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Bright Comet Erasmus |
As we hit mid-December, I am seeing that this month is even more prophetically significant than I first realized!
The Comet
On Monday, December 14, 2020 the
Moon will eclipse the Sun for 2 minutes and 9 seconds as seen from a swathe of
Chile and Argentina. . . If the sky is clear in Chile and Argentina then
observers will feel the temperature drop, and may hear confused birds noisily
roost. They’ll glimpse the Sun’s hotter outer atmosphere called the corona.
They may also see a comet and
bright green meteors during the brief totality.
. . . Discovered in September by
Nicolas Erasmus, an astronomer at the South African Astronomical
Observatory, Comet C/2020 S3 (Erasmus) will be just 11º from the Sun and
Moon during totality. . .
Erasmus will shine at magnitude 4 or 5 on December 14, which is right
on the limit of visibility in a dark sky, and since the Moon’s shadow is quite
narrow the sky will probably not be dark enough. It may be picked-up by
photographers, but probably not by onlookers. [Excerpt from forbes.com]
What is prophetic about this comet? It appears close to
earth every 2,000 years!
Every 2000 years, Comet Erasmus (C/2020
S3) visits the inner Solar System. News Flash: It’s back. Discovered on
Sept. 17, 2020, by South African astronomer Nicolas Erasmus, the dirty snowball
is plunging toward the sun for a close encounter inside the orbit of Mercury on
Dec. 12th. spaceweatherarchive.com
And what happened approximately 2,000 years ago? The birth
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Its discovery on September 17 reminded me
of the September 2017 Revelation Sign of the Woman. Additionally, this comet showed
up on December 14 when there were other events converging:
In the middle of Hanukkah on
December 14 the United States Electoral College will vote on who is to be the
next President. On the same day there will be a total solar eclipse casting its
shadow across South America. Stunning
Heavenly Signs and Patterns for the Rapture
Also noteworthy is the fact that this comet was spotted in
2020 by Nicolas Erasmus. “Erasmus” is also the name of a famous Catholic priest.
According to Wikipedia-- Desiderius
Erasmus Roterodamus was a Dutch philosopher and Christian scholar who is widely
considered to have been one of the greatest scholars of the northern
Renaissance and has been called "the crowning glory of the Christian
Despite Desiderius Erasmus’ contributions to Scriptural
translation, his description as a “Christian humanist” is an oxymoron since humanists
do not believe in a supreme God. Also of interest is how humanism was a
Renaissance cultural movement which turned away from medieval scholasticism and
revived interest in ancient Greek and Roman thought.
Comets signal death and destruction and have historically occurred prior to a major event related to a world leader. I believe the comet discovered by Nicolas (which means “victory”) Erasmus could be signaling a coming victory for humanistic thinking and a return to the worship of ancient Greek gods (fallen angels and their offspring) albeit a very brief victory of approximately seven years after the True Church has been raptured to heaven.
The Conjunction
In my November
6 article, I wrote about the “Once-in-a-Generation” Great Conjunction:
This “Great Conjunction 2020” will
occur on Monday, December 21, 2020, [on the exact date of the winter solstice]
when Jupiter and Saturn appear in our post-sunset night sky just 0.06º apart.
That’s about the same as the
Venus-Jupiter conjunction of August 27, 2016, so this is effectively the
best planetary conjunction for over four years.
This is purportedly not the same type of conjunction the
magi followed when searching for the King of kings, however, could it still
be a sign announcing the End of the Age of Grace and the imminent birth of the
Revelation 12 Man Child into heaven?
. . . When taking into account
the Biblical
symbolism of this heliocentric conjunction of the Sun, Jupiter and
Saturn, I believe it foreshadows the Revelation Chapter 12 convergence of the
Dragon (Saturn) as he attempts to devour the Man Child (Jupiter) at his birth
but the Lord Jesus Christ (Sun--Malachi
4:2) snatches the Man Child/Bride to Heaven at the last atomos!
The 2020 Great Conjunction is when Jupiter and Saturn meet, whereas
it is believed that the Bethlehem Star was a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus. In
Leading Rick Larson writes:
By the following June, Jupiter
had finished crowning Regulus. The Planet of Kings traveled on through
the star field toward another spectacular rendezvous, this time with Venus, the
Mother Planet. This conjunction was so close and so bright that it is today
displayed in hundreds of planetaria around the world by scientists who may know
nothing of Messiah. . .
No one alive had ever seen such a
conjunction. If the Magi only began their travel plans in September, when they
saw this sight nine months later, someone may have shouted “What are we waiting
for? Mount up!” At the end of their travel, which may have taken weeks or months,
these experts arrived in Jerusalem. . .
The Magi presumably described the timing of events starting in September of 3 BC and continuing through June of 2 BC.
Jupiter and Regulus (Leo) in Conjunction, September 11, 3 B.C. (The date stamp at the bottom of this image says “–2” for the year, meaning 3 B.C., since Stellarium labels 1 B.C. as Year 0 rather than as Year –1.)
If the 3 BC Star of Bethlehem conjunction occurred the very day of Jesus’ birth, this gives me hope that the Revelation 12 Man Child might experience his birth very soon after the December 21 “Once-in-a-Generation” Great Conjunction.
