Because I have come across some significant prophetic
revelations pointing to June, I am led to once again bring up the
topic of the Second Wonder or Sign of Revelation 12, The Great Red Dragon. I ask
you to prayerfully consider all that I am about to share for--
June may be the most pivotal month of 2022 for events
that will quicken the transition from the Dispensation of Grace into the time
of Jacob’s Trouble.
And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman
clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of
twelve stars:
And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and
pained to be delivered.
And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon,
having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. - Revelation
12:1-3 KJV
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“Seven Earth-sized planets have been observed by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope around a tiny, nearby, ultra-cool dwarf star called TRAPPIST-1.” (related article: Our Last Day--Behold, a Great Red Dragon!) |
Planet X is The Great Red Dragon
Just as the Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman which occurred in 2017 was a celestial phenomenon, I truly believe so too is the coming Second Wonder--the Great Red Dragon.
Around the 3:42 minute mark, of his video 2ND GREAT WONDER IN THE HEAVENS??? Youtuber
Whackadoodle Samoan poses the question whether it is The Great Red Dragon, the Second Great Wonder
or Sign in Revelation 12, still being blocked out of Google Sky. Lu Vega of first shared this discovery in 2017 and gives convincing evidence
that it is The Great Red Dragon of Revelation 12! [ The Revelation 12 Dragon and the Rapture
It is my
understanding that Planet X or Nibiru (described as a comet-like planet or dwarf
star with seven orbiting bodies) is the seven-headed Great Red Dragon of
Revelation 12 and its debris field represents the tail that draws “the third
part of the stars of heaven”:
And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a
great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his
heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of
heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the
woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it
was born. - Revelation 12:3-4 KJV
What Will Revelation 12:4 Look Like?
As we see The Day of Our Redemption fast approaching, what calamities will befall the world that we will be witnesses to as we endure this perilous and never-before-experienced time of transition? In my opinion, there will be two areas in which we will witness the manifestation of the Dragon--(1) We will see the Revelation 13 Beast System continue to push its way to the forefront (as in the case of the International Health Regulations) AND (2) We will see the celestial manifestation of the Revelation 12 Second Wonder for according to Revelation 12:4 WE WILL FACE THE DRAGON JUST PRIOR TO THE RAPTURE!
Two years ago I wrote:
What will Revelation
12:4 look like?
What will happen in the days leading up to the Rapture? I believe the Overcoming Church will experience the Great Shaking or Transition Phase which is the manifestation of Revelation 12:4:
. . . and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. - Revelation 12:4 KJV
Notice that the Dragon appears before the birth of the Man Child which means we will see this sign just prior to the birth or Rapture of the Bride of Christ!
I join many others in the belief that the manifestation of Revelation 12:4 will be related to the nearness of the Nibiru or Planet X system.
. . . The exponential increase in global earthquakes has been attributed to this binary system and it has been prophesied that the Bride of Christ will witness a great earthquake in America before the Rapture. It may or may not be The New Madrid Fault Line Earthquake, but this is the quake associated with the dividing of the land of Israel (related article: The Horror of Darkness and The Everlasting Covenant ). [Excerpt from The World Will Know By September 2020!]
In THE LAST HEAVENLY SIGNS BEFORE A 2022 RAPTURE? I shared excerpts of a March 27, 2022, email I received from a Sister in Christ in Australia (who I believe is very grounded in Christ) stating that Planet X or Nibiru will become visible to the world “near the end of the month of June (in some year).” Three members of her family independently had dreams of it becoming visible during the last week of June. Her understanding is that this will happen before the Rapture. The Planet X or Nibiru system has already been evident over parts of the earth, but not clear to the world. It has been witnessed in the skies of Australia as seen in this photo Michelle gave permission for me to use here:
2-State Solution = Great Shaking
More puzzle pieces pertaining to a possible major quake in America before the Rapture have come to my attention.
Chris Reed, Pastor and CEO of MorningStar Ministries, has
recently shared a powerful dream
and also an angelic
encounter he believes were sent from the Lord Jesus Christ wherein he was
shown that when the agreement for the Two-State Solution is signed, great earthquakes will result--one
of which is to occur in the middle of America:
. . . Then the dream focused again on the man in the black suit.
This time, he tore the $50 bill in half. When he did this, an earthquake happened
under my feet.
Another person came up to me
and handed me a headline that read, "Israeli and Palestinian Two-State
Solution Reached." Then another person came up to me and gave me a
headline, "Major Earthquake Hits the Middle of the U.S."
A number of known
men of God have shared their dreams and visions related to this such
as John Kilpatrick, Shane Warren, Sundar Selvaraj, and John
Paul Jackson; but probably the first was David
Wilkerson back in 1973.
