Friday, October 4, 2024

5785 Time’s Up—Transitioning to the Rapture

Remember when Chris Estep at Global Rapture Watchers Youtube Channel back on May 9, 2023, shared in a video that THE REVELATION 12 SIGN OF THE WOMAN IN SEPTEMBER 2017 WAS A WARNING THAT THE FINAL SHEMITAH CYCLE HAD BEGUN?! And Gary at Unsealed posted A Plausible Chronology where the chart embedded in that article reads, “Possible rapture in the spring or fall of 2024; commencement of the Tribulation”. 


Also remember the infamous April 8th total solar eclipse making the "X" across America ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE RELIGIOUS HEBREW YEAR and now the October 2nd Annular Solar Eclipse has occurred as 5784 comes to an END! And another prophetic sign, the Blaze Star, is yet to shine; but when it does it will be God’s proclamation of the imminent TRANSITION PHASE FROM THE CHURCH AGE TO THE 70TH WEEK OF DANIEL! The Rapture of the Church is a birth as foretold in Revelation 12 and in childbirth there is a short period of shaking as the woman goes through the transition phase. (Related: TRANSITION THEN BIRTH THIS SUMMER 2021?)


Transition Shaking 

Slowly but surely I am getting a better picture of what it will be like for the Overcoming Man Child as He traverses the darkness surrounding Him and squeezes through the Narrow Way before being born into Eternal Light. We have seen signs and prophetic events related to the birthing of “twins”—the first birth being that of the Revelation 12 Man Child (also foreshadowed in Isaiah 66:7 and Zephaniah 2:1-3) and the second birth being when those who come to believe on Messiah Jesus will be welcomed into the Millennial Kingdom. 

What must it be like for the unborn as his mother trembles with the throes of the birth process? 

Those in the medical field generally agree that birth is not painful for the infant, but it is likely he will feel the squeeze as he passes through the birth canal. It will be dark and probably disconcerting for along with the pressure of contractions will be great shaking as his mother succumbs to the stage of transition. 

To those who identify themselves with the Overcoming Man Child whose birth and subsequent harpazo to the throne of God is described in Revelation 12:1-5, I have written that: 

I believe the Lord is showing us we are going to have to experience SHAKING in our birth process. . . When this shaking occurs, there will be a spiritual backlash against the enemy’s efforts and a move of God like we’ve never seen before will occur. 

. . . When this time of shaking comes, it is not the Seals of Revelation being opened; it is the spiritual world entering TRANSITION. The dropping of HIS shoe

            [Excerpt from Erasing the Line in the Sand...]

Adam’s Lease is Up—Transition Time!


This was revealed to Brandon Biggs (Last Days YTC) which he shared in The Lord said everything is about to change. Brandon was given a vision of The Glory Door and was told, “*Adam’s lease is up” and “you will cross into the Glory Season now that Rosh Hashanah has come”.


I have yet to finish that 49-minute video, but the first few minutes was what I needed to hear! Just this morning I was praying, “Lord Jesus, thank You for showing Your people the coming great Wave of Glory for after what I have witnessed in the shaking of North Carolina, I realize it will take a move of God upon His Spirit-filled believers for them to overcome during the prophesied Great Shaking! (Related: Babylon and The Last Call!)


I know this because even though I am a mature disciple of Christ who has learned how to walk by the Spirit, it was only the first night of having no electricity when I could not sleep for fretting over the situation.

Buckets full of water in the foyer and empty buckets on the patio waiting to be refilled; expired flashlights on the dining room table with working flashlights and lanterns on the kitchen and living room tables; a battery-powered lantern dimly lit a kitchen assembly line consisting of dirty dishes on the far left counter, one plastic tub for dish washing next to them with matching tub for rinse water in the sink all awaiting the kettle on the propane burner to boil.


This was the scene of my life as I cared for our large household for six days. The mental and especially the physical stress at my age was wearing on me and I began to get really worried.



But at least I had a life. Entire towns had been obliterated in a flash as Helene (a name meaning "solar deity; corposant") seemed to specifically swallow the entire Gulf only to spew its voluminous waters upon a designated target—the heart of the Bible Belt.

I woke up at 2 AM on Day 2 of no electricity and simply began to praise God for what we did have. At least we had access to water! On Day 6 our power was restored—thank you, dear Jesus! But as I write this, people are being left to starve or die of dehydration. One source reports that the dead will be bull-dozed under along with the debris without a care for their identity or proper burial. Most of the media is NOT revealing the truth of the death count.


You see, “They” (The Powers That Be—TPTB) KNOW their hour is near (Revelation 17:12)! TPTB are grabbing for every chance to get a head start for their time with Satan will be short (Revelation 12:12). This shaking of the Bible Belt felt to me like a trial run for the Great Shaking. The world has become so evil it has opened the door for even more demonic activity and God is allowing the enemy to move forward with his wicked plans because YHWH will use them to forward His Divine Plan of a Glorious Final Harvest (Revelation 17:17).

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father - Galatians 1:2-3 Berean Standard Bible


Why would God allow a Great Shaking? God in His mercy is allowing it to awaken those who are spiritually asleep before the Rapture. At that time, which will be VERY SOON, all we will have is His voice.


