This weekend there will be wondrous prophetic conjunctions.
On the night of June 15, Giant Planet will dangle just below
the waxing gibbous Moon.
Then on Sunday, June 16—Father’s Day—bright
Jupiter and the Moon meet. What a pair.
Look for the Giant Planet floating just above the Full Strawberry Moon.
The Moon and Jupiter will shine bright all night long!
(The Moon will look full on June 16 and June 17 in North
America; technically, it crests in the very early hours of the 17th.)
Look for the Moon and king planet Jupiter to light up the
nighttime from dusk until dawn!
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Then, on the next night, turn your attention back to the
western evening sky.
Watch for a fabulous conjunction between orange Mercury and
Mars on June 18.
The two will be extremely close together in the evening sky
on the 18th. But also they’ll look tight and nice between the
17 and 19.
You won’t confuse them because Mercury is much brighter
than Mars.
One more? This conjunction is the only one that requires you
to go out at midnight. The date is Tuesday, June 18. Yes, the
same night that the fabulous Mars/Mercury conjunction happened earlier, in the
fading dusk. This midnight conjunction is between the Moon
and Saturn.
Wow. All the bright planets except for Venus,
performing conjunctions with the Moon or each other. [Excerpt from]
This was first brought to my attention by a Brother in
Christ, Jeová, who shared the information on
and gave its symbolic meaning:
JUPITER, the “King Planet,” will be closer to Earth than at any other time of year during the month of June. . .
In addition to Jupiter being at its closest distance to
Earth, it will appear to meet up with the Full Moon on June 16. Using the
Starry Night astronomical program with the viewing location set to Jerusalem,
one can see the Moon approach and seemingly touch the King Planet in the
Constellation Ophiuchus, the “serpent holder,” or “restrainer,” as darkness
settles in around 9:00 pm Sunday evening.
While no one knows the day of the Lord’s return, this heavenly sign is a reminder that the Church in its fullness, symbolized by the full moon, will one day meet her King-Bridegroom in the heavens. With the force that restrains the serpent, the Holy Spirit, removed from earth, the human embodiment of evil Scripture calls the “man of sin” will emerge to take his place on the prophetic stage (2 Thess. 2). [Excerpt from]
While no one knows the day of the Lord’s return, this heavenly sign is a reminder that the Church in its fullness, symbolized by the full moon, will one day meet her King-Bridegroom in the heavens. With the force that restrains the serpent, the Holy Spirit, removed from earth, the human embodiment of evil Scripture calls the “man of sin” will emerge to take his place on the prophetic stage (2 Thess. 2). [Excerpt from]
The next full Moon will be on Monday morning, June 17, 2019, appearing "opposite" the Sun (in Earth-based longitude) at 4:31 AM EDT. The Moon will appear full for about three days around this time, from Saturday night through Tuesday morning.
Strawberry Moon
The full moon in June is nicknamed The Strawberry Moon (among
other designations).
On June 13 I watched Mark Ekawamai's newest video FINAL HOUR 406 - LAST DAYS DREAMS AND
WARNINGS - WATCHMAN SOUNDING THE ALARM wherein he has a clip from Crazy
bout Jesus Ya'll YTC where she shares her dream of the Rapture happening during
the Strawberry Moon.
Bethlehem Star
Then today I truly believe it was the Holy Spirit that led
me to the Youtube Channel of our Sister in Christ Genevieve Brazel. She had
posted The Bethlehem Star and the
June 17 Connection only minutes ago!
Genevieve does not set a date for the Rapture but shares
connections she made with Gigi’s video UNBELIEVABLE
(blue heaven YTC) and a picture Genevieve’s daughter drew a while back. In UNBELIEVABLE Gigi noted, among other things, that June 17
is the anniversary of the first Star of Bethlehem. The drawing Genevieve’s
daughter had made pictured her mother above the Bethlehem Star and said it was
because the Rapture would occur at its appearing.
This caused Genevieve to wonder whether the Bethlehem Star was the Sign of the Son of man. I have made conjectures as to what could be the Sign of the Son of man as well. Related articles:
My understanding now is that Jesus Christ HIMSELF IS the Sign of the Son of man! It may very well be that He appears as a brilliant supernova in the heavenlies which I believe was shown to me in a Rapture-related dream. Originally, I had thought the Lord had shown me 3 planets in this dream, but I now understand it was 3 super moons. I believe that in my dream I saw Jesus coming for His prize after the third super moon:
. . . I then saw a brilliant white light like a huge star, appear overhead. "It's time! He's here!" I shouted with sheer delight as a feeling of exhilaration filled my being and I jumped into the air in anticipation but was not yet taken up and then the dream ended. 3 Planets Dream and Reality
The last Super Moon was the January 2019 Super Blue Blood Moon (related article: Rapture Before the Blood Moon?).
