapture!
Planet X and 3 Days of Darkness
In my previous
article I wrote of the signs indicating a very possible 2025 Rapture
including the final disclosure of the UFO phenomenon on the Day of the Rapture.
Before nuclear and galactic
w@r begins, however, there will come a great earthquake in America due to her
major part in forcing Israel to divide Jerusalem and give up land to form a
Palestinian state via the Two-State Solution.
Remember the 9th plague of Egypt? It was the plague of 3 days of darkness. Along with others, I have been shown that this plague of darkness is coming again and it is connected to the great earthquake that is to divide America.
X, which I have written about previously, reportedly will cause 3 days of
darkness and will be responsible for the magnitude of destruction on the Earth
during the Tribulation. Asteroids and meteor strikes are in the news much
lately which could indicate the nearness of this system because Planet X has a large
debris tail.
It is my belief that God will graciously allow us to first be able to see this binary system before the prophesied 3 days of global darkness which is said to be caused by the nearness of Nibiru. (Related: 3 Days of Darkness?)
“Planet X Will be Visible on June 24”
On May 6, 2023, just before waking,
I heard in a dream that Planet X will be visible on June 24. Please seek
the Lord about this, of course, Brethren. For many reasons I believe this may
have been from Him and it would be confirmation of what Michelle from Australia
(and her family) was shown—that near the end of June in some year Planet X
would be visible worldwide (see TICK
TOCK! When They Come Down, We Go Up!). [excerpt from THE
Its nearness to Earth may exacerbate man-made efforts to use
advanced technology to cause a great earthquake at the New Madrid fault line.
This would be another Exodus parallel as there was a separation
God made at Sinai between the true believers and the false via an
New Madrid fault zone earthquake APRIL 2025???
FOR AMERICA and many of us are wondering if APRIL 2025 will be when it happens.
Is Trump’s takeover of Gaza associated with the Two-State Solution to divide
Jerusalem and will it trigger the foretold earthquake to divide America?
Great American Eclipse of April 2024 WAS A ONE YEAR SIGN, THIS WOULD BE ANOTHER
RAPTURE as I conjectured in April 17--An
Important Date with Jesus?
Around the time of the New Madrid earthquake, it has been
foretold that there will be three days of supernatural darkness worldwide. In a
video by John
Traczyk, Mike From Around The World talks about how The Powers That Be know
how Planet X will affect the Earth, but they don’t want to warn the people because
it would mess up their plans for the New World Order.
Early this month John posted Arriving Binary Sun
& Earth's Chaos. Symptoms Increasing. Mike From Around The World. Planet X
which contained interesting confirmation of things the Lord has shown me in
dreams. This 35-minute video is worth watching because Mike talks about the
Santorini Volcano, Egypt’s three days of darkness and the days of darkness that
will be caused by Planet X (read about my dream at 3 Days of
Darkness?), and how Earth will be bathed in infrared so everything will
look red (like I shared in THE
SIGN OF THE AURORAS & THE RAPTURE, which also mentions that the month
of JUNE could be
when a Carrington-like event will take place)!
Rapture Exodus
SEALS, THE 2ND PLANDEMIC & THE RAPTURE I referred to another Exodus
Let me bring to your remembrance how we will escape by the
skin of our teeth as shared in Don't
Make Me Have To Come Down There!--
Escaping the Coming Storm
Before the “man of sin” can be revealed, the Rapture of the Man Child/Bride must first happen (see The Rapture in 2 Thessalonians 2:3). Those in Christ will see “the Storm of storms” approaching but it is there to awaken the unsaved before it is too late. Be assured that the Bride of Christ will be harpazo-ed by the Heavenly Bridegroom before the Storm overtakes Her.
The second dream in Kristi Winland’s series of dreams confirms this and is so encouraging! . . .
The dream God gave her encapsulates
where we are, Brethren. The waters may come lapping at our toes, but remember
the account of Joshua. By faith those who were bearing the Ark of the Covenant
stepped toward the Jordan River allowing the waters to lap at their feet (Joshua
3:13) then the waters parted making a way to the Promised
Land. God showed Kristi in a dream that the waters of the Storm may lap at our
toes; but just as Joshua (whose Hebrew name is the same as Jesus’--yᵊhôšûaʿ) led the Israelites in
completing their journey out of Egypt, Jesus will lead Those in Christ out of
the Egypt of this world before the Storm hits and whisk us to a place He has
prepared for us in His Father’s House as He promised!
Because of the many parallels between Israel's Exodus and
the Church's harpazo, I'm anticipating the possibility that
this SPRING our Bridegroom will keep His promise--
and perhaps begin our series of "dances" that will
lead to Him whisking us away to our Heavenly Wedding THIS YEAR OF 2025!
Related: The
Horror of Darkness and The Everlasting Covenant
Updated 2/27/25