It is Geoffrey Grider’s opinion (Now the End Begins) that Biden is preparing
installation of the New World Order by this year’s 9/11 Anniversary:
We are fast approaching the 20th
anniversary of 9/11 and America is right now surrendering to the
Taliban, and creating an Islamic terror state the likes of which this world has
never seen. Biden just gave the Taliban billions of dollars in weapons,
equipment and military bases, think about that. . .
None of these things could
be done with a real president, no, in order to pull off what's happening now
you needed a cypher, a husk, a Trojan Horse that could provide cover, and would
be a willing party to tear down America. The prefect candidate was found in Joe
Biden, a 47-year political prostitute who would have sold his own mother to
obtain the Oval Office, someone whose only desire was for money and power.
Biden is the cover for the the shadow government behind the scenes who right
now are raping and pillaging the halls of Washington, and
laying down to to the Taliban in Afghanistan.
In exactly 17 days it
will be the 20th anniversary of 9/11, the New World Order will be in place,
with America having become a true "dead man walking" on its way to
oblivion. [excerpt from WALKAWAY JOE: Events Happening Now In Afghanistan By Biden
Minions Preparing Installation Of The New World Order By 9/11 Anniversary
posted August 25, 2021]
Our Heavenly Father has been showering us with signs of the
coming end of the world’s system as we know it from Stunning
Heavenly Signs and Patterns for the Rapture to archaeological signs (check
out The
Sign of the Clay Jug & the Basket; The Delta
Sign). This only fuels our excitement as we see the nearness of our meeting
our Heavenly Bridegroom Jesus Christ in the air!
Well, guess what archeological find was recently discovered
that signals the end of America as we know it? The Trojan Horse! On August 10,
2021, it was reported that Archaeologists
claim they have found what they believe are pieces of the Trojan Horse.
What do I mean by this signaling the demise of the United States?
Trojan Horse Joseph
The White House pushed Biden’s closely watched summit with
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to this day as explosions sent
the Afghanistan evacuation mission into chaos on the cusp of Thursday’s meeting
the Washington
Times reported.
I thought it quite astute of Daniel Valles (Informed
Christians YTC) in Apollyon's Bow to point out how the global elite are not only
using Joseph Biden to carry out their New World Order plans, but they are using
him to also carry out an occultic act. Joseph in the Bible is a very strong
type or foreshadowing of Christ. It seems Mr. Valles could be correct that as
we witness the mainstream media taunting Joseph Biden for not being able to airlift
people swiftly and safely, especially Americans, out of Afghanistan, it is an
occult act orchestrated by the elite to mock Christ for not yet “airlifting” or
rapturing His people out of enemy territory.
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Trump Booed After Telling Supporters To Take COVID Vaccine |
Trojan Horse Donald
If somehow Donald J. Trump is returned to the Office of the
President, he too appears to be a Trojan Horse as is evidenced by his proud
stand behind Operation Warp Speed in an August 18, 2021, interview by Mario Bartiromo.
Many Fishers YTC did a concise analysis of this in an August 26, 2021, video. (The full
interview can be heard here--Trump’s
discussion of the jab begins at 24 minutes into the conversation.)
If you are unsure as to how this vaccine connects with the
New World Order, be sure to watch Endtime Dream & Vision YTC’s video Quantum Terraforming the Earth! Beast
Infrastructure Global Launch Sept 2021!
Political scientist Luis B. Vega has written in Postscripts #419 that
2021 may be AMERICA’S EXPIRATION DATE as based on the 33rd
Sabbatical Cycle. This would align with the completion schedule of the global
. . . It is the specific timing of
the controlled demolition of the Global Economic & Financial System —
scheduled for the 2022/2023 Super Shemitah — that is
right now recklessly driving the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda.
Biden’s September 11 Surprise?
We will shortly see if Geoffrey Grider is correct regarding September
After reading Dave Hodge’s article, however, it looks like
the Homeland Security Card
(America’s version of a Vaccine Passport) may be Biden’s “present” to us on
that date. Here’s an excerpt:
Homeland security cards, indicating
vaccine status, are coming to America. Although it is not YET injected into
your forehead or hand, it is a definitive move towards the Mark of the
I have learned from unnamed federal
government sources (2) that the compliance rate will be 100%. These cards will
be used for enforcement following areas: [He then lists 20 areas.]
There are 30 other items, but the reader can clearly see that
the ability to buy, sell or trade is blocked. There will be no exemptions, medical or religious.
Citizens can arbitrarily be stopped on the street and asked for their proof of
taking the jab. Anyone caught in public without the proper permission will be
sent for testing and positive tests result in being sent to an isolation camp.
. . [from]
Rapture and Sudden Destruction
Daniel Valles believes The Powers That Be (TPTB) are
signaling the next event--the Rapture along with Sudden Destruction (2
Thessalonians 2:2-9). They are looking forward to their hour with the Beast,
better known as the Antichrist. Our brother Daniel takes us through his
research of the Rider on the White Horse who is the Son of Perdition (apÅleia) or
Apollyon meaning UTTER DESTRUCTION.
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Apollo the archer god |
It is possible the Luciferian elite know when this destruction is going to first hit (as Jeffrey McGaha shares in his video Let's Talk), but don’t be surprised if those who are in Christ are still here to witness Biden’s Homeland Security Card announcement. And if I understood the Spirit of the Lord correctly, God plans on throwing a wrench into the TPTB’s scheme resulting in more of the lost coming to salvation.
A lot can happen between now and the Rapture of the dead and
living in Christ!
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Isaiah 17:1 Next?
Could one of the things the Bride of Christ witnesses before She flies be the fall of Damascus, Syria--a well-known Iranian stronghold?
The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away
from [being] a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. - Isaiah 17:1 KJV
In his Aug 25, 2021,
Newscast The Watchman with Erick Stakelbeck YTC breaks down comments by
Israel's Defense Minister, Benny Gantz, warning that Iran is just two months
from having the materials needed to build a nuclear weapon and that Israel is
prepared to act alone to stop a nuclear Iran if the world refuses to act.
J. D. Farag,
beloved pastor from Kaneohe, Hawaii, has said in past videos that he believes
this may be the final sign in the Middle East before the Rapture. What do you believe?
(Related article: The
Great Escape from Camp FEMA)