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The weight of grief blanketed me as I mourned over the
suffering and wickedness in America.
It began with learning more about how many of my fellow
North Carolinians never had a chance to escape the ravages of Hurricane Helene
and many other atrocities (as revealed in Truthstream Media’s What Is Actually Going
on in North Carolina? (Part 2). Brethren, it was too hard for me to watch
the entire video. Please continue to pray and, if possible, give donations to
help. There is a suggested list here.)
Then my heart sank as I realized that a dear Sister in
Christ who is a powerful intercessor and loves the Lord with all her heart,
mind, and strength was participating in an event associated with the Seven Mountains
Mandate (for more information go to 3
SNAKES and 7 MOUNTAINS (Updated November 2021). There seems to be more
Christian organizations that I am finding that believe in the full restoration
of America to her former glory by way of Kingdom
Regional repentance and revival are indeed coming BUT
of greatness it once had:
. . . My husband and I watched J.
D. Farag’s March 19, 2023, Prophecy
Update. At the 29-minute mark, J. D. began to expose the false light of
Lucifer that is permeating the Christian culture, especially zeroing in on the
Reawaken America move led by those who believe America will be great again if
led by Donald Trump. J. D. admits that there could be born again believers in
Christ that are unwittingly a part of this movement (and I agree) but gives a
stark warning of the Reawaken America motives. Beginning at the 40:48-minute
mark J. D. explains why the once great nation will never be great again.
[Excerpt from 2023
LIGHT at the End of the Dark Tracks]
As I contemplated these things, that is when the blanket heavily soaked in sorrow came upon me.
“Lord, I place this sorrowful weariness at Your feet.”
I realized I was in travail—deep intercession—for God’s
people (saved and yet to be saved) and that I could not carry the burden. As I
continued to pray in the Spirit, that is when I smelled the sweet fragrance of
my dear sweet Jesus, and the weighty grief lifted.
Increased Birth Pains—2 Hurricanes; 3 Earthquakes
Repentance and spiritual awakening will be the result of
increasing birth pains as the judgment
of America incrementally grows. (Related: THE
What might these birth pains entail? Earthquakes, for one
John Fenn Prophetic hurricanes, earthquakes The Church Without Walls International
In the aftermath of Hurricanes Helene and Milton, I
remembered what John Fenn (founder of Church Without
Walls International) shared after having a visitation from the Lord in a
video titled “2 Hurricanes and 3 Earthquakes”, which I wrote about in EARTHQUAKE
In a September 2017 Newsletter he
People have been asking me about what the Father told me some 15
or so years ago (but made public I think around 2008) about 2 hurricanes
hitting the US. He said there would be 2 hurricanes hit the US that would be
very costly, and to watch for that. After those 2 storms would come a
California earthquake, and after that (I don’t know how long between these
things as He didn’t say) an earthquake would happen in an area not normally
thought of as being earthquake prone. There are two areas He has
said to pray for in particular, and because of other things He said I’m not
willing to share, I’ll just say Seattle and St. Louis need prayer.…When the
nation was recovering from those 2 storms, an earthquake would happen in California
as well. supernaturalhousechurch.org/september-2017-newsletter (Emphasis added by me)
In the re-posted video embedded above, John says, “Prophecy
is best understood after it comes to pass.” I believe we may be seeing the
“2 Hurricanes; 3 Earthquakes” prophecy coming to pass now.
In THE WIND, THE FIRE, & THE BRIDE I shared a rhema word heard in my spirit:
As I prayed and sought the Lord
about this word, the Spirit caused me to understand that as we see great winds
(hurricanes, tornadoes) that God is not in them but at the same time there will
come a time when the great wind of God’s Spirit will be blowing upon the earth.
The winds and the fires (wildfires; volcanic eruptions) will be allowed by God
to come for they are warnings of the coming Tribulation, but God is not in
The pains are not over for the Pre-Tribulation birth of the
Revelation 12 Man Child, also known as the Bride of Christ, but the signs of its
nearness are evident!
Israel vs. Iran
Israel is our biggest sign, of course, to how near the
Rapture is!
I’ve written of America’s mistreatment of Israel resulting
in hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. in our nation. That is one aspect we are
witnessing and is my watchman’s cry to BEWARE; because, as I mentioned above, I
believe we may be seeing the “2 Hurricanes; 3 Earthquakes” prophecy coming to
pass now.
