Wednesday, March 14, 2018


As a Woman in Travail

In my last post on March 11, I shared a prophetic word given to me by the Spirit of Christ in which He said the Great Harvest has begun and that His people are not to fear the war and natural disasters that will also be a part of this season. In the Scriptures this turbulent time we are about to enter is compared to a woman in labor. In childbirth a woman must dilate to 10 centimeters before the baby can be pushed out.

J. D. Farag made this comparison in his Mid-East Prophecy Update which just so happened to also be posted on March 11. In his excitement regarding Putin's recent threats, Brother J. D. put the world prophetically at 10 centimeters dilated. To use a childbirth-related phrase, I think this dear brother is just a bit “premature”.

The Waters Have Broken

It was on March 12 I listened to J. D. Farag’s post and as I contemplated what he had said, I heard within my spirit, “The waters have broken”.

I knew the Lord was referring to the birth process when the amniotic sac breaks and a gush of fluid comes forth. I gasped as I did a mental review of what I knew about childbirth:

After the water breaks, when will labor begin?
Typically, after your water breaks at term, labor soon follows — if it hasn't already begun.

Do you see why I gasped?

I believe the Spirit of the Most High God is saying that on March 11, 2018, the anniversary of the 2011 Japanese tsunami, the prophetic waters of the world broke. This is a signal of the very, very soon travail coming upon the earth. Just as a woman’s labor typically begins soon after her waters break, so will The Tribulation begin soon!

How Soon is Soon?

There are those in the Body of Christ that claim a March 2018 rapture is imminent. The Lord has not shown me this; however, He has led me to stumble upon other videos posted by brethren that confirm the vision He gave Bob Barber of OUR LAST DAY.

To review, in Bob’s vision, he was shown a nuclear explosion, large alien (actually fallen angel or demonic) spacecrafts, Planet X, and then the rapture happening almost simultaneously.

1) Youtube Channel Mike444 posted a 6-minute video titled Dream from God given on November 4th 2017 (war is coming) in which he was shown missiles of war and space ships and then a holographic figure of a very human-like alien, which he knew was actually a demon. The alien-demon announced that all humans needed to be imprinted or marked (mark of the beast).

2) Zab Paschke also had a DREAM of Spaceships and Missiles and additionally shared a brother’s dream wherein he was shown America being invaded via nuclear war and aliens, but those who were “in Christ” were safe in the Lord’s arms.

3) Loved by the King was given a word that “Many major cosmic events will happen at once” (March 7, 2018, post). Her WOW!!! Rapture Timing Dream and vision reminded me of my three planets dream (which I later believed were 3 super moons—see Super Blue Blood Moon--Israel's Omen). In her dream she was shown a small moon or planet eclipsing the sun and then experiences her transfiguration in the rapture.

In this same video at about the 4:30 minute mark, she tells how two weeks later she was given a vision of 2 full moons separated by a skull-shaped semicolon. At first she believed the two full moons were only symbolic but then realized they could refer to the two super moons in January 2018. Later she came to the conclusion that the eclipse dream was of the partial solar eclipse we had in February 2018 and her vision pointed to the two full moons to occur this month!

She then referred viewers to a channel called step Up.

The Great Sign, Planet X, and the Rapture

4) YT Channel step Up’s dream was the most like Bob Barber’s vision. She posted it on March 10 under the title RAPTURE: WARNING; 12/25 - Nisan 1 the Dog Cries Grace is Over! She was shown the Planet X system coming into view and knew it was a sign that the rapture would occur at any moment. She then was shown a huge nuclear explosion and knew that when the nukes come down, we go up!

March may or may not be when we get to go Home. Some believe the rapture must occur on the Feast of Trumpets. I do not.

I contend that just as Jesus fulfilled the Spring and Summer feasts IN Israel, He will complete the Fall feasts IN Israel at His Second Coming to earth at the end of the 7-year Tribulation.
Remember the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015 and that it was a sign of a significant event coming for Israel. Also the Revelation 12 Great Sign was not just a big tease by God. It is THE SIGN that announced the coming 70th week of Daniel Chapter 9/The Seven-Year Tribulation, and by default, the Rapture of the Bride of Christ.

People get ready--Jesus is comin'~

Caveat: This blog is an attempt to share my spiritual journey and my understanding of the Scriptures. In the past few years that learning curve has been mostly in eschatology or the study of the end times. I do not pretend to have this all figured out. Also, I do not necessarily agree with all the beliefs of anyone whose material I reference. I seek to be led of the Spirit of God as to the sources I use, however, even Spirit-filled Christians only 'see in part' as it says in 1 Corinthians 13:12.

1 comment:

Kim said...

As usual, great blog, great insight. Thank you Lyn for being a "watcher" for the body of Christ and sharing what you see and hear in the Spirit. Yes, we are loved by the KING of kings. I'm believing many will accept Jesus Christ before that dreadful day for those left behind. He loves us so and his desire is that all would be saved from what's coming.