Thursday, November 21, 2024


It came into my spirit recently that I have warned for years of the coming Great Shaking (see SEPTEMBER, the GREAT Almond SHAKING, & The RAPTURE) but now I need to write about how to live victoriously through Christ in those tenuous days that could be upon us anytime now that Joe Biden is pushing for World War 3 without Congressional approval AND they’re talking about making Kamala Harris President temporarily!


Two days ago Brandon Dawson at Tribe of Christians posted PROPHETIC WARNING: WWIII IS COMING wherein he said:


In a dream I had years ago, I saw a significant attack on the United States occurring during the holiday months, between November and January, near Christmas time. This period is critical, as my visions suggest a heightened vulnerability during these months. Given the current geopolitical tensions and military escalations, it’s essential to remain vigilant as this timeline approaches.


Brandon wasn’t shown what year this attack on America would occur, but as he said, given the current geopolitical climate it could be this upcoming holiday season. The day after submitting this article Marfoogle TV (a popular pro-military YouTube Channel) posted They DON'T Want You to Know! | We WILL Be At War! (HUGE UPDATE). At about 5:30 minutes Adam mentions the exact time frame Brandon Dawson warned about—November through January.


America as a nation is unrepentant causing God to lift His hand of protection, so we can only seek Him about what manner in which this attack will come. God has revealed the Dominoes to Fall—it could be the grid going down, a dirty bomb, the New Madrid earthquake, or something else.

Walking by the Spirit = Sanity


In prophetic words the Spirit of the Lord has given me over the last few years He says “fear not” over and over. Last Saturday as I sought His face, He explained to me that the reason He says this to me/us often is because there is much to fear in the natural. Then in contrast He added:


“But you are supernatural because of Christ in you. So fear not for I have not given you a spirit of fear.”


Fear is one of the demonic spirits that likes to attach itself to people. To combat it, you must walk by the Spirit of God:


For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. - 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV


Only those who have been regenerated in their spirit—have Christ in them—are able to overcome the insanity of these last days and hours on earth for God has given us a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind!


There is no way I can fully express in one article how to walk by the Spirit, so let me begin by writing what else the Lord has been speaking to His people. Besides the obvious physical preparation needed in case the electricity goes out, martial law sets in, and grocery shelves become empty, the Lord has been speaking to His people important keys for spiritually preparing their home and their family.

But they that wait[qฤvรข—to wait, look for, hope, expect] upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and not faint. - Isaiah 40:31 KJV


๐Ÿ—️Praise and thanksgiving are KEY as we plow through the days of the soon coming Great Shaking! Waiting on the Lord with a heart of anticipation and hope will renew your strength as we are exhorted in the Book of Isaiah.


In a July 2023 article I included a video posted by Brandon Biggs at Last Days YTC—Answering some questions—where he talked about a greater shaking than Covid coming to America. At ~25 minutes into the video he shared the same prophetic warning the Lord showed me, "A major catastrophic event will take place right before the revival. . . A great harvest of souls!"


Sadly, it seems this is not something the Body of Christ can pray away. We can, however, pray regarding the effect it will have on our lives. As I was cleaning out my herb garden this morning, I was moved to pray that my family and I would be able to walk without fear but in great power as the Spirit of the Lord has foretold—that we would stay thankful no matter what the circumstances.

Even before this disaster happens many in America will already be struggling. We will be living in the most intense of times as we transition from the Dispensation of Grace to the Rapture.  The Rapture of the Church is a birth as foretold in Revelation Chapter 12 and in childbirth there is a short period of shaking as the woman goes through the transition phase (see 5785 Time’s Up—Transitioning to the Rapture).


Both Brandon Biggs and Merienne Lynch, a seasoned believer in Christ whose channel I stumbled upon, are exhorting God’s people that to get through the Season of the Great Shaking we must live by faith and be thankful!

In his video How to get through what's coming; being thankful and living by faith Brandon shared how


praise and daily thanksgiving were central for individuals’ survival during the Great Depression.


This message was emulated by Merienne in God Gave a Vision to Warn with Instructions to do Miracles to Protect You... About 10:30 minutes into this video she says, “We live in a very serious hour and it had been warned they would put things into the foods, drugs, and atmosphere, the plants... We must remember to receive food with thanksgiving. 


