Beloved in Christ, like you I am weary, so very weary of this world. The Lord knew we would SEE THE DAY APPROACHING; yet, because we are not God we cannot say with certainty the exact day. So, dear Brethren, let me present to you (to the best of my ability) why I am hoping THE DAY OF OUR DEPARTURE will be no later than Rosh Hashanah 2022.
11th Shemitah = The Tribulation?
The Scriptures teach that Jacob’s Trouble/The Book of Daniel’s 70th Week/ The Tribulation will begin when Summer ends and the Fall Feasts begin (for related information on this see Rapture Cut-Off Time). If Daniel’s 70th week encompasses a 7-year Sabbatical Cycle, which I and many others believe it will, it is highly probable The Tribulation could begin in the Autumn of 2022 when the current Sabbatical Cycle or Shemitah ends and the 11th Shemitah (11= disorder; chaos) begins.
Calculating from the Sabbatical Cycle when Israel, symbolized by the Fig Tree, was replanted (1945-1952), we are in the 10th Shemitah:
Assuming the Blood Moon Tetrad and the Cows with “7” on their foreheads were omens from God, they were warning of The Tribulation beginning as the 10th Shemitah ends on September 25, 2022. The next Shemitah--the 11th–is marked for chaos. . .
This leads me to believe that the 11th Shemitah will mark the beginning of the 7-year period called Jacob’s Trouble—a Shemitah of poverty, lack, and tribulation like no one has ever seen before. We are currently in a Shemitah of grace multiplied—5 X 2 = 10, and when the Dispensation of Grace will be completed. "Sign" Line Ends in 2022
Gary at Unsealed recently shared excellent research confirming the integrity of the Sabbath Cycles or Shemitahs/Shmitas in A Timeline That Just Might Fit in determining where we are on God’s Timeline. He properly notes that the generation Jesus referred to in Matthew 24:32-34 began during a Shmita marked by a Blood Moon Tetrad. Therefore, Fall 1952 to Fall of 2022 is the 70-Year Super Shemitah (see Postscripts #658).
The 10th Shemitah we are currently in was also marked with a Blood Moon Tetrad at its start. I believe the end of the “fig tree generation” will occur no later than the 11th Shemitah based on Psalm 90:10 which states that a generation is at most 80 years. Eighty years minus seven years to allow for the 70th Week of Daniel means the Bride of Christ must be Raptured before the next 7-year period begins. She must leave the planet before the 11th Shemitah of Chaos/Tribulation!
Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer [is] nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, [even] at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. - Matthew 24:32-34 KJV
God’s Roadmap to the End YTC mirrored a video by Ricardo Garcia that convincingly illustrates how the Blood Moon Tetrad surrounding World War II will potentially repeat and align with World War III in the coming 11th Shemitah titled 💥MORE EVIDENCE THAN THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! TRIBULATION IS ABOUT TO BEGIN. What confirmation and encouragement that our Bridegroom must come for us before the Shemitah of Chaos begins!
Year of the Bride = 11th Stage of Marriage
Yet another reason to believe that it will be no later than the 29th of Elul, 5782, or September 25, 2022, when the Heavenly Bridegroom catches away His Bride, is this from T. W. Tramm:
In the Jewish wedding tradition, before vows are exchanged, the bride circles the groom seven times in a counterclockwise direction under the wedding canopy.
Employing biblical symbolism, we find a parallel in the astronomical realm:
The heavens represent the wedding canopy (Isa. 40:22; Ps. 104:2).
The Sun, at the center of the Solar System, symbolizes Jesus the Bridegroom (Ps. 19:5; 84:11).
The Earth and Moon, which together orbit the Sun in a counterclockwise direction, represent the Bride. Seven circuits of the ‘Bride’ around the ‘Groom’ amount to seven years, or one Sabbatical week. Thus, the year after the seventh, the post-Sabbatical year, becomes the year of the bride, the time of exchanging vows. [Excerpt from The Year of the Bride]
Tramm’s article reminded me of one I wrote in 2015—7
years ago—titled The Year of the Wedding, NOT knowing there was such
a thing as "THE YEAR OF THE BRIDE". 2015, of course, is auspicious
because of it being the Sabbatical Year of 2014-2015 when we saw the Blood Moon
Also, in the Caveat Paragraph in the margin of my blog it says, "In 2015
the Holy Spirit awakened me to the reality that the Lord Jesus Christ would
soon return." The Scriptures indicate that God gives 7-year warnings and
2015 to 2022 is seven years!
