Sunday, April 16, 2023

The Fish and the Dragon—Signs & Dreams of the Soon Rapture


Did you realize that according to Biblical reckoning we are already in Summertime? As T. W. Tramm wrote, “Biblically, summer begins at the vernal equinox in March and ends at the autumnal equinox in September.”  And those of us who have been learning more as we watch for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ know that Summer is the season most promising for the Resurrection and Rapture of Those in Christ (see BY SUMMER’S END NOWHERE TO GO BUT UP!)


I believe the Lord possibly has sent encouragement for a 2023 Summer Rapture through heavenly signs (Genesis 1:14) and also dreams I want to share with you.

The Sign of Jupiter


The King Planet Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is said to represent the Lord Jesus Christ as well as the male child that the woman is giving birth to in Revelation 12 (see The Revelation 12 Sign Compendium) AND it is dominating the heavens this month and churning things up on earth.


On April 12 In2ThinAir reported BREAKING! GLOBAL Events Taking Place - Things Will NEVER Be The Same Again and informed viewers that Earth was being affected by its alignment with the Sun and Jupiter which has resulted in a significant uptick in volcanic and earthquake activity especially in California. He specifically cautioned regarding the New Madrid Fault Line.


The declaration of the heavenly signs has seemed to increase ever since the Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman in 2017. Hope filled our hearts when we witnessed the Grand Planetary Parade in June 2022 (see FACING THE DRAGON IN JUNE? THEN WE FLY! and "Sign" Line Ends in 2022). Now Jarrett Griffin at Supernatural By Design tells us the heavens will be punctuated yet again on April 20, 2023, in the first of a two-part video series Two Leaders, Two Eclipses And The Story of Esther - Why the 4/20/2023 Eclipse Will Change Everything.


From the Description Box: “In this fascinating video. . . we will discover that not only is the current PM of Israel "Bibi" born on an eclipse but so is the leader of Iran. The Fate of Israel, the Rapture of the Bride, and the Rise of the Antichrist Changes after 4/20/2023. . .”


Jarrett explains how Jupiter is an important element in the upcoming April 20, 2023, hybrid (total/annular) solar eclipse that marks the anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s birth and parallels the eclipse pattern of 1933 when Hitler rose to power. Why this is important is because Hitler, like Haman in the Book of Esther, shared a similar plan to exterminate the Jews and is a type of the Antichrist!

Melancholia, a depressing NOT family-friendly movie about a bride who marries as a mysterious planet looms, blatantly reveals that the public will never be told the truth regarding this.” 
The Sceptre Star and the Revelation 12 Birth of the Man Child


Although no additional confirmation is needed for this indicating the soon Rapture, I saw at that the new moon also begins on April 20. The moon, representing the Bride of Christ, will not be visible on April 20 when the sign representing the “coming out” of the Antichrist occurs.


Many will interpret this as the Rapture is to occur then, however, we must remember that the sign precedes the event it is signaling.

The Fish and the Dragon


When the April 20 eclipse occurs, the sun will be in the constellation Pisces (the Fish) along with Jupiter. Pisces, according to Jewish tradition, is associated with Haman because he was recorded to have said, "Now I shall be able to swallow them as fish which swallow one another".[6]


This made me think of how believers in Christ have been referred to as a catch of fish and how the Dragon attempts to devour us in Revelation 12. As I listened to Jarrett explain how it was the King who gave Haman (a type of Antichrist) his power (Esther 3:1) and that it is the Dragon who gives the Antichrist power (Revelation 13:2), a thought struck me—


That means the manifestation of the Revelation 12 Dragon—Planet X—will come into play soon after April 20 also IF indeed this eclipse is signaling the time when the Antichrist will be allowed to arise! In THE LAST HEAVENLY SIGNS BEFORE A 2022 RAPTURE? I shared excerpts of a March 27, 2022, email I received from a Sister in Christ in Australia stating that Planet X or Nibiru will become visible to the world “near the end of the month of June (in some year).”


That means the Great Convergence—including the Cosmic Shift—is  soon upon us and we are going Home!


Summertime Dreams


Lately I have been praying for the Lord Jesus to show me and my husband anything we need to be aware of relative to what will happen before we go Home. Dreams are not the usual way He communicates to me, yet the Scriptures are clear that He will use them and visions especially in these last days (Acts 2:17). It is my hope that these dreams are an answer to that prayer and not just an extension of my longing for That Day.


