Saturday, February 23, 2019

The dropping of HIS shoe--2 Visions (and Confirmation)

As I write this, I want you to know it is the most difficult article I have had to write and so I ask you to seek the Spirit of the Lord as to its accuracy.

This morning I sat before the Most High God asking His forgiveness for my lack of attention. He is so very loving and good—I am forgiven.  “If it is Your will, Father,” I later ask, “would you show me what is coming?” I didn’t expect to be shown something this day, but as I sat with my eyes closed, I saw in the Spirit a great hand coming down from Heaven. It was His hand, pure white and holy. It dropped something.

“What did You drop, Lord?” I asked.

“A shoe,” He answered.

For those who may not be familiar with this idiom:

This expression alludes to a person awakened by a neighbor who loudly dropped one shoe on the floor and is waiting for the second shoe to be dropped.

Before war comes to America, I believe God—IN HIS GREAT MERCY—will allow Her to experience some type of national calamity. It most likely will come as an apparent natural disaster. Let me explain.

I am not talking about God causing or sending this catastrophe. It has been proven there is advanced technology being used to manipulate the planet’s climate. It is my suspicion that since the United States must be destroyed for the New World Order to arise, they will use this fallen angel technology to bring down our beloved nation. Many believe that no such thing could happen before the Rapture of the Overcoming Church, but if Japan can suffer a large earthquake that leads to a tsunami in this Age of Grace, so can America. If Greece, Venezuela, etc. can have their economies collapse, so can America. (Related article: 3 Days of Darkness?)

Transition Shaking

When this time of shaking comes, it is not the Seals of Revelation being opened; it is the spiritual world entering TRANSITION. Both the spiritual and the physical realm have been in preparation for a TWIN BIRTHING.

First, the Revelation 12:5 Man Child must be born; and, second, the Millennial Kingdom will be born. In the spiritual, the Man Child is about to enter the Second Stage of the birth process. I was hoping that we were farther along than that—crowning as KayTdid’s Vision on 11-11 showed. But I think we jumped the gun because to go from First to Second Stage there is a TRANSITION:

Then after the Transition Phase, the laboring mother enters into Second Stage labor where she feels the need to push resulting in the birth of the baby. [Taken from Birthing of the Millennial Kingdom]

I believe this coming national disaster will be the last thing we will experience in our earthly bodies BEFORE we TRANSITION into our eternal spiritual bodies.

OUR labor in the Lord and birthing will happen BEFORE the Millennial Kingdom is birthed upon the earth. THE WORLD’S ACTUAL TRAVAIL OR LABOR won’t begin until the Overcoming Man Child has left the planet! (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18; 5:3-9)

I believe the Lord is showing us we are going to have to experience SHAKING in our birth process.

During labor, oxytocin (either our own natural supply or the stuff given through IV for induced labor) causes uterine contractions, but some women also experience muscle contractions in their legs, back, arms and feet. Add raging doses of stress hormones like adrenaline, cortisol, and epinephrine and rapidly shifting hormones that transition women through labor and past delivery, and mix with other dramatically fluctuating body chemicals.
The result: massive physical reactions that resemble shock. Some women shake, sweat, cry, vomit, itch, tremble or have other symptoms.


When this shaking occurs, there will be a spiritual backlash against the enemy’s efforts and a move of God like we’ve never seen before will occur.

From my September 20, 2018, article Be Not Terrified!

. . . I heard this prophecy through Charlie Shamp, someone whose prophecies have been reported as being proven:

I saw two E's resting over the earth: earthquakes and eruptions. We have entered into a time of spiritual and natural earthquakes and eruptions where the spiritual will be paralleled by the natural.

It will be a time of great rejoicing for some, but great sorrow for others. Great grace will be needed by the Church during this time to walk in the days ahead. . .

