Saturday, January 11, 2025

“I AM COMING FIRST IN YOU, MY CHILDREN, THEN I WILL COME FOR YOU!” True Stories of How to Walk by the Spirit

We are still in the Hebrew Year 5785 (Fall 2024-Fall 2025) and it has brought forth so many indicators of it being very possibly The Year of His Appearing that I wanted to write about it. But as I rose up in the wee hours this morning and cast my eyes upon the moonlit newly fallen snow outside the window, a solemn peace came over me causing me to sit in the rocking chair in front of the fire and be still before Him.


This is the calm before the storm.

I AM the calm in the storm that will soon be upon your world.

I AM the anchor the lost will seek to steady their hearts.

I AM the only Way to the Father.

I AM Alpha and Omega. I accomplish what I begin.

I WILL accomplish My work in you and I WILL accomplish My work in the world and



Hearing this rhema in my spirit made me realize I needed to share more about walking by the Spirit of God (as I promised in my related article) for the Lord repeated the essence of previous messages He has given me (see the rhema “I AM the Anchor” posted within WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW NOW—THIS Holiday Season! and It is Time—A Word for the ‘Dawn Treaders’).


It was in the word to the ‘Dawn Treaders’ that I recognized the Lord reiterated what He had shown Clayt Sonmore when he wrote Beyond Pentecost—that “The Bible also declares Jesus will come in His “overcomers” before He comes for His people”. Brethren, we have been called to overcome the enemy during the transitional Great Shaking that is to occur just prior to our Departure.


In the following excerpt from the PDF of Beyond Pentecost, our Brother wrote of the coming of the Comforter, the Holy Spirit:


Christ further said: "If we shall live in Him, and allow His words to live in us, we shall be able to ask what we will and it shall be done [created] unto us." Yes, and also, "He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you."

This comforter is come, my brethren. He's here! He wants to lead you dear brother, dear sister, me, all of us who are willing to pay the price into God's "new day," the glorious Life In The Spirit . . . that place of total union with the Father and with the Son!

We Are Entering the Season of “Greater Works”


Clayt Sonmore saw a time when God’s willing children would allow “Christ in them” to do greater works:  


Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do [it]. - John 14:12-14 KJV


It has been proclaimed in the Spirit that we are entering the Season of “Greater Works” that Jesus foretold. It will be an unprecedented move of God—brief yet amazingly powerful! AND we will know the nearness of His coming to Gather Us Together while we are amid our efforts for Him!

Who can Walk by the Spirit?


Some of us have been through many tribulations and walked a good number of decades with the Lord while others may be new to His family and ways. But ALL are eligible to walk supernaturally in His wondrous WAVE OF GLORY!


If you have confessed Jesus as Lord and believe God raised Him from the dead as it directs in Romans 10:9, then you have the authority to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit—the Spirit of Christ—that is within you WHETHER YOU CHOOSE TO OR NOT IS UP TO YOU!


In WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW NOW—THIS Holiday Season! I wrote how God has made it possible for us to operate above the natural realm because we are supernatural; therefore, we need not fear!


For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. - 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

 Only those who have been regenerated in their spirit—have Christ in them—are able to overcome the insanity of these last days and hours on earth for God has given us a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind!


I am one who has had many decades of learning, ministering, and searching the Scriptures, but in this Season of “Greater Works” I believe that even the neophyte will walk with great power!


Fire in my bones


Each disciple of Christ has the freedom of will to cooperate with the Spirit of the Lord or not. Let me tell you, though, God has His way to put the fire (sometimes literally) in your bones to give you the boldness to walk by His Spirit.

Since my early years as a Christian God seemed to want to pour through me words of encouragement, comfort, and exhortation for the rest of the Body of Christ. Naturally, there were times I preferred not to speak. One such time was when I attended a gathering for the first time where the local church met in what used to be a country store. There was a guest minister that day and after he spoke there was a lull and an expectation to hear from the Lord. I was sitting near the back (of course) and I had a knowing the Lord Jesus wished for me to speak. “But it’s my first time here, Lord!” I argued. My plea went unheard for suddenly a fiery electricity came through my head and into my entire body and I felt that if I did not speak, I might die. So I stood up and spoke as the Spirit bade me.


The following week I returned to the little country church and a young man approached me. “I was sitting directly behind you last week when you spoke,” he began. “And I felt the electrical charge of the Spirit upon you!” We both laughed as I admitted to him my hesitancy to speak and how God helped me overcome it.


That is but one example of how the gift of Holy Spirit within a born again believer operates. The Scriptures outline this in 1 Corinthians Chapter 12.


