Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Ruby Earrings

My husband Tom presented me with a pair of tiny ruby earrings. It was on one of my birthdays many years ago. They were not the first piece of valuable jewelry he had given me; but they immediately became my favorite, for he had written on the card that came with the earrings—“For my virtuous woman~Proverbs 31:10”.

His expression of love and adoration touched me very deeply and I wore my prize ruby earrings everyday.

Living in the country at the time, we heated our home using a woodstove stationed in the basement. I went outside to split a few logs to keep the fire going. Afterwards, I climbed the stairs to the living room and collapsed in the middle of the carpet while still dressed in my coat and knit hat exhausted from the day’s work.

After my cat nap, I went to the bathroom mirror to rub the indentations on my face and remove my knit hat. As I leaned forward to get a better look, I gasped when I noticed one of my treasured earrings was missing!

“Oh, no, Lord! Not my earring!” I prayed that somehow I would find it. My first thought was to look in and around the knit hat I just removed. I found the gold back, but not the ruby. Did I lose it outside? I felt myself sliding into a frenzy but then brought my mind captive to Christ.

“Lord, You know where it is. Where should I look?”

“The living room.”

The living room was dim for the sun had begun to set. Before I could reach the lamp to turn on the light, I saw a glint come from the rug. I knelt down to feel where I had seen the mysterious glimmer. It was my earring.

“Oh, Lord, thank you for showing me where it fell.”

“For My virtuous woman,” I heard in my spirit.

Blessings to all you virtuous women AND men~Let us continue to stand fast in Him who has called us to be holy~


Kim said...

Your article reminded me to pray and ask God to help me for I too (two days ago) lost a diamond earring my husband of 36 years gave me for my birthday. I went to help my brother Rob cut and haul some wood for his home and discovered the loss later that day after showering.
I loved the reminder of being a "virtuous woman" and how God spoke that to you Spirit to spirit. Wonderful blog!

Carol J. Alexander said...

Such a precious story. Thanks for sharing, Lyn.

Lyn Melvin said...

Kim and Carol--Thanks for your comments. Kim, I am praying that you will indeed find your lost earring. It is by no coincidence that I posted this story two days after you lost it!

Anonymous said...

Aww, this is such a precious story mom! How sweet of dad and how tender and loving God is to us!!