Friday, August 23, 2024


Blessed [is] the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; But his delight [is] in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water- Psalm 1:1-3 NKJV (in part)


September has been a significant month for those who are watching for the Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ ever since the September 2017 Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman occurred—7 YEARS AGO!


So how close are we to the Rapture as September looms over the horizon this year?


According to the UN News posted August 22, 2024: 

Permanent Observer for the State of Palestine Riyad Mansour said there must be a ceasefire now, in line with the terms of resolution 2735. . . The time for waiting is over, he said. The time for the implementation of a two-State solution will begin with a significant step in September, he said, asking the Council to impose an immediate ceasefire and protect all civilians.


If the beginning of the implementation of the Two-State Solution does begin in September, then the world should brace itself for THE GREAT SHAKING that has been prophesied to occur as a result! (Related: THE GREATEST GENERATION, THE GREAT SHAKING, AND THE LAST TRUMP.)

SHAKEN then Harvested


The almond harvest has already begun in Israel typically taking place from late July to early September, when the almonds are at their peak. Source  In commercial harvesting the almond trees are shaken vigorously with a special shaking machine.  

Almond Harvesting: Shaking, Sweeping, Harvesting

"Because almond trees bloom early, but their fruit comes late, they are excellent harbingers of changing seasons. Their delicate flowers are the first signs of spring, meanwhile the nuts (fruit seed) are ripe for harvest at the very end of summer." Source


Why is there such a focus specifically on Almond Trees?

One reason is derived from the Hebrew name of the tree itself, shaked:

it is the first of Israel’s fruit trees to put forth flowers after winter’s cold rains. Shaked also means watchful. . . Source




I realize the Hebrew word shaked is not how we pronounce our English word for being shaken, but is our omnipotent and all-knowing God telling us that the time of THE GREAT SHAKING—when we should be the most WATCHFUL for His Coming for Us—will coincide with the HARVEST SEASON OF THE SHAKED or ALMOND at the end of Israel's Summer hopefully this year? After all, almonds are harvested after the tree is SHAKEN! Is the Harvest of Those in Christ who are watching for their Bridegroom parallel with Israel’s almond harvest?

In Babylon and The Last Call I wrote how much is pointing to a September-October timeframe when a list of detrimental events are to happen before the November Presidential election and that The Sign of the Crown is expected to be visible either in August or September 2024 announcing the imminent conclusion of the Age of Grace.


At 47 minutes in Bro Chooch's video at TOL End Times YTC--Why I Believe this Eclipse was a part of a 7 Year Warning from 2017!—he illustrates how the 3 American ECLIPSE PATHS INTERSECT AT 3 CRUCIAL FAULT LINES—the New Madrid, Cascadia Subduction Zone, and the Balcones! It may be the plan of God to allow one of the three fault lines (New Madrid) to erupt to awaken the unsaved while holding back the other two great quakes for the time of Wrath OR the first of these three prophesied earthquakes will result in the Rapture. . . UNCHARTED TERRITORY BEFORE A 2024 RAPTURE?

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir visits the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, during Tisha B'Av, August 13, 2024. (Screenshot/Otzma Yehudit)

When They Go Up; We Go Up!


Another sign of the nearness of the Rapture is what is happening at the center point of the world—the Temple Mount.


In Breaking News August 21, 2024 Part 2 Don Stewart reported that for the past two days Jews have been worshipping at the Temple Mount in violation of the status quo as police stood by and watched but did not interfere (a related article can be read at


This, of course, reminded me of what I wrote in I ASKED THE LORD, WHEN IS THE RAPTURE? HE ANSWERED ME!


The dress rehearsal and dedication of the altar for the Third Temple taking place earlier this week reminded me of another event we may be looking for: 

Matthew Patrick Winfrey, a brother in Christ on Youtube who ministers in the Philippines, believes he was shown that “When you see the natural seed of Abraham ascend the natural Mount Zion, know that this is the sign that the spiritual seed of Abraham will ascend to the Heavenly Mount Zion”. 

Brother Patrick added that this could either refer to when the Jews will be able to openly pray on the Temple Mount or it may refer to when the building of the Third Temple begins. 2018 Final Signs


As humans it is only normal that we would be at least somewhat unnerved by what is coming; however, these catastrophes will originate with man. Just as a man operates the machine that shakes the almond trees, the evil elite have plans to throw everything at us just before the Rapture. On October 1, 2023, Zach Wilkinson at Outpouring Gates YTC warned,


“In 2024 they are going to come at us by all fronts using sicknesses, military, and food shortages. The Church needs to raise their voice against it, we will be flooded by the enemy.”


Yet the Word of God exhorts us:


When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him. Isaiah 59:19 KJV


In a Commentary by A. R. FAUSSET he notes:  lift up a standard--rather, from a different Hebrew root, "shall put him to flight”. . .


CHRIST IN US is the standard that puts the enemy to flight!


I have set the LORD always before me: because [he is] at my right hand, I shall not be moved[]. - Psalm 16:8 KJV [The Hebrew word  means "greatly shaken".]

