
Monday, August 17, 2020


Clank, clank, clank, clank. That’s the sound of the Last Days Roller Coaster heading up to the pinnacle of what will be our next thrilling part of the ride! This coming segment of our Wild Ride was shown to me in The dropping of HIS shoe--2 Visions posted February 23, 2019, and I am excited to tell you it was CONFIRMED August 15, 2020, by Steven Ben Nun of Israeli News Live. At the 7:17 minute mark of his video, our Brother shares information he has learned from recent briefings of which he was a part:


“Things are gonna get very serious very soon.”


He goes on to explain (in cryptic language in order to not be censored by Youtube) how there is a FALSE FLAG EVENT coming that will look like what we saw happen overseas (inferring Beirut, Lebanon). This false flag event will occur either in “the Capitol” or “in a city North of that in New York” and be caused by ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY. Steven believes it will happen at the Capitol. Beginning at 14:42 minutes he reports that there will be many false flag events coming utilizing technology we have never imagined leading our Brother to believe that some of the coming asteroids will be manmade. While the United States is going through the turmoil associated with all these events, then war will come.


I was so thrilled when I heard him say this NOT because I am happy to see destruction come to America, but because it is MAJOR CONFIRMATION of what was impressed in my spirit from the Lord back in February 2019:


Before war comes to America, I believe God—IN HIS GREAT MERCY—will allow Her to experience some type of national calamity. It most likely will come as an apparent natural disaster. Let me explain.


I am not talking about God causing or sending this catastrophe. It has been proven there is advanced technology being used to manipulate the planet’s climate. It is my suspicion that since the United States must be destroyed for the New World Order to arise, they will use this fallen angel technology to bring down our beloved nation. Many believe that no such thing could happen before the Rapture of the Overcoming Church, but if Japan can suffer a large earthquake that leads to a tsunami in this Age of Grace, so can America. If Greece, Venezuela, etc. can have their economies collapse, so can America. (Related article: 3 Days of Darkness?)


. . . I believe this coming national disaster will be the last thing we will experience in our earthly bodies BEFORE we TRANSITION into our eternal spiritual bodies. [The dropping of HIS shoe--2 Visions excerpt]


Steven Ben Nun said he believed the first false flag event would be in the Capitol; however, I believe it will occur in New York City because of what the Lord showed me regarding "New York, Chicago, L.A.":


. . . Immediately—and I mean immediately—as soon as I shut my eyes, I saw a great army in full armor on horseback seemingly knit together. Darkness surrounded them but great flames radiated from their heads.


“What am I seeing, Lord?” I asked.


My great end times army is about to be unleashed. It is a force to be reckoned with.


Father God read the question in my mind—“When will this army be released?”


It is the time of peace and safety so-called in which they will be released. Fear not; I am with you, dear daughter. I am with My people. As the Daystar dawns great darkness will be upon the earth. Fear not; I am with you.


Much destruction will occur by the Dragon before My Son comes for his beautiful Bride. Fear not; I am truly with you. . .


Trouble will come from the cities but with it will come great revival. . . There will be rioting in the streets of America as well as other cities. . .


“Lord, I would very much appreciate confirmation that what I am seeing and hearing is from You only.”


New York will fall first. Then Chicago and L.A.


Peace & Safety then. . .


With the major news of the Abraham Accord on August 14, 2020, that: “Israel agreed to suspend its planned extension of sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria to facilitate relations with the UAE and potentially other Arab and Muslim countries”--could it be that we have finally come to the end of the ‘peace and safety’ announcement and will soon see the fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5:3?


Although we’ve been hearing about “peace and safety” for years now as our President and his staff have been brokering what is dubbed The Peace Deal of the Century, this recent agreement may be the catalyst for war. The Bride of Christ, I believe, will see only the “secret” part of the war. By this I am referring to the first false flag event in America that Israeli News Live reported which will appear to be due to an asteroid but in reality be a weaponized tungsten rod. Popular Science defined them in 2004 as “space-launched darts that strike like meteors” and when introduced in 2017 by Task & Purpose they were said to be “Basically A Weaponized Meteor Strike”.