For every creature of God [is] good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: - 1 Timothy 4:4 KJV


We MUST NOT COMPLAIN but BE THANKFUL in the midst of our trouble! It was not my plan to write about thanksgiving as we near that very American holiday, but this key is what is on the heart of God at this time.

๐Ÿ—️ Acknowledging and entering the presence of the Godhead is key to walking by His Spirit. Though we usually associate entering God’s presence with a worship service, the Lord Jesus will honor you with His presence if you simply enter a place of humbling yourself and seeking His face. He is, of course, always with us but I am referring to experientially knowing Jesus our Lord. There will be times where His presence can be felt or seen. He may choose to have you experience Him by way of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In an upcoming article (should the Lord tarry and the grid stay up) I plan to share more about this and also tell some personal stories of God’s awesome power at work!


This past summer on August 19, Monday, the Lord impressed on me how others, especially our own family, will be looking to my husband Tom and I for wisdom. Wisdom is another provision that comes from our Heavenly Father through Christ Jesus and He reminded me we must seek Him daily—not simply by reading a devotional, for example, but by being still before Him individually, as a couple, and also as a family. It is amazing how deeply intimate and moving quiet communion with the Lord can be.

You are Fully Fitted to Overcome!


When we finally find ourselves in the midst of the Great Shaking, God has promised to pour out His glory upon Those in Christ to prepare us for a Great Harvest—a time of amazing awakening and revival!


In the past I have written about the DOMINOS that are foretold to fall before the Rapture. So last year it caught my attention that there was a Christian documentary released called Domino Revival.

‘Miracles at the Movies’

As the Dominos fall and catastrophe comes to this nation, there will be an amazing Revival!


And through the Spirit and the Word God has fully fitted us with all we need to be overcomers in whatever situation we find ourselves:


All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect [artiosfitted, complete, perfect], throughly furnished unto all good works. - 2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV

It is Time for the ‘Dawn Treaders’! Remember He’s coming in the clouds!

In fact, the word “perfect” is translated from artios-- 

“In the ancient world, this word was used to describe a ship that was fully loaded for a voyage or a rescue boat that was completely outfitted and prepared for any emergency.” [From p. 21 of What the Bible Teaches About Spiritual Warfare by Dean and Ice


This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. - 2 Timothy 3:1 KJV

[Excerpt from It is Time—A Word for the ‘Dawn Treaders’]



This season will be like no other! As I wrote before, this Last Move of God during the Church Dispensation will be one of great miracles including raising the dead—a combination of Word and Spirit coming together simultaneously as seen in the book of Acts—and the teaching of cessationism will perish overnight. 


Even now God has been multiplying food for His people. Because of extenuating circumstances (which many of us can relate to), I have a younger sister who lives with her husband and two of her grown children and two grandchildren in a simple one-level house. Each week they buy groceries ๐Ÿ—️ thanking and trusting God to multiply their food to meet their needs because many times they feed additional relatives.


While visiting this past summer I experienced this miracle of multiplication at dinner one evening. I saw the amount of food on the stove that had been prepared and wondered how it would feed our crowd of ten. Each family member served themselves in the kitchen taking their plate out to the dining room where we all sat together. I waited until everyone was finished eating and went out to the kitchen to help clean up. I was amazed because there was actually food leftover in all the pots and pans!



In the Scriptures the seas can represent the nations (Isaiah 17:12-13; Luke 21:25). We live in a time when the “seas are roaring”. As good seafarers we are to “HOLD FAST!”


The origins of the hold fast tattoo can be traced back to the early days of seafaring. Sailors would frequently face dangerous and unpredictable conditions as they navigated the open seas. Storms, rough waters, and pirate attacks were all common hazards that they had to face.

Amidst all these challenges, sailors needed something to remind them to stay strong and never give up. The phrase “hold fast” was a popular saying among sailors, and it soon became a symbol of their resilience and perseverance. Many sailors began tattooing the phrase onto their skin as a permanent reminder of the mindset they needed to survive at sea.


“HOLD FAST!” is the cry of our Lord and Captain of Salvation; it is the message for this season:




Be ready My people for The Day is coming when you will need to hear My voice and My voice only.

Fear not the days ahead but REJOICE!

