Friday, January 27, 2023


God through His Son and by His Spirit has mercifully revealed many, many things to His people and given us a picture—however murky a picture—of what THE END will look like.


For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. - 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV

The ancients made their mirrors out of polished metal not glass giving a great analogy here of how we see things—darkly, dimly. Strong’s Concordance tells us that this verse means we see “(abstractly) in obscureness” as expressed in an ainigma or enigma.


Those in Christ are given pieces to the end times enigma, or puzzle. It is strongly within me to help solve the puzzle of our last days and those who regularly read my blog know I make this attempt humbly knowing that none of us has the full picture before us.


Project Cedar and The Isaiah 9:10 Effect


It was at the recent announcement of Project Cedar that several puzzle pieces came together for me.


In Now the End Begins’ article CRYPTOCURRENCY Joe Biden Executive Order 14067 Authorizing Creation Of Cybercurrency Known As ‘Project Cedar’ Seeks To Overthrow The US Dollar the title pretty much sums it up. The editor goes on to write:


“The world is well underway to switching to the economy of the Antichrist,

and ‘Project Cedar’ may just be the thing that puts us over the edge.”


Why call it Project Cedar?


Because this word “cedar” hearkens back to the act of defiance by our former President and (in my opinion) the forerunner for Antichrist, which I referred to in a 2018 article--The Fall of America--when writing about the September 11, 2001, attack:


The Isaiah 9:10 Effect

America’s response to this first attack on its mainland paralleled ancient Israel’s response to its first invasion. It was one of arrogance and pride:

 And all the people shall know, [even] Ephraim and the inhabitant of Samaria, that say in the pride and stoutness of heart,

The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars. -Isaiah 9:9-10 KJV 

Our nation’s leaders, including then President Obama, repeated this ancient vow of defiance. Instead of humbling herself, America defied God’s warning and has become a nation that has ruled God out of its life. She has succumbed to what Jonathan Cahn in his best-selling book The Harbinger called The Isaiah 9:10 Effect.


Notice in Isaiah 9:10 it reads, “the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars”.

Cedar is mentioned throughout the Old Testament as an item of luxury and wealth. David used cedar wood in building his palace (2 Samuel 5:117:2), and it was also used in building the temple (1 Kings 5:62 Kings 19:23). . .  It was also used in the construction of the second temple (Ezra 3:7). The abundance of cedar was seen as a sign of prosperity (1 Kings 10:272 Chronicles 1:15.) Source:

So Project Cedar, as part of the soon implementation of the Mark of the Beast system, is being used to further the prosperity of the elite through pride and in defiance to the true God. Yet, it will not go unnoticed by our Heavenly Father. The above article continues:


The fact that God planted the cedars in Lebanon was a sign of His power and goodness (Psalm 29:5104:16). His ability to break or burn them is a sign of His power to judge (Zechariah 11:1Isaiah 2:314:8). Jeremiah warned the king of Judah that, although he rested in a house of cedar—figuratively calling his residence “Lebanon”—he would not escape judgment (Jeremiah 22:14–1523).


In order to bring in this digital monetary Beast System, the global elite have an economic collapse planned:


Mr. Rickards is one of the world’s foremost financial experts and has been a respected advisor to the CIA, the Pentagon, and multiple U.S. presidents. The way he sees it, this is the start of a sinister new plot against everyday Americans.

“We’re in for a major upheaval of the U.S. dollar,” he says.

“In fact, I predict the third Great Dollar Earthquake has already started… Source:


From my gathering of what prophetic voices have said, however, I believe America will experience a large earthquake along the New Madrid Fault Line before America experiences this Great Dollar Earthquake. This is mainly based on Chris Reed’s dream as reported by Charisma News on April 5, 2022:


I had this dream, early morning on March 25, 2022. In the dream, I saw an unknown man who was dressed in a black suit and held a $50 US bill in his hand, and he tore the $50 bill up in three different stages. After each stage, random people who came up to me handed me national newspapers from here in the United States with various unique headlines. I could read these headlines; they were very vivid in my memory.