Bob Barber of Endtime Dreams & Visions YTC explains more about this weapon informally called "Rods from God" in his August 16 video, Potential Meteor Impact Dates In Sept & Nov Manipulation & Deception?


During this time of our nation and the world being shaken, the Spirit-filled believers in Christ will experience the glory of God as never before and there will be great revival!


At the very beginning of his recent video, Bob Barber said the Lord told him to tell His people:




Glorious Revival


When this shaking occurs, there will be a spiritual backlash against the enemy’s efforts and a move of God like we’ve never seen before will occur.


. . . Its purpose? To force the sleeping Laodicean church to wake up abruptly and lead as many as are willing into the Lordship of Jesus Christ in their life!


. . . The GREAT REVIVAL period will be brief and then will come THE RAPTURE! [The dropping of HIS shoe--2 Visions excerpt]

It greatly encouraged me when I read T. W. Tramm's recent Facebook post. Here it is in part:

. . . Assuming the Lord plans to put off the reaping of the Church-field as long as possible to allow maximum time for repentance, it’s conceivable He could wait until late summer when the last of the spring-planted wheat is harvestable, and the summer fruits—representing Israel and nonbelievers—are likewise ready for harvesting and processing.

With the “season” paradigm in view, Pentecost may not be considered “fully come” until summer’s end, on a day no one knows (Acts 2:2; Mark 13:32).

The end of summer 2020 is thus a plausible time for the Rapture:

• It’s been 483 years (7 and 62 weeks) since the order to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls in 1536-37 (Dan. 9:25).

• It’s been 49 years (7 weeks) since a plan to rebuild Jerusalem in 1970 (Dan. 9:25).

• It’s been 3 years since major signs in the heavens (Luke 21:25; Joel 2:31; Rev. 12).


• It’s been 6,000 years, or 120 jubilees, since biblical creation (Gen. 6:3; 2 Pet. 3:8).

• It’s been 70-plus years, the span of a biblical generation, since the “fig tree,” the Nation of Israel, began putting forth leaves (Matt. 24:32-34; Ps. 90:10).

• The stage is set for the Ezekiel 38 conflict, the emergence of the 10-nation antichrist, or “beast,” governing system, and the global economic collapse alluded to in Revelation (6:6; 13:7; 17:12-14).

• Multiple peace deals between Israel and her Arab-Muslim neighbors are on the table or in the works (1 Thess. 5:3).

All that remains to happen before the Church is suddenly snatched up into the clouds is the sounding of God’s trumpet.

When that awesome trumpet sounds, there will be only two kinds of people on earth: those escaping judgment and those being left behind to face it (Luke 21:34-36).

To be part of the escaping group, one must be in a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. If you’re unsure of your standing with God, call on Him now. Tell Him you want to turn away from your sins. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord; believe that God raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved (Romans 10).

Do it today.

Time is running out. 

Asteroids AND/OR Weaponized Meteor Strikes


Approximately 11 minutes into Bob Barber's video he shares a clip from the Common Sense show where the guest describes 3 incoming Apollo class asteroids that are expected to hit earth this year on September 1 and 22 and November 2.


Steven Ben Nun’s sources assured him that the asteroid alert is real and that small meteorites are causing the fires in California. Over time the meteors and asteroids will be bigger and bigger. Although these sources said the asteroid slated to hit earth on September 1 would mainly burn up in the atmosphere and not be a major catastrophe, the guest on the Common Sense show learned from someone who studied the Torah Codes that Elul 12, 5780, or September 1, 2020, signals ASTEROID.


September 22-23 the day of ‘Sudden Destruction’?


Based on what Brethren are sharing and what I have personally been shown by the Lord, it is possible we may see New York City hit this year with a false flag event on September 1 or 22. I’m leaning towards it happening on the 1st because it would allow the Army of God to arise and minister for a short period of time before we are gathered unto the Lord.


