When I was inspired to title my previous article The Star of Jacob’s Trouble, I wasn't aware of Jarrett's videos of the same title at his Supernatural By Design YouTube Channel (YTC).
SIGN PROVES EVERYTHING: Star of Jacob's Trouble, Comet
Atlas & Feast of Trumpets Eclipse 10-2 Jarrett presents why celestial
signs, the Shemitah Cycle, the Essenes and even the United Nations together
indicate Daniel's 70th Week begins with the start of the religious year on
Nisan 1, 5785, (sundown March 29, 2025 on the Hebrew Calendar) and not
Tishri 1 (September 22, 2025).
In this video where he concentrates on the heavenly signs,
Jarrett is not claiming a Rapture date for he said the Holy Spirit has told him
not to Rapture date set and focus on the events that lead to the Rapture as His
celestial signs point out. As those who regularly read my blog articles know, I
too believe we are to focus on the Pre-Tribulation Events God’s signs point out
and be praying about and preparing for things to come as God has revealed
through prophecy.
Jarrett believes the star that is about to explode in Corona
Borealis (which is named T
Coronae Borealis, or T CrB (pronounced
“T Cor Bor” by most people or the Blaze Star) is part of the crown of
Serpens—the Great Red Dragon. Although I applaud Jarrett for his many insights,
the original intent for all the constellations was to exalt God’s Word
and the Lord Jesus Christ, the Word in the flesh:
The heavens
declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Day unto day
uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
[There is] no
speech nor language, [where] their voice is not heard
Their line is gone
out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them
hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
Which [is] as a
bridegroom coming out of his chamber, [and] rejoiceth as a strong man to run a
race. - Psalm 19:1-5 KJV
I would argue that Corona Borealis represents Jesus’ Crown
not the crown of Serpens:
So, let’s hear God’s plan for this constellation. One of my favorite references is “The Witness of the Stars” by E.W. Bullinger. He states that each chapter of each book ends with the glory and the glory of the SCALES [referring to the constellation of Libra], is that Jesus won the Crown! Hebrew 2:7 declares, “You have made him a little lower than the angels; You have crowned him (Jesus) with glory and honor, and set him over the works of Your hands.” The shameful Cross (Crux) is followed by the glorious Crown!
The Hebrew name is Atarah, ‘a royal crown’, and its stars are known today in the East by the plural, Ataroth!
. . . D. James Kennedy wrote in
“The Real Meaning of the Zodiac”, pg 33 about this constellation. “Look up in
the sky and see the Northern Crown, the Corona Borealis (which, by the way,
shines at midnight every night over the city of Jerusalem) and be reminded that
there is a crown for those who are faithful to Jesus Christ.” Source
[Words in brackets added by Lyn.]
To the believer the significance of the nova appearing in The Crown constellation means one thing—the nearness of the Rapture as I shared in The Sign of the Crown; but to a Jew who does not believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah, this constellation supposedly crowning Serpens/the Serpent with its exploding star could very well semaphore the coming of their false Messiah—the Man of Sin—the Son of the Serpent. In essence, it is The Star of Jacob’s Trouble.
Other heavenly signs Jarrett talked about were (at 5:47
mark) Comet T-Atlas and the October 2, 2024, Rosh Hashanah Annular Solar
Eclipse and how they pointed to the Revelation 12:3 Sign of the Great Red
Dragon. He reminds us that Comet T-Atlas marked the 7th
Anniversary of the 2017 Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman. Our Brother
in Christ illustrates with his Twin Comets of War Chart (14:48 mark) how both
Comets Nishimura and T-Atlas at Feast of Trumpets traversed through the
Constellations Leo and Virgo at the Feast of Trumpets and both connected to war
coming to Israel.
At 23 minutes into this video Jarrett refers to two previous
videos he did that explain the Shemitah Cycle and Essenes connection to
Daniel’s 70th Week beginning in 2025. He remarks that the founding fathers of the
UN also point to 2025. I could not verify his UN remark; however, I did
discover that in 2010, the U.S. National Intelligence Council, with the EU
Institute of Security Studies put forth a UN agenda report entitled
‘Global Governance 2025'.
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In 1962, the same year the Supreme Court found prayer in public schools to be unconstitutional; Nelson Rockefeller published The Future of Federalism. |
In 2010, the U.S. National Intelligence Council, with the EU Institute of Security Studies put forth a UN agenda report entitled ‘Global Governance 2025.’ The report stated in the preface, ‘This is the first time the NIC has jointly developed and produced an unclassified report with a non-US body.’ . . .
