
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Planet X and the Great Shaking of America

There is no question the world is experiencing more unprecedented disasters than ever. It is my opinion most, if not all of these, may be a result of a cosmic system created by the Ancient of Days and put into orbit to do His bidding. I am referring to what is commonly called Planet X or Nibiru--first spotted in 1983 as this Wikileaks’ memo to John Podesta, chair of Hillary Clinton's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, revealed:


Date: 2014-09-07 18:06

...Nibiru was first spotted remotely by USA astronomers in 1983 and reported at that time in the Washington Post --- but since has been subject to a governmental coverup. It is currently hidden in the Sun's glare, but distant photo images have been provided on the website and the internet. As it passes closer to Earth with its long tail of moons and asteroids, likely within the next 24-or-so months, the aliens’ website predicts it will cause a drastic Earth pole shift of about ninety degrees, due to its magnetic strength. This would result per the website in more Earth wobble, then violent mega-earthquakes, super-hurricane winds, worldwide volcanic eruptions, and oceanic sloshing with gigantic tidal waves inundating most low-lying coastal areas and cities, e.g., Netherlands, Denmark, Bangladesh, Singapore, Hong Kong, NYC, LA, Miami. Food, water, electricity, and gasoline distribution would collapse resulting in massive relocations, rampant crime, riots and starvation...


Nibiru was Here Before


Historians have attributed the Flood of Noah’s day to the crossing of a dwarf star that today is mostly referred to as Planet X or Nibiru; and ancient texts confirm that indeed this Destroyer has come before to terrorize the inhabitants of Earth. [From The ARK of ESCAPE]


Bob Barber of Endtime Dream & Vision Youtube Channel does a great job giving a synopsis in his recent video God Comet Spring Sighting Signals WW3, Rapture, & Tribulation! Where & When it Will Be Seen! He explains how Planet X (which he has dubbed ‘The God Comet’ due to it being a comet-like planet) affected the earth as recorded in the Scriptures and how it could relate to World War 3 and the Rapture of the Overcoming Church. He not only mentions how Planet X is connected to the Great Flood, but that it was responsible for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in Lot’s day. This is so very poignant because of what Jesus said of the days before He is revealed--


But as the days of Noe [were], so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. - Matthew 24:37-39 KJV


Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed [them] all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed [apokalyptō]. - Luke 17:28-30 KJV

The Washington Post December 1983

Bob is pointing to a possible Spring 2022 Rapture, however, this is based on the faulty eschatology of amateur astronomer Gill Broussard who believes the True Church will be on earth when the planet gets hit by the Revelation 12 Dragon’s tail of debris (related article: Planet X, Passover, and Pentecost 2021). I believe the Scriptures indicate that when the fire comes down (via Planet X AND nuclear missiles), those who are in Christ will go up in the Rapture (see I ASKED THE LORD, WHEN IS THE RAPTURE? HE ANSWERED ME! and 2022--The Year of Tenacity and Awakening).

Still, Mr. Broussard does share informative research on what he refers to as Planet 7X and reminds us that the Doomsday Clock IS at 100 seconds before midnight! And it was not moved closer in 2022 even with what we are witnessing related to Israel, Russia, and China. Why was the Doomsday Clock not moved up? Probably because 100 seconds equals 1.666∞ minutes and we know how much the global elites love that number 666! But That's Just Me Blog correlated pertinent information in World War 3 On The Horizon. Bombs Fall Down We Go Up?

The Great Shaking


Those who follow my blog know I believe the Lord has shown me of a time of Great Shaking coming to the United States of America (see TRANSITION THEN BIRTH THIS SUMMER 2021?).  I thought perhaps the plandemic was the event God was referring to for pockets of revival have begun in America; however, it is only the beginning of God shaking America awake. Planet X may or may not cause this Great Shaking that will occur in the United States. I don’t know precisely what it will be or what will cause it only that:


Before war comes to America, I believe God—IN HIS GREAT MERCY—will allow Her to experience some type of national calamity. It most likely will come as an apparent natural disaster. [From The dropping of HIS shoe--2 Visions]

Prepare To Be Shaken Before The Harvest - God A Minute YTC

The other day a video by Eric Burton popped up on my screen titled The Shaking is Coming Soon - 5782 Hebrew Calendar Year. (I had never heard of this Brother in Christ before.) He shared the impression that came into his spirit at midnight this past New Years’ Eve that the Lord is going to do a Shaking of the nation during this Shemitah year and that it could go all over the world as well.


The good news is that God has a Great Plan to go along with the Great Shaking as other prophetic voices are proclaiming:


A Cry of, “Let My People Go!” Across The Nations

Veronika West

January 7, 2022


“America do not be distracted. Do not pray away the shaking because in the shaking God is exposing and dismantling the wicked. . . 2022 will be a year of judgment for the wicked and justice for the righteous. . . America is a prodigal nation returning to her first love. The great shaking will awaken a nation going blind.”


Prophetic Dreams Very Important

Amanda Grace

January 23, 2022


“If we will listen to Him in the middle of the shaking, in the middle of the crashes, in the middle of the markets plummeting. . . and do things that may not be the easiest. . . He will restore to you what was taken from you. . . those who have been obedient. . . this is the time He wants to restore back to you.”


