Most Biblical scholars teach that the star that led the magi
to Jesus was an astronomical event. (For example, the work on The Star of Bethlehem presented by
Frederick Larson.) I believe there was indeed a sign in the heavens involving
the planets and the King star Regulus announcing the birth of the Messiah, but
in recent years I’ve been led to look deeper into what was the Christmas Star and
believe it was a separate event from the great conjunction.
What renewed my interest in the Star was a prophesy through
Brandon Dawson of the Tribe of
Christians Ministry which I shared in THE
Brandon described how on September 25, 2023, he was caught up in the Spirit and witnessed events in Heaven that surrounded the time of the Rapture and the start of the Tribulation.
He tells how he was taken to Jerusalem and was shown a Star. At the 5:27 minute mark he says,
all began with
sign that emerged in the skies. It was
a star that
appeared similar to the time
the birth of Jesus and the entire
was shaken at the emergence of the
Every single major world religion
to the star and they received it
as a
sign of the coming Messiah and all
began in Jerusalem. . .”
Because his experience was not in linear time, but Eternal time, it’s unclear whether this Star appears before or after the Rapture. . .
In The
Sceptre Star and the Revelation 12 Birth of the Man Child I shared the many
prophecies of a star-like comet plummeting to earth on the day of the Rapture. But
could the Christmas Star be a comet or a conjunction of heavenly bodies?
I've come across more research based on people asking
themselves some basic questions--like how could a natural astronomical body
pinpoint a particular place as the Christmas Star did for the magi in Matthew
When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the
star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over
where the young child was. - Matthew 2:9 KJV
This is not possible for a natural astronomical body—to
stand over one specific home. While outside my house on December 21, 2020, gazing
up at what the world was calling “another Bethlehem Star”, I was able to
clearly view the conjunction overhead as it was a beautiful starry night. But I
noticed that as I walked up the hill of my driveway the brilliant planets first
appeared over the farmhouse next door then they seemed to stand over a
different house when I got to the top of the driveway. So how could the
Bethlehem Star stand over where Jesus was?
Contrary to popular opinion,
the star was probably not a typical event in the heavens (e.g.,
supernova, planetary alignment, comet, etc.) Instead, it was truly a miraculous
and special star. . . Source: Christmas Timeline of the Biblical Account | Answers
in Genesis
Here’s an excerpt from an article by Dr. Danny R. Faulkner (An Evaluation of The Star of Bethlehem DVD) that explains further:
If the star of Bethlehem was
not a planetary alignment and conjunction with a star, then what was it? The
only record we have of the star is Matthew 2. . .
The Matthew 2 text suggests that the star wasn’t always visible to the magi, nor was it necessarily visible to others. This suggests that the star may have been a localized object specifically fashioned as a message to the magi. This supernatural object would not be bound by the motions of objects normally found in the sky, and thus its odd behavior, such as appearing over where Jesus was, is easy to explain. In short, the star of Bethlehem likely was a unique and miraculous local apparition to fulfill God’s purpose and one of the ordained purposes for stars to be for signs as in Genesis 1:14. This is not unusual, for the Lord used the Shekinah glory to guide Israel in the wilderness.
In the video Christmas Special 2022 - Derek Walker explains why he believes the Star of
Bethlehem was actually the GLORY OF GOD RETURNING TO ISRAEL. You will want to
begin at the 12:17-minute mark for this which includes a moving account of why the
newborn Jesus being placed in a manger was a sign to the shepherds (Luke 2:12).
Derek points out how stars normally
move east to west HOWEVER this star moved west to east!
In Matthew 2 we read of the magi making their journey but
the glorious star has disappeared by now. Once they arrive in Jerusalem and
meet with Herod the star reappears. This is why they rejoiced!
When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the
star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over
where the young child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding
great joy. - Matthew 2:9-10 KJV
This is no ordinary star or conjunction of planets! It leads them directly to where the young child was (Matthew 2:9). Derek Walker came to the same conclusion Danny Faulkner (and others) have—the Christmas Star was an angelic or some other type of supernatural manifestation of the glory of God!
As I wrote in THE
Israel—especially Jerusalem—is the key to when the Star will reappear. If the first
Christmas Star was the manifest presence of God’s glory perhaps the Star will be
brilliantly displayed once again as the Dispensation of Grace ends and the
Visitation of God by way of His Wrath begins. The Wrath or 7-year Tribulation is
also called Jacob’s
Trouble for this is when God will turn His attention once again to Jacob/Israel
to lead them into salvation. So the Tribulation will be experienced by the
natural born Israelites who have not yet accepted Yahshua, our Jesus, as their
This period of time will be
Israel's most trying time ever... There shall be great tribulation in Israel
such as never was since there was a nation (Daniel
12:1). It will also be a time when G-d will ultimately judge sin and
all the nations on the earth. Through it, the nation of Israel will be
physically saved from total destruction by G-d, and will, as a nation, accept
Yeshua as the Messiah. "...But he shall be saved out of it" (Jeremiah
30:7)...[excerpt from page 113 of The Seven Festivals of the Messiah
by Edward Chumney]
![]() |
“I pray that we see another Hannukah miracle here in the UN.” |
The world is on the precipice of Jacob’s Trouble beginning as witnessed by the December 12, 2023, United Nations General Assembly vote to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
“In the short term, a ceasefire is
an essential precondition for urgently stabilising the humanitarian situation
in Gaza. To ensure the basic safety and needs of the civilian population,
especially women and children in Gaza in the longer term, consultations and preparations must now be launched towards the deployment
of an international protective presence in the entire Occupied Palestinian
Territory under the supervision of the UN,” the experts said. Source: UN
experts urge States to unite for peace and push for ceasefire in Gaza 08
December 2023
Take note of the language directed against Israel used here
just days before the vote: “. . . preparations must now be launched towards the
deployment of an international protective presence in the entire Occupied
Palestinian Territory under the supervision of the UN”. The nations are
DEMANDING that Israel abandon land that is Scripturally their inheritance.
