In Countdown to a 2023 Rapture I wrote:
When the 2nd Great
American Total Solar Eclipse occurs in 2024 when the shadow of its path of
totality will complete the “X” or tav over the United States,
I believe it will mark “the end” of America as we know it for She will have
already been given 7 years to repent. Her destruction,
however, has already begun and as prophesied will become more evident while the
Man Child/Bride is still on earth. It will be, in my opinion, the Rapture event
that will hasten this once great nation’s demise; therefore, I speculate the Rapture will occur before
the 2nd Great American Total Solar
Eclipse in 2024.
I put my speculation for a pre-April 8 Rapture on the back
burner and waited to see what else the Lord would reveal to His people. Being
that our God is a God of last-minute chances I thought perhaps the April 8
Great American Total Solar Eclipse was a 40-day very last warning “Jonah-type”
sign (as I shared in Grid
Down after the Eclipse then a 2024 Rapture?)
Brandon Dawson gave a wonderful teaching on the connection between the 3 American eclipses and the oath or covenant America has with God which has subsequently been broken because of our nation trying to force the Two-State Solution down Israel’s throat. Here’s an excerpt from his video THE JONAH ECLIPSE - 40 DAYS - GODS URGENT WARNING TO AMERICA!—
The English Word “Sign” in Genesis
1:14 comes from the Hebrew Aramaic Word “oth”. Oth comes from the root word
“ooth” which is Strongs Concordance H225 which means “to consent or agree.”
This word is where we get the act of covenant making in the Bible between two
"Ooth" comprises three Hebrew letters: aleph, vav, and tav. . . [LYN’S NOTE: Remember the paths of the 3 American eclipses form these letters!]
So when you put this word in its
original Hebrew context, in the verse of Genesis 1:14- 15, we understand that a
sign occurring in an eclipse, whether it be the sun or the moon, or alignments
dealing with the planets and constellations, is a reminder to both God and to
mankind of His covenant made with Abraham passed on to the Jewish people, and
later, fulfilled and passed on to Christians who are ingrafted, or inherited
into this covenant through Jesus who was a literal representation of the TAV –
the Marking or in other words – the ultimate SIGN – of God’s covenant.
Each eclipse has been a REMINDER of the Covenant and a
WARNING not to break it!
August 21, 2017, 1st Great American Total Solar Eclipse—The path of totality went through several cities named “Salem” (the name “Salem” refers to Jerusalem) as God warned America NOT to divide Jerusalem.
October 14, 2023, Annular Solar Eclipse—(dubbed the
“Corpus Christi Rapture Eclipse” by my professor friend Luis B. Vega—see Postscripts #747) God
warned America of the imminent Rapture of the Body
of Christ which will catapult America into the final stages of collapse.
April 8, 2024, 2nd Great American Total
Solar Eclipse—The general path of this eclipse will go through 6 places
named “Nineveh”.
There are consequences when you break a covenant with the
Most High God! So my question is—will God actually give yet another 40 days of
grace (as He gave to Nineveh) after already giving America 7 years of grace and
2 eclipse reminders/warnings?
Brandon also wrote in the above article (emphasis added by me):
Nineveh’s guilt was concerning
the oppression against the Jewish people and scattering them from their
homeland – again -this goes back to Joel 3:1-3 the sign of the beginning of
the tribulation period – known as the time of Jacob’s trouble.
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3 Days of Darkness? |
3 Days of Darkness to Begin in March?
America has been receiving judgments ever since the 2020
Peace to Prosperity Plan surfaced, so there is every reason our nation could
receive a startling judgment before the April 8 eclipse. I am
specifically referring to the 3 Days of Darkness that have been foretold. The
plague of darkness was a judgment—not wrath—but a judgment by God.
We are entering the season when the Lord Jesus died as our
Passover Lamb for the sins of mankind with 3 hours of DARKNESS following (Matthew
27:45). Also, this is the same time frame when Moses led the children of Israel
out of Egypt during the feast of Passover after they had gone through their “3
Days of DARKNESS” (Exodus 10:21-23). Some believe the Hebrew calendar is off by
a month and that Passover should be in March instead of April.
The reason I’m mentioning all this is because of certain
prophecies that have come to my attention warning that DARKNESS—one of
the last plagues over Egypt before the children of Israel made their Exodus—is
This great darkness is coming as a judgment upon the nations
for dividing God’s land of Israel. We see the connection of this judgment
because of the account of Abram when God made a covenant with him:
And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon
Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him. - Genesis 15:12 KJV
In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram,
saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the
great river, the river Euphrates: - Genesis 15:18 KJV
I wrote of this connection in The
Horror of Darkness and The Everlasting Covenant.
NOT GIVEN ME THE TIMING OF THIS EVENT. After hearing two prophecies directly
pointing to the month of March of this year, I prayed, “Lord, please give me at
least one more witness.”
I learned of the first two witnesses by watching Jaco
Prinsloo’s latest video 3 Moons Until Darkness.
They were Vicki Goforth Parnell and Edward Umling. I’ve written about Vicki’s
prophecies before. Though I do not agree with all her beliefs, the Lord may have
given her the 3
Moons Till Darkness Dream where she was told, “Before the 3rd moon
arrives your Amos 8:9 moment will occur.”
And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord
GOD, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth
in the clear day: - Amos 8:9 KJV
Her understanding of the dream she received 3 times was that
before the 3rd full moon of 2024 (which will be seen on March 25)
the 3 Days of Darkness will occur.
Edward Umling is a Brother in Christ I only knew by seeing
he had a YouTube Channel as I would scroll along—I am not a subscriber though.
