Tuesday, February 13, 2024

BUCKLE UP! (Part 2) Kamala as President in 2024 & The Fall of America

When I saw how the mainstream media was announcing Biden’s lack of mental acuity (see this video), I realized that now The Powers That Be had decided it was time for Joe to step down. When I say “step down” I am referring to not just the 2024 election but relinquishing the Presidency itself.


Why I believe this will be the case is because of a prophecy through Zack Wilkinson of Outpouring Gates on YouTube on February 2 which confirms those given through Chris Reed and Brandon Dawson.


To summarize, Brandon believes the Lord is revealing that there is a connection between Kamala Harris becoming President, the destruction of New York City, and an attack from China and/or Russia. After editing this article, I saw that Brandon had posted a new video, Prophetic Warning: Vision of Nuclear Attack, wherein he gives a timeline of events that will lead up to a nuclear attack coming to the East Coast. According to what he was shown in a dream and a vision, Brandon believes this attack could be in JUNE 2024!


Chris Reed in his Prophecies for 2023 & Beyond wrote:


“President Joe Biden's health will continue to fail. I do not wish him harm. I pray for him. . . He will lose power, and it will be convenient for the Democrats to not have him leading the 2024 ticket. He will attempt to redeem his failed presidency by making a woman president for the first time. I have seen Kamala Harris at the helm, but only for a short time—weeks or months.”


Zach Wilkinson has the heart of a true prophet. He is not political by any means yet his recent message is about the shaking of the political landscape. In Warning! God Showed Me A Woman President and Trump! Pray Church! our Brother shares a vision where he was made to understand that a black woman would become President of the United States and that “America will go down sinking because of her”.


Plethora of Celestial Signs


IN ADDITION to these prophecies, COMPELLING HEAVENLY SIGNS are pointing to America’s soon coming war and destruction.


Both Jarrett of Supernatural By Design YTC and Bob Barber of ENDTIME DREAMS & VISIONS YTC posted videos illustrating the pattern of 4 eclipses occurring in 2024 which could signal a Pretribulation Rapture and the start of Daniel’s 70th Week.


What grabbed my attention was Jarrett’s 12-minute long update I saw yesterday—*MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS* - Camp David Accord 1978 - Esther Eclipses 2024 ft Super Bowl Prophecy! wherein he points out that the 3rd eclipse in this pattern falls on the anniversary of the 1978 Camp David Accords—September 17! These Accords were officially titled the “Framework for Peace in the Middle East” and thus BEGAN THE HANGING GUILLOTINE KNOWN AS THE TWO-STATE SOLUTION!


Jarrett asks since the 1978 Total Lunar Eclipse occurred on September 16, 1978, followed by the Camp David Accords being signed the 17th, will there be a Peace Deal signed the day after the September 17-18, 2024, Partial Lunar Eclipse? If so, BUCKLE UP!


The Camp David Accords were the first attempt at partitioning the land in 1948 resulted in an Israeli state but no Palestinian state, and the West Bank and Gaza Strip fell under Jordanian and Egyptian rule, respectively. In the Six-Day War of 1967, Israel captured and occupied the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and other Arab territories, which in the aftermath led to the idea that Israel would exchange land it had captured for peace with its Arab neighbours, including, eventually, the Palestinians.


Now Egypt is threatening to suspend the Camp David Accords if Israel pushes into the Gaza border town of Rafah—a move Netanyahu says is necessary to win the war against Hamas. Is this to be the dénouement of Psalm 83


They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from [being] a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee: - Psalm 83:4-5 KJV


If I understand all the nations mentioned in Psalm 83, we have seen each of them renew their assault on Israel with Egypt being the holdout—until now.


With the nations deciding for Israel that Jerusalem shall be divided (for example, see Top UK diplomat says Britain could recognize a Palestinian state before a peace deal with Israel), 2024 is looking more and more like the year the Bride of Christ is to GO!


In Next Rapture Resurrection Report! Continued! 2024 Celestial Warnings! Rapture Tribulation! Bob Barber illustrates the significance of the 4 eclipses I referred to earlier. These 2024 signs include 2 lunar eclipses and 2 solar eclipses:


1—March 24-25 Penumbral Blood Moon (Purim March 23 sunset til March 24 sunset)

2—April 8 Nissan 1 (1st day of Hebrew Religious Calendar) 2nd Great American Total Solar Eclipse where the Path of Totality goes through Eagle Pass, Texas, where the border battle began. In The Coming Dark America! April 8th American Eclipse! We're Too Late! (which is Part 1 of his 2-part Rapture Resurrection Report) Bob warns that this is a MASSIVE SIGN as the 2017 and 2024 Great American Total Solar Eclipse paths intersect at the New Madrid fault line. Bob believes a great earthquake is to occur around this time and connects it to the Two-State Solution as I've been warning! (SEE BUCKLE UP! Final Puzzle Piece Before Rapture)


Then the heavenly sequence reoccurs in autumn 2024:


3—September 17-18 Partial Blood Moon

4—October 2nd Annular Solar Eclipse on Rosh Hashanah 


In Bob’s Next Rapture Resurrection Report!  he speculates the Church will be Raptured before the full 4 eclipse sequence ends and that the Middle East War will have ended by then also. 