This is what Chris said about the 5th  and 6th headlines he saw in this dream:


Then the dream focused again on the man in the black suit. This time, he tore the $50 bill in half. When he did this, an earthquake happened under my feet.

Another person came up to me and handed me a headline that read, "Israeli and Palestinian Two-State Solution Reached." Then another person came up to me and gave me a headline, "Major Earthquake Hits the Middle of the U.S." Then the man in the black suit took the $50 bill and started tearing it into small pieces, one by one.


This dream showing Chris headlines is very similar to the list of headlines John Paul Jackson was given. To learn more about it, go here at Charisma News.


In the April 5 article Chris Reed referred to the Revelation 6 Rider on the Black Horse and shared what he and his team believe the dream means:


The $50 bill to me represented the U.S. currency, but also the 50 united states. The man in the black suit tearing the bill in different stages represented the aggressive unfolding of events, of which a timeline I'm not sure. But I really feel like, in 2022 and 2023, we're going to see these things unfold. I've had a few confirmations of this dream since then that I believe had to be the Lord.


(of the Dispensation of Grace)


I join Chris in his belief that we will see these things unfold in 2023!


In Prophesied Events Before the Rapture I wrote:


. . . the Spirit of the Lord has revealed through the saints certain events that are to transpire prior to or in conjunction with our Catching Away. One prevalent example is the myriad of believers in Christ who have been shown by the Spirit that nuclear ballistic missiles will be coming down at the same time Those in Christ ascend. . .

In my article The Revelation 12 Galactic Federation, The Great Re:Set, and The Rapture I share prophecies related to America’s demise first by an economic collapse followed by nuclear fire.


Continuing the excerpts from Prophesied Events Before the Rapture:


There are many prophecies indicating that a Plague of Darkness is coming. I too was shown this as I shared in 3 Days of Darkness? 

. . . It has also been prophesied that a large earthquake will occur prior to this darkness coming.


These prophecies combined with Chris Reed being shown an earthquake in the middle of the United States leading to America’s economic collapse, gives us a clearer picture of our last hours on planet Earth.


Though the picture before us is incomplete, I do believe the Lord has revealed via His Scriptures, as well as rhema, dreams, and visions that--



Greg Lauer of shared a dream related to the Rapture occurring as the house was collapsing around him (see Before and After). In his dream, Greg sees the house falling around him but does not fall with it:

. . . Suddenly I felt nothing—no more movement, no more falling, nothing. Astonished and confused as to why I hadn't felt the crash that I knew for a fact was about to occur, I woke up. . .

The Lord very clearly explained the dream to him:

The Rapture will remove us from the "falling house"
of a world that we can see is coming crashing down,
but we won't be here to feel the impact of that crash.

            [Source: HOLD FAST! As the House Comes Down, We Rapture Up!]


It is possible the Lord is showing us the following event line that I believe will happen within a small window of time perhaps this year:


An earthquake in the middle of the United States will be the final nail in the coffin of the nation’s economic collapse contributing to a global financial crisis and inevitably lead to an awakening and revival. The plague of darkness will occur around the time of the New Madrid Fault Line quake. As America is falling, nuclear war will break out and the Man Child/Bride will be Raptured. 

The Lord Jesus Christ has revealed these things by way of His Spirit so that we can be assured of His promise to empower us to bring in the final harvest for it has also been foretold that adjacent to this intense transitional time Those in Christ—the Shining Bride--will walk in great power and glory being whisked away by the Heavenly Bridegroom at the completion of Her mission!


