Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Sign of the Dragon and NYC--The Main Domino Leading to the Rapture

Did you see the Dragon wrapped around the top of the Empire State Building? Yes, The Dragons are Here in New York City (NYC). Many who are reading this article suddenly are reminded that we are still in the Year of the Dragon! If NEW YORK is to fall first with CHICAGO then L.A. to follow, the destruction of the city of New York will be the catalyst for their wicked plans and I believe it will manifest this year—the Year of the Dragon.

LIMITED-TIME ONLY JUNE 10 - 20 Pledge your loyalty to Team Green and declare your devotion to Aegon II at the Empire State Building during the House of the Dragon takeover. Woah! Talk about predictive programming!

I mean, think about it. New York City is infamously known for promoting abortion and death (remember the photo below of the vultures flocking Manhattan’s hospital morgue) and is the location of the United Nations that is pushing for the Two-State Solution (see UN News). They use their iconic buildings to project the celebration of their agendas and now they have a giant dragon wrapped around the Empire State Building reminding us that the Year of the Dragon is drawing to a close!

Flock of VULTURES seen circling over Manhattan during lockdown


More recent revelation has come forth indicating that NYC will be the main domino to topple THIS AUTUMN causing the last series of events to fall into place and culminate in the Rapture!

One World Trade Center in New York City, NY — the centerpiece of the World Trade Center complex — was illuminated with pink lighting to celebrate the Empire State’s passage of legislation designating abortion a “fundamental right.”

As I carefully weigh these prophetic voices, I put them together and present it to you, dear readers, for your prayerful consideration. And, folks, I believe God will allow the elite—The Powers That Be (TPTB)—to go forth with their devastating plans (Revelation 17:17) to disrupt the upcoming Presidential election and forge ahead with their global takeover.




It means the LAST DOMINOES will fall this fall culminating in (hopefully) a 2024 Resurrection/Rapture!

President Kamala


The revelatory evidence indicates that the initial domino involves NYC and will happen this autumn—in a September-October window. I am referring to a second 9-11 event, which I will elaborate on later in this article.


It is highly possible that sometime soon they won’t be able to prop up Biden any longer and Kamala Harris will have to step in. Only hours after posting this article, I watched a 10-minute video by Dr. Patricia Green—The Joe Biden Dream—wherein she prophesied, “Soon there will be an incident that happens with Biden that clearly indicates they will stop propping him up”. Her visions did not include a Kamala Harris Presidency, but Dr. Patricia was shown Trump would win the Presidential election confirming the related prophecy outlined in THE GREATEST GENERATION, THE GREAT SHAKING, AND THE LAST TRUMP.


It would make sense that Kamala would be at the helm as America drops to Her knees and onto Her face as foretold by many. In prophecies I’ve shared in PRESIDENT KAMALA & SUDDEN DESTRUCTION and BUCKLE UP! (Part 2) Kamala as President in 2024 & The Fall of America, the Lord is revealing that there is a connection between Kamala Harris becoming President, the destruction of New York City, and an attack from China and/or Russia.

The Big Apple


As I shared in NEW YORK WILL FALL FIRST! David Wilkerson in 1992 prophesied "Thirty days of chastisement will fall on New York City such as the world has never seen." Will New York City experience fires AND then a tidal wave within those 30 days?




Israel is the apple of God's eye and NYC is called the Big Apple.

For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye. - Zechariah 2:8 KJV


In Zechariah 2:8 the term, “apple of His eye”, is used to speak of the “aperture” (literally, the gate) of the eye, known as the “pupil of the eye”. This, of course, expresses God’s concern for Israel.


Is this to indicate that as the Two-State Solution is finally agreed upon that will be when NYC, the economic hub of Babylon, will be destroyed by a giant tsunami after 30 days of chastisement? As the primary instigator behind the scenes in crafting and promoting the United Nations Security Council resolution to divide Israel, the United States will face severe consequences and it would make sense judgment begins with the City of New York—host to the United Nations!

9-11 2.0—The Main Domino


According to a night vision given to Fernanda Menegassi-Lojac (see, this may be the case for in her dream NYC IS ATTACKED THEN THE NEW MADRID EARTHQUAKE OCCURS. This would connect the attack on NYC with the approval of the Two-State Solution for it is the impetus to the New Madrid quake. Prophetic voices are revealing that there is a connection with an attack on NYC, the Big Apple, AND the timing of the dividing of Jerusalem, the apple of God's eye!