The ancient wedding ceremony God gave to the Jewish people consisted of 12 steps or stages. Our Heavenly Father has been announcing the coming wedding of His Son for 7 years marking the Hebrew year 5783 as the Year of the Bride—when the 11th Stage of the Marriage of the Lamb is consummated:
11. He would abduct his
bride, usually in the middle of the night, to go to the bridal chamber where
the marriage would be consummated. This is the full marriage, known in Hebrew
as nesu'in. [The
Seven Festivals of the Messiah]
As the 11th Shemitah of Chaos commences, the Bride of Christ enters the 11th Stage of the Heavenly Marriage!
As I shared in Did
God Signal a SEPTEMBER 23 Rapture?
Eric Burton, in a series of videos,
has shared his prophetic views for the year 5782 being when there will be a
great shaking. In 5782 Hebrew
Calendar - LAST CALL? he shares how the Hebrew letters that correspond to 5783 indicate Jesus
walking towards a door! May this indicate that our Lord, thee DOOR, will
Rapture His Bride as 5782 ends and 5783 begins!
Any day now could be our Departure; yet because of what the Lord has impressed on my spirit, I believe the Revelation 12 Man Child will be coming to the final phase of TRANSITION in the birth process and entering the PUSHING stage to reach the unsaved during the Season of Teshuvah (Repentance). As Ed Chumney wrote in The Seven Festivals of the Messiah, the message from Elul 1 (sundown August 26, 2022) to Rosh HaShanah is clear: Repent before Rosh HaShanah. Don't wait until after Rosh HaShanah, or you will find yourself in the Days of Awe.
11th Red Heifer Ready for Sacrifice
Luis B. Vega again points us to the number 11 relative to the 11th Shemitah in Postscripts #644. He writes that in the year 2018: “The Nascent Sanhedrin declared that 10 Red Heifers have occurred since Moses. The 11 will dedicate the 3rd Temple.” It has been reported that there are three red heifers that will be ready for sacrifice by September 2022.
There is even more compelling evidence that September 2022 could very well be when the Catching Away of the Overcoming Church occurs!
In his video How Nuclear War May Come About This Fall! Rapture Resurrection Event! Bob Barber shares information of the possibility of nuclear war beginning in the middle to the end of August 2022. The Lord has revealed via many dreams and visions that when nuclear missiles come down, we go up to meet Him in the air!
Another one of his videos gives a list of several events converging in September that point to the end of the Dispensation of Grace and therefore the Rapture. Here is his list with some I’ve added:
💥The Hebrew year 5781 was The Year of Dung as Dr. Barry Awe shared with us (see The Pope, the Alien Savior, and the Year of Dung). This means in 5782 (the current Hebrew year) in the late Summer, Jesus would be looking for evidence of fruit from Israel, which is symbolized by the Fig Tree. In other words, 5782 would be the last year the Fig Tree Nation would have to believe on the true Messiah BEFORE she is "cut down" or humbled by Jacob’s Trouble!
As my fig-growing friend Bob shared:
"Perhaps ... the timing of the Rapture, Babylon USA's destruction or ‘Jacob's Trouble’ will occur around the same time when the main crop of figs are ripening in North America and Israel. They are both located in similar latitudes, especially in the southern United States."
August and September are the months when figs ripen in Israel. I live in the Southeast Region of the USA and our figs are still green but, as Bob said, should be ripe by the end of August or beginning of September.
💥Digital Monetary System to be in place. As I warned in BY SUMMER’S END NOWHERE TO GO BUT UP!—
I believe the global elite are pushing to have their Great Reset ready to go by September 2022--another great impetus to the removal of Those in Christ:
. . . It is the specific timing of the controlled demolition of the Global Economic & Financial System — scheduled for the 2022/2023 Super Shemitah — that is right now recklessly driving the C0>id Super V@xxination Agenda. [“Coding” added by Lyn.]
Luis B. Vega presents in Postscripts #57 FALL OF THE PHOENIX (written in 2012-13) a theory that this Super Shemitah ending in September 2022 will coincide with the conclusion of the 33rd Sabbath Cycle since the Coin Act of 1792 meaning September 2022 has been predetermined for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset.
💥World Health Organization (WHO) to soon receive the keys to global power
💥Abrahamic Family House of the One World Religion Of Chrislam to open
💥Signing of Daniel 9:27 Covenant? Last, but not least, in a more recent video by Bob Barber (Coming Nuclear War and the Rapture) at ~11:30 minutes there is a Timeline that indicates his belief the Daniel 9:27 covenant will be signed on 9/27 or September 27, 2022. Chuck Missler and other Bible scholars teach that the Tribulation does not begin until the Antichrist confirms the Daniel 9:27 covenant. Chad of Watchman on the Wall 88 YTC shares in his latest video how the Palestinians are demanding FULL recognition of the state of Palestine at The 77th Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 77) scheduled for September 13-27, 2022, in New York City. As the UNGA will be meeting regarding Agenda 2030, some believe this is when the Daniel 9:27 Covenant will be signed.