I could see and feel major shakings coming in the earth physically on a much greater level than we have seen in the past. I could see great shakings that moved the ground in the natural. It was a massive force that caused the soil to be moved. I could hear people saying, "Why has this happened? Why has this earthquake come so that the soil of our country has been shaken?" I looked to the mountains and they were quaking and all the hills moved back and forth. I looked again and I saw other nations and they were shaking with Revival, Renewal, Resurrection and Restoration. [Excerpt from Elijah List]

When asked what the sign would be of His Second Coming, Jesus spoke of a grand convergence of wars and earthquakes being indicators of the Tribulation and marking its beginning.

But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end [is] not by and by.
Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:
And great earthquakes [megas seismos]  shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. Luke 21:9-11

I believe the Scripture teaches that the Resurrection/Rapture of the Overcoming Church happens before Jacob's Travail--The Tribulation—as foreshadowed in Isaiah Chapter 66 but that does not mean we won't be rocked by events leading up to that day.  Time to Focus

Everything ? Shaken

Much like a woman in labor, this time of great shaking will be sorrowful, disconcerting, and challenging.  Its purpose? To force the sleeping Laodicean church to wake up abruptly and lead as many as are willing into the Lordship of Jesus Christ in their life!

Thinking now about this SEASON OF TRANSITION reminds me of when I was in my childbearing years. Upon entering my last trimester, I would rehearse in my mind the birth process. This would cause my hands to literally sweat! That’s why I really appreciated how Randy Maxwell explained this time when EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE SHAKEN WILL BE SHAKEN:

A Shaking Time

The Bible predicts that a shaking time is coming, when everything that can be shaken will be shaken. This won’t be just a shaking of the world and its institutions. It will be a personal shaking time for every Christian, when God will rock our world. In Hebrews 12:26, 27, God warns, "Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens." The words "once more" indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God with reverence and awe."

Notice, it’s the "created things" that will be shaken. The things of this world, such as human philosophies, human governments, human economies, and especially, mere human religion.

Christians are not exempt from this shaking. A religion of convenience is going to be shaken. A religion made up more of personal opinion instead of a "Thus saith the Lord" is going to be shaken. A religion where self is supreme is going to be shaken.

But what is it that cannot be shaken? Recreated things. Things that are not of human origin but that have their source in the Spirit. These are the things that comprise "a kingdom that cannot be shaken." Signs of the Times

I realize now that the prophetic word the Lord gave me decades ago is my watchman’s cry for the short period before The Tribulation:

“A time of great trouble is coming! Everything that can be shaken will be shaken! Come to Him in your prayer closets faithfully and do not be afraid.” [Excerpt from Is the Rapture Earned?]

Rapture—2nd Vision

The GREAT REVIVAL period will be brief and then will come THE RAPTURE! As I meditated on the first vision God gave me this morning, He gave me another. It seemed it was only a few minutes later when I saw His mighty hand again. This time His palm was holding a golden tabernacle with its doorway draped open, but He quickly closed His hand around it and pulled it upward reminding me of these verses in Isaiah:

Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain. - Isaiah 26:20-21 KJV

In my vision the pure gold tabernacle was square (as shown in the first image) but its door was a beautiful heavy gold curtain draped open (as shown in the above tent image) as though God was inviting you to enter. No image on the web matches what I saw.

Let us not be terrified (Luke 21:9-11) about this coming shaking, but remember what Jesus said:

A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world. - John 16:21 KJV

As the Overcoming Man Child, we will be born OUT OF the world and into Heaven where we will have no more sorrow or crying!

Remember--we WON’T be here much longer after God drops the second shoe!


It is best to have confirmation from other brothers and sisters in the Lord when posting a warning such as I gave above, so I thought I should add a section with links related to this.

2/28/19 Update: A Facebook post was made recently of a word through Byron Searle. Here’s an excerpt:

“My son, My Remnant are anxious and raring to go; but be patient, My Children! The time is not yet, for first must come My Great Shaking. My dividing is happening now—the people, the government, the church, the sheep, and then the land. . .”

On February 21, 2019, the Sword of the Lord YTC posted a video sharing that a manmade catastrophe would hit New York City before the Rapture and that the Lord was showing this to many of His watchmen: NEW YORK PROPHECY! CHURCH JUDGMENT BEGINS! MESSIAH CROWNED THIS SPRING! REV.CHAP.18.

