Monday, September 23, 2024



Remember all those 2 Moons Rapture Dreams people shared?


According to scientists a small second moon will be seen near the end of this month of September! In a Jason A video mostly about Asteroid Apophis Warning! (2024 EVENTS) at the 4:25 mark an ABC news reporter says, “Earth is getting a second moon for a limited time. Astronomers say an asteroid will come close enough to Earth to temporarily enter its orbit at the end of the month.”


Earth’s gravity will temporarily capture a newly discovered asteroid named 2024 PT5, creating a mini-moon. According to researchers Carlos de la Fuente Marcos and Raรบl de la Fuente Marcos, the asteroid should loop around Earth from September 29 until November 25, 2024. However, the asteroid will never complete one revolution of Earth, so it’s considered a temporarily captured flyby as opposed to a temporarily captured orbiter. Either way, this asteroid mini-moon will hang around until it once again breaks loose from Earth’s grasp. Source


Just as this mini-moon will be breaking loose from Earth’s grasp this coming November, will the 2 Moons Rapture dreams come true with a 2024 Harpazo?


If you don’t know about the two moons Rapture dreams, watch Two Moon Rapture Dream by Tyler at Generation 2434 YTC where he provides links to related dreams. I wrote a couple of articles on this as well:


2 Moon Rapture

There seems to be a connection to the Rapture with the world witnessing two moon-like objects and a Canary Island landslide.


In March 2019 Holly reshares her 2 MOON/SUPERMOON DREAM that she originally had in May 2018 and says it seems the Lord is showing many of His people that the Rapture is going to occur at the time when we see two moons. She wrote this in the Description Box: “. . . In this dream I saw NYC in the distance as they celebrated some festivities with unseasonal halloween decor. I needed to catch a sighting of the moon so I climbed to the highest point to get a view of the horizon. I was shocked to see not one but TWO moons. The second one was faint, dim, and dull. The other was a massive orange supermoon very low on the horizon.” From October Rapture Tsunami?



Two Moons Rapture

The sense I have regarding the timing of all these Pre-Rapture events is that they will be in close progression with some of them occurring simultaneously in a Great Convergence. We will be safely in our Lord’s hands as we trust in Him alone and, it is my understanding, we will walk in great glory for this brief period before our Heavenly Bridegroom sweeps us up to our Heavenly Home. 

Part of that Great Convergence includes celestial signs. The recent Two Moon Rapture Dream Tyler at Generation 2434 YTC shares gives the sense of a convergence of things happening. (He shares related links also.) 

Many believe and have reported that a looming planetary system will be the cause of the prophesied great earthquake and darkness. The Planet X or Nibiru system is likely related to the many dreams of moons or planets and a large comet appearing on the Day of the Rapture



2024 Signs in the sun, moon and stars


The heavenly happenings as the Hebrew Year 5784 comes to an end are piling up marking this time in history as unparalleled, rare, unprecedented, and once-in-a-generation, perhaps even once-in-a-millennium:  

  • September 17-18, 2024, Rare Harvest Blood Supermoon
  • Two moons will be visible from end of September through November 2024
  • Blaze Star to go nova in September 2024—The Sign of the Crown
  • Pink Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) signals a “Birthing”
  • October 2, 2024, Annular Solar Eclipse on Rosh Hashanah



September 17-18, 2024, Rare Harvest Blood Super Moon


The Super Harvest Moon eclipse of 18 September 2024 was a spectacle observed across the globe by stargazers and photographers alike. 

Fans of the Moon had much to celebrate, as the 18 September full Moon was 2024's Harvest Moon, it was a supermoon and it also underwent a partial lunar eclipse. 

The 18 September partial lunar eclipse was visible from the UK, Europe, North and South America and the whole of Africa.


This rare Harvest Blood Super Moon appeared on the Anniversary of The September 17, 1978, Camp David Accords

Camp David Accords, agreements between Israel and Egypt signed on September 17, 1978, that led in the following year to a peace treaty between those two countries, the first such treaty between Israel and any of its Arab neighbours. Brokered by U.S. Pres. Jimmy Carter. . . between Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian Pres. Anwar Sadat and officially titled the “Framework for Peace in the Middle East,” the agreements became known as the Camp David Accords because the negotiations took place at the U.S. presidential retreat at Camp David, Maryland. . . 