For the days ahead will bring much joy, much healing, much persecution with much salvation!


Be at peace.

Fear not.

I AM WITH you!


Hold fast to the Word you have been taught.

Hold fast to that which is True.

Hold fast My people to Me!

I AM THE ANCHOR in the coming storm that must pass before the peace of Heaven.


Be ye holy as I am holy.

Be ye fearless as I am fearless.

Be ye bold as I am bold!


All that I have planned will take place then you will hear the trumpet call you Home to Me and never again shall we be apart!

So again I say REJOICE! For you of all people have much to look forward to!

(I AM THE ANCHOR is a rhema I received on September 7, 2024)


Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:

But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy [are ye]; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified. - 1 Peter 4:12-14 KJV

Updated 11/23/24


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Will Kamala be our 47th President and Trump our 48th?!

Those who have been reading my blog regularly know about the prophecies associated with a Kamala Harris Presidency and Sudden Destruction. Of course, that “sudden destruction” (1 Thessalonians 5:3-9) will lead to the Rapture of Those in Christ!


Well, it looks like it may come to pass! There is talk in the Democratic Party of having Joe Biden resign "within the next month", thus making Kamala Harris the 47th president:


Former Kamala Harris Aide Urges Joe Biden to Resign Within Next 30 Days 

Published Nov 10, 2024 at 12:38 PM EST


Jamal Simmons, former Vice President Kamala Harris' communications director, called for President Joe Biden to resign and make her the president within the next month, during an appearance on CNN's State of the Union on Sunday morning. . .  

Newsweek has reached out to the White House press team for comment via email on Sunday. 

He said the move would "absolve her from having to oversee the January 6 transition of her own defeat." . . .  

After the show, in a post on X, formerly Twitter, Simmons added to his comments. . . 

"Biden should resign and make Kamala Harris the first woman president. It’d turn tables on Trump, keep Kamala from presiding over Jan 6 make it easier for next woman to run." 

Joe Biden has been amazing but he should fulfill one last promise - to be transitional. Biden should resign and make Kamala Harris the first woman president. It’d turn tables on Trump, keep Kamala from presiding over Jan 6 make it easier for next woman to run. Jamal Simmons

Following the election. . .  some social media users have posted the same call for Biden to resign. 

. . . Call to Activism, which was founded by attorney Joe Gallina, echoed similar thoughts, "President Biden should resign as an act of protest tomorrow so Kamala Harris could be sworn in as the first female president until January. That would make Trump 48 and ruin that stupid hat of his."

Babylon and The Last Call!

Prophecies that Would be Fulfilled


If indeed this occurs, it will fulfill several prophecies:


Brandon Biggs was shown (in The Lord gave me a dream Massive 10.0 earthquake Splitting the US) that Joe Biden will be removed around a November-December time frame because he won't be able to continue due to mental incapacity. [Babylon and the Last Call

Brandon Dawson believes the Lord is revealing that there is a connection between Kamala Harris becoming President, the destruction of New York City, and an attack from China and/or Russia. 

Chris Reed in his Prophecies for 2023 & Beyond wrote: 

“President Joe Biden's health will continue to fail. I do not wish him harm. I pray for him. . . He will lose power, and it will be convenient for the Democrats to not have him leading the 2024 ticket. He will attempt to redeem his failed presidency by making a woman president for the first time. I have seen Kamala Harris at the helm, but only for a short time—weeks or months.”


Zach Wilkinson has the heart of a true prophet. He is not political by any means yet his recent message is about the shaking of the political landscape. In Warning! God Showed Me A Woman President and Trump! Pray Church! our Brother shares a vision where he was made to understand that a black woman would become President of the United States and that “America will go down sinking because of her”. [From BUCKLE UP! (Part 2) Kamala as President in 2024 & The Fall of America


“I predict before the coming of the Lord a woman shall arise to be the leader of the United States before the annihilation of the world." 

The oldest prophecy that this will fulfill should it come to pass is that of William Branham in 1933:


Shortly after the 2021 Inauguration, Perry Stone posted Will Kamala Harris Fulfill this 1933 Vision and Prophecy? In this video Perry sets before us the question of whether Kamala Harris would fulfill a vision given to William Branham. Perry Stone shares the background on William Branham who was given an amazing gift from God to prophesy very accurately. I have read about this Brother in Christ and, although not a perfect man by any means, I believe William Branham was a prophet sent by the true God. 