“The people of Gaza are looking into the abyss. The
international community must do everything possible to end their ordeal,” he
said, urging the Security Council to push for an immediate humanitarian
ceasefire, the protection of civilians and the urgent delivery of life-saving
aid. At the same time, he added, the international community must not
lose sight of the only viable possibility for a peaceful future — a two-State
solution. “This is vital for Israelis, Palestinians and for international
peace and security,” he said. ANTÓNIO GUTERRES, Secretary-General
of the United Nations
For the sake of any new readers, let me reiterate—Israel is
the key to the Rapture Door.
Since the UN
General Assembly voted to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza on Tuesday and
the Biden
administration is pressuring Israel with a 2023 deadline to end the conflict,
will God allow the nations to force a peace agreement this winter which will
inevitably divide Israel further including the Holy City of Jerusalem?
If so, a series
of events will ensue and the Resurrection and Rapture of the True Church
will result as sudden destruction comes upon the nations! Either a comet or the
miraculous Star of Bethlehem will appear (or both) and all will be in wonder
and awe. The religious realm will believe it is a sign that their Messiah or
Mahdi is coming when in reality the greatest trouble ever seen with a capital
“T” as in Jacob’s Trouble will befall the world.
For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. - Matthew 24:21 KJV
December 13 began the Hebrew month of Tevet. Jarrett at
Supernatural By Design explained in WE ARE FINALLY HERE!!!
The Season of the Esther Rapture! how currently the Book of Esther is being
played out once again and that Esther was given a 7-day wedding feast during
the month of Tevet—a magnificent prophetic parallel to the Wedding Feast of the Heavenly
Bride to her Lord and King Jesus Christ!
In light of the fact that the US
is increasingly alone in Israel support as 153 countries vote for ceasefire at UN, End
Times: Darkness Descending has posted a very encouraging and enlightening
Comments about this article from my friends at Revelation 12 Daily
Hmewrdbd December 14, 2023 at 8:16 PM
Lyn, thank you sister, for this insightful article. I agree that the "Star" had to be some form of not-naturally occurring configuration. Given that this Star marked the supernatural conception and prophesied birth of the very King/Creator of the very stars in heaven He calls by name, surely His birth would be distinguished by a supernatural sign in those heavens He created. We can only wait for the next earth shaking/history making next supernatural act of God: our sudden home-going! Hallelujah!!
With the world seeming to spontaneously combust in anti-semitism worldwide, and the nations demanding Israel capitulate (where were they when Ukraine/Sudan/Nigeria/Pakistan/India et al were suffering massive "humanitarian crises") and accept a two-state solution, it cannot be long now. Not to mention the suggestion of a multi-national governing force post Gaza war. Even so, come Lord Jesus.
Maranatha321...December 14, 2023 at 8:28 PM
Agree with Judy! Well sums up what we all think about Israel! And your articles are always interesting to read Lyn! From a young age, I always believed that the Star of Bethlehem was a miracle from God. I never wondered if it was otherwise. Thank you for your dedication to providing articles for everyone.
Lyn Melvin December 15, 2023 at 6:23 AM
Thank you, Sisters. Carole, I too believed that as a child. Just goes to show you we're better off having the heart of a little child.
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. - Matthew 18:4 KJV
Hi Lyn, this post n your all comments make me think of Linus and the 'peanuts' gang! Linus never let go of his vision of the 'Great Pumpkin' rising up from outta the pumpkin patch! honestly, this causes me to think of ALAN, @ MINISTRY REVEALED YTC. He is 'just like Linus', bless his heart. His understanding of things Prophetic is based in part upon the idea that the 4 synoptic gospels reveal, in detail, the ALL of it in their differences from one another.( I believe Jimboni knows his site and his overall basis, in his teachings. He may have his own synopsis to share.) Alan goes into the seals, trumpets n vials like no one i've ever known. I wish i could say more and not be so vague. ~ Shalom ~ * If Linus, ooops! i mean, Alan is correct - why then we are all going to be very surprised. I don't see how he could be correct, but that's what everyone said about Linus
I'm not familiar with Alan @ Ministry Revealed YTC but it sounds like his eschatology differs from mine. This is to be expected, of course, as we each see only part of the End Times picture. So there are things each of us has wrong and things each of us has right. We just keep seeking the Lord's face and studying His Word📖✨
This guy has an Amazing child-like quality and he is as good natured as our great friend Capt.'n BOB! He's INCREDIBLE ~ i just want people to hear of him . . . just in case we're puzzled over the next few years, honestly! TY Lyn, Wonderful WatchWoman * ~ SHALOM
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