After receiving my two recent dreams, I sought the Lord about whether I was to share them or not and believe He told me to do so but to wait until after Passover. Later I went to my desk, and as though to give further confirmation to me to share my dreams, a scene reminiscent of one of them appeared on the screensaver of the laptop as I pressed the switch on--but I will explain that dream later in this article.


First let me share the dream I had during Passover a few days before Resurrection Sunday.

In the dream I was participating in a large corporate worship where there was an orchestra on the ground level with the rest of the worshippers while a director with a baton stood on the stage facing everyone. A wave of the Holy Spirit flowed over all of us and I and two or three other people began to sing prophetically and very passionately—







The intensity of the Spirit pouring through me is more than I can explain. It was as though my whole being—body, soul, and spirit—strained to declare WE’RE GOING HOME!


The orchestra director looked up into the crowd slightly astonished yet kept moving his baton in rhythm with the music. Then I awoke with such hope in my heart of the nearness of the coming of the Holy Bridegroom.

On April 12 of Passover 2023 just before waking up, I dreamt I was at the beach with a group of people celebrating some occasion. As I stood to fiddle with my bathing suit top (a bikini top no less—something I never would wear) to get some sand out of it, I heard someone say, “What’s going on? It’s only 7 o’clock!”


I looked up and realized my little group was all gaping up at the sky. The sky—at its horizon—was that beautiful blue of Summer with a few cirrus clouds, but above that strip of azure crept darkness as though night fall was being poured out from heaven and it had not quite reached earth yet. I could even make out a few stars with one particularly bright star catching my eye. (The image I've posted above does not capture the contrast of the inky night pouring in above the pale blue skyline.)


“Quick everybody—grab your stuff and get inside as fast as you can!” I commanded as I looked around for my things.


Then I awoke and quickly grabbed my journal to record the dream.


Summertime, of course, is when most folks head for the beach. My husband and I have been invited by some relatives to go to a beach along the Atlantic Coast at the end of June. You can bet I will be asking the Lord whether we should go or not because a coming time of darkness was something He has shown to me and others as I shared in Prophesied Events Before the Rapture.


He revealed it to me in one of my red convertible dreams:

"Red convertible" dreams


There are many prophetic parallels between Israel’s exodus out of Egypt and the Overcoming Church’s exodus out of the world so the reoccurrence of these plagues [including the plague of darkness] is compelling. . .

I had been praying that God would give me a night vision or dream and on April 11, 2015, He did.

In the dream I was riding in a red convertible with a number of other people. I had the sense that we were going to a conference or some other gathering of the saints. The top was down and it was a beautiful day where the sky was that clear blue with only fluffy white clouds here and there. I looked up and saw UFOs in the clouds overhead so I asked the driver to slow down so I could get a better look at them since I had never seen them before. (In real life I have never seen a UFO either.) The clouds obscured a clear view but the crafts were circular. I saw three but somehow knew there were more.

There was no feeling of alarm in the dream until the sky suddenly went black—so black you could not see anything. By this time the car I had been traveling in had stopped or was forced to stop due to the darkness. In my dream it seemed that I instantly went from the car scene to a scene where I was in what seemed to be an abandoned house. I remember being with a man (unknown to me) and a toddler (also unknown) with other people in the background who were in the house waiting until sunlight came again. . . From 3 Days of Darkness?


Is the Lord showing us that our Exodus will come in the Summer—perhaps even this Summer between now and September 2023? A convertible is usually driven open-top in warm weather. Also we have entered a time for the exponential push for alien/UFO propaganda.


We can make educated guesses based on the Scriptural and historical records; but because the Bible does not give us a precise date as to when our Bridegroom will come for His Bride, we must rely on the Holy Spirit to show us what is coming beforehand in order to know how close we are as in Prophesied Events Before the Rapture.

With my dreams perhaps pointing to a Holy Wedding this Summer, it reminded me of a dream my then 9-year-old granddaughter had probably a year or so ago where she was riding in the back of Pop’s (my husband; her grandfather) truck. Our entire family was together in the truck while a large tornado or whirlwind was in view. My granddaughter said she wasn’t afraid but was wondering where we were going but saw we were headed towards a bright light that was not the sun. She noticed something white was under her seat, so she pulled on it and out came a wedding dress with puffy short sleeves. Amazingly, it was clean—spotless--despite it being stowed in such a dirty space.

Will a Great Shaking Cause it All to Fall in 2023?