In the 1950’s William Branham began to prophesy of a time coming when a woman would lead America based on a vision he received in 1933. At 10:26 minutes into the above video, Perry Stone says, “If she [referring to Kamala Harris] does fulfill this. . . here’s the part that is really disturbing. . . ‘Immediately after that [when this person comes into power], I saw the United States as one smoldering, burnt-over place, blown to bits. It will be near its end at that time.’”  [From President Kamala and Sudden Destruction]


Kamala becoming No. 47 could mean what I wrote in On the Road to the Rapture: “Maybe the TPTB will put the dominos into play the short time she is sitting as President just before Trump takes over the Office, therefore, dumping all the problems on his lap!” 

4+7 = 11 Look Out and Look Up!


Those who appreciate how God uses numbers will notice that 4+7=11. Eleven is a dichotomous numeral. Eleven can mean “rebellion; chaos” and yet also symbolize that God has everything in hand as an evangelistic pastor at J.C.O.M.E.S. YouTube Channel beautifully explains in his recent video, A deeper look at 11. In this brief presentation he illustrates how when we see “11-11” we are to remember that “In the midst of what seems like the world is falling apart, everything is truly coming together.”

A deeper look at 11


Should this be the scenario—Harris as 47 and Trump as 48—it gives a picture of the transitional period we are entering when America and the world will be topsy turvy in turmoil before 48 (4+8=12 meaning “governmental perfection”).


Eleven (4+7) represents the shaky transition the Revelation 12 Man Child will experience before the Pre-Tribulation Rapture when in the midst of chaos God brings order accomplishing the impossible. In this case, I am referring to the foretold Great Wave of Glory—Revival that is foretold to come as the result of the devastation of America.

Brandon Dawson has said, “Kamala Harris is to America what Jezebel was to Israel just before its first destruction. Kamala is the very embodiment of the manifestation of the mystery Babylon prostitute.” (See MY KAMALA HARRIS PROPHETIC DREAM FROM FOUR YEARS AGO!)


The symbol of Mystery Babylon signifies the judgment of God upon all great empires built by humanity throughout time. . . 

To be more specific, we must see the woman and the city she represents as a conceptual reality that surpasses examples (like Mecca, Jerusalem, Rome, or New York). 

This woman can represent any or all of these cities at one time or another, but she can also represent a land or nation that “hosts” these cities, such as the ancient empires of Egypt, Babylon, Phoenicia (aka Tyre and Sidon in Canaan), Rome, Islam, Byzantium; or more modern empires, such as the British Empire or, I would argue, the empire of the United States. [ excerpt. Emphasis added by Lyn.]

Twelve (4+8) symbolizes the promise of God’s perfect government to come at the conclusion of the Tribulation period of Daniel’s 70th Week when Christ sets up His Millennial Kingdom. I do not know whether Donald Trump will be leading America during the Tribulation as the 48th President or for just a short period before it and be gathered with the rest of the saints. I do believe he will make Jesus Christ his Lord at some point in his life if he hasn’t yet done so.


It is promising that we could be going Home VERY SOON whether during the 47th or 48th Presidency! As always, we must keep our eyes on Israel:

As Donald Trump Prepares To Return To The White House, Jared Kushner And The Abraham Accords Are Back In The News

In the Jerusalem Post today, they ran an op-ed begging Jared Kushner to return to the world stage that read more like a love letter. It said “Dear Jared Kushner, Former senior advisor to the president of the United States, son-in-law of President-Elect Donald J. Trump. It’s time to return to the table. In recent years, you have been instrumental in reshaping Israel’s place in the Middle East. Through the Abraham Accords and countless behind-the-scenes efforts, you brought peace closer to reality and strengthened Israel’s position globally. Now, at this critical juncture, we need you once again.” 


We are so-o-o-o close, dear Brothers and Sisters, to Revival and the Rapture!



12/28/24 Update:

Red & Blue Krisis...?

On December 22, 2024, Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show submitted CREDIBLE SOURCE CLAIMS JOE'S RESIGING & EVENTS LEAD KAMALA TO DECLARE LOCKDOWNS.