(Related: The World Will Know By September 2020!; WARNING!(There is a great shaking coming!) message about Christmas???; “My Church Will Rise From the Ashes!”)

America, You Are Here


Last week the Lord drew me to read the Book of Habakkuk.


The room I was ministering to the Lord in happened to contain a Hal Lindsey Prophecy Bible. My eyes popped wide open as I read what the Study Notes revealed for they said that Habakkuk ministered during the “‘death throes’ of the nation of Judah” at the time when the “Babylonian invasion was imminent”. . . “Although repeatedly called to repentance, the nation stubbornly refuses to change her sinful ways” (p. 933).


This is where we are, Brethren. We are ministering during the death throes of the United States of America at a time when, according to many contemporary prophetic voices, foreign invasion is imminent. Just as the nation of Judah was the tribe of praise (Genesis 49:8-12), America was originally dedicated as a praise and glory to the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ.


So, what did Habakkuk do?


He questioned the Lord God as to why Judah’s iniquity was going unpunished, and God’s reply drove the prophet to his knees for God revealed “His intention to use Babylon as His rod of judgment”. While there on his knees Habakkuk “acknowledges that the just in any generation shall live by faith (2:4) not by sight.” The New Testament echoes this in Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, and in Hebrews 10:38.


The name Habakkuk comes from the Hebrew word habaq which means “to embrace; to cling”. It is Habakkuk’s attitude of humility and yielding to the will of the Lord God that we must remember as we traverse the unknown territory of the Hebrew year 5782.

Shemitah Shaking


Since coming to an understanding of the significance of the Shemitah, I now believe that this Hebrew year of 5782, which is a Shemitah year, will be the Year of Great Shaking and thereby the Year of the Rapture. Observing the Shemitah guaranteed abundance for Israel, while neglecting it led to judgment.  If you examine the history of the Shemitah, America has always been affected by it as well.


As any disciple of Christ who humbles themselves to do His will, I have stood ready to admit my Great Shaking message could be wrong. Yet as time goes by, more and more like Eric Burton are prophesying of this Great Shaking coming. With how quickly the global elite are pushing towards their goal, I now understand why the Father might choose to cause a DIVINE DISRUPTION in their plans, as Eric referred to it. He also explains why God will allow this Shaking. To summarize, it is so that we, LIKE HABAKKUK, will CLING TO HIM!  As I have shared in previous posts those who are already in Christ and walking in relationship with Him I believe will shine gloriously for Him at this time. Those who have not actually made Jesus Christ their Lord (Romans 10:9), who are Christian in Name Only (CINOs), will be shaken awake!

Remember that SHAKING is part of TRANSITION in CHILDBIRTH! In The dropping of HIS shoe I wrote:


To those who identify themselves with the Overcoming Man Child whose birth and subsequent harpazo to the throne of God is described in Revelation 12:1-5, I have written that:


I believe the Lord is showing us we are going to have to experience SHAKING in our birth process. . . When this shaking occurs, there will be a spiritual backlash against the enemy’s efforts and a move of God like we’ve never seen before will occur.


. . . When this time of shaking comes, it is not the Seals of Revelation being opened; it is the spiritual world entering TRANSITION.


. . . The GREAT REVIVAL period will be brief and then will come THE RAPTURE! As I meditated on the first vision God gave me this morning, He gave me another. It seemed it was only a few minutes later when I saw His mighty hand again. This time His palm was holding a golden tabernacle with its doorway draped open, but He quickly closed His hand around it and pulled it upward reminding me of these verses in Isaiah:


Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain. - Isaiah 26:20-21 KJV


Let us not be terrified (Luke 21:9-11) about this coming shaking . . . As the Overcoming Man Child, we will be born OUT OF the world and into Heaven where we will have no more sorrow or crying!

Planet X and the Great Shaking of America updated 2/11/2022


  1. Thank you for your loyalty dear Lyn. You are persistent and I admire that. Your article is a very good article and I don't know if you remember it but it reminds me of the dream of the big vertical white cloud like a column, which invaded me and I started talking about the oracles of God. The words came out of my mouth in a divine way. People looked at me, they listened to me and I immediately left for another place to start over. It would be so great if it happened that way during this short period of revival, God willing! Thank you again and God's peace be upon you and your family!

  2. Yes, Carole/Maranatha321, I DO remember your dream and I THANK YOU for sharing it again. Your words are yet further confirmation of the glory of God that is to come upon His Beloved as these last days on earth intensify.

    The message of the Great Shaking is, of course, not a popular one and this post is likely the last time I will speak of it unless the Lord Jesus Christ gives me further insight. I am feeling a pull to return to an unfinished writing project I began years ago, so my blog posts will likely be few from here on out.

    So thank you again, dear Sister, for your faithfulness to our Lord and your kindness to encourage me and wish me and my family Peace. Yes, may His Peace be upon you and all of us and radiate to others as we trust in Him and go forward as led of His Spirit. Big hugs!


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