At the beginning of 2023, elites were meeting in Davos, Switzerland, under the banner of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum. According to an article by, WEF globalists meeting in Davos next week warn of war, economic collapse, ‘new virus’: Are the Four Horsemen ready to ride? THIS YEAR OF  2023 is to be when the globalists plan their convergence of chaos:


It does, however, sound as though the WEF cartel, which operates like a global mafia for the wealthy and well-connected, has set in motion a chain of catastrophic events that are about to converge, leading them to question whether anyone is qualified to contain the damage. This disaster of their own making could spin out of control in 2023 and now they’re bemoaning the lack [of] the proper “leadership” to deal with it. Could this be the perfect scenario for a strong global leader that the globalists potentially already have waiting in the wings?


That is, of course, if God will allow it in 2023 (Revelation 17:17). Interesting to note is that in 2023 the autumnal equinox will occur on 23 September at 6:50am GMT (7:50 am BST) when Biblically Summer comes to an end. In 2022 September 23 was also the date of the autumnal equinox and back in 2017 on September 23 is when the Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman occurred. Because Revelation 12 pictures the harpazo of the Church, we have wondered Did God Signal a SEPTEMBER 23 Rapture?


There is a real possibility of the Rapture occurring before September 23 due to God’s own timetable for judgment and due to converging events when every earthly thing will be shaken—like the global economy! 


If YHWH began a series of last warnings starting in February 2023 on Tu B’Shvat, the Feast of Trees (see Don't Make Me Have to Come Down There!), what feast points to when YHWH will finish judging the nations and begin punishing them by way of His wrath?

Traditional Jewish belief holds that Pentecost is the day when the fruit of trees is judged in heaven. . . The Resurrection of Jesus as the omer or offering of Firstfruits began a countdown to the completion of the Body of Christ. The good fruit of the righteous will be reviewed, then will come the judgment of the depraved world. Source: The Messenger by Thomas R. Horn


Thankfully, our wonderful Lord has revealed that AS IT ALL COMES DOWN, WE GO UP! Because the shaking of the nations could begin around Pentecost this Summer, and because globalist signaling has pointed to the rise of the Antichrist in July (see Lilith the Destroyer and the ‘NOW’ Statue Indicating a Spring Rapture?), the Holy Wedding might commence in June or July 2023:


Independent groups like the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington and the Congressional Budget Office have estimated that sometime this summer or early this fall, the government will no longer be able to pay everyone — including bondholders, Social Security recipients and federal employees — on time. The Moody’s team estimates that deadline, known as the X-date, will fall on Aug. 15. Source:


The impact of the US government defaulting on its debt obligations is likely to be massive and far-reaching, and even the best-case scenarios are not good. Source:


Because U.S. debt is considered the bedrock of the global financial system, due in part to its stability, a default could shake economies ... Source:


Not only will the economic “house” be falling at the time of the Rapture, but nuclear missiles, fallen angels, and meteorites/asteroids will also be coming down as we go up! (check out ‘The Great Heavenly Exchange’ section of The Revelation 12 Galactic Federation, The Great Re:Set, and The Rapture).

After posting this article, STEVE FLETCHER shared his discovery of day counts associated with the American Total Solar Eclipses and the Hybrid Solar Eclipses pointing to the Jewish Day of Weddings known as Tu B’Av. This year Tu B’Av falls on August 2, which is interesting in light of the August 15 X-date given above. Also in his most recent video, 100% THE SIGN OF JONAS!!! APRIL 19-20, 2023 HYBRID SOLAR ECLIPSE, Steve shares evidence that the April 20, 2023, Hybrid Solar Eclipse is the Sign of Jonas:

But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: - Matthew 12:39 KJV

On the same day I saw Will at Worship and Watch share a dream--Highest watch of all time this week! Rapture dream! Holy Spirit encouragement for watchmen!—that punctuated the significance of this eclipse and its connection with the Sign of Jonas with an exclamation mark!

I have learned to not set my heart on any particular date, but if world events keep escalating exponentially it is a real possibility that the April 20 “Haman 2.0” Hybrid Solar Eclipse may be God’s Jonah signal for a Tu B’Av harpazo or snatching up of the Bride of Christ!


In Get Ready for a Wild Ride! (which I wrote three years ago) I shared yet another “red convertible” dream showing the chaotic atmosphere in which we will bring in the Last Harvest before the Rapture. I cannot be certain when the Father will send the Heavenly Bridegroom to get His Bride, however, this Summer of 2023 looks to be a wild ride that will culminate in our wild escape!