Midnight Hour Oil YTC recently uploaded part of a series by the Prophecy Club by Maurice Sklar who shares several visions he was given concerning the Church Rapture (he believes in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture), the close of the Age of Grace and more.  Maurice had a vision of America as a beautiful mansion on the outside with demonic termites devouring it from within causing it to crack and break into pieces. He was shown America would experience a 3-part economic collapse with a 3rd Great Awakening to arise as a result of it. The first “crack” in the U.S. economy occurred in September 2008; soon to come will be the second crack when there will be a drop in the dollar; and the third crack will be when the dollar collapses.  

The impression in my spirit is that believers in Christ will see the second crack in the economy come as a result of a global elite attack—probably on New York City—but that we will not be here for the third crack when the dollar collapses as a result of wrath being poured out.

And last, but certainly not least, our lovable brother Tim Henderson shared last night his Vision of a Major Catastrophe Coming to America. Tim admits he does not know whether what he was shown would occur before the Rapture or not, but he knew he needed to share it.

Whatever God allows to happen to turn the hearts of the unsaved to Him, He has a plan! He already has made a way to provide whatever His people will need to minister to the lost during the short window of time before the Resurrection and Rapture of the Overcomers. As Charlie in DC commented, this will be our greatest hour to shine! 

August 24, 2022, Update: Is there REALLY a RAPTURE? 
outlines prophecies that confirm my suspicion that there will be a great earthquake and global blackout before the Rapture offering a small window of time for witnessing to the lost!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Candle and The Moon

This past Saturday I spent mostly plunked on my living room couch flipping through the journal I keep and allowing the Spirit to guide me to any pertinent Youtube videos. I had just begun listening to Kim Mosley’s Full Moon Vision/Destruction video when I came across a journal entry dubbed “Candle Dream”. My jaw dropped.

Kim was reading this Scripture at that exact moment:

And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. - Revelation 18:23 KJV

Revelation Chapter 18 contains the prophecy related to the destruction of Babylon. I agree with James Smith and others who believe that America is part of the Babylon system and it must fall for the New World Order to rise:

James Smith’s wonderful video in which he harmonizes the Scriptures related to "The Sea and the Waves Roaring" shows there is a great convergence of destruction that includes America on the Day the Lord comes for us! [Excerpt from Prepare to Meet Your Maker!]

The point being that the Rapture of the Overcoming Church Bride will occur at the same time as the destruction comes—see Be Expectant!

This correlates with 1 Thessalonians 5:3:

For when they shall say, Peace and safetythen sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Sudden destruction is coming upon the world—travail—which equals Jacob’s Trouble also called the Birthpangs of the Messiah. THEY shall not escape, but the Bride will!

This is the essence of Kim Mosley’s video—more on that later in this article!

My Candle Dream

Keep in mind Revelation 18:23 as you read my Candle Dream as recorded in my journal on January 28, 2019:

Last night I slept so soundly and the Lord graciously gave me a dream. The only part of the dream I remember is that there was a candle at the table where I sat with some friends/fellow believers.

As I began to sing praises to the Lord, the flame of the candle grew in height and brilliance. At first, I believed the candle was unique, one-of-a-kind; but when I later sat with someone else at their table, the same thing happened when she sang praises. The flame of her candle grew taller and brighter as well.

The voice and praises of the Bride of Christ will not be heard during Daniel’s 70th Week and the light of Her candle will no longer be seen. The Tribulation Saints will have the Holy Spirit upon them like a force field (I believe the Spirit of the Lord has revealed this to me); however, they are NOT the Bride of Christ.

Kim Mosley also pointed out another verse where the bridegroom and bride are mentioned:

For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will cause to cease out of this place in your eyes, and in your days, the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride. - Jeremiah 16:9 KJV

The reason the voice of the bride and bridegroom cease, of course, is because they are no longer on the Earth! If you desire encouragement that will bring you to tears of joy, I exhort you to watch the Jerusalem Channel video made three years ago called Is the Rapture for Real? In it Christine Darg beautifully illustrates the Jewish wedding traditions (beginning approximately at the 13:30 minute mark) which precisely correspond to the events of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture!