A few days later an article that originally appeared on The Gateway Pundit was republished with permission by the Vigilant News Network—‘The Hill’ Floats a Ludicrous Plan to Declare Kamala Harris President and Block Trump from Taking Office:


The Hill has floated a plan to stop Donald Trump from taking office next month and declare Kamala Harris the next president of the United States. 

According to an opinion piece by Evan A. Davis and David M. Schulte, who worked as editor-in-chief of the Columbia Law Review and editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal respectively, Congress has the power to block Donald Trump from taking office because he has previously engaged in a so-called “insurrection.”


Although Donald Trump won the November 2024 Presidential Election, he does not become President officially until the entire electoral process is concluded and he is sworn into office on January 20, 2025:


In the Electoral College’s quirky system, voters are technically casting ballots for their presidential candidate’s slate of electors. Most of the time, whichever candidate wins the state sees their slate of electors cast their ballots, with Nebraska and Maine being the two exceptions.

Electors then meet in December, specifically the first Tuesday after the second Wednesday in the month, where they officially cast their votes, otherwise known as a Certificate of Vote. Those certificates must be sent to several locations, including Congress, by Dec. 25.

Lawmakers will be required to count and certify the Electoral Colleges votes on Jan. 6, capping off the end of finalizing the 2024 election results. Source: Electoral College formally votes to confirm Trump’s win


Could it be that Brandon Dawson’s prophetic vision will come to pass as was shared in my article THE GREATEST GENERATION, THE GREAT SHAKING, AND THE LAST TRUMP and again in Red & Blue Krisis...? In an April 2024 vision he was shown that Trump won the 2024 Presidential election, but the Senate refused to certify the election even though the Constitution does not forbid it. The Supreme Court stepped in and certified the re-election of President Donald Trump which led to a Second Civil War as far left Democrat states seceded from the United States. This resulted in violent riots and massive chaos in major cities such as Detroit, as well as the three I was shown--New York, Chicago, L.A.  

My husband doesn’t think they will make Kamala President and I'm sure many of you reading this agree with him. I never thought I would say this, but I hope they do only because it will mean that IMMEDIATELY the Dominoes Will Begin to Fall Resulting in the Rapture!!!

Sunday, November 10, 2024

On the Road to the Rapture

All is calm; all is bright.


That is how many Americans feel in the aftermath of the Donald J. Trump Presidential win. And that is how it will go—for a short time—according to what the Lord has revealed by way of dreams, visions, and prophetic words. 

"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the [spoken] word/rฤ“ma of God" Ephesians 6:17 KJV

Dreams, Visions, Rhema


Before I say anything more, let me explain something. I share dreams, visions, and rhema that in my discernment are from the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. Most of them line up with what the Spirit of Christ has revealed to me. Of course, we are to take what prophetic voices are saying (including what I’m saying) and set their words before the Lord in prayer for the rhema comes through imperfect vessels. Again, rhema or rema is revelation from the Holy Spirit. Many times a warning is given so that the disciple of Christ can pray against a certain catastrophe occurring. But there are some things revealed by the Spirit that cannot be changed.


I want to review with my Brothers and Sisters in Christ the revelation that has been shared and think out loud about the question, “Have the saints’ prayers and the re-election of Trump as President changed what has been revealed?”


Last month I wrote of the coming Red & Blue Krisis and a Possible 11-11-24 Rapture about Brandon Dawson being shown how Trump’s win would need to be confirmed by the Supreme Court. Also in that article were Brethren saying the Lord has warned that we should not get caught up in the civil rivalry that will result.


In that article I wrote how Brandon Biggs was shown what is to happen in a November-December 2024 time frame BEFORE Trump can even get into the Oval Office:


In Babylon and The Last Call! I wrote of the Dominoes to Fall before the Rapture of Those in Christ. 

This is not necessarily the correct order nor is it conclusive—it is not “written in stone”. What is “written in stone” is the destruction of Babylon. . . 

My understanding is that these things may occur in a September-October timeframe before the November 2024 Presidential Election; HOWEVER, Brandon Biggs was shown (in The Lord gave me a dream Massive 10.0 earthquake Splitting the US) that Joe Biden will be removed around a November-December time frame because he won't be able to continue due to mental incapacity [thus a temporary Kamala Harris Presidency and fulfillment of prophecy). . .