It is very possible the Church Bride will see the
ratification of the Two-State Solution very soon. The latest information I found
included a May 21, 2022, article by Arutz Sheva--Biden is coming to divide
Jerusalem. When does he plan on going to Israel? Biden
is reportedly still planning to visit Israel at the end of June, despite
Knesset turmoil. Also there was a May 23, 2022, article from The Jerusalem Post
wherein Michael Herzog, Israeli Ambassador to the US, is quoted as saying, “The
Abraham Accords offer a better future for the Middle East and are one of the
best answers to Iran”. The report went on to say:
Herzog noted that alongside the
opportunities in the Middle East, he would like to discuss the campaign to delegitimize
Israel and deny the right of the Jewish people to self-determination.
Watchman Urgency
So keep your eyes riveted on Israel and what “they” are doing concerning Jerusalem; for if we indeed witness this, it is possible we will also witness this major earthquake to hit America. I realize this is a lot of IFs; yet there is an urgency in me as a watchman of the Lord to sound an alert; for should this come to pass, be assured the Lord Jesus Christ does have a plan for your life to reach out to the unsaved the last moments before the Rapture!
As I was drafting this article, I sought the Lord to guide me and prayed He would give me some kind of confirmation related to the Great Shaking prophecy. Brethren, it is my desire to express clearly whatever Jesus wishes to reveal to me. I then felt led to do a search on the Biblical symbolism of the arrow because of the vision the Lord gave me of the female archer atop the stone pillar in the cavern as I shared in BY SUMMER’S END NOWHERE TO GO BUT UP! To my surprise up popped a Charisma article, Prophetic Scribes, You Are Arrows in the Quiver of the Lord! Oh! How this touched my heart and encouraged me!
I share this not to say I have it all figured out, but to
hopefully reveal my heart to you.
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1987 NEW SCIENCE AND INVENTION ENCYCLOPEDIA page devoted to the Pioneer 10 probe investigating Planet 10 |
Planet X and Prophecy
How do we know whether this Planet X/Nibiru system is for real or not and why would God allow its existence? John Moore is a former U.S. Army intelligence analyst who has developed a long list of sources inside government and the U.S. military:
The U.S. government has been aware of the approach of
“Planet X” for over forty years, warns John Moore “The Liberty Man,” in a jaw-dropping new
interview. . . but has chosen to withhold this information from the American
people for the simple fact that there’s nothing the masses can do to
survive the anticipated events.
. . . The Planet X fly-by would likely also bring asteroid impacts to planet Earth, causing global chaos and mass destruction as large space rocks impact the planet at extreme relative velocities. . .
Moore recommends people move inland and get above 500 feet in elevation in order to survive the ocean inundation of North America. [excerpt from August 12, 2020, article at]
My research on the history behind Planet X/Nibiru can be
read in my 2017 article The Ark of
Escape and my 2019 article, Our
Last Day--Behold, a Great Red Dragon! Also, Stephanie Dawn shares many
sources at
so that you can study and make your own conclusions.
If what
Mr. Moore learned is accurate--that there’s nothing the masses can do to
survive the anticipated events--then it is obvious that God designed the
Planet X system with its tail of debris to accomplish His wrath (Wormwood in
Revelation 8:11 is likely from the Planet X System). Because of His goodness,
though, our Heavenly Father has also promised to save us
from the wrath to come.
According to Revelation 12:5, when the Dragon draws the
stars with its tail and casts them to earth, the Man Child is harpazo-ed--“caught
up”--to the throne of God. This will manifest as asteroids and meteorites from
Nibiru’s debris tail pummeling the inhabitants of the earth just as John Moore
has warned.
In my studies I have learned that the Scriptures foretell of
war in the last days, but there have been a myriad of Brethren receiving
dreams and visions of “when nuclear missiles come down, we go up”. This is why
I conclude that on the day of the Rapture there will be a Great Convergence
that includes fire coming down in the form of asteroids/meteorites and nuclear
missiles at the same time the Dragon casts down his stars, the fallen angels,
who will appear as aliens in UFOs. (Related: I
Revelation 12 Galactic Federation, The Great Re:Set, and The Rapture)
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“My great end time army is about to be unleashed. It is a force to be reckoned with... It is the time of peace and safety so-called in which they will be released. Much destruction will occur by the Dragon before My Son comes for his beautiful Bride. Fear not; I am truly with you.” New York, Chicago, L.A. |
How Soon After Will We Fly?
If indeed people’s jaws drop as they gaze up at Nibiru near the end of June this year, how soon after will Those in Christ be Raptured? I conjecture that it will be VERY soon after, but not until God is finished shaking the world with a great wakeup call.
I am watching to see if the prophetic compilation that was
done by Hope of the Call of the Bride Blog (which she has discontinued) will
come to pass:
On the Before Nibiru
Comes page of the Call of the Bride blog, Hope shares how Israel and
the time of “Peace and Safety” and the 3 Days of
Darkness are keys to the order of events leading to the Rapture. The
order, in summary, is that in a time of ‘peace and safety’ there will be
huge explosions of bombs either coming from or going into Israel followed by a
cosmic event involving Nibiru that triggers an earthquake and three days of
darkness. Some have prophesied that the Rapture will then occur 40 days
after the three days of darkness.