But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. – 1 Corinthians 12:7 KJV


In a nutshell, every Spirit-filled believer can minister (1 Corinthians 12:8-10) by way of: 

A word of wisdom

A word of knowledge

Supernatural faith

Gifts of healing

Working of miracles


Discerning of spirits

Diverse kinds of tongues

Interpretation of tongues


It is at the Spirit’s leading that we operate these gifts via the love of God (1 Corinthians 12:11) for the building up of the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:7). In the shaky days ahead I believe Those in Christ who choose to go forth in the darkness will carry the glory of God and perform great miracles fulfilling the promise of John 14:12.


My family and I were discussing this verse recently and I said I wondered whether the greater [works] meant greater in volume not necessarily more miraculous. One of the definitions of greater translated from the Greek word megas is: “2. of number and quantity: numerous, large, abundant”. Jesus raised people from the dead. You and I have that power because He now lives within each person who has made Jesus Lord in their hearts. And in the coming turbulent days, I believe we will see numerous people raised from the dead!

“Jesus hasn’t come to make you a better person—He’s come to replace you.” Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ! Romans 13:14



I’ve shared before sources to help those who may not be familiar with how to walk by the Spirit. Besides the Scriptures, what helped me the most realize the authority I had was to visualize Christ in me. In 2018 The Season of Miracles I wrote of a personal experience that solidified this but will reshare it here:


. . . My sister shared with me an excellent video that explains what it means to walk by the Spirit by Chris Blackeby called Living from Heaven. I have never heard this young man speak before, but I highly recommend this particular teaching he did. 

My favorite quote from him is: “Jesus hasn’t come to make you a better person—He’s come to replace you.”


Wow! That’s walking by the Spirit in a nutshell—to be so likeminded with the Spirit of Christ within you that it is as though He has replaced you.


One of the first times my husband Tom and I experienced being ‘replaced’ by Christ was when we were asked to minister to a couple in their home. Before leaving, we held each other’s hand to pray and immediately the Spirit of the Lord gave me a vision of a great fire. I shared the vision with Tom and said, “Our God is a consuming fire! He has gone before us to make way for His work.”


This was the encouragement we needed for we had been told some fearful things about the husband. Their little house was at the foot of a small mountain. When the door was opened, it was very dark inside but with my spiritual eyes I could see little imp-like demons scattering all over the place.


“Oh no! HE’S here!” they screamed, but only I heard them. That was when I realized the spiritual realm does not see us in our flesh when we come in the name and power of Y’shua Ha Moshiach, our Jesus—they see HIM!


It was wintertime when Tom and I went to that little house. Because of our obedience to go (we were actually quite afraid to go), we saw remarkable deliverance and healing by our wonderful God AND the couple came to salvation. As we drove back home, I turned to look back at the little house now in the distance and it was snowing. Nowhere else was the snow falling—it was gracefully enveloping only the little house as though it were in its own glorious snow globe!

Years later I shared more details of this spiritual encounter in my ‘Dawn Treaders’ article:


It was the most powerful experience we ever had. We saw a tumor on a man’s spine disappear before our eyes. Also Tom received a word of knowledge that Ed was dying from a rare liver disease and spoke healing over him. Weeks later Ed and his girlfriend came to our little used-to-be-a-country-store building where our church met.


“We came here today,” our new Brother in Christ began, “to let you all know what God did. I went to work this week and everybody was asking me, ‘What has happened to you, Ed? You look different.’”


Tears poured from his eyes as he concluded, “I told them—I’ve been washed in the blood of the Lamb.”

Demons are Terrified of Christ in You!


Before I go any further, I want it to be known that DEMONS ARE TERRIFIED OF JESUS CHRIST AND THEY ARE TERRIFIED OF CHRIST IN YOU!!! The key to dealing with demonic spirits is do as the Holy Spirit shows you to do. The Spirit of God may have you bind the demon oppressing the person and not cast it out at first, but during the mighty Wave of Glory, I believe God will have us casting them out left and right!


Once when I had the privilege of ministering to a woman, I commanded a spirit to leave her. In the spirit I could see the spirit leave, but I knew there were more. As I continued to pray in tongues seeking God’s guidance, He gave me a vision of a strong man spirit hiding behind a bunch of lesser demons attached to it. 

“I see you, strong man!” I shouted. “Come out in Jesus’ name!” 

The spirit tried to argue with me—not audibly, but in the spirit I heard—“I will not leave!” 

