Most of the world believes this
pandemic is the defining moment of 2020 and indeed recent history. It is not –
it is about to fade into a low background noise and a mere footnote of history
compared to what God is about to do. Gate of Glory Opening...
In this post I am led of the Lord to once again speak of
things to come.
As I wrote in AS
Those in Christ are given pieces to
the end times enigma, or puzzle. It is strongly within me to help solve the
puzzle of our last days and those who regularly read my blog know I make this
attempt humbly knowing that none of us has the full picture before us.
In that article I share some events--some harrowing and some
exciting—prophesied to occur prior to the Rapture:
It is possible the Lord is showing us the following event line that I believe will happen within a small window of time perhaps this year:
An earthquake in
the middle of the United States will be the final nail in the coffin of the
nation’s economic collapse contributing to a global financial
crisis and inevitably lead to an awakening and revival. The plague
of darkness will occur around the time of the New Madrid Fault Line
quake. As America is falling, nuclear war will break out and
the Man Child/Bride will be Raptured.
My attention was drawn to a recent video posted by Trey
Smith that confirms my suspicion that 2023 is the timing for these events with the Rapture hopefully occurring
also in 2023.
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Where they were on these railroad tracks was darkness. However, where they were headed there was light. |
Vision of the Dark Tracks
In the first few minutes of Vision of the Dark Tracks Trey shares
how his friend Henry
Shaffer (who has a deliverance ministry) called him up one day in 2018 to
tell him of a disturbing vision he was given. Here is the transcript of Trey
explaining the vision (in part):
In 2018 Henry Schaefer he called me. . . I
think he had been in the Trump prophecy video with me where it was prophesied
that Donald Trump would have two terms and Henry called and he said there's something
I've got to tell you Trey. He said, The Lord has put this on me and I don't
know what it means but there's something wrong with how
we're interpreting this.
He says I had a vision and . . . I knew
that I was in America--now watch where this goes and mind you this was in 2018
he gave this--and at the time I thought to myself well this Vision must be a
warning from the Lord or something because it can't be what you're describing
Henry because Trump will be there. Watch where the vision goes he says--I was
in America . . . and it was very dark it was very Grim. It looked--it looked
bad it looked depressed it looked sorrowful.
And he said [and] there were these railroad
tracks there were these dark railroad tracks and he said
there were people walking along the tracks and they had tattered clothes and
they were looking down . . . and I looked at my my watch but my watch
wouldn't work. And then he said then I reached into my pocket I tried to find
my phone but the phone wouldn't come on. (There was something wrong with the
electricity [in] the vision is how I'm interpreting that.)
So you have these people that are walking
down these tracks now where they were there was darkness and the world looked
dark; it looked Grim. It looked like there had been power outages, it looked
like there had been destruction, it looked like there was a lack of food, it
looked like there was a total despair in America.
There were people walking down the tracks
and so Henry went up to one of them a lady and he says ma'am can you tell me (for
whatever reason this is what Henry thought to ask--it's what just came out of
his mouth in the vision)--he said ma'am what year is this? And she said . .
. well sir this is the year of 2023.
Trey Smith never alludes to the notorious toxic East Palestine,
Ohio, train derailment, but it was the first thing that came into my mind upon
seeing the title of this vision.
I do not want to go into all the further details Trey adds
in order to present his interpretation of the vision for he incorporates the
Trump prophecies. If I understand Trey correctly, he believes that after a very
dark period for America, Donald Trump will serve a second term and all will be
well. I believe Trey is misinterpreting the vision.
One detail I will point out is that Henry cautioned Trey
that “there's something wrong with how we're interpreting this”
referring to the Trump prophecies. Because of the corporate dreams, visions,
and words of the Those in Christ, I believe Trey has got it wrong. Trump might
serve a second term, however, I do not believe the Spirit of God is
saying America will be great again.
The day after I finished the draft for this blog article my
husband and I watched J. D. Farag’s March
19, 2023, Prophecy Update. At the 29-minute mark, J. D. began to expose the
false light of Lucifer that is permeating the Christian culture, especially
zeroing in on the Reawaken America move led by those who believe America will
be great again if led by Donald Trump. J. D. admits that there could be born
again believers in Christ that are unwittingly a part of this movement (and I
agree) but gives a stark warning of the Reawaken America motives. Beginning at
the 40:48-minute mark J. D. explains why the once great nation will never be
great again.
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) which promulgates the 7
Mountains Mandate sadly has the same mindset as the Reawaken America group (see
But enough has been said of the false light. . .
Yes, America is going to go through a dark period—sadly, she
will fall and never get back up. BUT FEAR NOT! It is a glorious Wave of Glory and a brief revival
culminating with the appearing of our beautiful Heavenly Bridegroom, Jesus
Christ, to gather together His people that is the Light at the end of these
dark tracks.
The Coming Great Wave of Glory
Interestingly, the same day I watched Trey Smith’s video I
watched one by Tim Henderson where he shares I SAW THE GLORY
OF THE LORD … WFS! posted March 20, 2023. Beginning at about 7 minutes into
the video Tim shared how that day he was in his car when he suddenly had an
open vision of the glory of God. It overwhelmed him and it came into his spirit
that we will see this great glory in the near future—a glory the likes of we
have never seen before. In the vision he saw limbs grow back. He saw people
getting up from wheelchairs without anyone ministering to them—they were healed
in the glory.
Tim believes, as I do, that Those in Christ will go from
glory to glory until our ultimate glorification at the Rapture (see my related
article: Prophesied
Events Before the Rapture regarding the difference between allasso
and metamorphoo).
