Even a Broken Clock…
Some of my readers might be wondering why I have not yet
commented on the significance of Billy Graham’s death. At the time I first heard
about it, I did believe it signaled the coming end to the Age of Grace. I
wanted to wait, however, before sharing my two cents. I’m glad I did.
As I listened to what others in the Body of Christ were saying,
I realized that my first impression may be correct—that the Age of Grace is
quickly coming to an end and the catching away of the Church Bride may be this
Yes, I don’t blame you if you are rolling your eyes at that
statement because I (and many others) have been talking about Christ coming for
His Bride for over two years now; but even a broken clock tells the correct
time twice a day! In other words, one day we are going to get the date right!
Why Passover?
The harpazo of those
who are in Christ may or may not occur on a feast day. No one really knows the
exact timing of the rapture, but let me share with you some extremely intriguing
information I recently learned.
Promised Land Entry
on Passover
YT Channel pointed out that the children
of Israel left Egypt on a Passover and entered the promised land on a Passover
in his Considering a Passover Rapture -
Part 2 video. This hit me square between the eyes when I heard it!
But why would I think that because the children of Israel
got to enter their promised land on Passover mean necessarily that the
overcoming church gets to enter the promised land of eternity THIS Passover?
![]() |
watchfortheday.org |
Billy Graham a Type
of Moses
It was something Anne Graham Lotz said at her father’s
“My father’s death was as significant as his life and his
life was very significant . . . February 21, 2018, was the date God chose to
take my father home. Why? It is the day that Jews focus on Scripture readings
that focus on the death of Moses. Moses was a great liberator. He brought
millions of people out of bondage to slavery, got them to the edge of the
promised land, then God took him to Heaven. And then God brought Joshua to
bring them into the promised land to take them home.
My father also is a great liberator. He brought millions of
people out of bondage to sin, and he gets us to the edge of Heaven, the edge of
the promised land, and God has called him home. And then could it be that God
is going to bring Joshua to lead us into the Promised Land—lead us into Heaven.
And do you know what the New Testament name is for Joshua? It’s JESUS.
And I believe this is a shot across the bow from Heaven. God
is saying, ‘Wake up world! Jesus is coming! Jesus is coming!” Billy Graham's Funeral - Anne Graham Lotz
2018 The Year of Redemption
Year to Fly Like an
Last Friday I watched the Hal Lindsey Report Update _ Playing With
Fire ( Feb 24, 2018 ) video. Near the end of his report Hal Lindsey spoke on how the
NFL Patriots’ team had a Character Coach who helps estimate the character of
the players before they are drafted and helps develop better character in the
players already on the team.
I thought back on that recent Super Bowl Game and how two
teams made up of several Christians (according to what someone told me) ended
up at the championship game—the New England Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles.
Both teams performed brilliantly, but the win went to the Eagles. A prophetic
realization dawned on me—the Patriots were symbolic of the church who will lose;
that is, be left behind when the harpazo/rapture occurs; and the winners—the Philadelphia
Eagles were symbolic of the overcoming church who will fly to meet the Lord in
the air!
Only those who are of the Philadelphia church will fly as
eagles in the rapture:
And to the angel of
the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that
is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth;
and shutteth, and no man openeth; -
I know thy works:
behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou
hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. -
Because thou hast kept
the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation,
which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. -
Revelation 3:7, 8, 10 KJV
Those who only appear to be of the Body of Christ who are not born again, their patriotism is to
themselves and not to the Lord and are among the six churches warned by Jesus
in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3! (To understand more about this please read Who
are the Tribulation Saints?)
Along with the myriad of other signs
in the heavens and the earth, here was yet another sign proclaiming the
soon rapture!
This past Saturday I was loving on the Lord and singing to
Him and He gave me a verse to look up—Leviticus 25:17. As I read it I realized
it was the chapter about the jubilee year. “But why verse 17, Lord?” I asked.
Ye shall not therefore
oppress one another [financially oppress is the context here]; but thou shalt fear thy God: for I [am] the
LORD your God. - Leviticus 25:17 KJV
I believe He spoke to my spirit that the “17” referred to
God sounding the trumpet of Jubilee in 2017, for Leviticus 17:8-10 records that
in the 49th year the Jubilee trumpet is to be sounded then the
actual redemptive year is the 50th year (our 2018).
teaches in Redemption Reminders about
this being the year of redemption adding that March is the month of money
redemption. Jesus was our kinsman redeemer. His death on the cross was the
payment of our redemption, but He must come back to redeem our bodies and take
us home:
Herein is love, not
that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son [to be] the
propitiation for our sins. - 1 John 4:10 KJV
In whom ye also
[trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation:
in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of
promise, - Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption
of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. - Ephesians 1:13-14
The rapture is the day the Overcoming Church receives bodily
For our conversation [citizenship] is in heaven; from whence also we look for
the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: - Who shall change our vile body, that it
may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby
he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. - Philippians 3:20-21 KJV
When They Go Up We Go
Why this is so exciting to me as a follower of Christ is
Matthew Patrick Winfrey, a brother in
Christ on Youtube who ministers in the Philippines, believes he was shown that
“When you see the natural seed of Abraham ascend the natural Mount Zion, know
that this is the sign that the spiritual seed of Abraham will ascend to the
Heavenly Mount Zion”.
Brother Patrick added that this
could either refer to when the Jews will be able to openly pray on the Temple
Mount or it may refer to when the building of the Third Temple begins. [Excerpt
from 2018
Final Signs.]
This might be what Brother Patrick’s above word indicates—that
when we see the Jews being allowed to go up to the Temple Mount to pray know
Woohoo! Come Lord Jesus Come!
Caveat: This blog is an attempt to
share my spiritual journey and my understanding of the Scriptures. In the past
few years that learning curve has been mostly in eschatology or the study of
the end times. I do not pretend to
have this all figured out. Also, I do not necessarily agree with all the
beliefs of anyone whose material I reference. I seek to be led of the Spirit of
God as to the sources I use, however, even Spirit-filled Christians only 'see
in part' as it says in 1 Corinthians 13:12.
1 comment:
Woohoo is RIGHT! I do believe there is GREAT significance to Billy Graham going to heaven. I watched the funeral and just cried all the way through it. Partly because of what a beautiful life he and Ruth lived and also because of the release of something spiritual coming.
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