In his 8-minute video, That 3 Days, he
strings together several related prophetic utterances:
“Three days of darkness as in Moses in Egypt but the sons of Israel had light.”
“MARCH, MARCH, MARCH is significant--a time of sorrow, a harbinger of things to come...Judgment starts, calamity coming. Behold the beginning of the end.”
“I see the Sun hidden behind something. . . I see fireballs...these might be falling stars.”
“The trees went forth arrayed for battle. . . behold the sky opened up but what should appear—angels announcing Jesus is here!”
He referred to the account of Rahab helping the Israelite spies and prophesied, “Put the scarlet thread in the window for I delay no longer says the Lord. Thus it shall be for your safety. Justice prevails, the decree is settled, disgrace shall prevail. Lights go dim soon.”
To me these words mean that as the trees (meaning the
nations--Luke 21:29) go forth in war, judgment will fall but Jesus is coming for Those
with the Scarlet Thread (which represents the redeeming blood of the Messiah).
“The decree is settled, disgrace shall prevail” could refer to the nations
making a decree to force the Two-State Solution on Israel. It would seem this
rhema through Edward is that the beginning of the end occurs in March.
After praying for a 3rd witness, I immediately came
across the video My Confirmation
of The 3 Days of Darkness: Timeline Revealed! At the 8-minute mark our
Brother in Christ, Daniel, shares his compilation of dreams and visions related
to the 3 Days of Darkness and our Gathering unto the Lord which he believes
will occur in March 2024 before Passover. He bases this on a
prophetic dream he was given where the Lord showed him the death of a family
member and told him that the 3 Days of Darkness would occur within the Passover
season following his relative’s death. That person died in December 2023. At
35:50 minutes he says the 3 Days of Darkness happens then the Rapture
confirming several other prophecies. Daniel emphasizes that these are his
personal revelations and does not say it is a “thus saith the Lord”
understanding. (Again, all of Daniel’s beliefs may not match mine but I include
his video because of the parallel timing of the 3 Days of Darkness in March.)
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Lilith is said to be one of the oldest known female spirits and the icon for abortion. |
Brandon Dawson did not refer to the month of March but very recently shared his sense of alarm and urgency for the times we are in. He was shown in a dream that the principality Lilith (that is to be the demonic power behind Kamala Harris) was being united with Lucifer to bring judgment upon the nations. They are awaiting the command to be released (See PROPHETIC DREAM: THE ENEMY AT THE GATES TO AMERICA | WARNING TO AMERICA! Click here for a few of my articles on Lilith and Kamala.)
If Kamala is made President this month, it will fulfill many
prophecies that have been given; and it may be at that time the nations,
without Israel’s consent, will grant the so-called Palestinians their own state
giving them East Jerusalem as their capital directly going against the Covenant
God made with Abram/Abraham.
Great Quake before Darkness Begins
IF the plague of darkness is to begin in March, then we can
expect a large earthquake in America just before the darkness descends. This
was shown to several believers and posted by HopeinHim
and also in a video I embedded in my article Is
There Really a Rapture?
John Kilpatrick, the pastor who was one of the first to be
shown the coming New Madrid fault line earthquake, 3 months ago spoke a warning
to the Church in The
earth is speaking - how the earth reacts when sin defiles the land. The
essence of this December 2, 2023, message from the Lord shared in the first 7
minutes is:
The earth is going to react to the
sin in the world via weather, earthquakes, and volcanic activity coming.
It's going to start happening rapidly. The Holy Spirit told me to let the
people be aware so they won't be afraid; and so that they will pray.
The prophecy continued with a rebuke to pastors for not
warning their people and it closes with the assurance to us of God's protection
when these things happen.
Those of us who are watching closely for end time birth
pains know all this to be true, but more confirmation came when I happened to
come across a word
through Hank Kunneman given on January 21, 2024:
Shakings/Eruptions &
Disruptions because of God’s Verdict and Justice:
And yet I say to my people to not fear for what you’ll begin to see in the
earth, as it is shaking, as it begins to vomit at another level, as you see
eruptions and disruptions, as you see floodwaters rising. Why is this
happening? Has the earth gone mad? God says, listen carefully because the
verdict of my justice, of my righteousness, now has touched the earth. The
earth is responding because of that which has been sown not only in the very
soil but among man, but also that which has been sown at the hands of demonic
kingdoms and those in spiritual darkness and wickedness.
So, Beloved in the Lord, either March will be a “nothing burger”
or the Revelation
12 Man Child will be catapulted into TRANSITION quickly followed by BIRTH—in
other words—RAPTURED sooner than we think!
Thank you for the article, Lynn. I sure wouldn’t mind being raptured earlier than most are expecting. I think God has graciously provided more than enough warning. May March be a “burger with the works”!!! Either way, see you in the air soon, Sister! Maranatha!
I forgot to sign my name - Shelley. You can add it if you’d like, Lynn.
nice post Lyn! Let it be true!!! ty so much, seems quite possible! MARANATHA
Lyn, That's a second witness for me. We finally decided a few days ago that the earliest possible timing foe Passover was most desirable from our perspective, though there are reasons for other conclusions. I just felt very strongly that I wanted to observe the day before it was too late for one reason or another.
pdl/Tony--Thank you too, dear Brother💖🍔
CY~It is always such a blessing when you come by💖
Amen! Again and again the Lord shows us this blessed day, we are ready! Your work is really great and I'm waiting to meet all of you in the air! I need this day very much now! Blessed is the Lord, as He leads us through the valley of the shadow of death! Maranatha!
Blessings, Alla 💖 Hang in there! We're almost Home ✨
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