2012 is probably when I received
the first inkling of what God has in store for His Overcoming Church during
these last days. This is what He said:
The days of this Earth as you have known it will pass away and a great wave of My glory will wash over the world. Just as in the days of Noah, My wave will engulf the world and there will be those who will enter the ark of Jesus Christ and be saved and those who will choose not to enter and will perish. [From The Coming Wave of Glory]
Tim Henderson concluded that video by saying that 2023 is a
Season of Blessing and Judgment. This too is what I and others have been shown
and it will cause Christians to question Is
there REALLY a RAPTURE? I believe, though,
those who are hearing what the Spirit is saying to the Church will have a knowing
that the next event will be the Rapture.
2023 Looks Like the Year
In previous articles I’ve shared how some researchers think
2024 is when Father God will send His Son for His Bride. Dr. Barry Awe presents
evidence that he has gathered from his study of the Scriptures along with research
by other watchmen indicating that 2023 is the Year of the Rapture in An April Rapture would bring May
In addition, two announcements were recently posted:
Trilateral Commission announced that 2023 is ‘Year One’ for the New World
2—The Disengagement Law was
In Is This the 2nd Shoe That is to Drop?
I posted that Israeli and Palestinian delegates planned to meet in March 2023.
That meeting took place on March 19 according to The
Times of Israel:
Israeli and Palestinian Authority
delegations reconvened Sunday for a relatively rare, albeit low-stakes regional
summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, where they recommitted to de-escalating
tensions days before the start of the holy Muslim month of Ramadan. . .
The Prime Minister’s Office issued
a statement after the Sunday summit saying that the Israeli delegation
“emphasized that in order to prevent an escalation during Ramadan and after
[the parties] must act decisively against terrorism without compromise.”
The joint communiqué said Israel
and the PA also agreed to establish a “mechanism to curb and counter violence,
incitement and inflammatory statements and actions,” which will report back to
fellow Sharm el-Sheikh participant countries the US, Egypt and Jordan when the
sides reconvene for a third session in the Sinai resort town next month.
Israel and the PA also agreed to
“establish a mechanism” to improve the economic conditions of the Palestinian
people as well as the financial situation of the cash-strapped PA. That
mechanism will also report back to representatives from the US, Egypt and
Jordan at the April follow-up meeting. . .
The rest of the communiqué
reiterated agreements reached at
the Aqaba meeting, including a commitment by both sides to refrain from
unilateral measures for three to six months. For Israel, this means no
advancing settlement plans for four months and no advancing the legalization of
West Bank outposts for six months.
Two days later:
JERUSALEM, March 21 (Reuters)
- The Israeli parliament on Tuesday paved the way for Jewish settlers' return
to four settlements in the occupied West Bank by amending a 2005 law that
ordered their evacuation, a move condemned by the Palestinian Authority and the
European Union. . .
Since the 1967 war, Israel has
established around 140 settlements on land Palestinians see as the core of a
future state, where more than 500,000 settlers now live. Besides the authorized
settlements, groups of settlers have built scores of outposts without
government permission.
Most world powers deem settlements
built in the territory Israel seized in the 1967 war as illegal under
international law and their expansion as an obstacle to peace, since they eat
away at land the Palestinians claim for a future state.
“This will force the passing of the Two-State Solution,” Paul
Dawson pointed out in his video, Prophecy 1:1 - Here it
Years ago prophetic voices began
saying there will be some type of great explosion involving Israel that the
Bride of Christ will witness just before the Rapture (see FACING
THE DRAGON IN JUNE? THEN WE FLY!). Perhaps this will occur during the 2023 Purim-Passover
Season and lead to all parties involved being forced to agree to the
Two-State Solution. CBN NewsWatch reported
today that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in the face of a
potential nuclear threat from Iran on the eve of Purim, invoked the Book of
Esther to show why the Jewish state had the right to defend itself from its
I am watching with my eyes wide
open because the events that have been prophesied to occur that lead to
the Rapture hinge on the Two State Solution. Source: Is
This the 2nd Shoe That is to Drop?
With the Trilateral Commission announcing that 2023 is Year
One for the New World Order it is looking like Netanyahu will be forced into
agreeing to The Two-State Solution—the Luciferian final solution—that will ultimately
lead to the Great Judgment of the Nations as Zechariah Chapter 12 foretells.
It appears more and more likely that the dividing of
Jerusalem will be the key domino that topples the other dominoes of Prophesied
Events Before the Rapture. The amazing LIGHT of God’s Wave of Glory will
carry Those in Christ through this TRANSITION—this time of DARKNESS—until Our
Bridegroom snatches us up and carries us to our Heavenly Home where there will
be no more sorrow or pain!
It wasn’t until the Lord gave
me The
dropping of HIS shoe--2 Visions that I wrote, “I realize now that the
prophetic word the Lord gave me decades ago is my watchman’s cry for
the short period before The Tribulation:”
“A time of great trouble is coming! Everything that can be shaken will be shaken! Come to Him in your prayer closets faithfully and do not be afraid.” [Excerpt from Is the Rapture Earned?]
The Great Shaking is the time
like a woman shaking in labor. Source: The
World Will Know By September 2020!
Beloved in the Lord, TRANSITION
is the most difficult phase of childbirth. If you believe (as I used to) the
time just prior to one of the greatest dispensational changes will be normal and uneventful, you
are mistaken! We will KNOW when we have entered it and we must REMEMBER it will
be the shortest phase and then will come the RAPTURE—the BIRTH OF THE
HALLELUJAH! Come Lord Jesus! And may it be in 2023!
Related articles:
the Line in the Sand for a 2019 September Rapture (Includes details of the
Great Wave of Glory dreams and words from the Spirit of the Lord.)
The Fall of America (Before the September 11, 2001, attack on the United States, I met with the Lord in my prayer closet; and it came into my spirit that America was on the road to being destroyed.)
The Horror of Darkness and The Everlasting Covenant