From the depths of the authority I knew I had in my Lord, I commanded, “You WILL come out in the name of Jesus Christ! And you will not tear this woman as you come out!” The strong man spirit left along with all his minions and the woman was delivered and healed, praise God! [From October 4 & Mass Demonic Possession]

Henry Gruver


There are people of all ages even now performing miracles as led by God, but Henry Gruver led a life that is a testimony of how to walk fully guided by the Holy Spirit, so I wanted to be sure to include him in this article. These posts contain stories of his life:


Gold Falling on the Gentiles!

Why is America Suffering?

Apostasy and the Coming Alien Invasion

Needless Casualties of War and The Mystery of Spiritual Warfare—This information saved my life!

John Paul Jackson


Also John Paul Jackson explains how we were made to walk by the Spirit in The Mystery of Spiritual Warfare. For the prayer warriors out there, be sure to watch his 4½  minute video, 5 Reasons Not to Engage in Second Heaven Warfare or its full-length 28:30 minute version, Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of Spiritual Warfare.


In 2008 John Paul Jackson prophesied of a coming epidemic and many other things to befall America and the world in The Coming Perfect Storm. I believe he was correct in saying--


“God will use this nation to awaken the world.”


This is the main reason why God is primarily using the United States as the epicenter for the Great Shaking.


It will be the SEASON OF THE OVERCOMER!—(rhema given to me on March 11, 2018):


On this day seven years ago a tsunami swept over Japan. Today the Spirit of the Lord is saying NOW is the time for the great tidal wave of My Spirit!


Look to see ME in the chaos!

Look to see ME in the mess!

Look to see ME in My people


As they arise as a great tidal wave of My glory over this land and over this world.


Spoils of Egypt!

Spoils of Egypt!


I will cause My people to take the spoil of souls in the world! This is their last battle before entering the Promised Land—to conquer evil by harvesting souls I have prepared to receive Me in this hour.


So fear not My Beloved!

Fear not the wars!

Fear not the natural disasters


For I am in the midst Dear Ones!

I AM in the midst of the judgment coming upon the world. It is My great mercy to grab a hold of the lost before My great wrath is poured upon the earth.








This is what you have been waiting for!

MY MOVE upon the earth!

Not man’s but MY MOVE!

Rejoice for I am coming for you My Loved Ones.

I am coming in the midst of the mess and pulling you out at My Father’s bidding.


The Great Harvest begins! REJOICE!


Oh no I am NOT finished with the world yet!

My latter rain is NOT finished yet!


And I will flood the earth with My glory through My people before the end.


This movement will have NO NAME attached to it. It will sweep across the world swiftly. It is the SEASON OF THE OVERCOMER!




Alla D said...

Thank you Lyn! This is great, reading more times! These the very last days is also a great season, and Jesus came to us to replace us! Studying this topic! I want also to get healing before our going home! You are really blessed!

Lyn Melvin said...

Comments posted at Rev12daily:

Maranatha321...January 11, 2025 at 8:47 PM
Great article Lyn! And thanks for the references on spiritual warfare and our rights as believers against principalities and all that. I didn't know about the 2nd heaven dilemma, so that's essential to understand! Thanks so much! And thank you my dear Lord Jesus!

Lyn Melvin January 12, 2025 at 6:51 AM
Carole💖, understanding that our authority is on earth and the heaven above earth and NOT in the 2nd heaven was what literally saved my life (a story for another time). I so appreciate you mentioning that! Yes, THANK YOU DEAR LORD JESUS!

Hmewrdbd said...

Lyn, thank you for this article! Very interesting about spiritual warfare and the three heavens. I have not understood the distinction, as Carole said, either. I know there are some who believe we can summon angells--order them--but that idea has never set well with me. Also, I'm sure you remember the Transformations video from years ago that claimed we can command powers and principalities over cities. We sure don't see that happening in Gabriel's case! I always thought the verse from Jude about angels not rebuking other angels didn't, necessarily, apply to us, since they are not indwelt by Christ Himself, but I see that now in its full meaning. While I do have a prayer language, I have never operated in the other gifts--yet, I have full confidence and belief in our authority IN CHRIST over the demonic entities of this world. I stand on the truth that He DISARMED them on the Cross and made a public spectacle of them! This distinction between first and second heavens, if anything, makes our position stronger I think. We so need to be settled in what we believe/know to be true to function effectively in these days of increasing chaos. 💖

Lyn Melvin said...

Hmewrdbd/Judi--It will be something to behold--this coming Season of the Overcomer. It is my belief that God will even translate some of us to minister where we cannot physically go like He translated Philip after he ministered to the eunuch in Acts 8:39.

Min. Larry Washington said...

Absolutely Awesome, To God be the Glory