The eventual outcome of these talks, the “Framework for Peace in the Middle East,” had three parts: (1) a process for Palestinian self-government in the West Bank and Gaza, (2) a framework for the conclusion of a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, and (3) a similar framework for peace treaties between Israel and its other neighbours. The prime minister and the Israeli Knesset agreed that a transitional self-governing Palestinian authority was to be elected to replace Israeli political and military forces in the occupied territories.


This “Framework for Peace in the Middle East”, later referred to as the “Camp David Accords”, was the developing stage of what is now known as The Two-State Solution. In my opinion it will be the agreement of the Two State Solution that will mark the time of the 1 Thessalonians’ “peace and safety” that leads to “sudden destruction” for it will be the covenant that is later confirmed or strengthened by the Antichrist as prophesied in Daniel 9:27.


The Bride of Christ, also known as the Revelation 12 Man Child, will be birthed before the Daniel 9:27 decree is birthed:


We will witness the pronouncement of the Two-State Solution by the United Nations but we will NOT be here when it is birthed. Instead, we will witness the Completion of the Revelation 12 Man Child and His Birth! In Did God Signal a SEPTEMBER 23 Rapture? I shared: 

Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O nation not desired; Before the decree bring forth, [before] the day pass as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the LORD come upon you, before the day of the LORD'S anger come upon you. - Zephaniah 2:1-2 KJV  

In Facing the Dragon and The Dropping of HIS 2nd Shoe, I shared how the month of July will see the Two-State Solution go forth with the declaration of “peace and safety” shortly ensuing. This is very likely the basis of the Daniel 9:27 covenant or decree on which the Antichrist will “ride in on” as portrayed in the I Pet Goat II video.  

In the phrase “Before the decree bring forth”, “bring forth” is translated from the Hebrew word yalad which means “to be born; to bear, bring forth, beget, travail”. Before the Antichrist’s false Peace Decree is brought forth or birthed, the Revelation 12 Man Child will be born—a nation not desired gathered together to meet the Lord in the air!

            Excerpt from Pink Dreams and Dominoes


Since the 2014-2015 Blood Moon Tetrad we have had many memorable supermoons. This reminded me of what a pastor who commented shared about them:


After that vision I realized that Yeshua was telling me that He was coming back sooner than I thought and that when I saw the moon so very close to the earth would be the time when He would return for His Bride. . . Source

Pink Comet “Birthing”


In a Comment posted at Rev12daily, my friend Luis B. Vega of, presented a significant celestial event that could be signaling the soon birth of the Revelation 12 Man Child--Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS). I found it interesting that this comet gives off a pink hue which reminded me of the solemnity of the color pink as I shared in Pink Dreams and Dominoes.


Lu illustrated a depiction of the path of Comet C/2023 A3 in a chart noting the significance of it passing through Virgo symbolizing a birthing:


The purpose of this illustration is to depict the Trajectory of the newly discovered Comet C/2023 A3. . . The Comet or ‘Missile’ comes about from about 2000 Years spinning in the Constellations of Serpens, since 32 AD. But then around 2012, it started to gradually position itself in front of Virgo in 2024 around February. Then from the Spring Equinox to the Summer Solstice, a period of 4 Months or 130 Days, the Comet traversed the entire length of the Constellation of Virgo. . . This is one’s Interpretation of the Celestial Sign that echoes the Revelation 12 Sign. . . occurring on the 7th Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign that in 1 Interpretation, is the Motif representing Israel, etc. Amazingly, the Comet enters the Womb Area of Virgo on April 27, 2024 and it exits the ‘Womb’ Area on October 11, 2024, at the exact same Position. 