Super Moon Visions

In her 7-minute video, Kim Mosley tells of a quick vision she received of what looked like a supermoon glowing above a city skyline. She was not certain it was the New York City skyline, but it came into her mind the prophecies of New York’s destruction and how it very possibly ties in with the Revelation 18 prophecy of Babylon’s destruction. She then saw large fiery explosions but did not know what was causing them.

Kim says she was led to share her vision because of the upcoming February 18-19 Super Moon. She calls it a Purim Super Moon because Torah Calendar schedules Purim beginning sunset February 19. (For more information on this go to The Last Heavenly Sign Before the Rapture?) More on the Hebrew Calendar compared to the Torah Calendar later in this article.

Kim said she received the vision back in NOVEMBER 2016! I don’t think she realizes how significant that date is and how it relates to 1948:  

One of the Closest since 1948!

The perigee of the February 18-19 Super Moon gives it the honor of being listed among the closest to the Earth since 1948—the year of the replanting of the fig tree nation, Israel!

But it was the Nov. 14, 2016 one that got the most attention because it was the closest supermoon in recent memory. The moon's perigee was 221,524 miles (356,508 kilometers) from Earth, making it the closest full moon to Earth in 69 years — specifically, since the supermoon of Jan. 26,

Also worth noting is a Comment a Brother in Christ left under The Last Heavenly Sign Before the Rapture? article. Here it is in part:

Mike Young said...

Lyn: Thanks for your wonderful research, vision and timely words from the Lord!

I just wanted to share a parallel vision back in 2008 or 2009 the Lord gave me. I was lying on my bed almost awake and yet not asleep. In the open vision i was standing on the horizon of the earth with Him- Yashua.. The moon was so big and full and you could feel the magnetic pull of the closeness of it to earth and myself. You could see the details of every crater and mountain. But also i could see the stars and galaxy in full technicolor. I had to keep looking at Yeshua frequently as He held my hand and kept me from passing out from sheer joy amazement and just realizing how amazing yet how real it all seemed. I will not ever forget it.
I had been a watchmen then, but a very lukewarm one. After that vision I realized that Yeshua was telling me that He was coming back sooner than I thought and that when I saw the moon so very close to the earth would be the time when He would return for His Bride...

Purim-Passover Convergence

Jaco Prinsloo of the God’s Roadmap to the End Youtube Channel recently posted: Prophetic Perspectives 2019 - Prophecy and World Events Converging at Purim. I can only share a few highlights of this excellent video which is jam-packed with Scripture, current events, educated speculation, and prophetic insight.

He shares more than one of his speculations as to how things will go down soon, one of which is that if no agreement with the Democrats and President Trump is reached regarding the border wall by February 15, a government shutdown could leave the U.S. somewhat unprepared and open to an unexpected attack from outside; i.e., WAR! If this is the case, it would correlate with the Kim Mosley’s moon vision above.


To further connect Purim with the Red Horse of War being released, Jaco shares how the Lord led him to understand why Zechariah 1 mentions the myrtle tree:

I saw by night, and behold a man riding upon a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees that [were] in the bottom; and behind him [were there] red horses, speckled, and white. - Zechariah 1:8 KJV

The name Esther in Hebrew is Hadassah which means “myrtle”: 

And he brought up Hadassah, that [is], Esther, his uncle's daughter: for she had neither father nor mother, and the maid [was] fair and beautiful; whom Mordecai, when her father and mother were dead, took for his own daughter. - Esther 2:7 KJV

Also Zechariah Chapter 1 refers to Israel being at the end of a 70-year period AND the midnight cry!

Our Brother in Christ shows wonderful prophetic insight when he compares the new abortion law with Revelation 12:4 saying that if God judged Israel for sacrificing their children to Molech then judgment is in store for the United States!

This year skywatchers will get to witness three supermoons in a row on Jan. 21, Feb. 19 and March 21. Supermoon 2019: When and How to See the Supermoon Trifecta
Jaco makes other exciting connections regarding the Supermoon Trio, the Hebrew festivals, Israel’s Pregnant Year, and Revelation 12.