In "New York, Chicago, L.A." I share a vision I was given of a glorious end time army and how I was made to understand it would go forth during a so-called time of peace and safety. Perhaps the Lord was showing me the short period when the Body of Christ will minister after the great earthquake. I am uncertain as to how all this will look but have written about the possibility that Rivkah Ministries’ insight may be the most accurate as I shared in Is There Really a Rapture? Source: Prophesied Events Before the Rapture


A recent Facebook post confirms my hope that the Man Child/Bride will be going Home in 2023:

"This year, God will show up and show out in undeniable ways,

in blessings and judgments." -Dr. Billye Brim

April 2023 President Kamala?


Another event that could point to this Great Transition occurring in 2023 is what is now happening with Joe Biden. In a recent Youtube video by Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris they ask the question, “Does the deep state want President Biden out?”


This, of course, caused me to remember William Branham’s prophecy as I shared in PRESIDENT KAMALA & SUDDEN DESTRUCTION:


Shortly after the 2021 Inauguration, Perry Stone posted Will Kamala Harris Fulfill this 1933 Vision and Prophecy? In this video Perry sets before us the question of whether Kamala Harris would fulfill a vision given to William Branham. . .


In the 1950’s William Branham began to prophesy of a time coming when a woman would lead America based on a vision he received in 1933. At 10:26 minutes into the above video, Perry Stone says, “If she [referring to Kamala Harris] does fulfill this. . . here’s the part that is really disturbing. . . ‘Immediately after that [when this person comes into power], I saw the United States as one smoldering, burnt-over place, blown to bits. It will be near its end at that time.’


Dave Hodges shares on his Common Sense Show his belief that Kevin McCarthy is to be President in a few months. His sources have informed him that The Powers That Be do not want Kamala but want McCarthy and will put their plan into effect in April 2023. Chris Reed in his Prophecies for 2023 & Beyond wrote: “President Joe Biden's health will continue to fail. I do not wish him harm. I pray for him. . . He will lose power, and it will be convenient for the Democrats to not have him leading the 2024 ticket. He will attempt to redeem his failed presidency by making a woman president for the first time. I have seen Kamala Harris at the helm, but only for a short time—weeks or months.”

Either way, my hope for a Spring 2023 Rapture is looking more and more promising!


This may indeed be the Year of Retribution--the year when God’s vengeance and wrath will begin—the time to which Those in Christ are NOT appointed. Though the world will be gripped with fear, there is no doubt in my heart that when we see the global “house” collapsing down around us, we will be. . . 




Sunday, January 8, 2023

5783 The Year of Retribution & Rapture? 2023


Last year I came across Brandon Dawson of Tribe of Christians Youtube Channel, a young Brother in Christ in whom I believe God is mightily at work. Six months ago Brandon posted the video 5783 Prophetic Message | Year of Retribution but I did not watch it at that time. Then on January 4, 2023, he posted WARNING PREPARE NOW! | END TIMES | PROPHECY | CHINA which I did watch. In this recent video he referred to his prior 5783 Prophetic Message and I remembered what the Lord had said to me regarding retribution (more on that later in this article).


Brandon Dawson begins by explaining the excess deaths the world has been experiencing which are attributed to the Covid-19 vaccinations. He includes a compelling clip of a European Parliament member who said:


“When these vaccinations became available, we were promised it would prevent contraction and transmission of Covid-19. . . Somebody lied and I want to know who lied!”


Beginning around the 6-minute mark, Brandon explains a study that revealed that the higher the number of vaccinations received, the higher the risk of contracting Covid-19 became!


Covid is surging through China’s population of 2 billion individuals, but this news is being suppressed by the mainstream media. It is spreading faster than the 2019 contagion. In 2020 1 sick person could infect 2 or 3. BUT NOW “for every 1 person infected, 16 more will become infected.” Ninety percent of Chinese are vaccinated. If the Cleveland Clinic Study is correct, THIS IS WHY Covid-19 appears to be spreading so fast--it is the vaccinated becoming ill!


It is reported that approximately 80% of Americans are vaccinated. The Lord gave Brandon both a prophetic word and vision he believes are related to this.