According to Israel365 News, it is speculated by some Rabbinical Scholars of Astronomy that they are attributing this Comet to perhaps be the ‘Star of Jacob’. This Notion is to insinuate that the Appearing of their Messiah is at hand. For those from a Christian End Times Perspective, however, it would be heralding the Advent of the Biblical AntiChrist that will make Peace with Israel and its Inner-Ring of Muslim Enemies. . .

It possibly could be the “Comet of the Century”:


Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) is expected to reappear in the skies in the coming weeks, stirring excitement among comet watchers.

Initially discovered in early 2023, the comet sparked speculation about its potential to be a spectacular sight in autumn 2024. Although some media outlets fueled hype by dubbing it the “Comet of the Century,” experts caution that it’s too early to predict its visibility.

Most sources agree on one thing: Tsuchinshan-ATLAS is likely to be visible to the naked eye. If we’re lucky, it could become exceptionally bright. . . 

Scientists predict the comet will reach peak brightness around October 12 when it will pass closest to Earth   Source reported NASA Confirms Comet Could Light Up the Night Sky

NASA’s STEREO-A spacecraft recently captured images of the comet, confirming that it remains intact and is even brightening as it continues its journey toward the sun. This discovery has reignited hopes that Tsuchinshan-ATLAS could become a spectacular sight in our skies, especially as it nears its closest approach to the sun and begins to display the characteristic coma and tail that make comets so visually stunning.

More recently data has come out confirming the “pink” comet will give us a great show. MrMBB333 posted Have your cameras READY!! You may never see anything like this ever AGAIN! and wrote in the Description Box: 

Well, the time has finally arrived! It's here and should easily be visible during sunset on October 9, 2024, only becoming brighter and brighter each day! Have your cameras ready! ๐Ÿ‘

According to

Astute observers may have already caught the comet in morning skies, but it should be visible in the evening with the naked eye from Oct. 9 through the end of the month. To see the comet on Oct. 9, Dr. Masi recommends going to the darkest location you can find with an unobstructed view of the western horizon

October 2, 2024, Rosh Hashanah Annular Solar Eclipse


As the Pink Comet will reach its peak in October, there will be yet another important sign in the heavenlies—the October 2 annular solar eclipse.


It is very noteworthy that while the 1st solar eclipse of 2024—the infamous April 8 eclipse—marked the beginning of the Hebrew year, the upcoming 2nd solar eclipse of 2024 on Rosh Hashanah marks the end of Hebrew year 5784!

October Massive Spiritual and Physical War!


The Church will be a-Blaze!


It all seems to be pointing to the last dominoes falling this autumn as signaled by the appearance of the Blaze Star in The Sign of the Crown.


When will the star explosion take place? 

The exact date of the nova explosion is unpredictable, but scientists estimate that it's likely to happen around September 2024. Astronomers and stargazers around the world are already closely monitoring T Coronae Borealis. Any change in the star's brightness is recorded, and you can follow the T CrB thread on the AAVSO website, where stargazers share their observations. . . Source


Don't be discouraged if you miss the moment of the explosion. The nova will be visible to the naked eye for several days, and may remain well-seen through binoculars for more than a week. 

The James Webb space telescope will be just one of the many eyes that turn towards the outburst of T Coronae Borealis once it begins, Krautter told AFP. 

But you do not need such advanced technology to witness this rare event—whenever it may happen. 

"You simply have to go out and look in the direction of the Corona Borealis," Krautter said. Source


In The Sign of the Crown I wrote of the coming Great Harvest:


I believe the Lord Jesus Christ is showcasing in the heavenlies that, like the Blaze Star, His people will EXPLODE into action on His behalf in a brilliant display of His glory during the transitional Great Shaking. The Blaze nova will give the Northern Crown an 8th star symbolizing new beginnings for the Church and the world. The word blaze is both a noun and a verb meaning “a sudden bursting forth of flame; to be conspicuously brilliant or resplendent”. We will go forth in great power gathering a harvest of souls just prior to our Catching Away in glorious victory!

Lord of the Harvest


My prophetic perspective may be correct for it was confirmed by Brandon Biggs of the Last Days YTC in his video What the Lord showed me is coming. Are you ready? He is the Lord of the harvest.


