
Saturday, June 27, 2020

Season of the Sea Roaring

Third Tsunami Dream

Last night I had a series of dreams where I climbed an extremely high and steep sand dune with my husband and son in the lead. As I climbed the dune the third time, I said to myself, “Oh, yeah, I remember climbing this challenging dune twice before.” (In thinking on this in the light of day, I naturally realized this was an allusion to my two previous tsunami dreams.)

When the ocean came into view I was amazed! The volume of the water seemed to be as though the sea had built itself up into a great wall. It was churning violently producing great white-capped waves while there were people with perplexed looks on their faces standing on the beach seemingly not knowing the danger they were in.

I began shouting warnings to the people for I then saw what looked like tsunami waves almost upon them. The dream ended.

This morning I sought the Lord about the dreams and believe He said this to me and that it is a word of exhortation for the Overcomers:

The nations are roaring as the principalities and powers over them are being stirred up in anticipation of their “great hour”. Fear not the disorder and chaos, dear one, for I AM in control of what they will be allowed to do.

As you saw in the dream, the people are unaware of what is happening around them. This is the third time you have seen the tsunamis. Yes, everything is complete and in place for My End Time Plans. Be patient and see what I will do to complete My Plan for man. I AM the King of Salvation and I WILL oversee the completion of My Salvation Plan.

[James 5:7 came into my mind: Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.]

You will see more--much more--devastation, unfortunately, for this is what man has brought upon himself and I am allowing it--for now. Seek Me early and often and I will show you what you must do. You may not feel you are doing much but you are. You are STANDING and that is what I ask of you. Continue to stand, dear one. You will be asked to bow down, but I say, “STAND!”

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; - Ephesians 6:14 KJV

Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. . . One God and Father of all, who [is] above all, and through all, and in you all. - Ephesians 4:3, 6 KJV


Our Brother in Christ, Marcus Rogers, shared this same message in a wonderful illustration using a deck of cards. Marcus explains how God also showed him that manmade kingdoms have principalities or powers behind them in his 28-minute video God Told Me To Show You This Prophetic Word On Kingdom Of Kingdoms. The kingdoms of Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ will join with other kingdoms of the world and demand that we who are of the Kingdom of kingdoms bow down to them, but we must continue to STAND!

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars ... For nation [ethnos]  shall rise against nation [ethnos], and kingdom against kingdom ... All these are the beginning of sorrows.  Matthew 24:6, 7, 8 in part

Marcus shows how SHAKING will expose the fake Christians and fake ministries. He does not expound on this, so I wonder if he realizes how prophetic that statement was!

As I shared in The Revelation 12 Dragon and The Rapture, much chaos will be happening as we near our EXIT!

. . . The last judgments before God’s wrath begins will cause many to humble themselves as they are shaken, so we who have a faith that cannot be shaken will be busy with the HARVEST when Jesus comes to gather us! [Gate of Glory Opening at Pentecost excerpt]

Illuminati House of Cards

I thought it was clever how the Lord gave Marcus that illustration using a deck of cards. We are seeing the revving up of The Illuminati Luciferian Plan--a plan that is a ‘house of cards’.

house of cards
A plan, organization, or other entity that is destined to fail due to a weak structure or foundation (likened to a literal house of cards, which is built by balancing playing cards against one another, and is very easily toppled).

Doc Marquis, a former Illuminist who was born again in 1979, explained in an interview that when he first saw the Illuminati Cards he knew they were not just a game but were the well-laid out plans of the organization. The did a PDF series called "Smoking Gun" Proof explaining the significance of the Illuminati Cards which culminate with the Rapture and the prediction of the appearance of Antichrist as the last two events of the Illuminati Plan.

Doc Marquis posted an article on “The Tribulation Period” at his website Here’s an excerpt:

Interesting enough, the Illuminati playing cards do speak of events that will happen before and during the Tribulation Period; the 7 year period in which the Antichrist will rule over the world.

(Figure 1) shows one of my favorite paintings of what will happen when the Rapture occurs. This event, the Rapture, will occur before the Tribulation Period begins because the Rapture is the sole event that marks the end of the Christian Church Era
(Figure 1) 
The explains: “The ultimate end of the Illuminati Plan is to produce Antichrist on the world scene. However, consistent with Bible prophecy, the "birth" of Antichrist on the world scene can only occur at the end of a global war, a war in which entire nations may be annihilated. This is prophecy and this is the Illuminati plan.”

"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy ... and all the world wondered after the beast." [Rev 13:1, 3]

As the Lord revealed to me in the above prophetic word, the sea is representative of the nations that are being ruled by principalities and powers. Most commentaries agree that the sea represents nations but neglect to note the connection with the spiritual world.

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations [ethnos] with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; - Luke 21:25 KJV

Luke 21:25 emphasizes that the sea of humanity will be perplexed and in distress and the waters of the sea will also be in turmoil!

Supposedly, part of The Illuminati’s plan is to attack New York City with the “sea and the waves roaring”.