January 22, 2023


On January 22, 2019, the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, New York became the first state to officially legalize late term abortion. On that same day Brandon was given a Prophetic Warning: Judgement Coming. Exactly one year later, on January 22, 2020, the first Covid case was detected in the United States. God told Brandon this was merely a precursor sign of a coming greater judgment.

Then on October 18, 2022, Brandon was shown a Prophetic Vision: New Decree Issued Another Coming Plague. He believes the Second Plague is this resurgence of Covid-19 upon the vaccinated. Yet, when he initially wrote about it, he admitted:


This plague may not be an illness or disease. There are many other types of plagues. In the Bible, specifically in the end times and in the Book of Revelation, there are also plagues of fire, brimstone, and of hail.


MY NOTE: Also remember the plague of darkness. (Related: Prophesied Events Before the Rapture)


January 22, 2023, is the Chinese New Year. It is the Year of the Rabbit, which is interesting in light of the symbolism behind it (as explained in a dark article at  


January 22, 2023, is also the 50th Anniversary or Jubilee Year of Roe v. Wade. Brandon Dawson points out how 50 is the number for Jubilee, the year of liberation. It was the strengthening and expansion of Roe v. Wade by New York and 9 other states plus other blatant national sins that will result in this Second Plague coming upon America.

“The prophet Jeremiah warned Israel as to what would happen to a nation that had once known God and now lifts up its children as offerings to the gods. The end is destruction. There are few things that so invoke the judgment of God as the killing of little children.”

 The Return of the Gods by Jonathan Cahn p. 113

Rapture then Retribution


As I wrote at the beginning of this article, Brandon Dawson was shown that 5783 is the Year of Retribution:


The word Gimel is derived from the root Hebrew word gemul, which means 'justified repayment', or the giving of reward and punishment. . .


Therefore, 5783 will be a continuation and pinnacle point of the year 5782. Because a marking always takes place before the act of judgement occurs, the year 5782 resembled the marking of truth, and 5783 will conclude with the act of judgement occurring resulting in both blessing and curse according to the recipients. [Link for gemul added by me.]


Another prophetic writer shared similar information:


The number three (3) is represented by the Hebrew letter Gimel (or Gimmel). Its’ pictograph looks like the foot of a person walking to the left. The root word for it is the Hebrew word gemul, meaning ‘justified repayment’ or giving of reward and punishment. 


It represents the ending of one era and beginning of another. . .


The Merriam-Webster dictionary further defines retribution as payback, reprisal, requital, retaliation, revenge, vengeance. Basically, exacting punishment for wrongdoing. . .


“Vengeance is Mine, and recompense; Their foot shall slip in due time For the day of their calamity is at hand, And the things to come hasten upon them.” (Deuteronomy 32:35)


. . . By the way, sometimes our dreams show us the plans of the enemy so that we can pray against them, so don’t get too shook if you have some “bad” dreams. You’ve got the power in the name of Jesus to pray against them. Remember, this is a year of the vengeance of the Lord. . .


Joni Ames 


When searching for an image to use of the Hebrew letter gimmel, I noticed that it also means “gather”.

Brandon’s impression in his spirit is that Those in Christ will witness this retribution against the wrongdoers and even though we are not the target, we should prepare because it will nonetheless affect our lives. I agree that the Man Child/Bride will see judgments fall that are not yet the wrath of God and that we could see this Second Plague (related: "New York, Chicago, L.A."); however, it is encouraging to me that on 9-11 back in 2013, the Spirit said this to me:

The retribution of God upon the world

is not retribution against His people!

The word 'retribution' is not one I would use in a normal conversation and although I was familiar with its meaning I looked it up to make sure I understood it correctly:




  1. punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act.


This is why, although the Church will face tribulation She is not appointed to His wrath (John 16:33; Acts 14:22; 1 Thessalonians 5:9. Also see Saved from Wrath).


