Less than 30 Days Until Days of Reckoning
On October 11, 2020, John Kilpatrick prophesied that time is running out and in less than 30 days God says the days of reckoning are going to start for America. Part of the definition of “reckoning” is “a determined and fixed time”; “to judge”; “a time when adding up has ended and it is time to settle”; “when time has expired”.
Here are excerpts from this message:
There’s been no foreign troops on
our land in America that has brought us to our knees and caused the government
to collapse. . . But like Israel in the days of old--in the days of Hosea the
prophet--America has come to the days of self-destruction. It’s not a foreign
army that has done this to us, it is we ourselves.
It was constant violence that destroyed the world in the days of the Flood.
. . . (~16 minutes) There are five signs that God is departing from America. . . Woe to you--God is departing from you because you have become so corrupted. . . God is not going to put up with it anymore. America has become a modern day Gibeah.
. . . I am lifting my voice today on October 11, 2020, against the abomination of homosexuality and I am saying to . . . whoever will listen . . . that the days of reckoning have come. This lie of homosexual rights has been brought into preaching behind the pulpit. . .
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination. - Leviticus 18:22 KJV
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Pride [goeth] before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. - Proverbs 16:18 KJV |
Beginning at the 30-minute mark, this pastor shares how the land will spew out the inhabitants who practice sexual deviancy (Leviticus 18:28) and this translates to violent earthquakes, drought, and fires.
John Kilpatrick further shows how America parallels Israel as
in the time of Hosea the prophet!
Ye have plowed wickedness, ye have reaped iniquity; ye
have eaten the fruit of lies: because thou didst trust in thy way, in the
multitude of thy mighty men. - Hosea 10:13 KJV
Therefore shall a tumult arise among thy people, and all
thy fortresses shall be spoiled, - Hosea 10:14a KJV
The definition of “tumult” is “an uprising; noisy disorderly
rioting”. Tumult occurring in the land is the first sign that God is leaving
America--lifting His divine protection. This will happen in stages.
Pastor John Kilpatrick does not say whether the Bride of
Christ will see all these stages. I have shared before that the Bride of Christ
might see the first stages of God’s hand of blessing leaving America but I
believe that the Rapture of the True Church will mark the last stage before His
wrath is poured out.
Prepare for America’s Fall
We must prepare ourselves for the possibility that we will be living here in America as judgment falls and becomes much more harsh and difficult to endure--not God’s wrath, but judgment (see my article New York, L.A., Chicago regarding judgment versus wrath). Remember, America must fall in order for the New World Order to rise and, unfortunately, we may witness this. I believe it must also fall for the Ezekiel 38 war to commence!
John Kilpatrick in the above video, spoke of God sending judgment first and then quickly trying to establish righteousness again. I wonder if this is the glimpse of God’s great mercy shown to me of a very brief revival just prior to the Rapture as shared in The dropping of HIS shoe 2 Visions. If so, then in the midst of our bumpy, wild ride there will be the miracle of salvation occurring along with more signs and wonders.
To borrow a phrase from the But That's Just Me blog, Buckle Up, Buttercup! :
I’m expecting the consequences
for the US role in these Accords to be severe – which in 2020 is really saying
something. Look at all that’s happened in our country since the Trump Peace
Plan was officially rolled out on January 26. Think we’ve seen bad
consequences? Well buckle up, buttercup…the ride is about to get even bumpier.
Arise My Bride
In 2020 Rapture: Almost Home George of The Return of the King Youtube Channel at the 19-minute mark shares his prophetic dream where he is running a marathon in Egypt and the path at the end of the race is in the shape of the Christ angle. So he comes to the hopeful conclusion that this might be indicating an October 3 Rapture since on that date the V-shaped angle is emulated in the heavens. It seems that this was yet another sign indicating what is to come. I like to think perhaps George was given this dream because the Lord was showing him our last leg of the marathon which will end in a “V” for VICTORY!
Then yesterday, October 25, our Brother George posted 2020 Rapture: Soon. Really Soon! wherein he shares his discovery of celestial positionings he hopes points to an October 31, 2020, Rapture.