Shane Warren's prophecy (beginning at 17 minutes in this interview with Sid Roth and in this article) indicates that America's economic collapse will occur around the time of the New Madrid quake caused by America's treatment of Israel and dividing her land and especially Jerusalem. Brandon Dawson at Tribe of Christians warned in 2020 of economic collapse coming wherein a dream indicated events will transpire/manifest starting in November.

It is my understanding that the Rapture will occur following this great quake after God allows a small window of opportunity for the unsaved to make Jesus Christ their Lord.

NYC dirty bomb BEFORE nuclear ICBMs?


There are numerous prophecies foretelling fiery destruction coming to New York City. The question is, will it be fire caused by a dirty bomb, a rod from God, or meteorites?


John Paul Jackson was shown the following about two Sorcery Scenarios and a dirty bomb (excerpt from 33 Of John Paul Jackson’s Most Important Prophecies): 


(22.) The Lord told me there would be [an epidemic] that came, but the first one would prove to be little but feared. But the second one that comes would be serious. . . 

(27.) He showed me, I don’t know what city, but I know it’s a coastal city, and the result was from a dirty bomb. And a dirty bomb blew up in a coastal city and it was uninhabitable for over 30 years. It was that level of radiation that was released.


In 38 Prophecies for 2023 and Beyond Chris Reed was shown “The Russian-Ukraine situation will lead to Vladimir Putin using something like a dirty bomb—not a nuclear bomb.” In light of many Brethren being shown that WHEN THE MISSILES COME DOWN WE GO UP, I did some research into dirty bombs. They are not considered nuclear although they do give off radiation according to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC): Fact Sheet on Dirty Bombs.

So the initial attack on NYC will not trigger the Rapture but will be the main domino culminating in the Rapture!


So it may be that NY is hit with a dirty bomb first and later attacked via nuclear weaponry. I’ve written previously about how as the asteroids/meteors from the Planet X debris field are pummeling North America they will be using tactical nukes or “rods from God” on our nation that cannot be distinguished from incoming meteorites and that there will be many false “banner” events using advanced technology. Dave Hodges shared his belief that a big one is imminent (probably a dirty bomb) to ensure war and the draft that TPTB want.


Brandon at Last Days YTC recently posted What the Lord showed me in prayer . At the 6:45 mark, speaking cryptically so as to avoid getting flagged, Brandon said that when 9-11 occurred it caused great patriotism to rise up in many people.  An event is going to happen that will cause patriotism to arise and people will go into the military willingly because of it. We will be hit by another nation--it will be another type of 9-11. It will be the go signal to cell groups to go forth like ants out of their colonies to attack.


As he continued, he said major war is coming. “A great humbling is coming to America and this will bring a Great Shaking on America when this takes place. And this shaking will be the mechanism for a great revival.”


Brandon then reminded us of his prophecy of the 350 million deaths and the biological thing being produced in laboratories. The Lord had also shown me many deaths were coming and confirmation to Brandon’s death count in another prophecy as I wrote in THE DRAGON, THE PLANET, & THE ALIENS. My jaw dropped as I re-read this for Brandon was shown the Red Dragon was associated with it!


September-October 2024 Window!


What makes me think that the 9-11 2.0 event will be this autumn?


Besides the sign of the Dragon and the myriad of other signs, geopolitical unrest, prophetic words of chaos coming before the November elections, etc., Jarrett at Supernatural By Design posted some amazing evidence of this in his 29-minute video, SOMETHING BIG IS ON THE HORIZON - I BELIEVE A 9/11 (2.0) ATTACK IS COMING THIS FALL.


He begins by reminding us of the Pons-Brook Comet, better known as the Horned or Devil Comet, that was visible during the very prophetic April 8, 2024, Total Solar Eclipse. Get this. It was on July 21, 1812, that French astronomer Jean Louis Pons first discovered it.


During the year of 1812 major earthquakes were occurring at the Madrid Fault Line. Also happening was the War of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain, the nations referred to in Daniel 7:4-5 that are attacked by the bear


As you all know, the crisscross eclipse pattern marked that exact fault line. Because of the Comet reappearing at this time the Holy Spirit is saying that WAR and GREAT EARTHQUAKES are getting ready to happen again!