Brandon Biggs emphasizes this in What the Lord showed me shook me: There is something coming that the world has never seen before. Here’s a synopsis of this video and the minute mark at which each point was shared:


v 9:28 God revealed that he was uncapping wells of revival from Rosh Hashanah to Rosh Hashanah.

v 17:11 Everything will change in a 24-hour period. 

v 17:59 Riches of sinner laid up for righteous. This and the Rapture are a type and shadow of when Israelites left Egypt. 

v 21:00 Righteous will rise up and the manifestation of His presence will be beyond anything you have ever seen.

v 21:58 God does not share His glory!

v 24:16 If they hated Jesus they're going to hate you. 

v 24:56 Thank you God for the persecution... all I want is to hear is, "Well done good and faithful servant ". . . In the coming Great Shaking to Awaken you've got to learn how to drink and hear from Him. . . There may not be a YouTube soon or internet. All the voices will be quiet and all you'll have is His voice. 

Is 11-11 the Date of the Rapture?


Now, I hope this does not mean the Bride of Christ will remain on earth until 5786. Personally, I don’t believe we will be here much longer. (I’ve learned that rhema prophecy may foretell things past the Church Dispensation and into the time of Jacob’s Trouble.) And I haven’t even touched upon what is happening with Israel. With the U.S. Presidential Election at the beginning of November and with all that is happening geopolitically, I am casting my eyes once more on the possibility that the Rapture might occur no later than November 11, 2024:


At the 26:29 minute-mark of this ENDTIME DREAM & VISION video (which mirrored a good bit of the original video) Phillip Barnett proclaims, "The nuclear war between Russia and the United States will take place after the Rapture of the Church. . .” 

As the clip continues, he explains his belief that BEFORE the Rapture the Psalm 83 war in the Middle East will take place and also the Isaiah 17 nuclear destruction of Damascus. Then he adds, “This is going to happen soon”.  

But what caused my jaw to drop was what he prophesied at the 27:55-minute mark—on NOVEMBER 11 (or 11-11!!!) nuclear war between Russia and the United States will take place!!! No year was given, but the Lord told him the reason it will start then is because it is the date that the Mayflower Compact was made—the covenant between America and God over 400 years ago. Of course, America has since broken that covenant! . . .


TICK TOCK! When They Come Down, We Go Up! 

Now that we are past the 400-year mark will God send His Son Y’shua to deliver His captive children out of this world like Moses and Joshua delivered the captive children of Israel out of Egypt? I believe He will. AND I believe God has revealed WHEN our deliverance via the Rapture will come by way of prophetic words, dreams and visions telling us that when the nuclear missiles come down, we will go up (see when the missiles come down we go up and also firecharger YTC's 2013 video and I ASKED THE LORD, WHEN IS THE RAPTURE? HE ANSWERED ME!) [Excerpt from Is 11-11 the Date of the Rapture?]


In Year of The Shining One Anointing I shared:


Ever since the Spirit of the Lord has revealed the coming Great Wave of Glory, I have been seeking to understand what it will entail. (Related article: Erasing the Line in the Sand for a September Rapture

What He has shown me is limited as we each only “see in part” which is one of the reasons we need the whole Body of Christ. In summary I have seen that America would experience a great shaking resulting in a brief revival (The dropping of HIS shoe--2 Visions ).  I have also seen a time of physical darkness coming and a glorious end times army to be unleashed ("New York, Chicago, L.A."). . . 

Just as there are Scriptures that have a dual prophetic fulfillment (such as Isaiah 66:7 portrays), I believe Isaiah 60 also foretells the time of The Shining Ones: 

Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.

For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. - Isaiah 60:12 KJV  

As Matthew Henry wrote in his commentary: “Darkness shall cover the earth; but, though it be gross darkness, darkness that might be felt, like that of Egypt, that shall overspread the people, yet the church, like Goshen, shall have light at the same time.” blb/Henry Commentary


Beloved Brothers and Sisters—TIME IS UP! Let us, like the Blaze Star, EXPLODE into action on His behalf in a brilliant display of His glory during the transitional Great Shaking and in the midst of our Harvest efforts He shall come and hastily deliver us out of this our Egypt. 



* My understanding of “Adam’s lease” is that God is referring to the Age of Man of which Adam was the first and was given dominion (or a “lease”) along with Eve over the Earth for 6,000 years. 

Without going into a deep dive on the different “Ages of the Bible”, it is my understanding that Jesus used the Wheat Harvest Time to convey the End of the Age OF MAN—NOT the End of the Church Age (which is more accurately a Dispensation). So the harvest is the end of the world and will come at the end of the 6,000 year long Age of Man; whereas, the Harvest of the Righteous when Those in Christ are Resurrected and Raptured will occur 7 years prior! [Excerpt from Church Age or Age of Man? of The Rapture as a Harvest Type]






Maranatha321... said...

Thank you Lyn for your efforts in keeping us encouraged!

Lyn Melvin said...

Thank YOU, Carole/M321, for your prayers--we all need one another in the Body of Christ🤗

Alla D said...

Thank you Lyn for your great work, very deep searching and encouragement! We are really very near, watching with you always and praying for you and for all from this Hurricane Helene! The Lord helps really and comes for us quickly!

Lyn Melvin said...

Thank YOU, dear Alla 💖