The first half of his 49-minute video contains powerful encouragement--we are about to see the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever seen! The Lord showed Brandon the old, capped Wells of Healing and said Kenneth Hagin, Oral Roberts, Smith Wigglesworth (He named them all) barely drank from the surface of those Wells!


“For what I am about to do in this Last Generation with the Harvest you will go down to the deep parts of that Well of Revival and great, great miracles of healing and great signs and wonders will follow them that believe!”

Brandon concluded this exhortation by saying, “A lot of you will hear instruction from the Lord of the Harvest!”


About 19:15 minutes into the video Brandon mistakenly says that on Rosh Hashanah October 2-3 there will be a blood moon, but I believe he accidentally blended the two eclipse events of: 

  • September 18 Rare Harvest Blood Supermoon
  • October 2 Annular Solar Eclipse on Rosh Hashanah


The Lord told Brandon that these celestial events together are a supernatural sign that we are on the tip of this Harvest coming.


Brandon of the Tribe of Christians YTC was shown that this will manifest beginning in October with a massive physical AND spiritual war like it talks about in Joel Chapter 3 in his video MASSIVE VISION FOR OCTOBER ! He reminded everyone that October is the Anniversary of the October 7 Hamas attack and the month of major Jewish holidays.

As the world prepares for war, the Lord of the Harvest with His great angel army will be at our side to battle for the hearts and spirits of men! The Revelation 12 Man Child will be completed, and in the midst of our labors, the trump of God will sound calling us Home!


Looking up and looking forward to breaking loose from Earth’s grasp!


RELATED: Babylon and The Last Call!

๐ŸŒ™ ๐ŸŒ• Has our 2 MOONS sign arrived? at Holly 2 Moons YTC

Updated 10/8/24


Lyn Melvin said...

Thought I should share (in part) the exchange of Comments between myself and my friend Bob D over at Rev12daily :

Lyn Melvin September 24, 2024 at 3:17 PM
In the articles I read about the mini-moon I wasn't aware that it is only 33 feet long! A 2nd moon the size of a bus may not qualify for the Rapture dreams?!

Bob D. September 24, 2024 at 3:54 PM the mini-moon (the size of a bus) "may not qualify for the Rapture dreams", huh? Please "Say it ain't so, Joe!" Lol!

Lyn Melvin September 25, 2024 at 12:04 PM
Dreams are not always precise so there is still a chance that the asteroid named 2024 PT5 could be the fulfillment of the 2 Moons Rapture Dreams. HOWEVER--if you look at how Tyler portrays what he saw in his dream (at the 17:30 minute mark) and how the girl on the video, "Rapture dream, two moons, Behold I come quickly!" linked in the Description Box, painted what she saw in her dream, it looks like one very large supermoon and another moon about 1/4 the size of the supermoon. ๐Ÿคท‍♀️

CY and Cry said...

Lyn, I've been thinking of this as the year of two moons throughout this sign-filled season. In March, a diligent crop-watcher in Israel declared the year begun in March. Then the heavens made a declaration in April. This fall a well-grounded teacher is adament about the September observances. And we've got signs galore for October in the sky. They seem to be bookends to other intermediate options with abundant signage for each and all.

In addition, the bus-sized asteroid called a second moon is an amusing sidenote. Hmm. A flying object the size of a familiar mode of transport. A funny coincidence this morning: my sister brought over some canning jars my mom had saved. I unwrapped one and the name on the jar was ATLAS, How funny is that! It made me grin. That bright little sign in the sky may be significant after all. (Atlas, as in shrugged, always gets my attention as an amazing projection of inevitable events.)

Lyn Melvin said...

CY--I have yet to read the book Atlas Shrugged or see the 2-part movie based upon it for you are not the first to bring it up to me ๐Ÿ˜Š
You wrote, "the bus-sized asteroid called a second moon is an amusing sidenote. Hmm. A flying object the size of a familiar mode of transport."
Hmm indeed LOL ๐Ÿค— Bus us outta here, Lord!