At 7:51 minutes Jarrett explains the correlation between the signs in the constellation Gemini (Gemini and war are both connected to America) and also the planet Mars with war (Mars is associated with Michael the Warrior Archangel) and how they point to a September-October 2024 9-11 2.0 event based on the Amos Code Judgments! As I listened to Jarrett talk about the Amos Code Judgments, I remembered the discovery of the ancient basket of fruit and the verses in the Book of Amos indicating a basket of fruit that has ripened over the summer is a symbol of Israel being ripe for judgment—a sign of Jacob’s Trouble, the Tribulation, coming once summer has ended.

Not only that but Jarrett reminds us around the 20:30 mark that coming up on October 2 there will be another solar eclipse—an annular one—which marks 7 years from the Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman during Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets. At this time another comet will be on the scene--Comet T. Atlas. On October 17 this comet pivots after passing through the womb of Virgo and when Mars is exiting Gemini. The Comet seems to codify that the period of time between September 6, 2024, and October 17, 2024, is significant. 


Therefore, another 9-11 type attack is getting ready to take place as summer draws to a close this year! Jarrett doesn’t specifically mention New York City; however, from what I've been shown along with additional contributions from the Body of Christ, I believe it will be NYC that gets hit again making it a true 9-11 2.0.


In a more recent video Jarrett refers to the Hal Turner article, President of Serbia: We Will Have World War within 3 to 4 months. Upon looking into when the President said this, Jarrett did the math and found that the President also pointed to September-October 2024!


Jarrett calls his channel Supernatural By Design--the "11" Channel. NYC will be the first domino that daisy-chains to the final events culminating in the Resurrection and Rapture perhaps on an "11" date as I've proposed before based on Phillip Barnett's prophecy of Russia and America having a nuclear exchange on November 11 of an unidentified year. (To see prophecies related to November 2024 and the upcoming US Presidential election, go to THE GREATEST GENERATION, THE GREAT SHAKING, AND THE LAST TRUMP and begin reading at the subheading, The Last Trump—November 2024?)

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9 KJV

Blessed [are] they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. - Revelation 19:9b KJV


We need not fear what is ahead even though we are entering a time like no other for God has fully equipped us! We ARE the Greatest Generation because of what Christ will accomplish through us in these last hours. Words cannot express the exultation within my spirit as I contemplate His Plan for His Warrior Bride who will radiate His powerful love and overwhelming glory to the inhabitants of the earth before He catches Her away to be with Him forever!




The Revelation 12 Dragon and The Rapture

SEPTEMBER 11 and the Church's Endgame (written 2 years prematurely!)

Monday, June 17, 2024


You are the Greatest Generation


Recent prophetic words through various brethren were mulling about in my mind as I scrubbed the kitchen sink. In my rumination I set them before the LORD.


“You are the Greatest Generation,” I heard in my spirit. Father God then gave clarification to His words.


“You are the Greatest Generation

not because of who you are

but because of what I will do through you.”


Since the 1990’s, I have been called to prophesy of the coming Great Shaking that is to awaken those who are spiritually asleep (see my testimony in Is the Rapture Earned?).


I've said that Those in Christ will transform into a higher realm of glory and do great works during this brief season. It will be the fulfillment of John 14:12. (See my related article: Prophesied Events Before the Rapture regarding the difference between allasso and metamorphoo).


There will, however, be those who call themselves Christians who will think God has forgotten them as America then the rest of the world sinks deeper into the intense Transition of the Great Shaking. They will be devastated unless they allow the Holy Spirit to do a refining in them when God’s great wave of glory comes.


2012 is probably when I received the first inkling of what God has in store for His Overcoming Church during these last days. This is what He said:

The days of this Earth as you have known it will pass away and a great wave of My glory will wash over the world. Just as in the days of Noah, My wave will engulf the world and there will be those who will enter the ark of Jesus Christ and be saved and those who will choose not to enter and will perish. [From The Coming Wave of Glory]


What is the Great Shaking?


