
Saturday, January 15, 2022

Antarctica, the 2022 Shemitah Eclipses, and the Rapture

12 Vile Vortices

There’s something about Antarctica. . . something weird that is.


In their book On the Path of the Immortals Tom Horn and Cris Putnam wrote about, among other subjects, “the strategic locations where entities await the appointed time”. They share research on stargates, portals, and vortices. What does that have to do with Antarctica? Beginning on page 279, is a section subtitled “Enoch’s Portals meets Sanderson’s Vile Vortices”:


The twelve “vile vortices” are geographic areas that are alleged to be the sites of mysterious disappearances and other high profile anomalies.


Can you guess where one of those vortices is located? Yes--Antarctica.


On page 316 of On the Path of the Immortals there is a quote from the article, “Ex-Satanist Details Illuminati Spiritual Plan”:


Satan’s hope is that with the opening of the last portals, powerful demons from lower dimensions will be able to come to earth and eventually, interact with humankind. They will not present themselves as demons, but as benevolent aliens and evolved spirits of light.


I got a hold of a copy of Empire Beneath the Ice by Stephen Quayle where this Brother in Christ writes about what happened in Antarctica during World War II. He also explains why those controlling our planet have laid the groundwork for a takeover by a dictator who could best be described as the Antichrist of the Bible. With what appears to me to be a thorough research of this subject and the hollow earth theory associated with it, Mr. Quayle gave this conclusion:


I believe that rather than an entrance into a hollow Earth, the points at one or both of our planet’s poles act as stargates, taking those passing into them not to a hollow Earth but rather to a wholly different place or even an alternate universe.

[pg. 278 Empire Beneath the Ice]

 Will CERN Open The Portal to "The Bottomless Pit"?

It is possible the Scriptures parallel his conclusion, especially Revelation Chapter 9 at the sounding of the Fifth Trumpet:


And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. - Revelation 9:1-3 KJV


Shemitah Eclipses

December 4, 2021, Eclipse over Antarctica


As long ago as 2016 I posted Google Doodle, the Rapture, and the Revealing of the Antichrist and wrote about political and religious leaders traveling to Antarctica of all places and how one of the possible reasons was to interact with these beings. Then, more recently, a Total Solar Eclipse cast its umbra over this southern- most continent on December 4, 2021:


This eclipse will be unusual as the path of the total eclipse will move from east to west across West Antarctica, while most eclipse paths move from west to east. This reversal is only possible in polar regions.  Its path across Antarctica will cross near Berkner Island, traverse an arc over the continent, exit, and pass over Shepard Island. . .

This could be a very important SIGN!!  The next total solar eclipse will not be until 2023 (20 April).  The next total lunar eclipse (blood moon) is on 15-16 May 2022 – 74th Anniversary of Israel’s miraculous birth as a nation (on the Julian calendar)!! [excerpt from Total Solar Eclipse in Obscurity (Antarctica) – 4 December 2021]


I believe the December 4, 2021, eclipse is a sign of the soon Tribulation and the opening of these demonic portals. Only those who have confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and believed God has raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10) will escape this horrific time when hell is unleashed on Earth! (See Saved From Wrath.)


In this Shemitah Year of 5782, the marking of Israel’s 74th Anniversary with a Blood Moon 162 days after the Antarctica-related eclipse is most likely the final sign to Israel of the imminent time of Jacob’s Trouble.

I found it extremely prophetic when I saw both the Hebrew and Greek words that correspond with Strong’s Concordance No. 162. Strong’s H162 is for the Hebrew word ahah meaning “alas!” Strong’s G162 is for the Greek word aichmalóteuó: to lead captive. The Scripture verse where Jacob’s Trouble is mentioned begins with the word “Alas!”--


Alas! for that day [is] great, so that none [is] like it: it [is] even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it. - Jeremiah 30:7 KJV

This time of trouble will be when the Antichrist will lead captive Israel and all the nations.


May 15-16, 2022, Lunar Eclipse Chiasm


The Rapture of the Overcoming Church must occur prior to Jacob’s Trouble, so these signs are not only compelling but thrilling!

In addition to the December 4 eclipse, Ken Potter’s 11-minute video May 2022 Blood Moon Eclipse Significance spurred me to look more deeply into Antarctica. He presents a powerful chiastic pattern of the lunar and solar eclipses pointing us to the MAY 2022 BLOOD MOON. (Remember that last year a rare Super Blood Moon was seen on the evening of May 26.)


This reminded me of the chiastic pattern Jeff, contributor to, uncovered:


Chiastic Patterns in the Bible


In a recent article at Unsealed, Shocking (NEW) Proof This Is The Final Generation, Jeff shares his discovery of a wonderful Scriptural gold nugget of a chiastic pattern of the history leading to Israel’s birth as a nation in May 1948 pointing to the birth of the Man Child in fulfillment of Isaiah 66:7-8! [Planet X, Passover, and Pentecost 2021 excerpt]


Luis B. Vega, political scientist and amateur astronomer, has done extensive research related to signs in the firmament of heaven (Genesis 1:14). In his Postscript #582 Lu explains the significance of the recent December 4 Total Solar Eclipse over Antarctica and provides extensive graphic charts, one of which is a COMPREHENSIVE MAPPING OF THE ECLIPSES FROM 2008-2026.


Take, for example the series of 4 Consecutive Blood Moons that were initiated in May 26, 2020. That first Total Blood Moon was a Supermoon. Ironically, it is the complement of the last Blood Moon of the prior Tetrad of 2014-15. And? That last Blood Moon was synchronized to the Sabbath Cycles. That is, that it synced with 2001, 2008, 2015, and thus 2022. And? One strongly believes that the subsequent Sabbath Cycle, to start in the Fall of 2022 will initiate a new Cycle of 7-Years. And?