As I was drafting this article, I noticed that Brandon Dawson at Tribe of Christians had posted a new video--Rapture & End Times Prophetic Dream. Imagine my delight when Brandon began to explain two recent dreams he had one night culminating in the Rapture, the first of which he was at a beach on the Atlantic Ocean watching a massive storm causing the sea and the waves to roar yet the house he was in continued to stand. In the second dream he witnessed revival and great victories for the Church simultaneous with considerable civil unrest followed by the Resurrection and Rapture of the Church as the global economy fell in one hour! 


Related articles:



"New York, Chicago, L.A." excerpt:

“Another vision came. I saw rioting with a mob carrying lit torches.

The time is short, daughter. This is why these visions are coming so easily now.

Trouble will come from the cities but with it will come great revival.

There will be rioting in the streets of America as well as other cities.”

Updated 6/15/23


Lyn Melvin said...

Brethren posted these comments about the above article over at Rev12daily:

Stephan April 16, 2023 at 2:34 PM
Thank you, Lyn! Great Article! Just read it.

VegaPost April 16, 2023 at 3:48 PM
I just read your Article. Thanks!
Wait. So…you saying a Possible 2023 ‘White, Wheat, Wedding’ at a Summer Time?! Lol. Like during Pentecost? (Feast of New Wine) Maybe? :0 As you noted, up to September 23, it will still be technically Summer. But as for me, that Season is my Highest Watch Time of any given Year. We will have to see. But only 4 Months away for this Year.

But do agree that this coming Hybrid Solar Eclipse on April 20 will start ‘Something’. And that it is 1 of 2, that will Bookend the Span of Time, ending in 2031. And the Middle Year will be 2029, as one has pointed that out. Exciting Times. If the Rapture happens to occur on May 5, during the 2nd Passover that will be a Partial Blood Moon, or on 4-20, I’ll take it.

And I really liked how you referenced the Davos Meeting and how they will basically set the World Stage for the ‘Finishing Touches’, with their Call for their:

Horse #1-World Leader.
Horse #2-Warning of an Economic Collapse and Shift to their Digital Currency.
Horse #3-Food Scarcity and Famines.
Horse #4-New Plandemic and further Death by Injection.


Bob D. April 16, 2023 at 4:46 PM
Lyn...I just read your article and indeed there's quite a bit of overlap or consensus between you, Aaron + Jarrett. This Hybrid Solar Eclipse on 4/20 is going to be very interesting to see what happens next (manifestation of the Rev 12 Dragon, Planet X, AntiChrist allowed to arise, etc.). As Lu had previously pointed out, this Hybrid Eclipse is going to be a huge bookend for all what will transpire in the next 7 years or so. Ofc, this Jupiter in Pisces in the vicinity of the "upward facing" fish on 2nd Passover is going to be very revealing too. Hopefully it will be the Rapture, but we'll see. If not, only 4 months to go before Lu's "White, Wheat, Wedding" this Summer!

Maranatha321... said...

Thank you for your article, it is encouraging! God bless you my sister!

Lyn Melvin said...

May He bless you and yours also, dear Sister💕

Maranatha321... said...

Dear sister, I was thinking of those who have dreams or visions and most say that from the moment of the rapture, or just before the rapture, looking down to earth there is immediately chaos, fire, scared and all. So if it comes from the Lord, there will be no time between the rapture and the start of the tribulation. I know many think there is a period of time before the tribulation after the rapture, but that is not the case in dreams and visions. What do you think about this?

Lyn Melvin said...

Biblical researchers opinions on when The Tribulation begins differs. Chuck Missler believed it would begin when the AntiChrist signs the covenant with many. Our Brother Lu Vega believes it is dependent on the beginning of the Temple sacrifices:

"Now, one supposes that the Rapture event will not commence the last 7-Years of Daniel’s 70th Week of Years. It will not be the ‘Confirmation of the Covenant’ spoken of how it is to be done among the ‘Many’ either. One has theorized that it is the Temple and Altar that will need to be built to start the Daily Sacrifices. This is what the whole Tribulation Day Count is predicated on. No small item in one’s estimation as the Psalm 83 War of Inner-Ring Muslim Nation attacking Israel will facilitate this with Israel’s win." Excerpt from

My understanding, as you know, is that the day of the Rapture will be a day of Convergence including nuclear war. At some point after the nukes come down, the AC will arise to "make order out of chaos" with the Daniel 9:27 covenant.

Prophetic voices have shared that there will be a large quake in America then worldwide darkness before the Resurrection/Rapture. I'm not sure what the exact order will be, however, I believe the next event to watch for geopolitically is Kamala Harris becoming President.