Both Call of the Bride and Rivkah
Ministries were shown a terrible earthquake along with days of darkness. [Erasing
the Line in the Sand . . . excerpt]
When the Spirit of the Lord first gave me the message of a
Great Shaking coming, it was confirmed by a small earthquake occurring near our
town in Virginia (see The
World Will Know By September 2020!). The tremor happened on December 9,
2003, per my journal. Today I looked online and sure enough according to the
USGS there was on
2003-12-09 at 20:59:18 (UTC) a magnitude 4.5 quake in Columbia, VA--about
two hours east of the town we lived in at that time.
At another time I was shown darkness
coming upon the earth but not for how long (more on this here).
Michelle, in her very first email to me in May 2020, gave
the same event timeline as Call of the Bride. Again, Michelle has not been
shown what year this will occur and admits she only sees in part. Here is an
excerpt from that email:
1. Soon the Bride will be transformed and
sent out to bring in the harvest.
I too was shown the Overcomer will
experience a move ‘from glory to glory’ before the Resurrection/Rapture to minister at the time of
“peace and safety”.]
2. There will be more signs in the
heavens and sky – meteors, and on earth and then,
3. The Great Red Dragon will be seen by
4. Then the 3 days of darkness, possibly preceded by a very large earthquake. (as stated I believe the appearance of the Nibiru system, no longer able to be hidden, and then the 3 days when the sun is eclipsed, is at the end of June.)
In Chris Reed’s encounter with the angel of God, he was told of the Two-State Solution coming to pass. If this happens before the Rapture, it would parallel the first part of the prophesied event timeline as given above of Israel and a time of “peace and safety” which then, as foretold, triggers an earthquake.
IF the Overcoming Church is still on earth when a major earthquake hits the United States, it will be very soon afterwards that the Rapture occurs!
There is no doubt in my mind that a major earthquake will
occur in the United States. The big question is—will it be associated with the Resurrection
and Rapture of Those in Christ? Historical
records indicate there have been massive earthquakes before–the most recent
being the powerful 9.0 Japan
earthquake and tsunami of 2011 which sent tsunami waves across the Pacific
basin causing widespread damage.
Another question is, were we shown a transformation from “glory
to glory” as is indicated in 2 Corinthians 3:18 OR were we shown our Ultimate
Transformation into our eternal bodies? The Scripture is not clear about
whether our Ultimate Transformation occurs separately or simultaneously with the
“catching away” or Rapture. Stephanie Dawn at
shares her thoughts:
. . . So both our transformation
event and the snatching event are sudden and quick. However, could there
be a pause between the changing and the snatching? Or a pause between the
dead rising and the living being transformed? We are not told.
If there is, I personally don’t
believe it will be longer than minutes to hours. I actually think the two
events will seem simultaneous, based on the disaster that will be unfolding on
the earth around us. However, the “many saints” that were resurrected at
the same time as Jesus appeared in Jerusalem at least over a few hours and
possibly days. So there is definite precedence to the resurrected and
immortal dead walking around as witnesses. Note that these would not
appear as zombies or other “walking dead” pictured in horror shows, but would
appear in glory, brilliance, and perfection. Maybe God will give us one
final moment to witness to our loved ones?
We are living in unprecedented times. No other generation
has lived during the transition from the Dispensation of Grace to The
Tribulation! The only way we have any idea of what is coming is God’s promise
to show us:
Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his
secret unto his servants the prophets. - Amos 3:7 KJV
NOT that Michelle or I claim to be prophets, but in this Dispensation
of Grace all who are born again may not be prophets, but all may prophesy (Acts
2:16-17; 1 Corinthians 14:39).
Has the Lord revealed to us the culmination of all the past
signs? Is this the timing of our Grand Exit?
With a “Great” Planetary Parade coming up this June,
the month of weddings, as T.
W. Tramm wrote, “It is reasonable to ask: Could the planet parade of 2022 be a
sign of the Rapture?” In THE
. . . the window for the Rapture is
from May 15 until Rosh
Hashanah in September of 2022.
As in the birth process, the Revelation 12 Man Child is
going to experience an increased tightening--a pressuring--as we go deeper into
these “perilous times” of 2
Timothy 3:1 with the Dragon overshadowing us. BUT we will NOT be destroyed
as God has promised in Revelation 12:5, for our Great Deliverer shall come and
the Mighty Body of Christ will not go out with a whimper but with victorious
crowns in hand to throw at His feet!
dropping of HIS shoe--2 Visions
WARNING!(There is a
great shaking coming!)
“My Church Will
Rise From the Ashes!”
Planet X and the Great Shaking of America
Updated July 15, 2022