He explains how the
3rd Supermoon on March 21
is Purim on the Hebrew Calendar
but Passover on the Torah Calendar

This made me think of how in Paul Dawson’s February 5 video (see 2019 Season of the Green Figs), it very much caught my attention when he shared that the fast of Esther was during Passover thus giving us a picture of Purim and Passover together!

Jaco claims that if Passover occurs in March 2019 it would match the pattern seen during Jesus’ crucifixion. This to me gives further confirmation that the Supermoon Trio is The Last Heavenly Sign Before the Rapture.

 Tribulation Encoded in Purim

I understand how Youtube uses algorithms to determine what appears as suggested viewing on your screen; HOWEVER, after watching the above God’s Roadmap to the End video, I believe it was by the Spirit that up popped a Perry Stone video posted 7 years ago:  The Tribulation Code Hidden in Purim!

As I watched this video I was thrilled to learn of the obvious pattern of the coming Tribulation when comparing the Books of Revelation and Esther:

Book of Revelation                          Book of Esther
Chapter 13 Antichrist in government 3:1—Haman governs
12:3—7-headed dragon                          1:14—7 princes
17:12—10 kings of Antichrist system  9:10—Haman's 10 sons  
11:2; 13:5—7-year Tribulation              2:16—King’s 7th year
12:17—plot to destroy Jews                   3:6—plot against Jews

Not only that, but Brother Perry reveals The Tribulation Code that is within the list of Haman’s ten sons:

And in Shushan the palace the Jews slew and destroyed five hundred men.
And Parshandatha, and Dalphon, and Aspatha,
And Poratha, and Adalia, and Aridatha,
And Parmashta, and Arisai, and Aridai, and Vajezatha,
The ten sons of Haman the son of Hammedatha, the enemy of the Jews, slew they. . . Esther 9:6-19 (in part)

In Summary

Brethren, my speculation is that we will see the fulfillment of Isaiah 17:1 (Damascus destroyed) sometime around the completion of the Supermoon Trifecta on March 21. Then these events—like dominoes falling—will follow (some being simultaneous events):

*The Resurrection/Rapture of the Overcoming Church
*The start of The Tribulation/Jacob’s Trouble/Daniel’s 70th Week

Steve Monette--S R Monette YTC—did a series of brief videos titled Does the Bible Point to a mid-2019 Rapture ?? in which he shows historically and Scripturally that there is no prophetic time gap before Daniel’s 70th Week. He bases this on when the decrees to rebuild Jerusalem occurred. His calculations show that April 2019 marks the end of the 69th Week of Daniel.

I received my Candle Dream 9 nights after my Dance Card Dream. The two dreams seem to be encouraging those of us who are watching for His appearing that we have a dance coming up with our Beloved Bridegroom. Until then let us sing His praises and thereby glorify Him!

As I washed the dishes last night, I meditated on all that I have shared above and a song came to me--By the Light of the Silvery Moon! I'll be singing the lyrics all week especially this refrain:

Your silvery beams
Will bring love's dreams
 We'll be cuddlin' soon!
 By the silvery moon!

Friday, February 8, 2019

The Last Heavenly Sign Before the Rapture?

The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory. - Psalm 97:6 KJV

God has been declaring His intentions in the heavenlies since their creation and, in my thinking, exponentially so in the last five years (see The Heavenly Signs of 2018 and 2017 and

Quoting Mark Biltz:

“Throughout history God, the Master Timekeeper,
has used the heavenly bodies to communicate to us
when significant events will happen.”

Super Moon Trio--Completion

According to EarthSky, in 2019 we’ll have a series of 3 full supermoons on January 21, February 19 and March 21. As I was writing this article, I remembered my 3 Supermoons Dream and wondered if it referred to these three supermoons of 2019 instead of the 2017-2018 moons!