Get Back Up and Fight! 


TPTB (The Powers That Be—the Luciferian global elite) are not going to sit back and let Donald Trump do his thing. Geoffrey Grider was right when he wrote in a recent article:


It would be ignorance to say that, while Donald Trump has secured the victory, that his many enemies are simply going to go away quietly. They're not. . . If the past is any indicator of the future, it's going to be [a] rocky road. But at least one night, for this amazing moment in time, let us thank the LORD who removes kings and sets up kings, for giving us this victory this evening. Pray for President-elect Donald Trump's safety, he's going to need it.


Just listen to the speeches by Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. What key words do you pick up on? For Kamala, it’s “fight”:


. . . While I concede this election, I do not concede the fight that fueled this campaign—the fight: the fight for freedom, for opportunity, for fairness, and the dignity of all people. A fight for the ideals at the heart of our nation, the ideals that reflect America at our best. That is a fight I will never give up. []


I was going to record how many times she said, “fight”, but got tired of counting. Then there’s Joe’s speech. Both Kamala and Joe say there will be a “peaceful and orderly transition” but in Biden’s speech he changes gears and tells the American people that they’ve been “knocked down” and need to “get back up”:


Now we have 74 days to finish the term — our term.  Let’s make every day count.  That’s the responsibility we have to the American people. 

Look, folks, you all know it in your lives: Setbacks are unavoidable, but giving up is unforgivable.  Setbacks are unavoidable, but giving up is unforgivable.  We all get knocked down, but the measure of our character, as my dad would say, is how quickly we get back up.  Remember, a defeat does not mean we are defeated.  We lost this battle.

The America of your dreams is calling for you to get back up. . . []


I appreciate John Schneider’s analysis in his video Between the words..z. John said in referring to Joe Biden’s speech:


He said there'll be a peaceful transference of power but what he also said was that a lot of people are defeated. . . he was talking as if the United States of America had just been dealt a severe—potentially fatal—blow if we don't join together and fight it. That's what he said—same thing Kamala Harris said.


Q. Will TPTB/Deep State fight back and if so, how?


January 6 Challenge?


To me the Luciferian elite have gotten too far ahead to quit now. Of course, YHWH is the overseer of the controlled demolition of which America is deserving, so what will it look like?


If they do not challenge Trump’s victory on January 6 at the Electoral Count made by the President of the Senate, Vice President Kamala Harris, will they use the unrest of the losing Democrats to stir up the prophesied “internal conflict” that weakens our nation resulting in a nuclear attack from without (“The Message for America”). . .  


Foreign Entities Released?


. . . OR will the “internal conflict” come from the release of foreign entities hidden within our nation as has been uncovered:


Next in the vision came a huge mushroom cloud over New York City, but he was uncertain as to where it fits in the timeline of events he was shown. When this occurs, it will cause the economic shutdown of the nation. . . 

*New York City is to be attacked with a dirty bomb which will act as the signal for foreign entities hidden within our nation to surface and attack. (See 6:45 mark of What the Lord showed me in prayer at Last Days YTC.) [excerpts from Babylon and The Last Call!]



Several Brethren (including author Tom Horn as I shared in a previous article) have warned that China will likely take advantage of America’s weakness under the Biden-Harris Administration and use their technology for an EMP or cyber-attack.


Temporary Harris Presidency?


The international war landscape is changing now that Trump has won the Presidency (see How global leaders are reacting to Trump’s election win), but IF Biden is removed under the 25th Amendment of the Constitution, (as Brandon Biggs and others have foretold) there will be a temporary Kamala Harris Presidency before Trump even makes it to the Oval Office:


. . . Joe Biden will be removed around a November-December time frame because he won't be able to continue due to mental incapacity [thus a temporary Kamala Harris Presidency and fulfillment of prophecy). . .


It is my belief Kamala Harris, Lilith the Destroyer, will be at the helm as the ship of Babylon America goes down. Her temporary installation may occur soon after the U.S. Presidential Election in November. [From Red & Blue Krisis and a Possible 11-11-24 Rapture]

The coming Biden indictments: Use of DOJ against Trump could boomerang


Let’s not forget that the sitting President Joe Biden is still facing indictment charges according to the Committee on Oversight and Accountability—another factor to consider when looking at the possibility of a tentative Harris Presidency!