Though the world around us will be falling apart, those whose faith cannot be shaken will continue to stand for Him. Once The Great Shaking begins, it will be for a brief window of time before the Rapture—just enough time for a Mighty Move of God. As I expressed in The Sign of the Crown:


I believe the Lord Jesus Christ is showcasing in the heavenlies that, like the Blaze Star, His people will EXPLODE into action on His behalf in a brilliant display of His glory during the transitional Great Shaking. The Blaze nova will give the Northern Crown an 8th star symbolizing new beginnings for the Church and the world. The word blaze is both a noun and a verb meaning “a sudden bursting forth of flame; to be conspicuously brilliant or resplendent”. We will go forth in great power gathering a harvest of souls just prior to our Catching Away in glorious victory!

But if the ministration of death, written [and] engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which [glory] was to be done away:How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious?             2 Corinthians 3:7-8 KJV


In Year of The Shining One Anointing I shared:


Ever since the Spirit of the Lord has revealed the coming Great Wave of Glory, I have been seeking to understand what it will entail. (Related article: Erasing the Line in the Sand for a September Rapture

What He has shown me is limited as we each only “see in part” which is one of the reasons we need the whole Body of Christ. In summary I have seen that America would experience a great shaking resulting in a brief revival (The dropping of HIS shoe--2 Visions ).  I have also seen a time of physical darkness coming and a glorious end times army to be unleashed ("New York, Chicago, L.A."). . . 

Just as there are Scriptures that have a dual prophetic fulfillment (such as Isaiah 66:7 portrays), I believe Isaiah 60 also foretells the time of The Shining Ones: 

Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.

For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. - Isaiah 60:12 KJV 

As Matthew Henry wrote in his commentary: “Darkness shall cover the earth; but, though it be gross darkness, darkness that might be felt, like that of Egypt, that shall overspread the people, yet the church, like Goshen, shall have light at the same time.” blb/Henry Commentary


Beloved Brothers and Sisters--Truly! God has called us for such a time as this! Like the Israelites, we shall be hastily delivered out of this our Egypt. And as The Sign of the Crown proclaims, let us go out in a blaze of glory!


Related article:



Hmewrdbd said...

Thanks Lyn, for this encouraging article! Like many I am so weary--though certainly not giving up watching, just tired. It's hard to get excited about date possibilities any more, though we can be excited about the possibility of the Rapture at any time. I still have hope for this year, given all that is going on in the world, but only God knows. The almond season shaking certainly would seem to align with the things God has shown you. Soon we will see. Thank you for keeping up and keeping us informed, sister! love, judi

Lyn Melvin said...

Big, big hug for you, Judi🤗💖

Alla D said...

So great thanks dear Lyn once more! Looking now your last articles, they show really the subsequent discovery more and more signs of our departure! And my feeling that this year really! We are to know the season, when the Lord stands by the door! Especially your article "SINAI and the EXODUS of the TRUE CHURCH" comparing now with this one. I am so very tired as Judi also! Your work is really great before the Lord!
Psalm 122:1 (KJV) I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD. 2 Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem.
I compare this passage with your article "SINAI and the EXODUS of the TRUE CHURCH". I think now so! I think we are in the Rapture season now! And this year is important for this! See you in the air!

CY and Cry said...

Lyn, I really appreciate the verse under the spreading almond tree. Respect and love for the Wisdom of our Maker and His Goodness is uppermost in our duty.

Can I admit that Elvis Presley was serenading me with "I'm all shook up" in the background? Shaken, not stirred. Forging on. Blessings to you and thanks for your dilgence.

Lyn Melvin said...

Alla and CY--Thank you my dear Sisters🤗💖

D. Nave said...

Thanks for your insightful articles. You will certainly get a watchers crown. There have been a convergence and acceleration of end time signs. Pastor Rich said the next high watch is September 18, 2024 during the Feast of Trumpets. Also the Harvest Supermoon happens on that day. The Supermoon also has a rare partial eclipse. Daniel Larimer on said this is a jubilee year therefore the feast of Trumpets is moved to Day of Atonement on September 28, 2024. Daniel believes the stars show the rapture and judgment of the Daughter of Babylon(America) will both happen on October 9, 2024. October 9, 2024 is Atzeret the 8th day of Tabernacles. The International Day of Peace is September 21, 2024. Jesus is our jubilee and peace. Thanks and "see you here there or in the air!"

Lyn Melvin said...

D.Nave--How generous of spirit you are! Although I have been walking in the ministry of a watchman for decades now, I am still learning what that encompasses. It is my understanding the anointing for the watchman originates from the office of the prophet. Because the watchman in called to see, the Spirit of God will give him or her words, dreams, and visions of what is coming from a distance--good or bad (for example, 2 Samuel 18:24ff)--that they in turn are to convey to His people. It is my continuous prayer that I serve our Lord as proficiently as possible.

Yes, there certainly has been a convergence and acceleration of the signs pointing to the end of the Church Age of Grace. I am cautiously optimistic about a 2024 Rapture mostly because of the 7th Anniversary of the Rev 12 Sign. I applaud you for being able to get through Daniel Larimer's videos--he is very deep with his research. His findings are compelling, however, I'm sticking with the events God has revealed by His Spirit as being the main indicators for the nearness of the Rapture (as listed in Babylon and The Last Call! ).


Gail said...

Thank you for such beautiful encouragement!