There are many articles I’ve written on this subject where I have gathered dreams, visions, and words Brethren in Christ have shared that describe the Transition from the Dispensation of Grace into Jacob’s Trouble better known as The Tribulation. It will be a brief season of tumultuous things happening in order to awaken the unsaved.


A good start for those not familiar with the forthcoming Great Shaking are these articles:



“Peace and Safety” in 2 Steps then the Rapture



As Spirit-filled believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we each must weigh and pray about what is revealed. There are more than two or three witnesses (2 Corinthians 13:1) to confirm what I am sharing. The Overcoming Church will not be leaving the planet unnoticed but in an uproar of victory!


Patrick Winfrey (who also believes in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture) shared in Earthquake Warning Sign of the Rapture! how he was shown there would be a great earthquake before the Rapture and at about the 33-minute mark warns--


When the things Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24

begin to intensify (such as earthquakes),

many who identify themselves

as Christians are going to panic!

1 Samuel 4:14-22 is about travail at a time of Ichabod

Ichabod Transition


Brandon at Last Days YTC was clearly shown this in his video Very Sobering Prophetic Warning from the Lord What I heard God Say is coming. Our Brother in Christ explains how those who identify as a Christian but who are taken by surprise by the Great Shaking will think it is a season of Ichabod and that God has left them. He explains that it is not a season of Ichabod but rather a time of testing where the Teacher is silent.


No temptation [peirasmos--an experiment, attempt, trial, proving]  hath taken you -- except human; and God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above what ye are able, but He will make, with the temptation, also the outlet, for your being able to bear [it]. - 1 Corinthians 10:13 YLT


The Church is not appointed to wrath, but she is appointed to tribulation whether American Christians want to admit it or not:


These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. - John 16:33 KJV


Confirming the souls of the disciples, [and] exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. - Acts 14:22 KJV


The Man Child is a Company of Overcomers and are called that in the Book of Revelation on purpose--it is because the Man Child must overcome the intensity of Transition before the release into Eternity! A woman, whether a new mother or one who has been through childbirth before, knows when she has entered TRANSITION. Because of the Spirit of God within Those in Christ, we will recognize when we are “in transition” and about to be birthed as foretold in Revelation 12:5!

2nd Sorcery Scenario (6 Months until Harpazo?)


Though the world around us will be falling apart, it will be for a very brief window of time before the Rapture—just enough time for a Mighty Move of God. In a different video by Brandon@LastDaysYTC posted April 4, 2024, Exciting dream about the rapture, he expresses exactly what has been in my spirit:


I believe we're going to see a last major push for Souls right before the catching away of the church. . . I believe it could happen this summer, if we see it this summer. And it starts like in you know May, June, July area. We could be out of here by October. I really truly believe that’s the kind of window that we would have— a six-month window maybe. 


Starting at about the 6-minute mark, Brandon explains how God has revealed there will be a second sorcery scenario just prior to the Rapture.


Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries,[G5331] nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. - Revelation 9:21 KJV


And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries[G5331] were all nations deceived. - Revelation 18:23 KJV


This is confirmed through many other witnesses such as Brandon Dawson (yes, 2 Brandons!) from Tribe of Christians who in his video EERIE WARNING SIGNS SOMETHING BIG ABOUT TO HAPPEN PROPHETIC WARNING at the 20:53 mark warned that just as they used the first sorcery scenario before the 2020 elections, it looks like they will do it again this election year.


Referring back to the video posted by Brandon@Last Days YTC—his dream also revealed that at that time the pressure to get a “viper bite” that tracks the individual will be great. This, of course, reminded me of the Overcomer Pioneer Dream which I shared in The Delta Sign where a Brother in Christ was shown groups of Christians riding horse and carriages out into the wilderness. Part of my reply to Sam was:


. . . In His great mercy, we will soon be entering the time when people will be saved "with fear" as Jude 1:23 says.

Just prior to the Rapture there will be GREAT SALVATIONS AND PERSECUTION because “Persecution and revival go hand-in-hand,” but before "they" come for us to force their sorcery agenda on us, HE WILL COME FOR US! Because there has never been a TRANSITIONAL TIME that parallels this, we will be like PIONEERS (thus the riding horse and carriages out into the wilderness). Those left behind will be terrified for many reasons especially if the Rapture occurs simultaneously with the "sudden destruction" of 1 Thess. 5:3. . .