The January 21 Supermoon was called a Super Blood Wolf Moon and was referred to as a harbinger. Many of us (including me) were hoping to meet our Heavenly Bridegroom that night; but, as I wrote before, perhaps the blood moon seen by believers in dreams and visions is one that will be caused by the tumult of volcanoes and pillars of fire as Daniel’s 70th Week/The Tribulation begins (as intimated by Joel 2:30). In essence, it may be an unscheduled blood moon.

Now coming up the evenings of February 18 and 19 there will be another Super Moon. What’s so special about this one?

Location, location, location!

Last year, in 2018, the month of February had no full moon at all. But this year’s February presents the biggest full moon supermoon of 2019. By the way, that bright star accompanying the February supermoon is none other than Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion.

Many are already familiar with the Moon being a symbol of the Virgin Bride and the constellation Leo as a representation of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah. So here is a picture of the Bride of Christ entering the heart of the Lion of Judah, Her Heavenly Bridegroom!

One of the Closest since 1948!

The perigee of the February 18-19 Super Moon gives it the honor of being listed among the closest to the Earth since 1948—the year of the replanting of the fig tree nation, Israel!

But it was the Nov. 14, 2016 one that got the most attention because it was the closest supermoon in recent memory. The moon's perigee was 221,524 miles (356,508 kilometers) from Earth, making it the closest full moon to Earth in 69 years — specifically, since the supermoon of Jan. 26, 1948.

After November 14, 2016, the extra-close coincidence of full moon and perigee didn’t happen again until January 1-2, 2018.

Extra-close supermoons (less than 357,000 km)
2010 Jan 30 (356,593 km)
2011 Mar 19 (356,575 km)
2012 May 06 (356,955 km)
2013 Jun 23 (356,991 km)
2014 Aug 10 (356,896 km)
2015 Sep 28 (356,877 km)
2016 Nov 14 (356,509 km)
2018 Jan 02 (356,565 km)
2019 Feb 19 (356,761 km)

God is pointing out the completion of Israel’s 70th year! Remember these other crucial anniversaries in February I previously wrote about:

. . . Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948; however, February 14, 1949, was when the Knesset first met—on Tu B’Shevat. Could THIS be the date God chose to mark Israel’s actual beginning?

This led me to look up other dates associated with the replanting of the Fig Tree Nation from

The first sitting of the Constituent Assembly was held.
Joseph Shprinzak was elected as Speaker of the Assembly.
The Constituent Assembly ratified the Transition Law, which
changed its name to the First Knesset, and elected Chaim
Weizmann as the first President of the State.
Inauguration ceremony of Chaim Weizmann
as President of the State of Israel.
David Ben Gurion formed the First Government.
            [Excerpt from Get Your Dance Card Ready!]

March 21 Purim Supermoon

The third supermoon to close out the trio will be seen March 20-21—the days of one of the most joyous festivals—Purim!

I shared in The Die is Cast article how the religious leaders in Israel are expecting their Messiah to come (the first time) on Purim this year and how this could possibly point to the Resurrection/Rapture of the Overcoming Church occurring then!

On the Hebrew calendar Purim begins at sunset March 20 and is observed until sunset March 21. 2019 Season of the Green Figs

2019 Season of the Green Figs
The number 3 is used in Scripture to mean “completion”. Is the Supermoon Trio God’s sign to mark the COMPLETION OF THE CHURCH AGE OF GRACE? I certainly hope so and believe the evidence heavily favors the possibility of a 2019 Spring Wedding!

February 9, 2019 ADDENDUM: Just as the earth’s groanings are becoming more frequent, so too the heavenly declarations!  It is truly difficult to keep up with everything, so forgive me for just now adding this news about Comet Iwamoto (C/2018 Y1) which is also making its appearance this month of February. (Many thanks to Sheila B. for bringing this to light.)

A fast-moving comet, C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto), is nearing its February encounter with the sun and Earth. . .

The best nights for observing the comet (with binoculars and small telescopes) should be on February 11 and 12, but is already visible with optical aid.  Recent estimates suggest the newly found comet might reach a brightness or magnitude between 6.5 and 7.5 , which means it should be easily seen with small telescopes and binoculars. It will not be visible to the eye alone.