It is my great expectation that 5783 is indeed the Year of Retribution. Why would I say such a thing? Because if retribution does mean “punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance” then it is very possible that this Hebrew Year 5783 will mark the beginning of the “time of vengeance of our God”. In other words, The Year of the Tribulation. Since Those in Christ are not subject to God’s vengeance, the Rapture must happen first.


The Book of Isaiah declares that the “day of vengeance” is when God deals with His enemies:


The Spirit of the Lord GOD [is] upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to [them that are] bound; - Isaiah 61:1 KJV

To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; - Isaiah 61:2 KJV


When in Nazareth, Jesus, the Messiah, read Isaiah 61 as far as “to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor” (Isa: 61:2, NRSV; Luke 4:19, NRSV). Then He stopped and said, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21, NRSV). So, He deliberately and specifically avoided reading the next words in the same verse: “the day of vengeance of our God” (Isa: 61:2, NRSV). While His ministry of good news, liberty, and comfort was beginning to set captives free from Satan’s tyranny, the day of vengeance was not yet to come. In Matt: 24:1-51 (compare Mark 13:1-37Luke 21:1-38), He predicted to His disciples that divine judgments would come in the future.


Indeed, in Isaiah 61 the day of God’s vengeance is the “great and terrible day of the LORD” (Joel 2:31, NRSV; Mal: 4:5), to be fulfilled when Christ will come again to liberate Planet Earth from injustice by defeating His enemies and setting the oppressed remnant of His people free (Revelation 19:1-21; compare  Daniel 2.44-45). So, although Christ announced the beginning of “the year of the LORD’s favor,” its culmination is at His second coming. Source:


For the LORD has a day of vengeance, A year of retribution for the cause of Zion. Isaiah 34:8 New American Standard Bible


The Commentary by A. R. FAUSSET says Isaiah 34:8 refers to “the year when God will retaliate on those who have contended with Zion” and that this was not only fulfilled in the Old Testament but this verse is fulfilled in the future and aligns with Isaiah 61:2: “The final winding up of the controversy between God and all enemies of Him and His people is also foreshadowed ( Isa 61:2 63:4 66:14-16 Mal 4:1, 3 2Th 1:7, 8, 9 Rev 11:18 18:20 19:2 ).

5783 Jubilee Rapture?


In my previous blog post I shared T. W. Tramm’s article wherein he explains two ways in which the Shemitahs/Shmitas or Sabbatical Cycles are determined—the Zuckermann and the Wacholder methods:


. . . Wacholder had access to documents not available to Zuckermann and, because his reckoning corresponds better to events such as the siege of Beth-zur (165 BC) and, according to some, the Temple destruction in 70 AD, many modern scholars have adopted the cycle that places the Sabbatical year one year later. . .


According to Zuckermann, the pivotal first year of the Sabbatical cycle (potential Jubilee) began at Tishrei 2022. According to Wacholder, it begins at Tishrei 2023. Reckoning Wacholder’s chronology from Nisan, however, the pivotal first year lands directly in the middle of the two Jewish reckonings, beginning at Nisan 2023.


Brandon Dawson also points out how the Shmitas are determined using the destruction of the Temple as a marking point as Wacholder did. If Wacholder’s method is accurate, we could be looking at a Spring 2023 Rapture!

And something significant might occur this Spring in Israel—specifically at the Temple Mount. Since Israel’s 70th Anniversary Jewish worshipers have begun showing an increasing determination to have the right to openly worship on the Temple Mount—a right that was stripped from them as part of the 1967 agreement that gave the Jordanian Waqf control of it. Then yesterday Watchwoman65 posted TEMPLE MOUNT ACTIVIST PETITION FOR PASSOVER SACRIFICE. This reminded me of the following:


Matthew Patrick Winfrey, a brother in Christ on Youtube who ministers in the Philippines, believes he was shown that “When you see the natural seed of Abraham ascend the natural Mount Zion, know that this is the sign that the spiritual seed of Abraham will ascend to the Heavenly Mount Zion”. Source: 2018 Final Signs?