(To read the dream and my reply in entirety, go to Sam’s Comment on June 25, 2021, at 4:01PM at


At the 7:36 mark in Exciting dream about the rapture, the dream revealed that AFTER THE RAPTURE—AFTER MILLIONS HAVE DISAPPEARED—a new system would be introduced and mandated. It will most likely will be administered via a universal “viper bite”. (See The Mask and The Mark.)

The Last Trump—November 2024?


There is much being revealed regarding the Last Trump of God that is sounded at the time of the Rapture and the prophetic significance of the upcoming U. S. Presidential election involving a man named Trump.


In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. - 1 Corinthians 15:52 KJV




“The Powers That Be are working hard to put their New World Order into place somehow before the November 2024 U.S. Presidential Election.”


As the Spirit of the Lord reveals more and more to His saints, the picture of what is to transpire gets a bit more clearer. Many are hopeful for the Rapture to occur in this Hebrew Year of the Open Door 5784, but it is very possible the Gathering Together will occur soon after the Year of Revealing 5785 (a topic for a separate article) but perhaps no later than November 2024. Remember that Revelation 4:1—the verse many Pre-Tribulation Rapture researchers believe is a picture of the Harpazo—is part of the Book of the Revealing of the Lord Jesus Christ!


The Revelation[apokalypsis--disclosure:—appearing, coming, lighten, manifestation, be revealed, revelation]  of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified [it] by his angel unto his servant John: - Revelation 1:1 KJV


After this I looked, and, behold, a door [was] opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard [was] as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. - Revelation 4:1 KJV


And the Lord has said that before that Last Trump sounds He will reveal Himself in us before He comes for us! (See It is Time--A Word for the Dawn Treaders.)



It appears that God is painting a giant red arrow to Donald Trump and the numbers association between his trial and this specific solar flare of the AR3664 active solar storm (the gathering together) on the sun for the purpose of highlighting the theme of the “Trump” of the Rapture. [Hyperlink to Strongs H3664 added by Lyn.]


What Corey shared regarding the prophetic significance of Trump has me thinking Brandon Dawson of Tribe of Christians might have been shown the scenario that will play out leading to the November Presidential election and the Rapture. 


In his video BRACE YOURSELF AMERICA HERE IS WHAT IS COMING NEXT… Brandon was shown via the Spirit two scenarios--one was of a Biden reelection and the other a Trump victory. This is my synopsis of part of his video:


In an April 2024 vision he was shown that Trump won the 2024 Presidential election, but the Senate refused to certify the election even though the Constitution does not forbid it. This resulted in violent riots and massive chaos in major cities such as Detroit, as well as the three I was shown--New York, Chicago, L.A.   

The Supreme Court stepped in and certified the re-election of President Donald Trump which led to a Second Civil War as far left Democrat states seceded from the United States. 

Brandon was not shown the Rapture in these scenarios, but we each only see in part. To me it made sense to now insert “The Message for America” through Dimitru Duduman who foretold that as an internal conflict broiled within--that is when America will be attacked with nuclear missiles from without.


The Comet, the War, and the Rapture


Next in prophetic order would be the Phillip Barnett Azovmena prophecies and the voluminous dreams and visions of WHEN THE MISSILES COME DOWN WE GO UP—the Departure of the Church! (Related: TICK TOCK! When They Come Down, We Go Up!)


Before I share the Azovmena prophecies let me tell you about how I keep remembering a flash vision I was given decades ago where I saw a gathering of the saints and believed then it related to the Rapture. What was odd, however, was that they were all dressed in clothing like Pilgrims. Only in recent years has this made sense to me when I learned of the Pilgrims making a covenant with God on November 11 and what was later revealed to Phillip Barnett regarding that date.


As I set forth in Is 11-11 the Date of the Rapture? Pastor Barnett explained his belief that BEFORE the Rapture the Psalm 83 war in the Middle East will take place and also the Isaiah 17 nuclear destruction of Damascus. He was shown that on NOVEMBER 11 nuclear war between Russia and the United States will take place! No year was given, but the Lord told him the reason it will start then is because it is the date that the Mayflower Compact was made—the covenant between America and God over 400 years ago.