During February 11 and 12 this comet will pass through the HEART OF LEO.

The comet offers an exquisite sight shortly after nightfall on Wednesday, February 13, 2019. Comet C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto) will pass very close to NGC 2903, a beautiful galaxy in Leo.  Although the encounter’s timing favors observers in Europe and Africa, sky enthusiasts in America will also see the comet passing close to the galaxy, if they have their telescopes ready at nightfall. This view will be amazing.

Remembering that comets are used by God for signs, it is worth noting that this faintly green fast traveler is not visible to the naked eye; therefore, only those with spiritual eyes will see its significance relative to the last days. Like Comet 46P/Wirtanen (see More Heavenly Signs of 2018) , this is a newly discovered comet. Wirtanen was meant to be seen for it represents the coming River of Wrath, however, Comet Iwamoto is meant to be noticed primarily by the Bride.

The Stone of Origin

In the surname Iwamoto Behind the Name states Iwa means "Stone" and Moto means "Origin".

In the Old Testament the coming of The Stone was foretold:

The stone [which] the builders refused is become the head [stone] of the corner. - Psalm 118:22 KJV

Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner [stone], a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste. - Isaiah 28:16 KJV

In the New Testament He was revealed:

This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. - Acts 4:11 KJV
Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded. - 1 Peter 2:6 KJV
And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, [even to them] which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed. - 1 Peter 2:8 KJV

And He is The Stone that destroys the Antichrist’s Kingdom in the vision of Daniel:

Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream [is] certain, and the interpretation thereof sure. - Daniel 2:45 KJV

Our Strong and Noble Bridegroom

Comet Iwamoto will pass very close to NGC 2903, a beautiful galaxy in Leo. Out of curiosity, I looked up in the concordance Strongs G2903 and found kratistos which means “strongest, noblest, most excellent”.

Need I write more? We who have bound ourselves to our Noble Bridegroom will soon be at His side and will then join Him as He dashes to pieces the false kingdoms of the earth and sets up His Millennial Kingdom as Revelation 19 foretells.

Oh come, Mighty Prince, come!

8/31/19 Update

The following Comment I posted at Rev12daily Blogspot continues the Sign of the Supermoons as shared in the above article, so I wanted to share it here to encourage all who are watching for our Bridegroom:

Ok, Brethren and Sister-en--
Haven't been able to read all of your wonderful informative comments above, but has anyone put together info re. this month of August's BLACK SUPERMOON?

Just watched this Youtube video:
SciFriday: Hurricane Dorian, the Black Supermoon, and Rolling AI Avatars

Their video explains why it is called "Black" and "Super".

EarthSky's article describes it as the: "Year’s closest new supermoon August 30":

Not only that but Forbes wrote this article:
"This Week’s ‘New Black Supermoon’ Will Make A River Go Backwards And Bring 'King' Tides"

With the HUGE SIGNIFICANCE OF SEPTEMBER 2019, all this caught my attention. Then I remembered what Mike Young, a pastor/watchman, commented in one of my articles:

"After that vision I realized that Yeshua was telling me that He was coming back sooner than I thought and that when I saw the moon so very close to the earth would be the time when He would return for His Bride..."

It was in this article:

That was the article I shared about the 3 Supermoons of 2019. Now we are having this BLACK SUPERMOON today that may bring KING TIDES! I've been hoping God would show something significant related to:

The Peace Deal in September
Israel's Re-do Election in September
2-Year Warning ends in September

I think this is it!

As most of you know, the moon is a symbol of the Church Bride. May this UNSEEN BLACK MOON--the closest to the Earth this year--be the sign that She will be swept away by Her Lord and KING in September 2019!


  1. Lyn, only sharing...

    This year began with three full super moons, the first on 21 January, the second on 19 February, and the third on 21 March. This cycle will now end with three new super moons on 1 August. , on 30 August, and 28 September. While the North American Continent saw the Black New Supermoon on July 31, the two remaining phenomena will happen this time in Europe, respectively, on the last two dates noted earlier.