George also includes clips from other Youtube Channels one
of which is Dana Coverstone sharing his dream where the Lord heralds, “Arise,
My Bride! Arise, My Bride and prepare to pray! Arise, My Bride, arise, My Bride
and prepare for battle! Arise, My Bride, Arise, My Bride, and prepare to see My
face! For I am coming soon and My reward is with Me.”
Is the Lord here giving us the last battle cry before He comes for us! The
Holy Spirit has shown me and others that the Overcoming Church is going out in
great glory when the Harvest is complete! Could it be that the Lord has shown this
pastor three stages we will be a part of--the 1st being events
in America causing the Bride to rise up in warfare prayer then 2nd
battling for the harvest of lost souls concluding with the 3rd stage--the
Rapture? This would seem to dovetail into what John Kilpatrick was shown.
George writes in the Description Section under his posted video:
Aries is the constellation of the
Rapture. It is a Ram. The Shofar comes from the Ram's horn. So does the concept
of the Last Trump, spoken of by Paul.
At the last trump we are caught up to the throne room as a
Bride heading to Her wedding and an army at rest:
As I studied, I learned that the
Resurrection/Rapture of the Church is a military action by God.
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. - 1 Corinthians 15:22-23 KJV
“But every man in his own order”
The word “order” is translated from
the Greek word tagma meaning “that which has been arranged in
order, a division, rank” and signifies a military division. There
are two tagma or “ranks” of the resurrection host; the Captain
and the rest of the army now sleeping, to rise at His trumpet’s sound (1
Corinthians 15:52, 1
Thessalonians 4:16). . .
In a moment, in the twinkling of
an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the
dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. - 1
Corinthians 15:52 KJV
. . . “The last trump" also
can refer to a military signal:
For one thing, it’s interesting
that Paul refers to the last trump in 1
Corinthians 15 and in the immediately preceding chapter, 1
Corinthians 14, he refers to the blowing of a trumpet and there he’s
referring to a military trumpet. In light of that, it would appear that he has
military trumpets in mind when he’s writing 1
Corinthians 15. So it could very well be that when he refers to the
last trump which will be blown at the Rapture, he has a military trumpet in
mind. What’s the significance of that?
When you study the Roman army
and some of the Greek armies and even the Jewish army back in Bible times, when they went into war, they
had a “last trump” that would be blown that would tell the fighting men, “Your
time of fighting is over. It is time for you to go home and rest.” A “last
trump” ended their time in the warfare.
By analogy, the Scriptures teach
that Christians today are involved in a spiritual war while they live out their
lives in this present age in this present world. When the Rapture takes place
and the trumpet is blown at that time, that will be a signal to them that their
part in the warfare is over; their fighting in this present age is done in this
spiritual war. It is time for them to go home to be with the Lord and rest
together with Him in Heaven. jashow.org
[Excerpt from The
Rapture Mystery. Highlight added by me.]
I found what George shared very encouraging for even if the
Rapture does not occur October 31, the heavenly signs are appearing more
frequently just as signs on a highway do as the driver closes in on his exit!
Trib Signs Means Rapture is Next!
The Creator’s handwriting is all over the heavens and earth shouting, “I AM COMING!” The Tribulation is knocking on the door as J. D. Farag confirmed in his October 25th, 2020, Bible Prophecy Update wherein he shares his Top 10 Prophecies. Just as you know when you see Christmas décor appearing that Thanksgiving is near so it is that when you see Tribulation signs everywhere, it means the Rapture is near. So be encouraged, dear Brethren, for as we witness the first stages of America’s fall, it means WE WILL RISE!
In the above message John Kilpatrick gives sound advice for the coming days:
Right now the nighttime is filled
with all sorts of supernatural activity because Satan knows his time is short.
And God also knows the coming of Christ is drawing near.
. . . It’s time for us to get right with God and to go to bed at night and to ask the Lord to supernaturally inform us, strengthen us, and get us ready for the days ahead.