It came into my spirit recently that I have warned for years of the coming Great Shaking (see SEPTEMBER, the GREAT Almond SHAKING, & The RAPTURE) but now I need to write about how to live victoriously through Christ in those tenuous days that could be upon us anytime now that Joe Biden is pushing for World War 3 without Congressional approval AND they’re talking about making Kamala Harris President temporarily!
Two days ago Brandon Dawson at Tribe of Christians posted PROPHETIC
WARNING: WWIII IS COMING wherein he said:
In a dream I had years
ago, I saw a significant attack on the United States occurring during the
holiday months, between November and January, near Christmas time. This period
is critical, as my visions suggest a heightened vulnerability during these months.
Given the current geopolitical tensions and military escalations, it’s
essential to remain vigilant as this timeline approaches.
Brandon wasn’t shown what year this attack on America would occur, but as he said, given the current geopolitical climate it could be this upcoming holiday season. The day after submitting this article Marfoogle TV (a popular pro-military YouTube Channel) posted They DON'T Want You to Know! | We WILL Be At War! (HUGE UPDATE). At about 5:30 minutes Adam mentions the exact time frame Brandon Dawson warned about—November through January.
America as a nation is unrepentant causing God to lift His hand of protection, so we can only seek Him about what manner in which this attack will come. God has revealed the Dominoes to Fall—it could be the grid going down, a dirty bomb, the New Madrid earthquake, or something else.
Walking by the Spirit = Sanity
In prophetic words the Spirit of the Lord has given me over
the last few years He says “fear not” over and over. Last Saturday as I sought
His face, He explained to me that the reason He says this to me/us often is
because there is much to fear in the natural. Then in contrast He added:
“But you are supernatural because of Christ in you. So
fear not for I have not given you a spirit of fear.”
Fear is one of the demonic spirits that likes to attach
itself to people. To combat it, you must walk by the Spirit of God:
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of
power, and of love, and of a sound mind. - 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV
Only those who have been regenerated in their spirit—have Christ
in them—are able to overcome the insanity of these last days and hours on earth
for God has given us a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind!
There is no way I can fully express in one article how
to walk by the Spirit, so let me begin by writing what else the
Lord has been speaking to His people. Besides the obvious physical preparation
needed in case the electricity goes out, martial law sets in, and grocery
shelves become empty, the Lord has been speaking to His people important keys
for spiritually preparing their home and their family.
But they that wait[qāvâ—to wait, look for, hope, expect] upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint. - Isaiah 40:31 KJV
🗝️Praise and
thanksgiving are KEY as we plow through the days of the soon coming Great
Shaking! Waiting on the Lord with a heart of anticipation and hope will renew
your strength as we are exhorted in the Book of Isaiah.
In a July 2023 article I included a video posted by Brandon
Biggs at Last Days YTC—Answering some
questions—where he talked about a greater shaking than Covid coming to
America. At ~25 minutes into the video he shared the same prophetic warning the
Lord showed me, "A major catastrophic event will take place right
before the revival. . . A great harvest of souls!"
Sadly, it seems this is not something the Body of Christ can
pray away. We can, however, pray regarding the effect it will have on our
lives. As I was cleaning out my herb garden this morning, I was moved to pray that
my family and I would be able to walk without fear but in great power as the Spirit
of the Lord has foretold—that we would stay thankful no matter what the
Even before this disaster happens many in America will
already be struggling. We will be living in the most intense of times as we transition
from the Dispensation of Grace to the Rapture. The Rapture of the Church
is a birth as foretold in Revelation Chapter 12 and in childbirth
there is a short period of shaking as the woman goes through the transition
phase (see 5785
Time’s Up—Transitioning to the Rapture).
Both Brandon Biggs and Merienne Lynch, a seasoned believer
in Christ whose channel I stumbled upon, are exhorting God’s people that to get
through the Season of the Great Shaking we must live by faith and be thankful!
In his video How to get through what's coming; being thankful and living by faith Brandon shared how
and daily thanksgiving were central for individuals’ survival during the Great
This message was emulated by Merienne in God Gave a Vision to Warn with Instructions to do Miracles to Protect
You... About 10:30 minutes into this video she says, “We live in a very serious
hour and it had been warned they would put things into the foods, drugs, and
atmosphere, the plants... We must remember to receive food
with thanksgiving.
For every creature of
God [is] good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
- 1 Timothy 4:4 KJV
We MUST NOT COMPLAIN but BE THANKFUL in the midst of our
trouble! It was not my plan to write about thanksgiving as we near that
very American holiday, but this key is what is on the heart of God at this
🗝️ Acknowledging and entering the presence of the Godhead is key to walking by His Spirit. Though we usually associate entering God’s presence with a worship service, the Lord Jesus will honor you with His presence if you simply enter a place of humbling yourself and seeking His face. He is, of course, always with us but I am referring to experientially knowing Jesus our Lord. There will be times where His presence can be felt or seen. He may choose to have you experience Him by way of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In an upcoming article (should the Lord tarry and the grid stay up) I plan to share more about this and also tell some personal stories of God’s awesome power at work!