If NEW YORK is to fall first with CHICAGO then L.A. to follow, the destruction of the city of New York will be the catalyst for their wicked plans. Brethren have been shown the elite have advanced weather technology and a scheme against New York City. Then, on THE DAY of the Rapture God will implement HIS PLAN for NYC, the symbol of economic and political Babylon, as outlined in Revelation 18.

James Smith’s wonderful video in which he harmonizes the Scriptures related to "The Sea and the Waves Roaring" shows there is a great convergence of destruction that includes America on the Day the Lord comes for us! [From Prepare to Meet Your Maker]

And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. - Revelation 18:23 KJV

In my article The dropping of HIS shoe--2 Visions? I shared how the Lord gave me two visions moments apart from each other indicating that America would experience a GREAT SHAKING in the form of a national disaster as we TRANSITION from the Church Age of Grace into The Tribulation.

The plandemic America is experiencing is also a part of the wicked elite’s plans, however, could the flooding of New York be the initial “shaking” event God will allow?

[NOTE ADDED 6/30/20: Because of the dire nature of this subject, I must remind my beloved readers that we ONLY SEE IN PART. My understanding is that the Illuminati Plan for New York is destruction by flood; whereas, God's Plan will be by way of fire as was the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah (Rev. 18:8-10). Because God has revealed that NYC will be decimated BOTH by water and fire, I have been wondering in what order will it happen?

As I shared in NEW YORK WILL FALL FIRST! David Wilkerson in 1992 prophesied "Thirty days of chastisement will fall on New York City such as the world has never seen." Will NYC experience fires AND then a tidal wave within those 30 days? I kept thinking that if this flooding is perpetrated by man then it cannot be God's wrath HOWEVER God could USE the Illuminati's Plan and make it part of HIS PLAN if He so chooses (as He states in Revelation 17:17). If this is the case, then the tsunami coming to The Big Apple is likely part of God’s wrath and those in Christ are not subject to His wrath!]

Before the Decree is 'Born'

In a recent Barry Scarbrough video, our Brother talked about the latest California earthquake which happened to occur near Lone Pine and how the Holy Spirit related it to coming judgment and a second 911 attack.

Of course, the first September 11th attack began in New York City and was shown in predictive programming in the first Back to the Future movie and also in The Simpsons show.

Barry also mentioned the consequences our nation has suffered since Trump gave his political release of the Peace Plan this past January 28, which is the basis of the Daniel 9:27 covenant or decree. This reminded me of the wonderful promise that we will be gathered together with the Lord before the decree is brought forth:

Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O nation not desiredBefore the decree bring forth, [before] the day pass as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the LORD come upon you, before the day of the LORD'S anger come upon you. - Zephaniah 2:1-2 KJV

In the phrase “Before the decree bring forth”, “bring forth” is translated from the Hebrew word yalad which means “to be born; to bear, bring forth, beget, travail”. Before the Peace Plan is born, the Revelation 12 Man Child will be born!

A play on the prophet's name embedded in 2:3 underscores the opportunity for a certain, humble nation to be hidden away and concealed before God's judgments take effect. Clarifying the connection between the prophet's name and his message, Old Testament scholar, Ronald B. Allen, writes in his book, A Shelter in the Fury:

The name built on two Hebrew words, a verb meaning 'to hide' and the proper name of God, Yahweh. Zephaniah means 'Hidden by Yahweh" (pgs. 19–20, emphasis mine).

Thus, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, this passage in Zephaniah is truly a hidden gem. Amidst all the "doom and gloom" in the surrounding context, this window of opportunity is a welcome sight for anyone in right standing with Yahweh who is living on earth before the final judgment begins. [facebook/Jeff from excerpt]

God calls us His "dear ones". He is watching over us as we are watching for the Son from Heaven. So, dear Brethren--
Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. - James 5:8 KJV

CONFIRMATION!  America, as a nation, has had a great length of time to turn back to the true God but wants no part of Him. Of Her own volition, she will suffer the consequences of the lifting of His hand of grace and mercy. No one individual in The Bride of Christ knows exactly how America falls and how much of it the Bride will witness before departing the earth.

This is admitted by a Sister in Christ named Sharlene who received THREE visions of the New York City tidal wave:

Vision #132 -  New York Tsunami Pt 2

Dec 31/18 Mon evg

After my day of fasting and prayer, I went to look to see if there was a vision to view. I went as I always do, greeted my 4 Saint friends, and turned to look at the screen. I saw a huge mushroom cloud in the distance, like one that forms after a nuclear explosion. It was quite stunning but scary. It was over the water/ocean.  I asked Jesus what was this about and He replied: “This is what is to come.”  I asked if it was to come because of unrepentance and He said: “Yes.” Will it create a tsunami? He replied: “Yes.” Is it the one that hits the USA? He replied: “Yes.” New York? “Yes. New York City has refused to repent. They are a wicked city and judgment is coming to them soon.” Many will die? “Yes.” I started weeping. Wake up New York!!   