Full Moon Rapture?
For my husband is
not at home; he has gone on a long journey;
he took a bag of money with him; at full moon he will come home.” Proverbs 7:19-20 English Standard Version
he took a bag of money with him; at full moon he will come home.” Proverbs 7:19-20 English Standard Version
Genevieve also said the Spirit of Christ revealed to her that the Bride would be raptured during a full moon. This reminded me of a Comment left at my article The Last Heavenly Sign Before the Rapture?:
Mike Young said...
Lyn: Thanks for your wonderful research, vision and timely words from the Lord!
I just wanted to share a parallel vision back in 2008 or 2009 the Lord gave me. I was lying on my bed almost awake and yet not asleep. In the open vision i was standing on the horizon of the earth with Him- Yashua.. The moon was so big and full and you could feel the magnetic pull of the closeness of it to earth and myself. You could see the details of every crater and mountain. But also i could see the stars and galaxy in full technicolor.
I just wanted to share a parallel vision back in 2008 or 2009 the Lord gave me. I was lying on my bed almost awake and yet not asleep. In the open vision i was standing on the horizon of the earth with Him- Yashua.. The moon was so big and full and you could feel the magnetic pull of the closeness of it to earth and myself. You could see the details of every crater and mountain. But also i could see the stars and galaxy in full technicolor.
I had to keep looking at Yeshua frequently as He held my hand and kept me from passing out from sheer joy amazement and just realizing how amazing yet how real it all seemed. I will not ever forget it. I had been a watchmen then, but a very lukewarm one.
After that vision I realized that Yeshua was telling me that He was coming back sooner than I thought and that when I saw the moon so very close to the earth would be the time when He would return for His Bride...thus the lukewarm watchmen became more of what the Lord has asked me to be. A new an awakening to me since my previous 46 years of being a Christian and a pastor.
Shalom and Maranatha!
See you soon!
Pentecost 2019
To add to the excitement, we are in the harvest season of Israel and within the period referred to in Acts 2:1 as “when the day of Pentecost was fully come.”
It is, of course, possible that the Church which was conceived on Pentecost is destined to be Resurrected/Raptured on Pentecost—a pilgrimage festival which many believe is this weekend.
There is a reason for the confusion related to the timing of this Feast:
Think of the impact the Jewish believers must have had as they described the Lord’s resurrection on the Sunday of Passover week at First Fruits and the coming of the Spirit seven Sundays later on Pentecost. The leaders must have been hard pressed to explain away the relevance of the feasts and their fulfillment in the Messiah.
The solution they came up with was to obfuscate the calendar in such a way as to make the connection less clear between the feasts and their fulfillment in Christ and the Holy Spirit. The strategy apparently worked because most Jewish people today see no connection whatever between the Feasts and the Messiah. [Excerpt from]
Because of its ambiguous timing, Pentecost (also called Shavuot or Feast of Weeks), falls into the similar category of the Feast of Trumpets as an Unknown Day and Hour.
Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. - Matthew 24:44 KJV
In Summary—HE IS COMING!
Our Brother Jeová, quoting T. W. Tramm, summarized it beautifully. (From his June 14, 2019, Comment on
Having highlighted this remarkable convergence, we understand that a coming together of prophetic signs and timelines doesn’t necessarily mean the event alluded to, in this case the Rapture, is going to occur at this time. Oftentimes a convergence is simply a convergence, a sign or marker pointing forward.
Besides, Jesus says he is coming at an hour we think not (Matt. 24:44).
Such a rare and profound convergence is, however, intended to get our attention.
Therefore, look up!
The heavens are declaring to everyone who has ears to hear: “The King is on His way!”
Besides, Jesus says he is coming at an hour we think not (Matt. 24:44).
Such a rare and profound convergence is, however, intended to get our attention.
Therefore, look up!
The heavens are declaring to everyone who has ears to hear: “The King is on His way!”
June 16, 2019, Addendum
Because Jeová admittedly obtained much of his information from T. W. Tramm's website, I thought I would add here links to a couple of the most pertinent articles:
Mid-June Convergence
Full Moon Rapture?
Jesus as the Sun: Malachi 4 v2 But to you who fear My name
The Sun of Righteousness shall arise
With healing in His wings;
And you shall go out
And grow fat like stall-fed calves.
truly Awesome post Lyn*! ... def. of "truly"> (without a doubt)! Bye for now Lyn, Blessings n sooo much Love my sister* \o/
♥Tony♥ Love and Blessings back at ya, dear Brother!
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