The I Pet Goat 3 video appears to message a September signing of the Daniel 9:27 covenant which is the marker for the beginning of Jacob’s Trouble/The 7-Year Tribulation/70th Week of Daniel. (This is according to an analysis done by Doug Diamond of the diamondisc Youtube Channel, which has since been cancelled. . . I very much appreciated the analysis done by the Youtube Channel Thescariestmovieever starting at the 57-minute mark of The Occult Propaganda In I Pet Goat 3 video.) [excerpt from The Rapture and the Coming of The Red Horse of War]
The Moon and the Wedding Dress
Beloved in the Lord, here’s the icing on the cake—the wedding cake, that is!
Fellow watchman Luis B. Vega recently reminded me of the bridal gown that flew near the Tower of David during the Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot, when the last of the blood moons of the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad cast its Super Moon glow on September 28, 2015. I agree with my friend Lu that the gown flew as a beacon semaphoring YHVH to send the Messiah to Jerusalem, but to Those in Christ it was a prophetic sign of the 7-year countdown to the Fall of 2022 and the Rapture.
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God has done a lot of signaling with the moon the past 7 years. Remember how we wondered if the May 15-16, 2022, Blood Moon might be the fulfillment of Joel 2:31-32 as the sign to be seen before the Day of the Lord begins (see THE LAST HEAVENLY SIGNS BEFORE A 2022 RAPTURE?).
Also, remember this Comment a pastor shared in The Last Heavenly Sign Before the Rapture?
After that vision I realized that Yeshua was telling me that He was coming back sooner than I thought and that when I saw the moon so very close to the earth would be the time when He would return for His Bride...
According to Since the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad, the earth has witnessed the closest super moons ever! But it was the one on November 14, 2016, that got the most attention because it was the closest supermoon in recent memory. The moon's perigee was 221,524 miles (356,508 kilometers) from Earth, making it the closest full moon to Earth in 69 years — specifically, since the supermoon of Jan. 26, 1948. (1948--—the year of the replanting of the Fig Tree Nation, Israel!)
August’s full Sturgeon Moon reaches its peak on Thursday, August 11, 2022. It will be the last supermoon of the year!
Summer’s Last Supermoon
The Sturgeon Moon rounds out this year’s parade of four supermoons, which started in May!
August’s full Moon was traditionally called the Sturgeon Moon because the giant sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were most readily caught during this part of summer. [From]
I thought it prophetically of interest that they used the word “parade” describing this year’s 4 supermoons—as if a nod to the 2022 Great Planetary Parade. Could August’s Sturgeon Moon indicate “the fullness of the Gentiles” becoming a reality as the net becomes full leading up to a September 11, 2022, Harvest Moon signaling our imminent Rapture? As I shared before, the impression in my spirit is that during the Hebrew month of Elul (which begins August 28) we will have the opportunity to “catch many fish” so that the harvest will be ready should the Lord Jesus Christ catch us away in September!
3 Supermoons
In addition to the rare planet parade will be three back-to-back supermoons this summer:
As I get to watch more videos where I learn of the many celestial phenomena, dreams I believe I’ve been given from the Lord take on new significance. At 1:43 minutes into 8 Rare Things That Will Be Seen In The Sky This Year we are told there will be three back-to-back super moons in 2022--June 14, July 13, and August 12. This naturally reminded me of my 3 Planets Dream where I wasn’t certain if it was planets or super moons I was being shown.
Could my dreams be pointing to the Rapture coming this year when there will be 3 Super Moons back-to-back AND also when 3 Planets will be visible in the daytime sky as has already been witnessed as I shared in THE LAST HEAVENLY SIGNS BEFORE A 2022 RAPTURE? [BY SUMMER’S END NOWHERE TO GO BUT UP!]
T. W. Tramm wrote: “The Sun and Moon meet up every year in Gemini, the wedding sign, for one or two days around the end of June–July. What makes this year’s meeting unique is the planetary procession occurring simultaneously.”
June’s planetary parade may be seen
as a heavenly wedding procession pointing to the ultimate Wedding, the joining
of Jesus and the Church, at the Rapture.
But there is more.
Besides June 30 being the ‘wedding-date’ of the Sun and Moon, this day marks
the seven-year anniversary of the much-publicized Bethlehem-Star conjunction of
2015. This is significant as the God of the Bible is known for giving a
seven-day or seven-year warning ahead of major events or judgments. . .