This 7-Year Sabbath Cycle of Years could very well turn out to be Daniel’s 70th Week. The other reason why the December 4, 2021 Total Solar Eclipse is of interest, is that it is the only Total type, out of the 4 in the Series. . .  unlike the true Tetrad or 4 consecutive Total Blood Moons of 2014-15, the one occurring in 2021-22 is not a ‘True’ Tetrad as the 2nd Blood Moon was only 97% in its Totality. Notwithstanding, it was the longest in duration in nearly 600 years. . . What about 600 years? Is that not the year that Noah finished the Ark?   it was the longest in duration in nearly 600 years.

Could it then not be a ‘signaling’ that the proverbial ‘Ark’ that has been the Body of Christ on Earth, as the Ark, is now just about to be completed?  [excerpt from Postscripts #582--Debut of the Scorpion King]

Our Brother in Christ Lu Vega has also studied how the Luciferian occult view the celestial realm and adds this regarding the December 4, 2021, Total Solar Eclipse over Antarctica:


The Total Solar Eclipse on December 4, 2021 in the Sign of Scorpio is really a continuation of the ‘Storyline’ that is being signaled since the Grand Conjunction that occurred on the Winter Solstice of December 2020. This is when the Giant Planets of Jupiter and Saturn conjoined at 0° Aquarius. Meaning? That they announced the Grand Transformation of the World, to take place in preparation for the Reset that is coming. And most importantly, that it was in light of the Debut of the AntiChrist Scorpion King. And that in terms of Celestial and even Prophetic Imagery, the Sun was dead center in the Golden Gate with Mercury to the side, cojoined. Realize that Mercury in the Luciferian Occult is the God of Money, Medicine, Media and Thieves.

Lu goes on to refer to the I Pet Goat 2 occult video, a production done by Heliofant out of Canada by Louis Lefebvre. . .


What the Storyline is about is exactly, that, the ‘Debut of the AntiChrist’. It tracks the sinister Luciferian Agenda of orchestrating events since 9-11 and works its way to the final outcome, the ‘Awakening of the False Christ’. Where? In an icy place like Antarctica. But more astonishing, this AntiChrist revealed to the World faces the Sun. And where, Astronomically does that happen to be? By the Golden Gate, exactly in the Constellation of Scorpio. It occurs like its counterpart Lunar Eclipse that occurred in the Sign of Taurus that he too, is seeking to rampage through the Gate to invade Heaven and vanquish YHVH’s Throne. In the case of Scorpio, it is Ophiuchus, the Sentinel that guards the Golden Gate from the Adv[ersary], Scorpio who crushes Scorpio’s Head.


. . . And what is the point in interjecting the Occultic Heliofant Short Film with the December 4, 2021 Total Solar Eclipse? For all the years of the Predictive Programing that has thus far been mostly accurate. Since the film came out in 2012, the final stage corresponding to the place and time of the Antarctic Total Solar Eclipse is the ‘End of the Road’, as it is said, of its ‘Message’ or ‘Warning’ or Predictive Programming. And what is that of? The Debut of their AntiChrist. To the Luciferians, they have to tell what they will do. . .


Our Brother Lu concludes with this encouragement to the Bride of Christ:


But as mentioned, such Celestial Signs are ‘signaling’ what is to come, as the Signs are not the Events themselves. And to say, that one strongly believes that that since Daniel’s 70th Week of Years is to consummate the Judgment that is to befall the World and Israel for all their Evil, Rebellion and Rejection they have chosen, the Bride of Christ must first be extracted from off the Face of the Earth.

According to the Teachings of the Apostle Paul, only then will thereafter the real Debut of this AntiChrist can occur. He is no doubt alive and well, waiting in the wings to thereafter be presented to the World in such a capacity and understanding. It will no doubt be also as a result of the effects of the Rapture event, that will be also a Judgment and Witness against a Blind and Rebellious Nation of Israel and the World. [excerpt from Postscripts #582]


  1. Lyn, thank you dear lady, for this insightful and encouraging post! Since the Dave Hodges article about Antartica on 1-2-22, I have seen several (a few?) articles referencing world figures going to and from the area. Even though I grew up a sci-fi buff, I hold most of the more esoteric ideas, such as stargates, portals, weather manipulation (though chem trails are sure evident!), nearby celestial bodies, even Bible codes, in tension. Not that I don't think they are possible and valid, I just don't know. I feel the same way, especially having seen so many "dates/seasons" come and go, about high watch days/seasons. I just hold them in tension--as Lu would say "could be?" "maybe". We shall see. It doesn't diminish my excitement and desire to keep watching, just reinforces how much I don't know and can't understand. Do I think there's something to all this? Yes. Do I know what to make of it all? No. But as so many as said before at the very least these occurrences are all NEON SIGNS FLASHING IN THE DARKNESS: Heads up, people! Danger ahead! Thanks for the Ken Potter video--fascinating. How does one argue with the mirror images of those eclipses? Again, I appreciate so much yours and Lu's and all the others' research and work to keep us all informed. MARANATHA!!💖

  2. Great job my sister! Thank you for your dedication to the Lord and to us! Maranatha!!!

  3. Thank you, dear Sisters, for coming by and leaving encouraging remarks💖

    Judi--I know right?! We're not quite sure what to make of all this but thank you God for the NEON SIGNS FLASHING IN THE DARKNESS showing our GREAT EXIT nears!

  4. Loved your article and the commentary left by Judi.
    I'm so grateful for all of your posts that continue to give me hope and point us to Him, Who is our HOPE!
    May God continue to give you revelation as you continue to seek His face.
    With much love to you and your family,


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