All these things were stirring in my head as I took a shower yesterday morning. I set them before the Lord admitting my sorrow over not spending intimate time with my beautiful loving Savior. As soon as I was dressed, I hurried to go pray and as I exited the bathroom that adjoined my bedroom, I was surprised by His immediate loving presence which caused me to weep and bow down before Him on my knees. As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw a vision of clouds gathering and then I heard within me His voice speaking:


Clouds of war are coming to your shores

Clouds of illness

Clouds of fear 

But My Great Cloud of Glory is coming as well

The dead shall rise

The sick shall be healed

The unbeliever will believe


Clouds of discouragement will encompass My people

But fear not!

For I AM in the midst of the clouds upholding you with My right hand

Be not afraid

I come quickly!


For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. - 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 KJV


Sunday, January 1, 2023

Are the 7 Seals Part of the Tribulation?


Are the Seals PRE-Tribulation?


After learning about the Revelation 12 Sign back in 2017, I was diligently seeking the Lord to understand His Timeline for the Last Days.


“Father,” I prayed, “I cannot reconcile the ‘sudden destruction’ of 1 Thessalonians 5 we are to escape from with a Pre-Seal Rapture. You tell us we have not because we ask not, so please show me where my understanding is off.”


For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. - 1 Thessalonians 5:3 KJV


But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, - 1 Thessalonians 5:4 and 9 KJV


Later the same day I spoke that prayer, I came across Steve Cioccolanti’s video The Most Logical Timeline of Revelation. Whether this Brother’s teaching is correct or not, let me share what he said. Most Christians categorize the Seven Seals as occurring within The Tribulation period. Steve proposes that the Seven Seals are NOT part of the seven-year Tribulation but that they match the Pre-Tribulation Signs Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 and Luke 21. (Jesus was addressing the Jewish remnant, of course, in these passages; but He did share Pre-Tribulation signs and events as well as things that would happen during Jacob’s Trouble.)

Rider on the White Horse


“What about the Antichrist being revealed with the First Seal?” I asked out loud to the TV screen as I watched Steve’s video.


And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. - Revelation 6:2 KJV


But at about the 15-minute mark he asked whether it is possible that the Rider on the White Horse of Revelation 6 is NOT the Antichrist but someone who is portrayed as a peacemaker but is actually a man of war? He then submitted that the rider on the white horse could be the False Prophet because the Antichrist doesn’t come on the scene until Revelation Chapter 13.

And a crown was given unto him”—The papal tiara is a crown that was worn by popes of the Catholic Church from as early as the 8th century to the mid-20th. []


Most people do not realize that the office of the Pope is a very powerful and political one (“he went forth conquering and to conquer”).


Pope Francis appears to be the Destroyer prophesied to come by St. Francis of Assisi when he said, “Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a destroyer.” Tom Horn and Cris Putnam, authors of Petrus Romanus, verify Vatican insider Malachi Martin’s worst suspicions in their book The Final Roman Emperor, the Islamic Antichrist, and the Vatican's Last Crusade.


Suddenly it became inarguable that now, during this papacy, the Roman Catholic organization carried a permanent presence of clerics who worshipped Satan…bishops and priests who sodomized boys and each other; of nuns who performed the “Black Rites” of Wicca, and …every day…acts of heresy and blasphemy…were committed and permitted at holy Altars by men who had been called to be priests. [The Final Roman Emperor, the Islamic Antichrist, and the Vatican’s Last Crusade  pp. 145-146]


At 17:40 minutes in the video Steve speculates that there is great commotion in Heaven and at the 6th Seal the great excitement culminates in the Rapture and that the “silence in Heaven” that occurs at the opening of the 7th Seal of Revelation 8:1 is due to the somber realization of Heaven’s citizens that the Tribulation is beginning.