In 1945, after World War
II, the League of Nations became the United Nations. Among its primary agendas
were the establishment of Israel as a state, and a
one world government system. In 1950, James Paul Warburg
(advisor to F. D. Roosevelt and son of original Federal Reserve Board member
and chairman of J. P. Morgan bank) stated, ‘we shall
have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question
is whether World Government will be achieved by consent or
conquest.’ Within a decade of the United Nations creation, the Bilderberg
meeting took place. In 1962, the same year the Supreme Court found prayer in
public schools to be unconstitutional; Nelson Rockefeller published The Future
of Federalism. It stated, ‘the nation-state is becoming less and less competent
to perform its international political tasks… These are some of the
reasons pressing us to lead vigorously toward the true building of a
new world order.’
Hebrew Year 5785 (2024-2025)
In the book We
are Legion for We are Many: Dominions, Kosmokrators, and Washington, DC:
Unmasking the Ancient Riddle of the Hebrew Year 5785 and the Imminent Destiny
of America by Tom Horn, Josh Peck is one of the contributing authors. (Josh
has worked with SkyWatch TV and is the author of numerous
bestselling books. He currently is the editor of The Daily Renegade and part of
the Prophecy
Watchers team.)
On page 296 Josh Peck wrote a Possible End-Times Timeline
where he states, “We
believe the final Jubilee of our age begins in the Hebrew year AD 5785
He then goes on to refer to NASA’s prediction of a 2029
asteroid Apophis fly-by:
Let’s say that, hypothetically, the Apophis asteroid does strike Earth on Friday, April 13, 2029 (the date NASA currently predicts Apophis will be closest to Earth). And it is, in fact, the fulfillment of the Wormwood prophecy. Amazingly, when we go back three and a half years on the timeline from spring 2029, we arrive at Rosh Hashanah, or the Feast of Trumpets, in 2025. . .
If we use the Essene calendar, we
discover the 2025 Feast of Trumpets occurs on September 16-17 [2025].
As Josh admits, “what is presented. . . is not a prediction,
but rather a possibility” as he is aware among eschatology-minded Christians
this festival is associated with the Rapture of the Church. He then speculates
(on page 297) Daniel’s 70th Week, the Tribulation, will begin
November 1, 2025, when the Antichrist confirms the Daniel 9:27 covenant.
Dispensational Transition
Josh wrote of the Final Jubilee of Man Begins: Hebrew
Calendar Year 5785 (2024-2025) where beginning on page 293 he draws the
analogy of the end of a dispensation transitioning into the next one to a relay
The Essene calendar does put an exact year as marking the end of one age and the beginning of the next; however. . . the beginning of one age tends to bleed into the end of the previous. This overlapping of ages tends to occur within the final Jubilee of an age. . .
We can think of this in terms of a
relay race, where team members cover equal distances but each takes a turn. Let’s
say a male athlete takes the first turn running with the baton. After his turn,
he hands off the baton to the next runner. During that handing-off period, at
the end of one runner’s time and the beginning of the next, both runners are
actually running together, at the same time, in a marked exchanged zone. Ages
work exactly like that. . . In the Hebrew year 5785 (2024-2025), if the Essene
calendar is correct, we’ll enter the marked exchange zone of our age and the
Kingdom Age; what an exciting time to be alive!
The “marked exchange zone” Josh illustrates is why Those in
Christ will witness a Great Shaking as the Transition towards the Kingdom Age begins—it is part of the birthing process! (Related: Dominoes
to Fall—The Great Shaking section of Babylon
and the Last Call!)
In my youth I participated in track events including relay races
and let me tell you—the amount of time the two runners are holding that baton
simultaneously is BRIEF! So keep that in mind when the Shaking begins—it will
be a short period of time as was impressed in my spirit when the Lord gave me
the two visions associated with The
dropping of HIS shoe.
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“Trigger Event” before the Rapture?
In Chapter 4 of “We are Legion” Tom Horn writes about Joe
Biden, the Hebrew Year 5785, and the Next “Great Depression” and expresses
his belief that it will take only one “trigger event” to bring the world to its
On page 126 he reminds us that The Greatest Generation was
birthed during not only two world wars but during the Great Depression
(related: THE
economies are being artificially sustained and it is only a matter of time
before this house of cards collapses. Is this the trigger event, Dr. Horn asks,
or will it be an EMP cyber warfare attack from China which would instantly
crush the economy and lead to digital currencies and a prison planet? He writes
that there is an
increasing risk China will use this technology while Biden is in office.