If the scenario of Trump being re-elected on November 5, 2024, comes to pass, it is possible that the myriad of dreams and visions is revealing that November 11 (11-11) will be the date of the Rapture.


The omen of the Horned (or Devil) Comet that was visible during the April 8 Great Total Solar Eclipse would seemingly point to this conclusion as well.

It has been an acknowledged observation that major comets of history always seem to portend major events or changes to take place in the world. Notably, in this [the Devil] comet’s history, its last four appearances since being discovered in 1812 have coincided with major events on the world stage. . . 

4th Passing: April 21, 2024 (Perihilion) through June 2, 2024. The closest passage to earth will occur on June 2. The CERN Hadron Collider was reportedly fired back up on April 8, 2024 (the day of the Great American Eclipse) to “search for the invisible matter” that powers our universe (source). This, of course, was taking place as the comet was still inbound to our section of the solar system (and still is in our solar system as of this writing). 

Incredibly, during its current pass through our solar system, Russia is threatening to use its nuclear weapons on the NATO alliance of nations with specific threats and warnings to the United States as the organization’s head. This dire situation is arising as the conflict between America and Russia is reaching an unprecedented breaking point. Many are reporting that it is quickly reaching a point of no return. 

I think it has been sufficiently demonstrated that this comet (as with all major comets in history) have portended world changing events. Regarding this current passing of the comet, it is notable that at the point on the same day as it reached perihelion on April 21, the largest solar storm on the sun (solar storm AR3664 – a storm region that hints at the Rapture as seen in the Strong’s Concordance covered in the previous article) suddenly began to erupt, sending powerful solar storms toward the earth producing the Aurora lights seen all over the world and in places they normally would not have been seen. [Excerpt from A TRUMP SOLAR STORM: OMENS OF JUDGMENT 3 – END TIMES: DARKNESS DESCENDING]


T. W. Tramm in his article Solar Eclipse 2024: God’s Final Warning for America? pointed out several striking things the Horned Comet was signaling including:


The outbursts of intense brightness by Comet Pons–Brooks cause the misshapen coma to resemble the horns of a bull. In the biblical Zodiac (Mazzaroth) Taurus the bull is a picture of Jesus coming to pierce through His enemies. 

• With the bull symbolism in view, it is striking that Comet Pon–Brooks will reach perihelion, or maximum brightness, as it enters the constellation Taurus the bull. 

• After visiting Taurus, Pons–Brooks will enter the constellation Eridanus, a name that means “River of the Judge.”


This comet is charging through the constellation of The Mighty Bull of Christ with Pleiades (the 7 churches) upon His shoulder as a semaphore of the coming Tribulation:


The Sign Taurus (The Bull) Messiah, the coming Judge of all the earth


The picture is that of a Bull rushing forward with mighty energy and fierce wrath, his horns set so as to push his enemies, and pierce them through and destroy them. It is a prophecy of Christ, the coming Judge, and Ruler, and "Lord of all the earth." 

The stars in Taurus present a brilliant sight. There are at least 141 stars, besides two important groups of stars, which both form integral parts of the sign. . . there is the cluster of stars known as the Pleiades. This word. . . means the congregation of the judge or ruler. . . It consists of a number of stars (in the neck of Taurus). . .

 Every thing points to the important truth, and all turns on the fact that the Lord is COMING TO RULE! This is the central truth of all prophecy. "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." All hope for Creation, all hope for the world, all hope for Israel, all hope for the Church, turns on this, that "Jesus is coming again," and that when He comes His saints, "the daughters of the King" (like the Pleiades and Hyades), will be with Him. There is nothing of "the Church" revealed here. The Church will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, to be for ever with the Lord (1 Thess 4:17) before He thus comes unto the world in judgment. He will come forth to receive the members of His Body unto Himself, before He thus comes with them to destroy all His enemies and "judge (or rule) the world in righteousness." When we read this Sign of Taurus, therefore, we are to understand that His Church will be with Him, safe from all judgment. Witness of the Stars by E. W. Bullinger


Beloved in the Lord, as you see even more perilous things coming upon the earth and more chaos, be at peace knowing that IT IS OUR TIME TO BE THE GLORY BEARERS! Like a surfer it will be a wild and exciting but brief ride. So let us watch the horizon in expectation to—


Catch the Wave!