Summer ends at the Autumn Equinox on September 22.


I believe the Books of Joel and Jeremiah AND Amos foretell

 of trouble coming to Israel at the end of the Summer!

[Rapture Cut-Off Time 2020 excerpt]


If Jacob’s Trouble begins at the end of the Summer, the Rapture must occur beforehand. Also converging on September 22 is the end of the 3-year warning of the Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman which appeared on Rosh Hashanah in 2017. This year, however, Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets, falls on September 18-19. It is my hope that we meet the Lord in the air on that date or at the time of the September 22 ‘asteroid’ event.

September 23 has been projected for years as the day of “sudden destruction” through movies and other predictive programming. This destruction will most likely be caused by the Planet X system. Jeffrey McGaha gives an excellent summary in his 14-minute video Here It Comes (Watchman Update 7/27/20):


“I'm 99.99% sure the Revelation 12:3-5 celestial Dragon arrives for all to see this September, 2020. . . The Revelation 12:3-5 celestial Dragon is the key to the timing of the Rapture, and I believe the leaders of the entertainment industry know when the Dragon will arrive for all to see, which gives us the timing of the Rapture. I believe that timing is 9/23/20 into 9/24/20 depending on your time zone.” Jeffrey McGaha


There are Brethren that believe the Bride of Christ will be transformed perhaps on the Feast of Trumpets and then minister in their new bodies on earth for a period of time (like Christ did at His resurrection before He ascended to the Father). The Lord has not shown me whether this is true or not. But I know He has shown me we will walk in such great glory in the last days that we will do the greater things Jesus foretold we would do and there will be a Great Awakening!


. . . The GREAT REVIVAL period will be brief and then will come THE RAPTURE! [The dropping of HIS shoe--2 Visions excerpt]


Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. - John 14:12 KJV


Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. - John 14:19 KJV


Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come [again] unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do.

 Arise, let us go hence.

 - John 14:28;31 KJV




  1. I'm shaking from excitement.
    Lord use us to be Your hands, Your feet and Your mouth!
    Bring into Your fold all that are in Your plan.


  2. Thank you my beloved sister for your constant messages. I sincerely hope that God will use us for His glory before our meeting with our great God! And I hope it will be very, very soon! Big hugs! Maranatha!

  3. Lyn, I really appreciate what you do to collect and present your finds and help us stay expectant. This summer I had some real life events which seemed to be predictive and thought you would enjoy hearing about that.

    This past July was filled with both anticipation and anxiety. My two sisters were expecting three grandchildren to be born late in the month. They were all ‘at risk’ pregnancies and thus the anxiety. One mom was experiencing very high blood pressure. One has a genetic aneurism which put her very life on the line. The third’s baby was in breech position. This gal had a baby just two years previous who only lived one day, so emotion was high all the way through.

    Though their due dates stretched over 3 weeks, as it turned out, they all delivered in six days’ time. And I soon found out that my double first cousin’s grandbaby had been delivered on that seventh day. All born in those last days of July right up to the wire. All boys.

    I kept thinking that there could be some prophetic take-away, but couldn’t pin it down. Then I remembered a teacher who frequently says ‘July is like September’ because of the modern and biblical calendars and also observations he made over the years that July often presaged what would come two months later.

    So many are focusing in on those last days of September for the birth of the man-child body. The element of ‘danger’ is the threat which will not have its way. The babes arrive and are safely ensconced in loving arms.

  4. Yes, dear Sisters, may the Lord move through us powerfully in these last days!
    CY~Thank you for sharing those high risk birth stories--a perfect analogy as the Man Child keeps his eyes focused on Jesus Christ to overcome whatever may be hurled our way as we await our triumphant exit 🎺☁️

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your research as a watchwoman for our Lord!
    May our Lord bless you abundantly dear sister!!
    We fly soon!!


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