Pushing Back Opens Door to Revival & Rapture


It may be that Kamala Harris won’t be at the helm as the ship of Babylon America goes down but that maybe the TPTB will put the dominos into play the short time she is sitting as President just before Trump takes over the Office, therefore, dumping all the problems on his lap! This would align with what Brandon Biggs of Last Days YTC foretold back in the Spring of 2024. He just posted Re-visiting the trump ear prophecy where he shares that the Lord showed him Trump would win. Here’s an excerpt from the transcript:


I saw him winning the election through

the patriots coming out and voting.

And then there will be a great economy crash

. . . worse than the Great Depression

and the Lord warned me about this—it

would be a great dark time.


But I saw paddles coming upon

America's soil like a shocking of the

soil and I saw Donald Trump praying in

the office of the Oval Office. And

he was weeping before the Lord with his

hands on his head like this but he was

weeping and there was ministers and

people I don't know if they were

senators or or congress people or

whatever. I just saw them pacing

back and forth inside of the

the White House. . . the Oval

Office. And they were interceding all

inside there and I could feel the

presence of the Lord so strong on this.


And then I could see that darkness that

was the heaviness upon America with the

financial crisis of what I saw coming.

It started to lift above the trees and I saw the blue

and the things coming back out

and the green times and good times

coming back again but the Lord said it

would be for a time. . . a season of

a shaking. . .It would be a shakening to

awaken . . . Basically that He was not done

with America.


There would be a great

Revival come. . . It's not all doom and gloom—

that’s what he said—the sky is not

falling. . . People would say this is

judgment and the Lord said, “Do not call

this judgment; it's not My judgment—it’s

a correction.” There's a correction coming.

(To view the complete video the above clip came from go to 3 PROPHETS Explain 3 American SOLAR ECLIPSES | APRIL 8 SIGN | Amanda Grace, Brandon Biggs at Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministries  posted March 14, 2024.)

Predictive Programming of THE 2ND GREAT DEPRESSION WORSE THAN THE 1ST from Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit. Plot includes dirty bomb in NYC. 


As converging disastrous events apply tremendous pressure, the Trump Administration will intercede before the Lord and push back against the globalist’s efforts so that God then temporarily allows a window of time for revival during a period of Great Shaking. This remarkably resembles the birthing process! (See 5785 Time’s Up—Transitioning to the Rapture.)  We will know the Rapture is near when this transitional pressure comes upon us!


However you look at what’s down the Road to the Rapture, we simply don’t have much time left. Why? Mostly because of what is happening with Israel and the Fig Tree Generation. It seems evident that my hope for an 11-11-24 Rapture is unlikely, however-- 


. . . It is very possible the Gathering Together will occur soon after the Year of Revealing 5785. . .  Remember that Revelation 4:1—the verse many Pre-Tribulation Rapture researchers believe is a picture of the Harpazo—is part of the Book of the Revealing of the Lord Jesus Christ! Source: THE GREATEST GENERATION, THE GREAT SHAKING, AND THE LAST TRUMP


Also remember Christ will be revealed in us before He comes for us!


My Body will come alive as the world system is dying. They will shine brighter than the sun in the darkest hours and those who are seeking Me, will find Me in them. 

This is My gift. YOU are My gift to this dying world for you will shine forth My glory. YOU will be shining forth the Light of the World. YOU will be My Dawn Treaders. Where YOU go, I am there with you. It is Time—A Word for the ‘Dawn Treaders’


Due to the Shemitah Cycles and the Essene Calendar and the signs in the stars (basically what I shared in my last article The Star of Jacob’s Trouble, Trump, and the Year 5785), I believe we'll be going Home EARLY in this new Hebrew Year of 5785—when our work is done and the Revelation 12 Man Child a.k.a. the Body of Christ is complete—fully formed and ready to be born!


Take courage my heart
Stay steadfast my soul
He's in the waiting
He's in the waiting 

Hold onto your hope
As your triumph unfolds
He's never failing
He's never failing 

And You who hold the stars
Who call them each by name
Will surely keep Your promise to me
That I will rise in Your victory

Take Courage by Kristene DiMarco