I asked how can a nuclear explosion create a tsunami wave big enough to wound New York City? Jesus replied: “Not by man’s strength but by Mine.” I understood that God will use it (the explosion by man for His purposes). There might be more to it than what I have been shown. Remember I only see in part and know in part.   I’ve seen a similar vision of this where the tsunami wave hits New York City and somehow Russia is involved in vision # 26. (Hope note, and Vision 124)

I had a conversation with Him this morning. I'm feeling very emotional about this vision as I'm getting a glimpse of God's heart; His anguish about the condition of NYC. He told me that He will keep in His care the Believers. He didn't say He would save them physically.  If you can remember, please pray and plead for the people- the condition of NYC! Pray for conviction and salvation! And if Holy Spirit has placed this city on your heart, fast and pray for the lost there. I heard Jesus say also that “Hell will be enlarged that day.”  Please pray!! thecallofthebride/Sharlene's visions

Dear Carole

Because I thought it was an important one, I decided to answer our Sister Carole’s question within the context of this article so that I could add the appropriate links. In the Comments Section below she asks questions regarding Three Prophetic Dreams from Pastor Dana. Dana Coverstone, a pastor from Kentucky, shares in this 15-minute video a series of dreams he believes are from God. In the first dream he had back in December 2019, he was shown what would happen in the months of March-June 2020--the coming COVID-19 and rioting crises. Beginning at the 5:30 mark, he mentions the month of September being emphasized by the holy finger tapping three times, but no events are shown to him related to that month--hmmmmm.

He then goes on to say that when he saw the month of November on the 2020 calendar being punched and the events that followed, his heart rate went up. At the 7:20-7:30 mark he says, “I saw people being rounded up. I saw Chinese and Russian soldiers”. The Lord has shown many of the Brethren that the United States will be taken over. I believe, however, that this will happen after America has been hit with nuclear warfare and that the Bride of Christ will be raptured at the same time (when the missiles come down, we go up)! It does not make sense that there would be nuclear missiles sent to America if the enemy’s troops are already here.

My prophetic impression is that when he saw the vultures in his earlier dream(s), this symbolized evil spirits hovering awaiting their hour. (“Their hour” is referring to Daniel’s 70th Week, The Tribulation.) He then says that in his next dream (at the 7:45-7:55 mark) the vultures became like gargoyles. Again, my impression is that the true demonic nature of the vultures was revealed.

This pastor says the believers will be here to see this and that the Lord is saying, “Brace yourself!” Perhaps he is right, however, he also said that those gargoyles were attacking people mercilessly. Could it be because they are no longer being restrained by the presence of the Holy Spirit within the Overcoming Church? As I share in Year of the Dragon -v- the Overcomer, those who are in Christ have authority over these demonic gargoyles! I could be proved wrong, of course, but I believe Dana is seeing the demonic activity of The Tribulation at this point in November 2020.

We do not know everything we will see on the Wild Ride before our Exit, but I am trusting our good Lord knowing that He will not allow us to be tempted above what we are able. To me, that means we will be able to stand for Him to the end even if that means we will endure some type of persecution.

No temptation [peirasmos--an experiment, attempt, trial, proving]  hath taken you -- except human; and God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above what ye are able, but He will make, with the temptation, also the outlet, for your being able to bear [it]. - 1 Corinthians 10:13 YLT

Your concern regarding the guillotines, however, is unfounded for they will be used for those who refuse to take the mark of the beast (Rev. 13:15 and 20:4) but that doesn’t happen until the reign of the Antichrist who cannot come to power until after the Overcoming Church is raptured!

If anyone would like to also comment on this video, I welcome you to share your thoughts. 


  1. Thank you my sister for your devotion to the Lord and to us! God bless you! Carole xx

  2. Hello my sister, lately many believers have been dreaming where believers will be persecuted soon. Pastor Dana Coverstone of Kentucky has had dreams that believers will be persecuted as soon, and there have been many of the same kind since last December and according to several Christian websites, there have been confirmations of her dreams that this would happen soon and that we have to prepare. I would like to know what you think about it. This distresses me so much because I really hope that Jesus comes to take us with him before there is real persecution on us. I know that believers in different places have been persecuted for a long time, but I still believe that we will leave before it is too bad for us. I'm not talking about earthquakes, floods or whatever but I am the true persecution of believers. I admit that it scares me. The NWO has already had a plan in place for years and the guillotines are ready, the FEMA concentration camps and everything. However, many believers dream that plagues arrive but do not bother us as believers and that we leave with Jesus. I no longer know what to believe because the dreams of believers seem to contradict each other. Thanks for telling me what you think. Carole xx

  3. Sweet Sister Carole--please look for my reply at the end of the above article♥

  4. Oh thank you very much Lyn!!! I am touched that you are taking the time to explain all this. May God bless you my sister in Jesus and continue your work to his glory!

  5. Barry Scarbrough did a video on the Dana Coverstone video today. Below Barry's video was a Comment by jen king who wrote: "I actually emailed this pastor and asked about the rapture and he said he sensed after November or right before."

    Link to Brother Barry's video:

  6. FYI--It looks like Barry Scarbrough pulled that video mentioned above. I think I know why, but I hope he redoes it.


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