(Related: WARNING--THE
Based on numerous prophetic dreams, visions, and rhema, I
put together a list of Dominoes to Fall—some of the things to happen
that will lead to the Rapture. I admit that it is not necessarily the correct
order nor is it conclusive—it is not “written in stone”. What is “written
in stone” is the destruction of Babylon. So I believe God has warned that
the true Church will see the “trigger event”, but will only remain on Earth
long enough to witness to the sleepers that have been awakened by the Shaking:
Also remember the infamous April
8th total solar eclipse making the "X" across America ON THE FIRST
DAY OF THE RELIGIOUS HEBREW YEAR and now the October 2nd Annular Solar Eclipse
has occurred as 5784 comes to an END! And another prophetic sign, the Blaze
Star, is yet
to shine; but when it does it will be God’s proclamation of the imminent
the Church is a birth as foretold in Revelation
12 and in childbirth there is a short period of shaking as the woman
goes through the transition phase. . .
Transition Shaking
. . . Those in the medical field generally agree that birth is not painful for the infant, but it is likely he will feel the squeeze as he passes through the birth canal. It will be dark and probably disconcerting for along with the pressure of contractions will be great shaking as his mother succumbs to the stage of transition.
To those who identify themselves
with the Overcoming Man Child whose birth and subsequent harpazo to
the throne of God is described in Revelation
12:1-5, I have written that:
I believe the Lord is showing
us we are going to have to experience SHAKING in our birth process. . . When this shaking occurs, there will
be a spiritual backlash against the enemy’s efforts and a move of God like
we’ve never seen before will occur.
. . . When this time of shaking comes, it is not the Seals of Revelation being opened; it is the spiritual world entering TRANSITION. The dropping of HIS shoe
from 5785
Time’s Up—Transitioning to the Rapture]
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"Trump shall become a trumpet!" |
WW3 Trigger, Donald Trump, and the Rapture
In We
are in the Final Moments before the Rapture (which is presented as Part
1 according to the thumbnail) Jarrett also talks about the Rapture coinciding
with the fulfillment of Jeremiah 49:35-39, the “trigger point” for World War 3.
In this video Jarrett examines how the Israeli attack on Iran marks the
beginning stages before the fulfillment of Jeremiah 49. From the Description
That climatic moment in history
will usher in the nuclear war rapture. This video series will be unique because
the recent celestial event of the Star of Jacob's Trouble is linked to the
opening stages of Bible prophecy with a specific emphasis on Israel, Iran,
America, Russia, China, and with one person of interest to kick it all off...
Donald Trump. Yes, we are in the final minutes before the rapture!
Beginning at the 11:40 mark Jarrett connects Donald Trump to
the Star of Jacob’s Trouble.
This exploding star or nova is a once-in-a-generation event that is expected to occur on an unknown day during Israel’s summer harvest season. Notice that 1946 was the last time this nova burst into brilliance—the year when Jewish refugees from Europe were first allowed to return to their homeland!
. . . In 1946 T Coronae
Borealis—also called the Blaze Star—announced the coming birth of the Fig Tree
Generation. Will this star burst into brilliance once again in 2024 to
announce the coming Tribulation, Jacob’s Trouble, when the Jews’ rightful
homeland and Holy Capitol are torn away from them by way of the Two-State
Solution? This is what I believe it will brightly semaphore and thus be a
beacon of the Pre-Tribulation Resurrection and Rapture of Those in Christ!
[excerpt from The
Sign of the Crown]
Donald J. Trump was born in 1946—the last year the Blaze
Star burst into brilliance. Not only that, as Jarrett points out, Trump was
born during a Supermoon Eclipse; so both in 1946 and in 2024
there were Supermoon Eclipses.
The September 17, 2024, eclipse was a rare Harvest
Blood Super Moon that appeared on the Anniversary of The September 17,
1978, Camp David Accords (the developing stage of what is now known as The
Two-State Solution) and occurred 15 days before the October 2, 2024,
Rosh Hashanah Annular Solar Eclipse. (Related: LOOK
UP! 2 MOONS RAPTURE SIGN SOON! Begin reading at the 2024 Signs in the
sun, moon and stars section.)
The Rapture is not what marks the beginning of the
Tribulation—the fulfillment of Daniel 9:27 is that event. Chuck Missler taught
this yet added, “But
the triggering event may well be the Harpazo, the only prophetic event that is
distinctively both unspecified and imminent”. The Bride of Christ, also
known as the Revelation 12 Man Child, will be birthed before
the Daniel 9:27 decree is birthed.
That is why the many signs connecting Donald Trump with the Last Trump of the Rapture has those who are watching for their Lord’s appearing very expectant of a 2024-2025 birth. (Related: The Last Trump—November 2024? section of THE GREATEST GENERATION, THE GREAT SHAKING, AND THE LAST TRUMP)
[Let me interject here that I don’t believe America
will ever be great again because of what God has revealed in His Word and
through His watchmen, but I do believe the rest of Jonathan Cahn’s
Prophetic Word to Donald Trump.]