On June 24, all seven planets in
the Solar System, plus the Moon, will line up on one side of the Sun in a rare
heavenly procession.
One week later, on June 29–30, the Sun and New Moon will unite in the
wedding-sign, Gemini.
The next day, July 1, the Moon will transition into Cancer, the sign depicting
the Church’s heavenly home. . .
The message of June’s planetary parade seems to be,
“the Wedding of Weddings is near!”
Did God Signal a SEPTEMBER 23 Rapture?
Antarctica, the 2022 Shemitah Eclipses, and the Rapture
2022 Year of the Bride? New Wine Rapture Tu B’Av Rapture? More on an August Watch!
Is the Rapture for Real? ~13:30 minutes into this video Christine Darg beautifully illustrates the Jewish wedding traditions which precisely correspond to the events of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture!
Updated 9/6/22
Very good article my sister! We are all hoping for a September rapture (or sooner). In the congregation where I grew up in the Lord, they said the prophecies of the end would be like a river flowing down to the rapids. The closer the water gets to the rapids, the faster the water flows. Everything is going so fast now! The rapids are near. I can't wait to see you up there! XX
I can't wait to see you too, dear sister✨💕
My extended Family at Revelation 12 Daily made the following Comments:
VegaPost August 15, 2022 at 9:09 PM
Probably 1 of your very Best you have written and shared. You did a Great Job in ‘Connecting the Dots’ that you and other Brethren have brought to the Table, Fun Table that is, around here, no? You hit a lot of the Major Prophetic Signs since 2015, 7 Years ago, from those Above and Below. One just has to ask; can it get any more poignant? One cannot say ‘Clearer’, because as you mentioned, we cannot say for sure as it is not Clear. But with each Passing Day, it is.
As to the Fig Tree Generation, this is why the 1948 Year Date has now passed its Prophetic ‘Expiration Date’, as it would be 2028. And it was in May of 2022 that it reached its End/Limit. But, if one uses the Shemitah Year of 1952, it is exactly 70 Years, and adding that 7-Sabbath Tribulation Last Shemitah, would make it 77 Years to the Fall of 2029. Of course, it is all supposition but as many Watchers have surmised, this Fall is a Converges of Convergences.
As we gather still to Watch, Witness and Wait upon Jesus, one can only consider what is revealed to the Bride. The Typologies of the Bride, the Dress, the Wedding Protocols are amazing and very Beautiful. And these are just the ‘Forms’ and Types given for us to comprehend and understand. Imagine what the Real Deal will be like. And we are going to be there.
Keep that Watch,
Sheila B2 August 15, 2022 at 9:22 PM
Blessings, Lyn...that was another good article and if not sooner, we can surely be hoping for a September to Remember. It seems most unlikely that we could get through another 7 yrs here on Planet E if the Shemitah cycles ARE in play and that just makes good sense as Gary, Lu and others have made the case. Bob Barber added to that Shemitah timeline the parallel timeline of the AC’s rise that mimics the Shemitah based on Sulemain’s decree activated in 1539 with details inscribed in the wall in Jerusalem. Very interesting video from @Endtime Dreams & Visions YT (29:52 min)
“Jerusalem Wall Inscriptions Foretell Ancient Messiah Timeline Culminating in 2022! Shemitah!”
Bob says it’s the most compelling video he’s shared as he points out that while The Lord God used 3 kings to verify the going forth of His Decree to Rebuild the Wall and ultimately leading to the Return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the enemy only bothered to use this 1 Islamic king in his co-opting of God’s Shemitah Count to the rebuilding of the Wall and ultimately to the arrival of his own imitation messiah. And both timelines seem to culminate in the Fall of 2022….if I’ve got all that right…🤔
Beautiful Lyn,.. the Utimate Wedding! ~ the Ultimate Shalom * as we are made Whole in the most Wholesome of ways, in Christ Jesus/Yeshua. grace n joy abound \o/ ty sister also for the link to Christine's Jerusalem channel,... can't you feel our souls ignite as His Glory has its way with us - His Body of Believers; His Bride
Yes, dear Brother, YES and AMEN--Bless you big time✨
Hi Lyn, I just looked up 783 and there is only one verse in the entire Bible having the gematria value of '783':
"They cried unto thee, and were delivered: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded." (Psalms 22:5)
Dana, THANK YOU so much for sharing that! What a powerful parallel to what Eric Burton saw (as shared above):
The Hebrew letters that correspond to 5783 indicate Jesus walking towards a door! May this indicate that our Lord, thee DOOR, will Rapture His Bride as 5782 ends and 5783 begins!
Wow Lyn, I did not know that. That is amazing. Maranatha!
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