Currently the Biden
administration has said the United States will not support Israel if they
decide to attack Iran’s nuclear infrastructure. Yet a seismic explosion
occurred in Iran on October 5 causing the world to ask, “Did Iran just perform
an underground nuclear missile test?”
An earthquake of magnitude 4.4 on
the Richter scale was recorded in the desert of the Iranian province of Semnan
on October 5 at 10:45 am, the Iranian news agency Mehr News Agency reported.
The US Geological Survey believes that "the epicenter of the earthquake
was at a depth of only 10 kilometers from the ground," Iranian sources say
about 12 kilometers.
Experts are puzzled by the fact
that this earthquake did not have an early warning.
There are references to a certain
Armenian seismic station, which did not record the usual multiple tremors for
earthquakes, but only one, which looks like a picture of an underground
explosion. Source
Prophecy watchers can’t help but wonder, “Is Isaiah 17:1 and
the destruction of Damascus, Syria, next?” Syria is where Iranian-backed forces retrofit,
manufacture and store weapons that Iran then distributes to armed groups in Syria and around the region, above all Hezbollah. In a 2018 BBC article Israel admitted
striking a suspected Syrian nuclear reactor in 2007. What has Iran’s proxy
been up to since then?
In previous articles I have shared Scriptural research I’ve
done along with others’ research. Some believe the Rapture occurs before Isaiah
17:1 while others believe the Scriptures reveal the Rapture occurs almost
simultaneously with the destruction of Damascus. Phillip Barnett (who
prophesied the Russia-Ukraine war) said he believed Isaiah 17:1 will occur
BEFORE the Rapture. If this is the case, surely the Rapture will not be
far behind!
Celestial Birth Signs
The heavens are teeming with signals for the soon Rapture followed
by the Tribulation. In LOOK
UP! 2 MOONS RAPTURE SIGN SOON! I list a number of them including a
significant celestial event that could be signaling the soon birth of the Revelation
12 Man Child--Comet C/2023 A3
T. W. Tramm’s article, The "Birth" Sign, adds information I was not aware of:
In 2024, an annular ‘ring of fire’
eclipse in Virgo traced a path from the center of the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire,’
the tectonic belt responsible for 90% of the world’s earthquakes.
That a ring-of-fire eclipse
occurred in the center of the Ring of Fire is significant because ‘ring of
fire’ is a pregnancy term that describes the burning sensation that happens in
the final moments of labor, when the baby’s head crowns. Adding to the birth
theme of the eclipse:
• The path crossed over one of the
most remote locations on earth, Easter Island, which is called the “Navel of
the World.”
• The viewing location, Easter
Island, is named after the Gentile holiday that celebrates resurrection, or
• The path mirrored that of the
American eclipse of six months earlier, which also began at the center of the
Pacific Ring of Fire.
Before the Revelation 12 Man Child reaches the throne room of Heaven, he will see more trouble as the world transitions from the Age of Grace into Jacob’s Trouble. Believers in Christ cannot carry the weight of the sorrow that will accompany these judgments which is why God will have to send His great Wave of Glory so that we are able to complete the task at hand. We were meant to be the torch bearers for Christ in the closing dark hours of the Church Age of Grace.
Dear Lyn, I so appreciate your heart and your grief. We need to feel the weight of all this sin and criminality, but we can't carry it very far down the road.
Regarding the 'return' to good times, I agree there's no more time for that. Even if prosperity could somehow be restored, there's the more important issue of victims unseen and seen who wouldn't be enjoying those 'good times.' We need to be more concerned for the oppressed than our own self-indulgence. Abundance doesn't always equate with the sort of righteousness that makes life worth living.
I admit I got a surge of adrenaline at the mention of Isaiah 17:1. Our seemingly last chance to celebrate Sukkot this year starts on the 17th, the first day, the full moon.
Thanks for taking the time to share your insights, Anonymous. As I wrote in THE GREATEST GENERATION, THE GREAT SHAKING, AND THE LAST TRUMP:
"Many are hopeful for the Rapture to occur in this Hebrew Year of the Open Door 5784, but it is very possible the Gathering Together will occur soon after the Year of Revealing 5785 (a topic for a separate article) but perhaps no later than November 2024. Remember that Revelation 4:1—the verse many Pre-Tribulation Rapture researchers believe is a picture of the Harpazo—is part of the Book of the Revealing of the Lord Jesus Christ!"
That was me, Lyn, your old friend CY. I'm not anonymous, but in a sense, perhaps I am. My computer is having an identity crisis.
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