So I’ll conclude this article with excerpts from Jonathan Cahn’s
Prophetic Word to Donald Trump as posted by Charisma
News with words in brackets added by me to include something that was left
out or where Charisma made a mistake in transcription:
During the Inaugural National Faith Summit, Jonathan Cahn gave a prophetic message to former President Donald Trump.
“Mr. President, I speak of the mystery of your life,” Cahn said to Trump. “You were born on June 14, 1946. From ages past it was appointed that on that day a Scripture would be recited throughout the world. [The scripture that was appointed for the day of your birth spoke of the bringing of God's vessel a trumpet into the world.]”
“You are a trumpet of God. And the trumpet can only fulfill its purpose if it’s filled with the breath of the One who holds it up and blows through it,” says Cahn. “God is the One who lifted you up, and He wills that you be filled with a breath of His Spirit. God is calling you to go all out for God, for Him, and if you [do], then what follows will be the greatest and most glorious part. Then you will do what no president has ever done.”
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born I set you apart. Now arise and shine, for your [light] is come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!”
[“To the glory and in the name above all names—the name of Messiah Jesus Yeshua—the light of the World, the Messiah of Israel, the king of all Kings, and the only hope America has that it might yet again shine with the light of the fire of the power of the glory of the Living God. Amen!”]
its got timeline info that might be useful few pages down https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SH_ZPG6DNlAEWBP9msnwlGgfI5RTfkw0/view. thanks lyn Excitied for every new post
Andy~Your cheerful comment is much appreciated! And I will be sure to check out that timeline link you sent--thank you💖
Andy, like me you have been collating prophetic voices to paint a picture of what we may expect just before the Rapture. Not that everybody must agree with me 100%, but upon studying your timeline, it seems you and I may have a different understanding about who gets Raptured and when.
We agree that the days of darkness will come before the Rapture of the true Church, however, the Scriptures regarding the “outer darkness” you mention, upon study, has me thinking this is referring to the final judgment of Revelation 20 which connects “weeping and gnashing of teeth” with the “lake of fire”:
βρυγμὸς τῶν ὀδόντων, gnashing of teeth) from impatience and bitterest remorse, and indignation against themselves, as being the authors of their own damnation.[368] Self-love, indulged on earth, will then be transformed into self-hate, nor will the sufferer be ever able to depart from himself. Nor is this weeping and gnashing of teeth combined with darkness only, but also with fire, etc.; see ch. Matthew 13:42; Matthew 13:50; Luke 13:28. Another exposition is, the soft will weep, the stern will rage. The same phrase occurs in Acts 7:54.[369] Bengel's Gnomen Commentary
In every instance that Jesus uses the expression “weeping and gnashing of teeth”, HE ASSOCIATES IT WITH SOMEONE COMING TO THE EXCRUCIATING REALIZATION THAT HE OR SHE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. In Matthew 8:12, it is the Jewish people who reject Christ’s salvation; in Matthew 13:36–43, it is the evil enemies of God; in Matthew 13:47–52, it is the wicked; in Matthew 22:1–14, it is all who refuse Christ’s invitation; in Matthew 24:48–51, it is the evil, disobedient servant; and in Matthew 25:14–30, it is the worthless, faithless servant.
WHEN is this realization made? At the white throne judgment of Revelation 20.
The marked difference between being in the Kingdom versus outside it is found in Matthew 22 where the context is that of the wedding banquet:
And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast [him] into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few [are] chosen. - Matthew 22:12-14 KJV
Without the clean white fine linen wedding garment no one may enter the wedding supper:
Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage [gamos--a wedding banquet, a wedding feast] of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed [are] they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God. - Revelation 19:7-9 KJV
Therefore, within the halls of the wedding banquet there was great light while outside the banquet hall was darkness and weeping and gnashing of teeth.
WE MUST BE VERY DISCERNING WHEN IT COMES TO PROPHETIC DREAMS, VISIONS, AND WORDS (RHEMA) for when they are relayed it comes through an imperfect clay vessel. I believe we will see days of darkness, but I DO NOT believe we have to cover our windows and light special candles. We are the children of Light who have the authority of Christ in us and have power over all darkness that manifests on Earth!
I do not claim to have the last days all figured out, dear friend. So let us continue to dig into His Word and spend time in His presence. . . until we meet Him in the air! Many blessings💖
this a study from tim foster who can be found on youtube.. I am still studing and learning and well look into it further. Thanks for the response
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