Judgment does NOT always = Wrath


IF the Seals are opened Pre-Tribulation (Pre-Wrath of the Lamb) and IF the Rapture occurs at the 6th Seal, it would make sense as to why the Lord has shown me and others specific judgments to occur prior to the Rapture.


The word 'wrath' is first mentioned in the Book of Revelation in Chapter 6 and is associated with the Lamb of God opening the Seals. When the Lamb opens the Seals in Revelation 6, He first releases the Four Horsemen. HORSES ARE SYMBOLS OF JUDGMENT (Horses in Scripture).


My studies of the Word of God and the research of many others (as I shared in 7 Churches 7 Seals--Is the Church Present at the Opening of the Seals?) led me to believe that the Church Bride will be present in Heaven at the opening of the Seals.


HOWEVER, is it possible that the opening of the first 4 Seals is Jesus releasing and thereby giving permission to the Riders to begin JUDGMENT but NOT WRATH? Remember that judgment does NOT always equal wrath:

So it would seem that the word “judgment” can be used as decisions that come down from God no matter what dispensation or age.  It can be a decision or judgment that leads to a reward, such as 2 Corinthians 5:10; or it can be a judgment that leads to a negative consequence. Source: Judgment Does Not Always = Wrath section of "New York, Chicago, L.A."


Derek and Sharon Gilbert in Unraveling Revelation: Chaos and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse believe the Riders of Revelation are agents of the entity Chaos which at this point is restrained but not destroyed. The world elite motto of “Order out of chaos” directly ties to this, of course.


Derek and Sharon Gilbert of SkyWatch TV do an excellent series on the Book of Revelation called Unraveling Revelation wherein they explain why they believe the Four Horsemen of Revelation are spiritual entities who presented themselves as gods in ancient times. The Gilberts, who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, also believe these entities began their ride back in the 1st Century after the resurrected Jesus entered Heaven’s Throne Room. Thus, they conjecture Seals 1 through 5 have already been opened and we are awaiting Seal 6 when the Resurrection/Rapture occurs. Source: 7 Churches 7 Seals--Is the Church Present at the Opening of the Seals?

Great Convergence


Starting in 2017 I believed that soon after the Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman occurred on September 23 we on Earth would see a Great Convergence of Events just before or simultaneously with the Rapture:

  •  Nuclear war beginning
  •  Catastrophes related to the nearness of the Planet X/Nibiru system including worldwide earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and meteor showers [In Pastor Paul Interview With MFATW New Year Preparation & Projections 12:29:22 insider Mike reports (around the 22 and 42 minute marks) we will definitely see a deep impact as the Planet X debris field wallops the earth in 2023!]
  •  The collapse of the United States of America
  •  The catching away or rapture of the Bride of Christ


Since then the Lord has revealed that the awaiting Bride of Christ WILL see a large earthquake in America accompanied by darkness (SEE  Prophesied Events Before the Rapture). Whether this is part of the Revelation 6 Great Earthquake resulting in the Resurrection of The Dead in Christ, I am uncertain. Some believe God has shown them that Those in Christ and Living at the time of this quake will be Raptured during the Days of Darkness (or shortly after the Days of Darkness) after a brief time of ministering to the unsaved.


This would align with what the Lord showed me as far as an apparent natural disaster occurring leading to a brief revival and then the Rapture (see The dropping of HIS shoe). “An awakening can happen in an hour,” as Youtube pastor Tim Henderson is known for saying.


If the list of converging events I keep referring to DOES OCCUR, it would line up with the description of the Sixth Seal. The Great Convergence could also be the “sudden destruction” referred to in 1 Thessalonians 5:3—

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. - 1 Thessalonians 5:3 KJV

BUT What About the 4th Seal?


What keeps me from being fully persuaded that the Seals are Pre-Tribulation is the 4th Seal:


And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. - Revelation 6:7 KJV

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. - Revelation 6:8 KJV


The Rider on the Pale Horse is given the power to kill a fourth of the population of earth. Today that means the death of 2 Billion people!