2024—The Year We Leave the World Behind?


In a previous video by Jarrett, *WOW* Year of the Dragon & The Esther Leap Year, our Brother shares the discovery of the 4th symbol in I Pet Goat 2—the leaping reindeer—which symbolizes 5784's Leap Month of Adar II! (Adar II of this Hebrew Year of 5784 parallels March 11 through April 8, 2024.)

Adar II’s leaping reindeer is also the symbol for the Israeli Tribe of Naphtali and is considered the PREGNANT month.

Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king’s commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, in the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them, (though it was turned to the contrary, that the Jews had rule over them that hated them). The Jews gathered themselves together in their cities throughout all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus, to lay hand on such as sought their hurt: and no man could withstand them; for the fear of them fell upon all people. (Esther 9:1-2 NKJV)


We see Israel already engulfed in war, but a spiritual war is brewing as well. The images above give a powerful picture of the season we are entering—one where God gives us strategy to war victoriously to bring in “The Fullness” of the Body of Christ leading to the Birth of the Revelation 12 Man Child! 


This month is a vital point in the year that represents a time to gain rule over the powers of darkness, a time to find supply that has been concealed and a time to rejoice that our curse has been overturned. We are in such an amazing time in history as God is restoring His glory in the earth. Source


It is telling that Adar II closes out on April 8, 2024, the day the infamous eclipse path of totality crosses the United States. You have heard it said, “This is a watershed moment.” Well, April 8, 2024, or soon after will be a watershed moment when events will take place leading to our Leap Out of the World and into Jesus’ arms! 


All these things cause me to think it will be during an imminent Kamala Harris Presidency that the Middle East War will come to an end along with the ratification of the Two-State Solution with or without Israel’s consent. This will be the catalyst for the avalanche of calamity that will lead to the fall of America AND THE RAPTURE OF THOSE IN CHRIST!


As Jarrett said, “Saints we are very close--we are very close.”


Related: BUCKLE UP! Final Puzzle Piece Before Rapture


Lyn Melvin said...

My friend Bob over at Rev12daily adds the necessary imagery of the increase in CONTRACTIONS as we draw closer and closer to the Birth of the Rev 12 Man Child--the Resurrection and Rapture of Those in Christ:

Bob D. February 13, 2024 at 6:31 PM
Another excellent article, Lyn. There's so much happening in the world right now that it's difficult to keep up with everything. I agree there's something big about to happen around Passover or shortly thereafter (perhaps even 3-4 months later, huh Lu!). Either time, it just feels like 2024 is the year for the Rapture, although technically we still have about 2 months left before the Jewish Year ends. Still clinging onto that Psalms 123 + 124 prophecy, huh Bob? Lol! But seriously, with the 3rd Eclipse right around the corner, the Middle East about to explode (Psalm 83 War or even the Ezekiel 38 Gog Magog War), the Two State Solution about to occur, KH or someone else being our next president, etc...how can we "not" expect something gigantenormous to happen! 🦌 🦌 🦌

Keep those contractions (I mean articles!) coming, Lyn. At the rate you're writing them, it almost feels like the Woman in Virgo is about to give birth soon! Lol!

paydirtlane said...

Hi Lyn, WOW! Yes indeed, this particular Watershed moment of unfolding events will lead the Sheepfold to the "Living 'Water"! The Eternal Ocean of Goshen \./ once and for all. I'm a believer! It seems to me, personally, this year in 2024 somewhere between now and like Lu says, July 23/24, that we shall be caught up!. . . and as I see it, all this occurs, just prior to The Great Tribulation - 2nd half of Daniels 70th week, and that by the end of 2027 / beginning of 2028 The Millennial Kingdom shall be ushered in with moment by moment - newness of LIFE! ~ Who knows, perhaps by May 18th, 2028 \!/, Hallelujah!!!!!!!! just a guess? Thank You for EVERYTHING Wonderful Sister IN CHRIST ~ Shalom to Home \o/

Lyn Melvin said...

Pdl/Tony—It sounds like you place the Rapture at Seal 6? I’ve wondered this myself while studying the Book of Revelation. Here are related articles listed beginning with the most recent:

Are the 7 Seals Part of the Tribulation?

