Sunday, October 20, 2024


Because of where we are in the countdown of God’s prophetic clock, I felt led to share this warning posted a few hours ago.


In a 5-minute video, Brandon Dawson of The Tribe of Christians YTC, shared a dream warning of a total outage that could be coming as soon as tonight. He admits his uncertainty as to how widespread this power outage will be but he does believe IT IS IMMINENT!




Brandon also said he wondered if this was connected to the U.S. Presidential election. As I shared in Red & Blue Krisis and a Possible 11-11-24 Rapture: “It is my belief Kamala Harris, Lilith the Destroyer, will be at the helm as the ship of Babylon America goes down. Her temporary installation may occur soon after the U.S. Presidential Election in November.”


Other sources besides prophetic voices have been announcing a coming grid down situation for America but only as it pertains to the internet. On a recent Hal Turner Radio Show - Predictive Programming? Solar Eruption Can "Take Out the Internet for Weeks or Months", Hal gives his analysis:


This sudden burst of talk about the Internet being "down" for weeks, is, to many observers, seeding a narrative; placing an excuse in the public mind, in advance, to cover-up what they're actually PLANNING to do. 

It is VERY Interesting this warning is focused on Internet outage ... Not on Power outages that would have a worse outcome than "just internet."


More likely, it will not be “just internet”. In WHAT’S GOING ON IN NC AND HOW TO HELP SURVIVORS OF HELENE I shared my impressions of how what happened in Western North Carolina felt like a trial run before a much greater event:


There WILL be an attack on America's power grid! Before the prophesied nuclear bombardment of the United States by Russia (see Is 11-11 the Date of the Rapture?), there will be a major hit to our infrastructure via China.  The Rapture will occur just prior to or simultaneously with a nuclear world war as shown by myriads of dreams and visions; but before that it was foretold that America will experience their own Carrington-like event. Though it will be blamed on solar activity, it will be the result of a cyber-attack (related: Grid Down after the Eclipse then a 2024 Rapture?

This shaking of NC felt like a trial run for the coming Great Shaking—a season which I have prophesied about since the 1990’s (see my testimony in Is the Rapture Earned?) along with other prophetic voices. As I’ve shared before, a brief period of Revival will be born during the Transition Season of the Great Shaking. This Last Move of God during the Church Dispensation will be one of great miracles including raising the dead—a combination of Word and Spirit coming together simultaneously as seen in the book of Acts—and the teaching of cessationism will perish overnight.


If you have a well and the power goes out, you have no running water. If you have city water and the power goes down, you might have running water for only a short time. I found this article on the subject which contains an informative chart: Power Outage: Will Your Water Supply Be Affected?


Fear Not!


Brandon believes the grid will go down this week, but I’m hoping it won’t happen until we see the “Kamala domino” (when she will temporarily become President under the 25th Amendment) fall first; because the Lord has revealed that there is a connection between Kamala Harris becoming President, the destruction of New York City, and an attack from China and/or Russia (where the electric infrastructure is attacked first). 


Whenever the grid fails, our God will not fail His people! So as you see things falling apart, remember it means things are actually coming together for the greatest move of the Spirit of Christ on earth—and then the Rapture!



Hmewrdbd said...

Thanks, Lyn! As I mentioned previously I'm just finishing a novel series that deals with just this thing, and the aftereffects. A friend of mine in WA had a picture given to her from the Lord in their service this morning which she shared: The picture was of raging seas, in the midst of the seas was a boat, surrounding the boat were calm waters while the rest of the ocean roared. Interestingly, I had just read an article this morning early about the ongoing search for Noah's Ark. Wonder if this is what he experienced? I know it was well-designed, obviously, the the waves can get humongous! If Brandon is right, not much we can do at this point other than having been prepared for short term emergencies--and prayer, and trust of/c. We know it is coming at some point, we just don't know exactly when, I have a small generator sitting in my garage, but no fuel, nor do I know how to work it, and my son is out of town, so will just have to deal with food loss if outage lasts. Since I have been reading those novels, I charged up what few backup chargers I have yesterday, lol. No communications will be a huge deal in addition to all the other "harms."

Lyn Melvin said...

Hmewrdbd/Judi--THANK YOU for sharing your friend's vision of the peaceful waters in the midst of the roaring ocean! It is the perfect picture we need to keep in mind as the pains increase exponentially for the birth of the Revelation 12 Man Child ⛵

Anonymous said...

I’m just wondering how you see that there is a revival before the rapture ? The reading of Revelation seems to indicate an uncountable number of saved ( who will be killed ) after the rapture . Thank you .

Lyn Melvin said...

Anonymous ~ Another reader asked me this also some time ago. The Azusa Street and Welsh Revivals happened even though the Scriptures did not foretell them. The only way I know there will be some type of Awakening before the Rapture is by the Spirit of the Lord revealing it to me and many others. It is by God’s mercy and grace that He will allow the coming
Great Shaking in order to awaken many who are spiritually asleep—even those who are Christian in name only. It’s hard to believe that anyone would be left to have to face the guillotine during Jacob’s Trouble, yet there will still be hundreds of thousands, if not millions, who will not make Jesus Christ their Lord until then.

andy said... has alot of interesting stuff about the current timeframe halloween , day of dead, star sign of the end, also side note It made me think of The I pet goat 2 fireworks and the skeleton thing in that video might be some day of the dead reference