This past summer on August 19, Monday, the Lord impressed on
me how others, especially our own family, will be looking to my husband Tom and
I for wisdom. Wisdom is another provision that comes from our Heavenly Father
through Christ Jesus and He reminded me we must seek Him daily—not simply
by reading a devotional, for example, but by being still before Him
individually, as a couple, and also as a family. It is amazing how deeply
intimate and moving quiet communion with the Lord can be.
You are Fully Fitted to Overcome!
When we finally find ourselves in the midst of the Great
Shaking, God has promised to pour out His glory upon Those in Christ to prepare
us for a Great Harvest—a time of amazing awakening and revival!
In the past I have written about the DOMINOS
that are foretold to fall before the Rapture. So last year it caught my
attention that there was a Christian documentary released called Domino
![]() |
‘Miracles at the Movies’ |
As the Dominos
fall and catastrophe comes to this nation, there will be an amazing Revival!
And through the Spirit and the Word God has fully fitted us with all we
need to be overcomers in whatever situation we find ourselves:
All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is]
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect [artios—fitted,
complete, perfect], throughly furnished unto all good works. - 2
Timothy 3:16-17 KJV
![]() |
It is Time for the ‘Dawn Treaders’! Remember He’s coming in the clouds! |
In fact, the word “perfect” is
translated from artios--
“In the ancient world, this word was used to describe a ship that was fully loaded for a voyage or a rescue boat that was completely outfitted and prepared for any emergency.” [From p. 21 of What the Bible Teaches About Spiritual Warfare by Dean and Ice]
This know also, that in the last
days perilous times shall come. - 2
Timothy 3:1 KJV
[Excerpt from It
is Time—A Word for the ‘Dawn Treaders’]
This season will be like no other! As I wrote before, this Last
Move of God during the Church Dispensation will be one of great
miracles including raising the dead—a combination of Word and Spirit coming
together simultaneously as seen in the book of Acts—and the teaching of
cessationism will perish overnight.
Even now God has been multiplying food for His people.
Because of extenuating circumstances (which many of us can relate to), I have a
younger sister who lives with her husband and two of her grown children and two
grandchildren in a simple one-level house. Each week they buy groceries 🗝️
thanking and trusting God to multiply their food to meet their needs
because many times they feed additional relatives.
While visiting this past summer I experienced this miracle
of multiplication at dinner one evening. I saw the amount of food on the stove
that had been prepared and wondered how it would feed our crowd of ten. Each
family member served themselves in the kitchen taking their plate out to the
dining room where we all sat together. I waited until everyone was finished
eating and went out to the kitchen to help clean up. I was amazed because
there was actually food leftover in all the pots and pans!
In the Scriptures the seas can represent the nations (Isaiah
17:12-13; Luke 21:25). We live in a time when the “seas are roaring”. As good
seafarers we are to “HOLD FAST!”
The origins
of the hold fast tattoo can be traced back to the early days of seafaring.
Sailors would frequently face dangerous and unpredictable conditions as they
navigated the open seas. Storms, rough waters, and pirate attacks were all
common hazards that they had to face.
Amidst all these challenges,
sailors needed something to remind them to stay strong and never give up. The
phrase “hold fast” was a popular saying among sailors, and it soon became a
symbol of their resilience and perseverance. Many sailors began tattooing the
phrase onto their skin as a permanent reminder of the mindset they needed to
survive at sea.
“HOLD FAST!” is the cry of our Lord and Captain of
Salvation; it is the message for this season:
Be ready My people for The Day is coming when you will
need to hear My voice and My voice only.
Fear not the days ahead but REJOICE!
For the days ahead will bring much joy, much healing,
much persecution with much salvation!
Be at peace.
Fear not.
I AM WITH you!
Hold fast to the Word you have been taught.
Hold fast to that which is True.
Hold fast My people to Me!
I AM THE ANCHOR in the coming storm that must pass before
the peace of Heaven.
Be ye holy as I am holy.
Be ye fearless as I am fearless.
Be ye bold as I am bold!
All that I have planned will take place then you will
hear the trumpet call you Home to Me and never again shall we be apart!
So again I say REJOICE! For you of all people have much
to look forward to!
ANCHOR is a rhema I received on September 7, 2024)
Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial
which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's
sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with
exceeding joy.
If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy [are
ye]; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is
evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified. - 1 Peter 4:12-14 KJV
Updated 11/23/24
Thank you Lyn! You are right. We must give thanks in all things as the Word says. When things go wrong and when they go right. God has promised to never abandon us and that all things work together for our good, in suffering as in blessing. And God dwells in the midst of praise. Kisses and MARANATHA!!!
M321/Carole--Thank you for reminding us that God dwells in the midst of PRAISE! I WROTE THIS ARTICLE NOT ONLY FOR MY BELOVED BRETHREN BUT FOR ME because I needed to be reminded of all these things. Kisses and a big hug for you, dear girl🥰
Lyn, I feel like I'm in a pharma ad nowadays. The visual of smiling, glowing faces while a voice intones all the possible side-effects. I am THANKFUL to know our true Savior. We just have to wait for it. Maranatha!!
Oh, AMEN, dear CY! The Powers That Be may think they have us beat, but God is going to have the last Word when it comes to His creation--PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME😊🙌
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