7 Churches 7 Seals--Is the Church Present at the Opening of the Seals?

In 2017 I wrote: “At this point in my walk with the Lord, I now believe that the Seven Seals are a synopsis of the entire 7-year period of Daniel's 70th Week:

Dr. Robert D. Luginbill’s article, “The Heavenly Prelude to the Tribulation”, gives further insight:

The so-called "four horsemen" of seals one through four are symbols representing specific tribulational trends (as is the case with seals five and six as well), and are not actual entities in their own right. . .

The "four horsemen", the consecutive trends which accompany antichrist's rise to power and administration of his satanic kingdom, represent patterns of activity destined to occur during the first half of the seven-year Tribulation. On the other hand, the fifth and sixth seals represent the most important events of the Tribulation's second half or "the Great Tribulation", namely, the Great Persecution (seal five), and the divine response to it (most notably the ten "bowl judgments" and the final judgments of Armageddon which accompany the Second Advent). . [excerpt from The July 27 Blood Moon is not the Sixth Seal.]”

It seems to come down to whether the Seals are PRE-Tribulation or a summation or type of synopsis of the entire Tribulation as Dr. Luginbill states. What I take great comfort in is God’s promise that we are:
Saved from Wrath
WHENEVER that begins 😊

paydirtlane said...

I'm with you Lyn giving thanks for His grace, mercy, peace and love. Thank you for sharing the above viewpoint and analysis of the seals! Whenever I think of 'seals' it takes me back to the Oregon coast when Betsy n me were backpacking along the Cascade Head w/Bojangles, my Irish Setter. We set up for the night so very close to the cliff side view of the almighty Pacific ocean where seals n sea lions were playing and making joyful noises, haha! T'was a taste of heaven!, so set apart from the ordinary affairs of this world ~ Shalom

paydirtlane said...

Dear Lyn, I read all the above links you provided above and it was very educational. Reading about the seals was eye opening for me. Thank you for sharing, your excellent research, so thorough! Now to volve . . . * love you Lyn - so glad your around!

Lyn Melvin said...

pdl/Tony~You are such a sweetheart! We all are on a learning curve which is why I try to be humble when I submit research AND make sure to give credit where I found the information if I didn't discover it on my own. We Watch and we Learn as we go. Love you too, Brother!

paydirtlane said...

Lyn did you happen to see this! apnews.com/article/france-ukraine-security-agreement-5b4120950f5485138a4ee0848d202185 hope you find this,.. i'm sure you will

Lyn Melvin said...

Thanks, Tony!
How interesting that the article also mentions Zelensky will be having a sideline meeting with Kamala Harris at the Munich Security Conference.

Anonymous said...

D.Nave said, www.mrmbb333.com said, people aren't aware that the April 8, 2024 eclipse is different than any eclipse in history. In addition to the solar eclipse there's going to be a green comet 12P Pons-Brooks it will be close to the sun during totality, probably visible to the naked eye inside the Moon's shadow. Venus, Jupiter and Mercury will also be visible. The green comet will look like a green dragon attacking Jupiter. People tell me there is nothing new under the sun however the comet is new under the sun. Never seen so many signs. Thank you for your great info. Things are looking up for Christians. Best regards D. Nave

Lyn Melvin said...

D.Nave--good to hear from you, Brother. And thank you for the heads up regarding the green "dragon" comet near the sun during the April 8 eclipse!

MrMBB333 may be correct but Lu Vega might have already mentioned that comet. Lu has many excellent articles and he even has a free book about the 3 eclipses. I have not read it yet, but now I better, huh? To access the book go to:


Lyn Melvin said...

D.Nave--Since I couldn't remember if it was Lu Vega or someone else who mentioned that comet, I asked Lu about it and here's his reply:

Hi Lyn,
For my part, I have not had Time to look into it. I believe Jarrett at Supernatural by Design had noted it and 1 other Person that I do not recall. I would suspect it will be or is Significant as the one that occurred with the Revelation 12 Sign.

Back in the Day, one did identify Comet 67p that one deemed the 'Jubilee Comet' because it had not appeared in Virgo since 1967, exactly 50 Years from 2017. So, it was sort of a Time Marker being Identified and thus connected the Revelation 12 Sign with the Liberation of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.

As to this Comet mentioned? It will be neat so see its trajectory, as that is the Major Clue as to its Meaning. The other possible Pieced of Inference will be the Meaning of its Name. If one has Time, I can maybe lookin into it.


Lyn Melvin said...

D.Nave and Everybody--
I found a video George at The Return of the King YTC did about that Devil Comet (as it is named) that will be seen during the April 8 eclipse and added the link to my latest article, which includes an exciting prophecy--