Saturday, October 5, 2024


With the power now restored in our mostly unaffected Western North Carolina home (Duke Energy has referred to the disaster as a Grid Apocalypse), I watched what was probably the best comprehensive video account so far of the Hurricane Helene devastation on Truthstream Media


My husband Tom and I, with hands joined, lifted the victims to the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer. “Victims” is a more accurate term for the survivors of Helene as you will come to learn. (I shared information related to this in 5785 Time’s Up—Transitioning to the Rapture.)


Prayer, of course, is most important in aiding these folks. But many of us want to do something more, so here is what I found out.


In their video What Is Actually Going on in North Carolina? (Part 1) Truthstream Media shares Resources and what have been reported as reputable Charities and lists them in the Description Box:




Citizens Emergency Resource Map:


Facebook Missing People Group:


Hurricane Helene People Finder Google Doc:


Road Closures:


Ham Radio Operator Channel for welfare check relays:




Samaritan's Purse:


United Cajun Navy: Grindstone Ministries:


The Y'all Squad:


The 118th:


Operation Airdrop:


Mountain Mule Packer Ranch:



Your local church may be connected to one or more of the churches affected by this horrific storm. We have a young friend who has been going to Spruce Pine and working to clear trees and debris. Since posting this article, Dr. Barry Awe—a Brother in Christ on YouTube who lives in the Carolinas—gave an update on his neighborhood. In the first 5 minutes of the RAPTURE is the ultimate JUDGEMENT DAY 10-13-2024, he and his wife, holding back their tears, illustrate what it is like in their neighborhood. Starting at the 3:48 mark in the video are two additional places where you can give to help the victims of Helene:



Cash App: $Theoaksbc


We in America, unless we've been on the receiving side of a catastrophe, do not realize how close we are to being in a similar horrible situation as what has happened in the heart of the Bible Belt due to Hurricane Helene.


Rhema is a spoken word referring to the revelation received by disciples when the Holy Spirit "speaks" to them.[9][10]  "And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the [spoken] word/rēma of God" Ephesians 6:17 KJV 


North Carolina has been warned by the Lord via rhema and the nation has been notified of coming MASSIVE grid attacks BUT CESSATIONISTS DON'T BELIEVE THESE WARNINGS ARE FROM GOD. For example, Destruction is coming to North Carolina, sudden and swift given June 5, 2018 by Elizabeth Marie (who was directed by the Spirit to move from their home in NC). Also North Carolina Would Be Uninhabitable Due To Flooding given through Katie Troutman back in 2017.

Of course, we are to take what prophetic voices are saying and set their words before the Lord in prayer for the rhema comes through imperfect clay vessels; but at least consider it!


There WILL be an attack on America's power grid! Before the prophesied nuclear bombardment of the United States by Russia (see Is 11-11 the Date of the Rapture?), there will be a major hit to our infrastructure via China.  The Rapture will occur just prior to or simultaneously with a nuclear world war as shown by myriads of dreams and visions; but before that it was foretold that America will experience their own Carrington-like event. Though it will be blamed on solar activity, it will be the result of a cyber-attack (related: Grid Down after the Eclipse then a 2024 Rapture?)


This shaking of NC felt like a trial run for the coming Great Shaking—a season which I have prophesied about since the 1990’s (see my testimony in Is the Rapture Earned?) along with other prophetic voices. As I’ve shared before, a brief period of Revival will be born during the Transition Season of the Great Shaking. This Last Move of God during the Church Dispensation will be one of great miracles including raising the dead—a combination of Word and Spirit coming together simultaneously as seen in the book of Acts—and the teaching of cessationism will perish overnight.



Becky S said...

I'm literally trembling after watching the video and hearing about the PRE disaster response to Katrina and the post disaster response to Helene.

I'm grateful to hear you and your family are safe.

I hope my donation to Appalachian State Disaster Relief Fund (through the university) was a safe choice. I did so in honor of the professor who gave me phenomenal service through their audiology department.

I'm so heartbroken by the devastion from Helene.
Come, Lord Jesus, come.

Lyn Melvin said...

Thank you, Becky, and God bless you for your heart of concern.

CY and Cry said...

Lyn, I too was relieved to hear that you had provision and Help to get through the crisis, though I didn't know before where you lived. The seas and waves are roaring and people are perplexed and distressed. Who would have ever thought the seas of the heavens would open up over the mountains. It would have been a wonderful time to raise the dead. sigh. Well, they are in the Father's Hands and in His Plans.

Lyn Melvin said...

CY, THANK YOU! We were very fortunate indeed. It seems my husband did hear clearly from the Lord for us to live where we are instead of further up into the Blue Ridge! All of us--our very lives are truly in His hands.