This 4th Rider is given the power to kill a fourth of the earth’s inhabitants, but does that mean 2 billion people will die before the Tribulation begins or that war, hunger, and plagues only begin to wipe out the population? The answer to that will give me the information I need to decide whether the Seals of Revelation are Pre-Tribulation or part of the wrath of the Lamb.

Is 5783 THE Year?


Whether the Seals are Pre-Trib or not, more and more evidence gives us great expectation for the Rapture to occur in the Hebrew Year 5783. In THE CROWNING & THE FINAL SIGN FOR A 5783 RAPTURE I list three compelling reasons why 5783 could be when the Overcoming Church is Raptured.


To add to those is an article shared in the Comments section at Unsealed (thank you Sherrill)--THE PROPHETIC EVENTS OF ABRAHAM'S LIFE. One look at the chart from this article shows the parallel of Abraham’s life to a potential 2023 Rapture:

T. W. Tramm recently posted this significant observation regarding where we are in this critical Sabbath Cycle in his article The Prophetic Year 2022: Looking Back, Looking Forward, and Looking Up:




Concerning the Sabbatical calendar, there are two widely recognized chronologies, which differ by a single year. The first chronology was published around 1856 by Benedict Zuckermann, an orthodox Jewish scientist. Zuckermann’s chronology represents what is considered the standard position, and is the Sabbatical calendar used in Israel today. According to this reckoning, the last Sabbatical year ended at Tishrei 2022, placing us currently in the first year of a new cycle.


The second chronology, which proposes Sabbatical dates one year later than Zuckermann’s, was published by Ben Zion Wacholder, a Christian Jewish scholar, in 1973. While Wacholder was not the first to advocate such dates, his name is commonly associated with this position.


. . . As the saying goes, “there are two sides to every story, but the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle.” According to Zuckermann, the pivotal first year of the Sabbatical cycle (potential Jubilee) began at Tishrei 2022. According to Wacholder, it begins at Tishrei 2023. Reckoning Wacholder’s chronology from Nisan, however, the pivotal first year lands directly in the middle of the two Jewish reckonings, beginning at Nisan 2023.


What is interesting is that, whether one observes the standard fall reckoning of Zuckermann, or Wacholder’s version reckoned from Nisan, the pertinent harvest season is the same: spring–summer 2023. . .


That spring begins the year is especially important in the year following a Sabbatical, a potential Jubilee. There is a reason the Jubilee is declared in the fall, six months ahead of its arrival in spring: to allow time to prepare for the redemption of servants and property that occurs at the 50th year. 

Using the traditional Zuckermann method, many, including myself, believed Jacob’s Trouble was to begin at Rosh Hashanah 2022:

If Daniel’s 70th week encompasses a 7-year Sabbatical Cycle, which I and many others believe it will, it is highly probable The Tribulation could begin in the Autumn of 2022 when the current Sabbatical Cycle or Shemitah ends and the 11th Shemitah (11= disorder; chaos) begins. Source: September 2022 and the Year of the Bride


In Genesis 1 the Creator had to bring ORDER to the earth out of the CHAOS caused by the fall of Lucifer and the third of the angels:

This globe, at some undescribed period, having been convulsed and broken up, was a dark and watery waste for ages perhaps, till out of this chaotic state, the present fabric of the world was made to arise. Source: Commentary on Genesis 1:2 by ROBERT JAMIESON


In Revelation 12 we see that once again Lucifer and his minions are cast down but this time from the second heaven. Their mission is to once again cause havoc—terrifying chaos--BUT the Man Child/Bride is born into God’s throne room in Heaven before the destructive chaos begins (Revelation 12:4-5 and 7-9). How exciting it is then that by using Wacholder’s method, the 11th Shemitah of Chaos will start in the Spring of 2023 when a potential Jubilee could begin—when SERVANTS RECEIVE REDEMPTION AND MAY RETURN HOME!




Updated 12/22/24