But That’s Just Me Blogsite reminds us to Look up!
December 21rst – 25th and includes the link to a very uplifting video by
George at the Return of the King Youtube Channel--December 25th: Convergence.
The Coin
Although I do not agree with his eschatology (he does not
believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church), The
End Times Forecaster in an October 2020 article points out how the Great
Conjunction is illustrated on the Abraham Accord coin:
Most likely you have heard about the
Abraham Accord and the Abraham Accord Coin. It appears that the coin has a
signal to the Great Jupiter Saturn conjunction. I wonder why, here is the data,
then the why.
The first thing I would like to
mention is that the Abraham Accord was based on the presupposition that Israel
would divide her land. . .
Now let’s take a look at the
Abraham Accord coin and see what it reveals. The first thing I would like to
point out is the planet at the end of sword/top of coin.
Because of the ring around the planet, it looks like Saturn but it isn’t; it has a spot like Jupiter—Saturn does not have a spot.
The New Agers are heralding this
conjunction as a time of great change. Many are saying that after this
alignment things on earth will change in a significant way. . . saying there
will be a major birthing of Aquarian Age energies on this day.
. . . I believe it is loaded with
end times symbols and the coin is pointing to the Great
conjunction—12/21/2020—as a major turning point in the end times.
Lu Vega points out more in THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS:
The Islamic sword morphs into
Jupiter depicted with rings. It is followed by the Dove of Peace that heralds
the Days of Noah symbology that has come to embody the cause of world peace.
Why would such an icon be made to be confused with Saturn? It is because Saturn
represents the ‘Cube’, the Kaaba, Lucifer, etc. It might very well be a
double-entendre. To the Luciferians who presently control the world, they see
the coming New World Order as being led by their ‘Messiah’ or Mahdi. . . Jupiter
the ‘Planet of the Messiah’, but ‘King of the Gods’ to the occult.
The Crown for Those Who Long for His Appearing
My son and I were talking about how the Antichrist is riding
in on the Corona Virus to receive his crown. Those who are deceived by false
religions may be anticipating their false Messiah, however, we who have come to
intimately know the true Messiah eagerly await His appearing to us!
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing
[epipháneia-- a
manifestation—appearing, brightness] of the great God and our Saviour Jesus
Christ; - Titus 2:13 KJV
Back in February of this year, when the virus of the crown ravaged
China, I wrote 2020 Year
of the Crown. Following is an excerpt:
While surfing the web to learn more
related to the coronavirus, I came across many interesting things related to
the word “corona”.
From Gary at unsealed.com:
Corona is Latin for
"crown." The seven-headed dragon of Revelation
12 is wearing seven crowns on his heads, all the while he is
attempting to devour the male child of the woman who is also wearing a
Corona also has its roots in the
Greek word "koronis" translated "wreath or garland".
From Wikipedia:
"Coronis is a textual symbol found in ancient Greek papyri that was
used TO MARK THE END of an entire work or of a major section
in poetic and prose texts." [bold highlight added by me]
We, the Bride of Christ, may first have to witness America
losing her crown, but I still have hopes we might see our Bridegroom coming
for us before the conclusion of 2020 and receive our crown:
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of
righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day:
and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing [epipháneia] - 2
Timothy 4:8 KJV
For we know that the whole creation groaneth and
travaileth in pain together until now. And not only [they], but ourselves also,
which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within
ourselves, waiting for the adoption, [to wit], the redemption of our body. -
Romans 8:22-23 KJV
For we are saved by hope. . .- Romans 8:24a KJV
Related articles: Stunning Heavenly Signs and Patterns for the Rapture; Philadelphia and the Open Door
Lynn, Thank you for all of your posts, they are so encouraging!!
This man did a excellent review on the Abraham coin symbolism. Commentary on coin; starts at about 8:45 point!!
Lynn: Please take a few minutes to revue this portion of his video...again interesting analysis!!
Dear sister, thank you again! Thank you for your dedication and your loyalty to bring beautiful messages!
You make each of us benefit from the talent that God has given you! MARANATHA!!! Carole xx
Lyn, Yesterday one of my younger grandgirls first noticed the convergence of the clicking of the turn signal, the light on the dash and the imminent turn. Before, she’d just enjoyed the ride in her booster seat and left the driving to me.
It reminded me of the convergence of the signs in the heavens and those on earth. The ‘dots’ connecting in sky and the sin turned to pride turned to threat turned to enforcement here on earth. Then the morally bankrupt setting enforceable policies that threaten the wellbeing of all, witting or not.
If any remain oblivious, it’s time to wake up to the sound of the turn signal: tick, tick, tick
Hi Lyn,
Comet Erasmus caught my eye - Erasmus means "beloved", "desired" Perhaps this comet is there to encourage the Church, waiting for their Beloved.It reminds me of the verse in Song of Songs 6:3, I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine: he feedeth among the lilies.
Blessings, Michelle.
Michelle, Thank you for sharing that! Just as the Great Conjunction presents a dichotomous sign, so does the Comet Erasmus--both are signaling, in essence, the imminent End of the Age of Grace and the Beginning of the Age of the Antichrist!
I'm getting excited!!!! He is so close to coming for us.
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